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File metadata and controls

97 lines (85 loc) · 12.4 KB



Name Type Description Notes
preRefresh List<Hook> The commands to execute on the target environment before refreshing the VDB. [optional]
postRefresh List<Hook> The commands to execute on the target environment after refreshing the VDB. [optional]
preSelfRefresh List<Hook> The commands to execute on the target environment before refreshing the VDB with data from itself. [optional]
postSelfRefresh List<Hook> The commands to execute on the target environment after refreshing the VDB with data from itself. [optional]
preRollback List<Hook> The commands to execute on the target environment before rewinding the VDB. [optional]
postRollback List<Hook> The commands to execute on the target environment after rewinding the VDB. [optional]
configureClone List<Hook> The commands to execute on the target environment when the VDB is created or refreshed. [optional]
preSnapshot List<Hook> The commands to execute on the target environment before snapshotting a virtual source. These commands can quiesce any data prior to snapshotting. [optional]
postSnapshot List<Hook> The commands to execute on the target environment after snapshotting a virtual source. [optional]
preStart List<Hook> The commands to execute on the target environment before starting a virtual source. [optional]
postStart List<Hook> The commands to execute on the target environment after starting a virtual source. [optional]
preStop List<Hook> The commands to execute on the target environment before stopping a virtual source. [optional]
postStop List<Hook> The commands to execute on the target environment after stopping a virtual source. [optional]
targetGroupId String The ID of the group into which the VDB will be provisioned. If unset, a group is selected randomly on the Engine. [optional]
name String The unique name of the provisioned VDB within a group. If unset, a name is randomly generated. [optional]
databaseName String The name of the database on the target environment. Defaults to the value of the name property. [optional]
cdbId String The ID of the container database (CDB) to provision an Oracle Multitenant database into. This corresponds to a CDB or VCDB API object. When this is not set, a new vCDB will be provisioned. [optional]
clusterNodeIds List<String> The cluster node ids, name or addresses for this provision operation (Oracle RAC Only). [optional]
clusterNodeInstances List<ClusterNodeInstance> The cluster node instances details for this provision operation(Oracle RAC Only).This property is mutually exclusive with cluster_node_ids. [optional]
truncateLogOnCheckpoint Boolean Whether to truncate log on checkpoint (ASE only). [optional]
osUsername String The name of the privileged user to run the provision operation (Oracle Only). [optional]
osPassword String The password of the privileged user to run the provision operation (Oracle Only). [optional]
environmentId String The ID of the target environment where to provision the VDB. If repository_id unambigously identifies a repository, this is unnecessary and ignored. Otherwise, a compatible repository is randomly selected on the environment. [optional]
environmentUserId String The environment user ID to use to connect to the target environment. [optional]
repositoryId String The ID of the target repository where to provision the VDB. A repository typically corresponds to a database installation (Oracle home, database instance, ...). Setting this attribute implicitly determines the environment where to provision the VDB. [optional]
autoSelectRepository Boolean Option to automatically select a compatible environment and repository. Mutually exclusive with repository_id. [optional]
vdbRestart Boolean Indicates whether the Engine should automatically restart this virtual source when target host reboot is detected. [optional]
templateId String The ID of the target VDB Template (Oracle Only). [optional]
auxiliaryTemplateId String The ID of the configuration template to apply to the auxiliary container database. This is only relevant when provisioning a Multitenant pluggable database into an existing CDB, i.e when the cdb_id property is set.(Oracle Only) [optional]
fileMappingRules String Target VDB file mapping rules (Oracle Only). Rules must be line separated (\n or \r) and each line must have the format &quot;pattern:replacement&quot;. Lines are applied in order. [optional]
oracleInstanceName String Target VDB SID name (Oracle Only). [optional]
uniqueName String Target VDB db_unique_name (Oracle Only). [optional]
vcdbName String When provisioning an Oracle Multitenant vCDB (when the cdb_id property is not set), the name of the provisioned vCDB (Oracle Multitenant Only). [optional]
vcdbDatabaseName String When provisioning an Oracle Multitenant vCDB (when the cdb_id property is not set), the database name of the provisioned vCDB. Defaults to the value of the vcdb_name property. (Oracle Multitenant Only). [optional]
mountPoint String Mount point for the VDB (Oracle, ASE, AppData). [optional]
openResetLogs Boolean Whether to open the database after provision (Oracle Only). [optional]
snapshotPolicyId String The ID of the snapshot policy for the VDB. [optional]
retentionPolicyId String The ID of the retention policy for the VDB. [optional]
recoveryModel RecoveryModelEnum Recovery model of the source database (MSSql Only). [optional]
preScript String PowerShell script or executable to run prior to provisioning (MSSql Only). [optional]
postScript String PowerShell script or executable to run after provisioning (MSSql Only). [optional]
cdcOnProvision Boolean Option to enable change data capture (CDC) on both the provisioned VDB and subsequent snapshot-related operations (e.g. refresh, rewind) (MSSql Only). [optional]
onlineLogSize Integer Online log size in MB (Oracle Only). [optional]
onlineLogGroups Integer Number of online log groups (Oracle Only). [optional]
archiveLog Boolean Option to create a VDB in archivelog mode (Oracle Only). [optional]
newDbid Boolean Option to generate a new DB ID for the created VDB (Oracle Only). [optional]
masked Boolean Indicates whether to mark this VDB as a masked VDB. [optional]
listenerIds List<String> The listener IDs for this provision operation (Oracle Only). [optional]
customEnvVars Map<String, String> Environment variable to be set when the engine creates a VDB. See the Engine documentation for the list of allowed/denied environment variables and rules about substitution. [optional]
customEnvFiles List<String> Environment files to be sourced when the Engine creates a VDB. This path can be followed by parameters. Paths and parameters are separated by spaces. [optional]
oracleRacCustomEnvFiles List<OracleRacCustomEnvFile> Environment files to be sourced when the Engine creates an Oracle RAC VDB. This path can be followed by parameters. Paths and parameters are separated by spaces. [optional]
oracleRacCustomEnvVars List<OracleRacCustomEnvVar> Environment variable to be set when the engine creates an Oracle RAC VDB. See the Engine documentation for the list of allowed/denied environment variables and rules about substitution. [optional]
parentTdeKeystorePath String Path to a copy of the parent's Oracle transparent data encryption keystore on the target host. Required to provision from snapshots containing encrypted database files. (Oracle Multitenant Only) [optional]
parentTdeKeystorePassword String The password of the keystore specified in parentTdeKeystorePath. (Oracle Multitenant Only) [optional]
tdeExportedKeyFileSecret String Secret to be used while exporting and importing vPDB encryption keys if Transparent Data Encryption is enabled on the vPDB. (Oracle Multitenant Only) [optional]
tdeKeyIdentifier String ID of the key created by Delphix. (Oracle Multitenant Only) [optional]
targetVcdbTdeKeystorePath String Path to the keystore of the target vCDB. (Oracle Multitenant Only) [optional]
cdbTdeKeystorePassword String The password for the Transparent Data Encryption keystore associated with the CDB. (Oracle Multitenant Only) [optional]
vcdbTdeKeyIdentifier String ID of the key created by Delphix. (Oracle Multitenant Only) [optional]
appdataSourceParams Map<String, Object> The JSON payload conforming to the DraftV4 schema based on the type of application data being manipulated. [optional]
additionalMountPoints List<AdditionalMountPoint> Specifies additional locations on which to mount a subdirectory of an AppData container. [optional]
appdataConfigParams Map<String, Object> The list of parameters specified by the source config schema in the toolkit [optional]
configParams Map<String, Object> Database configuration parameter overrides. [optional]
privilegedOsUser String This privileged unix username will be used to create the VDB. Leave this field blank if you do not want to use privilege elevation. The unix privileged username should begin with a letter or an underscore, followed by letters, digits, underscores, or dashes. They can end with a dollar sign (postgres only). [optional]
postgresPort Integer Port number for Postgres target database (postgres only). [optional]
configSettingsStg List<ConfigSettingsStg> Custom Database-Level config settings (postgres only). [optional]
vcdbRestart Boolean Indicates whether the Engine should automatically restart this vCDB when target host reboot is detected. If vdb_restart property value is not explicitly set and vcdb_restart is set as false - the vdb_restart property is defaulted to false. [optional]
mssqlFailoverDriveLetter String Base drive letter location for mount points. (MSSql Only). [optional]
tags List<Tag> The tags to be created for VDB. [optional]
timestamp OffsetDateTime The point in time from which to execute the operation. Mutually exclusive with timestamp_in_database_timezone. If the timestamp is not set, selects the latest point. [optional]
timestampInDatabaseTimezone String The point in time from which to execute the operation, expressed as a date-time in the timezone of the source database. Mutually exclusive with timestamp. [optional]
timeflowId String The Timeflow ID. [optional]
engineId String The ID of the Engine onto which to provision. If the source ID unambiguously identifies a source object, this parameter is unnecessary and ignored. [optional]
sourceDataId String The ID of the source object (dSource or VDB) to provision from. All other objects referenced by the parameters must live on the same engine as the source.
makeCurrentAccountOwner Boolean Whether the account provisioning this VDB must be configured as owner of the VDB. [optional]

Enum: RecoveryModelEnum

Name Value