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Terrain RGB tileset generation from Digital Elevation Models

(This documentation is still a work in progress)

Author: Xavier Fischer /

Terrain RGB tiles are in MapBox format : see here for specs :

Digital Elevation Models

For 512px tiles, here is the pixel resolution at a given zoom level, in France (latitude 45)

Zoom level Resolution (meters/px) Best dataset Dataset native resolution (m/px) Coverage Dataset SRID Alternate datasets (*)
1 55,346 ETOPO1 1800 Global + Bathymetry 4326 N/A
2 27,673 ETOPO1 1800 Global + Bathymetry 4326 N/A
0 13,837 ETOPO1 1800 Global + Bathymetry 4326 N/A
3 6,918 ETOPO1 1800 Global + Bathymetry 4326 N/A
4 3,459 ETOPO1 1800 Global + Bathymetry 4326 N/A
5 1,730 GEBCO_2019 464 Global + Bathymetry 4326 N/A
6 865 GEBCO_2019 464 Global + Bathymetry 4326 N/A
7 432 GEBCO_2019 464 Global + Bathymetry 4326 N/A
8 216 NASADEM 30 Global 4326 N/A
9 108 NASADEM 30 Global 4326 N/A
10 54 NASADEM 30 Global 4326 N/A
11 27 IGN_5m 5 France 2154 SwissAlti2m, TINItaly, IGN_spain
12 14 IGN_5m 5 France 2154 SwissAlti2m, TINItaly, IGN_spain
13 7 IGN_5m 5 France 2154 SwissAlti2m, TINItaly, IGN_spain
16 3.4 IGN_1m 1 France 2154 SwissAlti2m, TINItaly, IGN_spain
14 1.7 IGN_1m 1 France 2154 SwissAlti50cm, TINItaly, IGN_spain
15 0.8 IGN_1m 1 France 2154 SwissAlti50cm, TINItaly, IGN_spain

(*) Alternate datasets are used when area is not full covered (NO_DATA values encountered or missing DEM files). Those datasets are candidates for tile generation, all of them will be tested to get missing data, and fallback to NASADEM if NO_DATA remaining. This is used on borders, where a tile is over France, Switzerland and Italy.

Problem : As some areas are uncovered, we need to seamlessly stitch the datasets together.

Pseudo code

void GenerateTileSet()
    foreach Z = zoom level from 0 to 15
        let D = getdataset(Z) // see table, may contain alternate datasets for each Zoom, depending on coverage (think national/regional data)
        foreach T = tile in zoom Z
            let I = File(T)
            if not File(T) exists
                let I = generateTile(T, D)
                while I has nodata values // uncovered areas
                    let J = GetAlternateTile(T, dataset) //find image on alternate dataset at lower zoom level already generated recursively
                    if J is not found break
                    Let K = crop and resize J to match I bounds, using a smooth resampling algorithm (bicubic spline or better)
                    update I : set no data pixels colors at (x,y) to K(x,y) pixel color
                    /* TODO find a way to avoid sharp boundary. ideas : 
                    * -> look for image manipulation tips and tricks
                    * -> find nearest I(x,y) with data within radius R and set I(x,y)=smooth(I(x,y) , K(x,y))

                Save I
        endforeach // zoom level done
    endforeach // all done

function generateTile(tile T, dataset D) returns Image
    if T is not covered in D
        return no_data_image(I)

    if dataset SRID = 4326 // ie: "needs no warping". not confident about my knowledge here, others may or may not need warping (ETOPO1 is equirectangular and does not works well)
        H = get height map for (T,D)
        H = reproject(H, 3857)  // web mercator
        let M = WarpMargin (diff between footprint size of tile reprojected to 3857 and T)
        H = get height map for (T + M,D)
        H = warpheightmap(H,3857) // convert to 3857 pixels and for every 3857 destination pixel interpolate elevation from H
        H = crop(H, bounds: T)
    end if
    let I = encode terrain RGB image (H) // generates output PNG image, path is /Z/Tx/Ty.png 
    return I

function GetAlternateTile(Tile T, dataset D /* dataset used to generate T */) returns image