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142 lines (91 loc) · 3.88 KB


Matlab subToolbox for Geodesy and geodynamics

License GPL-3.0 Version


This repository includes bash script to call MATLAB functions for geodynamic applications. MATLAB functions:

  • Calculate velocity field of surfaces.
  • Create profile of velocity field
  • Calculate strain tensor parameters (algorithm after Veis et al. (1992))
  • Calculate grid data for strain tensors


  • functions: all matlab source placed here
  • gmt_src: gmt script to plot your results
  • input: input files
  • output: output files
  • installation bash script
  • clear installation


run $ ./

MATLAB must have already installed in your machine

After a succesfull installation two scripts must be in your directory:

  • GeoTool.m: Main matlab script
  • bash script call GeoTool.m

run GeoToolbox


input file for velocities, use mm for velocities and uncertenties also use comma(,) as delimiter

code, lat, lon, alt, vN, svN, vE, svE, vU, svU

RUN GeoTool

Run main Script

$ ./

GeoTool will open in a new commant line.

It will ask you to select your region... all output files will start with this string.

Give the region of your work : <test>

Second screen will ask for the function you would like to use

    Region of the Study : test
   |   1 : Velocities                                   |
   |   2 : Allignment                                   |
   |   3   1D strain rate (baselines)                   |
   |   4 : StrainTensor                                 |
   |   5 : GridData                                     |
   |  ------------------------                          |
   |  10 : Plot scripts                                 |
   |   0 : EXIT                                         |
   ====================================================== your work : 

Then you can follow the instruction displayed in the next screens.


  • test_param.txt : all GeoTool variables will displayed here Velocities
  • <*>.vel : velocity files... (gmt format)
  • <*>.sta : station files... (gmt format)


  • <*>_tranv.vel : predicular component of profiled velocity (gmt format)
  • <*>_along.vel : aligned component of profiled velocity (gmt format)
  • dirvel.txt: (txt format)
  • dirvel.txt: (txt format)

strain tensors

<run> is a 3digit integer code from the program to each tensor

  • <*><run>.out : parameter file for starain tensor (txt format)
  • <*><run>.reg : region files... (gmt format)
  • <*><run>.sta : station files... 9gmt format)
  • <*>.comp : gmt format to plot compression
  • <*>.ext : gmt format to plot extension
  • <*>.ell : gmt format to plot ellipsis tensor
  • <*>.axx : gmt format to plot axes of ellipses
  • <*>.cir : gmt format to plot 1-unit circle
  • <*>par.str : all plotted parameters of strain tensor. This file used with gmt script!!

Plot your results

Yout can use gmt_src/ script to plot your results but this script is under development so be careful!!


  • 21 Feb 2016: First release of GeoToolbox


Veis, G., Billiris, H., Nakos, B., and Paradissis, D. (1992). Tectonic strain in greece from geodetic measurements. C.R.Acad.Sci.Athens, 67:129--166.

Wessel, P., W. H. F. Smith, R. Scharroo, J. F. Luis, and F. Wobbe (2013) Generic Mapping Tools: Improved version released, EOS Trans. AGU, 94, 409-410.


Demitris Anastasiou,

Xanthos Papanikolaou,