Name | Type | Description | Notes |
arguments | dict(str, object) | [optional] | |
assignee | str | [optional] | |
assignee_set | bool | [optional] | |
blocking_tasks | list[str] | [optional] | |
comments | bool | Whether this task had any comments or not | [optional] |
completed_by | str | [optional] | |
completed_count | int | [optional] | |
completed_date | datetime | [optional] | |
conditions | list[TaskCondition] | Conditions - optional list of conditions to run when task is conditional. we check conditions by their order (e.i. - considering the first one that satisfied) | [optional] |
continue_on_error | bool | [optional] | |
default_assignee | str | [optional] | |
default_assignee_complex | AdvanceArg | [optional] | |
default_reminder | int | [optional] | |
due_date | datetime | [optional] | |
due_date_set | bool | [optional] | |
entries | list[str] | [optional] | |
evidence_data | EvidenceData | [optional] | |
execution_count | int | [optional] | |
field_mapping | list[FieldMapping] | [optional] | |
for_each_index | int | Parameters needed for loops | [optional] |
for_each_inputs | dict(str, list[object]) | [optional] | |
form | DataCollectionForm | [optional] | |
id | str | [optional] | |
ignore_worker | bool | Do not run this task in a worker | [optional] |
indent | int | [optional] | |
input | str | [optional] | |
loop | TaskLoop | [optional] | |
message | NotifiableItem | [optional] | |
next_tasks | dict(str, list[str]) | [optional] | |
note | bool | [optional] | |
outputs | dict(str, object) | [optional] | |
parent_block_count | int | the number of tasks that are waiting on blocked in subplaybooks of this task | [optional] |
parent_playbook_id | str | [optional] | |
patched | bool | Indicates whether this task was patched to InvPB and did not originally belong to the playbook | [optional] |
playbook_inputs | dict(str, object) | [optional] | |
previous_tasks | dict(str, list[str]) | [optional] | |
quiet_mode | QuietMode | [optional] | |
reminder | int | Duration in minutes, this field is not persisted here | [optional] |
reputation_calc | ReputationCalcAlg | [optional] | |
restricted_completion | bool | [optional] | |
script_arguments | dict(str, AdvanceArg) | [optional] | |
separate_context | bool | [optional] | |
sla | SLA | [optional] | |
sla_reminder | SLA | [optional] | |
start_date | datetime | [optional] | |
state | TaskState | [optional] | |
sub_playbook | InvestigationPlaybook | [optional] | |
task | Task | [optional] | |
task_complete_data | list[InvPlaybookTaskCompleteData] | History complete data | [optional] |
task_id | str | [optional] | |
timer_triggers | list[TimerTrigger] | SLA fields | [optional] |
type | TaskType | [optional] | |
view | TaskView | [optional] | |
will_not_execute_count | int | [optional] |