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111 lines (85 loc) · 3.22 KB


A Clojure library wrapping SmartyStreets' Cloud APIs.

Build status


Leiningen dependency information:

[democracyworks/clj-smartystreets "1.1.0"]


Core functionality is provided by the democracyworks.smartystreets.core namespace. Each SmartyStreets API is in its own namespace, and inclusion of API namespaces is optional.

Require it at the REPL:

(require '[democracyworks.smartystreets.core :as smartystreets])
;; Optional
(require '[ :as us-street])
;; Optional
(require '[ :as us-zipcode])


Require it in your application:

(ns my-app.core
   [democracyworks.smartystreets.core :as smartystreets]
   ;; Optional
   [ :as us-street]
   ;; Optional
   [ :as us-zipcode]))

Next, you can create a client map holding your authentication information and pass this to the API functions to call the API:

;; Construct the client map. You can find the Auth ID and Auth Token in the
;; SmartyStreets console.
#_=> (def client
       (smartystreets/client "smartystreets-auth-id"

;; Look up a single street address.
;; Note that the response is a vector, because there may be more than one
;; potential match for the given input.
#_=> (us-street/fetch-one client {:street "150 Court St"
#_=>                              :city "Brooklyn"
#_=>                              :state "New York"})

[{:delivery_line_1 "150 Court St"
  :last_line "Brooklyn NY 11201-6771"
  :delivery_point_barcode "112016771996"
  ; Response trimmed for brevity

;; Look up several street addresses.
;; Note that the response is a vector of vectors, because for each input there
;; may be more than one potential match.
#_=> (us-street/fetch-many client [{:street "150 Court St"
#_=>                                :city "Brooklyn"
#_=>                                :state "New York"}
#_=>                               {:street "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW"
#_=>                                :city "Washington"
#_=>                                :state "DC"}])

[[{:delivery_line_1 "150 Court St"
   :last_line "Brooklyn NY 11201-6771"
   ; Response trimmed for brevity
 [{:delivery_line_1 "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW"
   :last_line "Washington DC 20500-0003"
   ; Response trimmed for brevity


HTTP exceptions, if thrown, are not handled by the library. See the Cloud API docs for an explanation of the possible HTTP status codes returned by the API, and clj-http docs for an explanation of the structure of the exceptions you may receive.


To run the tests:

$ lein test


Copyright © Democracy Works

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.