diff --git a/_locales/af-ZA/messages.json b/_locales/af-ZA/messages.json index ed3390bf76..770c4d80c2 100644 --- a/_locales/af-ZA/messages.json +++ b/_locales/af-ZA/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Ons het ook 'n fout reggestel wat die donker tema in Signal laat faal het wanneer jou bedryfstelselinstellings opgestel was om 'n ligte tema te gebruik." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Die nuwe filtreer-ikoon langs die soekblokkie maak dit maklik om ongeleesde kletse vinnig op te spoor, maar neem gerus jou tyd om te besluit of jy dit as gelees moet laat al dan nie nadat jy gesien het wat hulle te sê het." } } diff --git a/_locales/ar/messages.json b/_locales/ar/messages.json index 06feaf0173..88565ba3ef 100644 --- a/_locales/ar/messages.json +++ b/_locales/ar/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "أصلحنا أيضًا خطًأ كان يُعطِّل النّمط الدّاكن في سيجنال عندما تكون إعدادات نظام التشغيل على جهازك مهيأة لاستخدام النمط الفاتح." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "تُسهّل أيقونة الفلتر الجديدة الموجودة قرب مربع البحث العثور بسرعة على الدردشات غير المقروءة." } } diff --git a/_locales/az-AZ/messages.json b/_locales/az-AZ/messages.json index 41485a5592..18b051d0f1 100644 --- a/_locales/az-AZ/messages.json +++ b/_locales/az-AZ/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Əməliyyat sistemi parametrləriniz açıq rəngli temadan istifadə etmək üçün konfiqurasiya edildikdə, Signal-da tünd rəngli temanı sıradan çıxaran səhvi də aradan qaldırdıq. Signal Desktop artıq tematik olaraq bölünmüş kimliyinizi müvafiq şəkildə idarə edə bilər." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Axtarış qutusunun yanındakı yeni filtr piktoqramı oxunmamış çatların vaxt itirmədən tapılmasını asanlaşdırır, lakin onların dediklərini gördükdən sonra onları oxuyub-oxumamaq barədə qərar verməkdən çəkinməyin." } } diff --git a/_locales/bg-BG/messages.json b/_locales/bg-BG/messages.json index c418c1f561..5f6d1f304f 100644 --- a/_locales/bg-BG/messages.json +++ b/_locales/bg-BG/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Поправихме и грешка, която нарушаваше тъмната тема в Signal, когато настройките на операционната ви система са конфигурирани да използват светла тема." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Новата икона за филтриране до полето за търсене улеснява бързото намиране на непрочетени чатове." } } diff --git a/_locales/bn-BD/messages.json b/_locales/bn-BD/messages.json index 7c9639f34f..8e0f73656f 100644 --- a/_locales/bn-BD/messages.json +++ b/_locales/bn-BD/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "আপনার অপারেটিং সিস্টেম সেটিংস যখন লাইট থিম ব্যবহার করার জন্য কনফিগার করা হয়েছিলো তখন আমরা এমন একটি বাগ সংশোধন করেছি যা Signal-এ ডার্ক থিমটি ভেঙে দিচ্ছিল।" }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "অনুসন্ধান বক্সের পাশে থাকা নতুন ফিল্টার আইকনটি অপঠিত চ্যাট দ্রুত খুঁজে পাওয়া সহজ করে তোলে।" } } diff --git a/_locales/bs-BA/messages.json b/_locales/bs-BA/messages.json index d5969b3fa6..6322ec008c 100644 --- a/_locales/bs-BA/messages.json +++ b/_locales/bs-BA/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Također smo popravili grešku koja je kvarila tamnu temu u Signalu kada su postavke vašeg operativnog sustava bile konfigurirane za korištenje svijetle teme." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Nova ikona filtera pored okvira za pretragu olakšava brzo pronalaženje nepročitanih chatova, ali slobodno odlučite da li ćete ih ostaviti za čitanje nakon što vidite šta su imali da kažu." } } diff --git a/_locales/ca/messages.json b/_locales/ca/messages.json index 27cb866d72..aa238fc19b 100644 --- a/_locales/ca/messages.json +++ b/_locales/ca/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "També hem corregit un error que feia que no funcionés el mode fosc a Signal quan els ajustos del teu sistema operatiu estaven configurats per utilitzar el mode clar." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Amb la nova icona de filtre al costat del quadre de cerca, podràs trobar més ràpidament els xats no llegits." } } diff --git a/_locales/cs/messages.json b/_locales/cs/messages.json index 68dcb2fb25..b0343172ce 100644 --- a/_locales/cs/messages.json +++ b/_locales/cs/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Také jsme opravili chybu, která způsobovala nefunkčnost tmavého motivu v aplikaci Signal, pokud byl operační systém v nastavení nakonfigurován na použití světlého motivu." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Nová ikona filtru vedle vyhledávacího pole usnadňuje rychlé vyhledání nepřečtených chatů." } } diff --git a/_locales/da/messages.json b/_locales/da/messages.json index c564285823..b8d93c7d72 100644 --- a/_locales/da/messages.json +++ b/_locales/da/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Vi har også rettet en fejl, der ødelagde det mørke tema i Signal, når operativsystemindstillingerne blev konfigureret til at bruge et lyst tema. Signal Desktop kan nu korrekt håndtere din tematisk opdelte personlighed." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Det nye filterikon ved siden af søgefeltet gør det nemt hurtigt at finde ulæste chats, men du er velkommen til at tage dig tid til at beslutte, om du vil lade dem være læst, efter at have set, hvad personen havde at sige." } } diff --git a/_locales/de/messages.json b/_locales/de/messages.json index f43541d9d0..ffd9e5aaa6 100644 --- a/_locales/de/messages.json +++ b/_locales/de/messages.json @@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ "messageformat": "Keine Ergebnisse für »{searchTerm}« in {conversationName}" }, "icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": { - "messageformat": "Gefiltert nach Ungelesen" + "messageformat": "Gefiltert nach: Ungelesen" }, "icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": { "messageformat": "Nach Ungelesen filtern" @@ -5780,12 +5780,12 @@ "messageformat": "Mit dem neuen Filtersymbol neben dem Suchfeld kannst du ungelesene Chats jetzt viel schneller finden. Aber lass dir ruhig Zeit bei der Entscheidung, ob du etwas Ungelesen lassen möchtest oder nicht." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": { - "messageformat": "Mit diesem Update werden neue Prozessoren unter Windows, wie Snapdragon X Elite, vorgestellt – jetzt musst du dir keinen ARM mehr abhacken, um es mit x86 aufnehmen zu können." + "messageformat": "Mit diesem Update wird die Unterstützung neuer Prozessoren unter Windows, wie Snapdragon X Elite, vorgestellt – jetzt musst du dir keinen ARM mehr abhacken, um es mit x86 aufnehmen zu können." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": { "messageformat": "Wir haben auch einen Fehler behoben, der den Dunkelmodus geschrottet hat, sobald deine Systemeinstellungen für Hellmodus konfiguriert waren. Signal Desktop kann deine gespaltene Modus-Persönlichkeit jetzt problemlos bewältigen." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Mit dem neuen Filtersymbol neben dem Suchfeld kannst du ungelesene Chats jetzt viel schneller finden. Aber lass dir ruhig Zeit bei der Entscheidung, ob du etwas Ungelesen lassen möchtest oder nicht." } } diff --git a/_locales/el/messages.json b/_locales/el/messages.json index 08103e9422..d031cbf53f 100644 --- a/_locales/el/messages.json +++ b/_locales/el/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Διορθώσαμε επίσης ένα σφάλμα που κατέστρεφε το σκούρο θέμα στο Signal όταν οι ρυθμίσεις του λειτουργικού σου συστήματος ήταν ρυθμισμένες σε ανοιχτό θέμα." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Το νέο εικονίδιο φίλτρου δίπλα στο πλαίσιο αναζήτησης διευκολύνει τη γρήγορη εύρεση μη αναγνωσμένων συνομιλιών." } } diff --git a/_locales/es/messages.json b/_locales/es/messages.json index ae63b948c5..02f53e21fc 100644 --- a/_locales/es/messages.json +++ b/_locales/es/messages.json @@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ "messageformat": "Chats archivados" }, "icu:LeftPane--pinned": { - "messageformat": "Chats fijados" + "messageformat": "Fijados" }, "icu:LeftPane--chats": { "messageformat": "Chats" @@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ "messageformat": "Listo" }, "icu:callAnyway": { - "messageformat": "Llamar de todas formas" + "messageformat": "Llamar de todos modos" }, "icu:joinAnyway": { "messageformat": "Unirme de todos modos" @@ -714,10 +714,10 @@ "messageformat": "No se encontró «{searchTerm}» en «{conversationName}»." }, "icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": { - "messageformat": "Filtrar por no leído" + "messageformat": "Filtrar por no leídos" }, "icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": { - "messageformat": "Filtrar por no leído" + "messageformat": "Filtrar por no leídos" }, "icu:clearFilterButton": { "messageformat": "Quitar filtro" @@ -960,7 +960,7 @@ "messageformat": "Identidad verificada" }, "icu:AboutContactModal__blocked": { - "messageformat": "Has bloqueado a {name}" + "messageformat": "Se ha bloqueado a {name}" }, "icu:AboutContactModal__message-request": { "messageformat": "Solicitud de mensaje pendiente" @@ -1257,7 +1257,7 @@ "messageformat": "Notificaciones de llamadas" }, "icu:calling__call-is-full": { - "messageformat": "La llamada está llena" + "messageformat": "La llamada está completa" }, "icu:calling__cant-join": { "messageformat": "No es posible unirse a la llamada" @@ -1467,7 +1467,7 @@ "messageformat": "No se puede recibir audio ni vídeo" }, "icu:calling__missing-media-keys-info": { - "messageformat": "Esto puede deberse a que no han verificado el cambio de tu número de seguridad, hay un problema con su dispositivo o te han bloqueado." + "messageformat": "Esto puede deberse a que no ha verificado el cambio de tu número de seguridad, hay un problema con su dispositivo o te ha bloqueado." }, "icu:calling__overflow__scroll-up": { "messageformat": "Desliza hacia arriba" @@ -1818,7 +1818,7 @@ "messageformat": "No se ha podido recuperar el número de teléfono. Comprueba tu conexión e inténtalo de nuevo." }, "icu:ToastManager__CannotEditMessage_24": { - "messageformat": "Solo pueden hacerse cambios hasta 24 horas después del momento en que enviaste este mensaje." + "messageformat": "Solo puedes hacer cambios hasta 24 horas después del momento en que enviaste este mensaje." }, "icu:startConversation--username-not-found": { "messageformat": "{atUsername} no usa Signal. Asegúrate de haber introducido el alias completo." @@ -2544,7 +2544,7 @@ "messageformat": "¿Permitir que {name} te envíe mensajes y compartir tu nombre y foto de perfil con esta persona? No sabrá que has visto sus mensajes hasta que aceptes." }, "icu:MessageRequests--message-direct-hidden": { - "messageformat": "¿Quieres compartir tu nombre y foto con {name} y permitir que te mande un mensaje? En el pasado, eliminaste a esta persona." + "messageformat": "¿Compartir tu nombre y foto con {name} y permitir que te envíe mensajes? Has eliminado a esta persona anteriormente." }, "icu:MessageRequests--message-direct-blocked": { "messageformat": "¿Permitir que {name} te envíe mensajes y compartir tu nombre y foto de perfil con esta persona? No recibirás ningún mensaje hasta que la desbloquees." @@ -2553,7 +2553,7 @@ "messageformat": "¿Unirte a este grupo y compartir tu nombre y foto de perfil con sus participantes? No sabrán que has visto sus mensajes hasta que aceptes." }, "icu:MessageRequests--message-group-blocked": { - "messageformat": "¿Desbloquear este grupo y compartir tu nombre y foto de perfil con sus participantes? No recibirás ningún mensaje del grupo hasta que lo desbloquees." + "messageformat": "¿Desbloquear este grupo y compartir tu nombre y foto con sus participantes? No recibirás ningún mensaje del grupo hasta que lo desbloquees." }, "icu:MessageRequests--block": { "messageformat": "Bloquear" @@ -2580,7 +2580,7 @@ "messageformat": "Las personas bloqueadas no podrán llamarte ni enviarte mensajes." }, "icu:MessageRequests--block-group-confirm-title": { - "messageformat": "¿Bloquear y abandonar «{title}»?" + "messageformat": "¿Bloquear y abandonar \"{title}\"?" }, "icu:MessageRequests--block-group-confirm-body": { "messageformat": "Ya no recibirás mensajes ni actualizaciones de este grupo y sus participantes no podrán añadirte de nuevo." @@ -2607,7 +2607,7 @@ "messageformat": "Denunciar y bloquear" }, "icu:MessageRequests--AcceptedOptionsModal--body": { - "messageformat": "Has aceptado la solicitud de mensaje de {name}. Si ha sido un error, puedes elegir una de las siguientes acciones." + "messageformat": "Has aceptado una solicitud de mensaje de {name}. Si ha sido un error, puedes elegir una de las siguientes acciones." }, "icu:MessageRequests--report-spam-success-toast": { "messageformat": "Denunciado como spam." @@ -2622,7 +2622,7 @@ "messageformat": "Este chat se eliminará de todos tus dispositivos." }, "icu:MessageRequests--delete-group-confirm-title": { - "messageformat": "¿Eliminar y abandonar «{title}»?" + "messageformat": "¿Eliminar y abandonar \"{title}\"?" }, "icu:MessageRequests--delete-direct": { "messageformat": "Eliminar" @@ -2649,16 +2649,16 @@ "messageformat": "{count, plural, one {1 participante} other {{count,number} participantes}}" }, "icu:member-of-1-group": { - "messageformat": "Está en «{group}»" + "messageformat": "Está en \"{group}\"" }, "icu:member-of-2-groups": { - "messageformat": "Está en «{group1}» y «{group2}»" + "messageformat": "Está en \"{group1}\" y \"{group2}\"" }, "icu:member-of-3-groups": { - "messageformat": "Está en «{group1}», «{group2}» y «{group3}»" + "messageformat": "Está en \"{group1}\", \"{group2}\" y \"{group3}\"" }, "icu:member-of-more-than-3-groups--one-more": { - "messageformat": "Está en «{group1}», «{group2}», «{group3}» y en un grupo más" + "messageformat": "Está en \"{group1}\", \"{group2}\", \"{group3}\" y en un grupo más" }, "icu:member-of-more-than-3-groups--multiple-more": { "messageformat": "{remainingCount, plural, one {Participa en «{group1}», «{group2}», «{group3}» y {remainingCount,number} más} other {Participa en «{group1}», «{group2}», «{group3}» y {remainingCount,number} más}}" @@ -3051,7 +3051,7 @@ "messageformat": "{memberCount, plural, one {Grupo · {memberCount,number} participante} other {Grupo · {memberCount,number} participantes}}" }, "icu:GroupV2--join--requested": { - "messageformat": "Se ha enviado tu solicitud para unirte al grupo a quien administra el grupo. Te llegará una notificación con su respuesta." + "messageformat": "Se ha enviado tu solicitud al admin del grupo. Te llegará una notificación con su respuesta." }, "icu:GroupV2--join--general-join-failure--title": { "messageformat": "Error de enlace" @@ -3153,22 +3153,22 @@ "messageformat": "Un admin ha actualizado quién puede editar la lista de participantes del grupo a \"cualquiera\"." }, "icu:GroupV2--access-invite-link--disabled--you": { - "messageformat": "Has desactivado la confirmación de admin para unirse al grupo mediante enlace." + "messageformat": "Has desactivado la aprobación de admin para unirse al grupo mediante enlace." }, "icu:GroupV2--access-invite-link--disabled--other": { - "messageformat": "{adminName} ha desactivado la confirmación de admin para unirse al grupo mediante enlace." + "messageformat": "{adminName} ha desactivado la aprobación de admin para unirse al grupo mediante enlace." }, "icu:GroupV2--access-invite-link--disabled--unknown": { - "messageformat": "Se ha desactivado la confirmación de admin para unirse al grupo mediante enlace." + "messageformat": "Se ha desactivado la aprobación de admin para unirse al grupo mediante enlace." }, "icu:GroupV2--access-invite-link--enabled--you": { - "messageformat": "Has activado la confirmación de admin para unirse al grupo mediante enlace." + "messageformat": "Has activado la aprobación de admin para unirse al grupo mediante enlace." }, "icu:GroupV2--access-invite-link--enabled--other": { - "messageformat": "{adminName} ha activado la confirmación de admin para unirse al grupo mediante enlace." + "messageformat": "{adminName} ha activado la aprobación de admin para unirse al grupo mediante enlace." }, "icu:GroupV2--access-invite-link--enabled--unknown": { - "messageformat": "Se ha activado la confirmación de admin para unirse al grupo mediante enlace." + "messageformat": "Se ha activado la aprobación de admin para unirse al grupo mediante enlace." }, "icu:GroupV2--member-add--invited--you": { "messageformat": "Has añadido a {inviteeName} al grupo." @@ -3183,13 +3183,13 @@ "messageformat": "{inviteeName} ha aceptado una invitación de {inviterName} para unirse al grupo." }, "icu:GroupV2--member-add--from-invite--other-no-from": { - "messageformat": "{inviteeName} ha aceptado la invitación al grupo." + "messageformat": "{inviteeName} ha aceptado una invitación al grupo." }, "icu:GroupV2--member-add--from-invite--you": { "messageformat": "Has aceptado una invitación de {inviterName} para unirte al grupo." }, "icu:GroupV2--member-add--from-invite--you-no-from": { - "messageformat": "Has aceptado la invitación al grupo." + "messageformat": "Has aceptado una invitación al grupo." }, "icu:GroupV2--member-add--from-invite--from-you": { "messageformat": "{inviteeName} ha aceptado tu invitación al grupo." @@ -3306,7 +3306,7 @@ "messageformat": "{count, plural, one {Has invitado a {count,number} persona al grupo.} other {Has invitado a {count,number} personas al grupo.}}" }, "icu:GroupV2--pending-add--many--unknown": { - "messageformat": "{count, plural, one {Se ha invitado a {count,number} persona al grupo.} other {Se han invitado a {count,number} personas al grupo.}}" + "messageformat": "{count, plural, one {Se ha invitado a una persona al grupo.} other {Se ha invitado a {count,number} personas al grupo.}}" }, "icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--decline--other": { "messageformat": "Una persona invitada por {memberName} ha rechazado la invitación al grupo." @@ -3408,22 +3408,22 @@ "messageformat": "{numberOfRequests, plural, one {{joinerName} ha solicitado y cancelado su solicitud para unirse al grupo mediante enlace} other {{joinerName} ha solicitado y cancelado {numberOfRequests,number} veces unirse al grupo mediante enlace}}" }, "icu:GroupV2--group-link-add--disabled--you": { - "messageformat": "Has activado el enlace para unirse al grupo sin confirmación de admin." + "messageformat": "Has activado el enlace para unirse al grupo sin aprobación de admin." }, "icu:GroupV2--group-link-add--disabled--other": { - "messageformat": "{adminName} ha activado el enlace para unirse al grupo sin confirmación de admin." + "messageformat": "{adminName} ha activado el enlace para unirse al grupo sin aprobación de admin." }, "icu:GroupV2--group-link-add--disabled--unknown": { - "messageformat": "Se ha activado el enlace para unirse al grupo sin confirmación de admin." + "messageformat": "Se ha activado el enlace para unirse al grupo sin aprobación de admin." }, "icu:GroupV2--group-link-add--enabled--you": { - "messageformat": "Has activado el enlace para unirse al grupo tras confirmación de admin." + "messageformat": "Has activado el enlace para unirse al grupo tras aprobación de admin." }, "icu:GroupV2--group-link-add--enabled--other": { - "messageformat": "{adminName} ha activado el enlace para unirse al grupo tras confirmación de admin." + "messageformat": "{adminName} ha activado el enlace para unirse al grupo tras aprobación de admin." }, "icu:GroupV2--group-link-add--enabled--unknown": { - "messageformat": "Se ha activado el enlace para unirse al grupo tras confirmación de admin." + "messageformat": "Se ha activado el enlace para unirse al grupo tras aprobación de admin." }, "icu:GroupV2--group-link-remove--you": { "messageformat": "Has desactivado el enlace para unirse al grupo." @@ -3504,7 +3504,7 @@ "messageformat": "Los nuevos grupos incluyen funciones como @menciones y admins, y añadiremos más en el futuro." }, "icu:GroupV1--Migration--info--keep-history": { - "messageformat": "Se ha conservado todo el historial de mensajes y todos los archivos multimedia que tenías antes de la actualización." + "messageformat": "Se han conservado todos los mensajes y archivos multimedia que tenías antes de la actualización." }, "icu:GroupV1--Migration--migrate--keep-history": { "messageformat": "Se conservará todo el historial de mensajes y todos los archivos multimedia que tenías antes de la actualización." @@ -3765,7 +3765,7 @@ "messageformat": "¿Eliminar apodo?" }, "icu:ConversationDetails__ConfirmDeleteNicknameAndNote__Description": { - "messageformat": "Se eliminará de forma permanente este apodo y esta nota." + "messageformat": "Se eliminarán de forma permanente este apodo y esta nota." }, "icu:ConversationDetails--notifications": { "messageformat": "Notificaciones" @@ -4203,7 +4203,7 @@ "messageformat": "No se ha podido realizar la verificación. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde." }, "icu:deleteForEveryoneFailed": { - "messageformat": "Fallo al eliminar el mensaje para todos. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde." + "messageformat": "No se ha podido eliminar el mensaje para todos. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde." }, "icu:ChatColorPicker__delete--title": { "messageformat": "Eliminar color" @@ -4329,7 +4329,7 @@ "messageformat": "leer más" }, "icu:EditConversationAttributesModal__description-warning": { - "messageformat": "La descripción del grupo será visible para los participantes del grupo y para las personas que han sido invitadas." + "messageformat": "La descripción del grupo será visible para quienes están en el grupo y para quienes han recibido una invitación." }, "icu:ConversationDetailsHeader--add-group-description": { "messageformat": "Añadir descripción del grupo…" @@ -4452,7 +4452,7 @@ "messageformat": "Eliminando alias" }, "icu:ProfileEditor--username--confirm-delete-body-2": { - "messageformat": "Esto eliminará tu alias y deshabilitará tu código QR y tu enlace. \"{username}\" estará disponible para que otras personas lo usen. ¿Seguro que quieres hacer esto?" + "messageformat": "Se eliminará tu alias y deshabilitarán tu código QR y tu enlace. \"{username}\" estará disponible para que otras personas lo usen. ¿Seguro que quieres continuar?" }, "icu:ProfileEditor--username--confirm-delete-button": { "messageformat": "Eliminar" @@ -4500,10 +4500,10 @@ "messageformat": "Habla con libertad" }, "icu:Bio--encrypted": { - "messageformat": "Cifrado" + "messageformat": "Cifrado y seguro" }, "icu:Bio--free-to-chat": { - "messageformat": "Libre para chatear" + "messageformat": "Libre para charlar" }, "icu:Bio--coffee-lover": { "messageformat": "Amante del café" @@ -4620,7 +4620,7 @@ "messageformat": "Quién puede ver mi número" }, "icu:Preferences__pnp__sharing--description--everyone": { - "messageformat": "Tu número de teléfono será visible para las personas y los grupos a los que envíes mensajes." + "messageformat": "Tu número de teléfono será visible para las personas y los grupos a los que les envíes mensajes." }, "icu:Preferences__pnp__sharing--description--nobody": { "messageformat": "Tu número de teléfono no será visible para nadie a menos que lo tenga guardado en los contactos de su teléfono." @@ -4731,7 +4731,7 @@ "messageformat": "Signal está teniendo dificultades técnicas. Estamos trabajando para restablecer el servicio lo antes posible." }, "icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": { - "messageformat": "Actualización requerida" + "messageformat": "Actualización necesaria" }, "icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": { "messageformat": "Para completar la sincronización de tus mensajes, actualiza Signal Desktop ahora." @@ -4740,7 +4740,7 @@ "messageformat": "Actualizar" }, "icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": { - "messageformat": "Actualización requerida" + "messageformat": "Actualización necesaria" }, "icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--auto-update__body": { "messageformat": "Para continuar usando Signal, debes actualizar a la última versión." @@ -4911,10 +4911,10 @@ "messageformat": "{sender} quiere que actives Pagos. Envía pagos solamente a las personas en las que confíes. Para activar Pagos, abre Signal en tu dispositivo móvil y ve a Ajustes > Pagos." }, "icu:payment-event-activation-request-you-label": { - "messageformat": "Has mandado una solicitud a {receiver} para activar Pagos." + "messageformat": "Has enviado una solicitud a {receiver} para que active Pagos." }, "icu:payment-event-activation-request-you-label-without-receiver": { - "messageformat": "Has mandado una solicitud para activar Pagos." + "messageformat": "Has enviado una solicitud para activar Pagos." }, "icu:payment-event-activated-label": { "messageformat": "{sender} ya puede aceptar Pagos." @@ -5127,7 +5127,7 @@ "messageformat": "Quién puede ver esta historia" }, "icu:GroupStorySettingsModal__members_help": { - "messageformat": "Las personas que están el grupo \"{groupTitle}\" podrán ver y responder a esta historia. Puedes añadir o eliminar participantes en los ajustes del grupo." + "messageformat": "Las personas que están en el grupo \"{groupTitle}\" podrán ver y responder a esta historia. Puedes añadir o eliminar participantes en los ajustes del grupo." }, "icu:GroupStorySettingsModal__remove_group": { "messageformat": "Eliminar historia de grupo" @@ -5175,7 +5175,7 @@ "messageformat": "Compartir en un grupo" }, "icu:SendStoryModal__choose-groups": { - "messageformat": "Seleccionar grupos" + "messageformat": "Elegir grupos" }, "icu:SendStoryModal__my-stories-privacy": { "messageformat": "Privacidad de mis historias" @@ -5560,7 +5560,7 @@ "messageformat": "Se eliminará de forma permanente todo tu historial de llamadas." }, "icu:CallsTab__ConfirmClearCallHistory__Body--call-links": { - "messageformat": "Se eliminará de forma permanente todo tu historial de llamadas. Los enlaces de llamada que hayas creado ya no funcionarán para las personas que los tengan. " + "messageformat": "Se eliminará de forma permanente todo tu historial de llamadas. Los enlaces de llamada que hayas creado ya no funcionarán para nadie. " }, "icu:CallsTab__ConfirmClearCallHistory__ConfirmButton": { "messageformat": "Eliminar" @@ -5569,7 +5569,7 @@ "messageformat": "Se borró el historial de llamadas" }, "icu:CallsTab__ClearCallHistoryError--call-links": { - "messageformat": "No se han podido eliminar todos los enlaces de las llamadas. Comprueba tu conexión e inténtalo de nuevo." + "messageformat": "No se han podido eliminar todos los enlaces de llamada. Comprueba tu conexión e inténtalo de nuevo." }, "icu:CallsTab__ClearCallHistoryError": { "messageformat": "No se ha podido eliminar todo el historial de llamadas. Comprueba tu conexión e inténtalo de nuevo." @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "También hemos corregido un error que hacía que no funcionase el modo oscuro en Signal si los ajustes del sistema operativo estaban configurados en modo claro. Ahora, Signal Desktop puede gestionar tu doble personalidad sin problemas." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Con el nuevo icono de filtro junto al cuadro de búsqueda no tardarás en encontrar tus chats no leídos, pero no dudes en tomarte tu tiempo para decidir si les dejas o no en visto." } } diff --git a/_locales/et-EE/messages.json b/_locales/et-EE/messages.json index 5afd0e21d4..e355941138 100644 --- a/_locales/et-EE/messages.json +++ b/_locales/et-EE/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Samuti parandasime vea, mille tõttu Signali tume režiim ei töötanud, kui sinu operatsioonisüsteemis oli valitud hele režiim." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Otsingukasti kõrval olev uus filtri ikoon muudab lugemata vestluste leidmise kiireks ja lihtsaks." } } diff --git a/_locales/eu/messages.json b/_locales/eu/messages.json index c921c63129..9402d5eda8 100644 --- a/_locales/eu/messages.json +++ b/_locales/eu/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Halaber, sistema eragilearen ezarpenak gai argia erabiltzeko konfiguratuta zeudenean Signal-en gai iluna hondatzen zuen akats bat konpondu dugu." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Bilaketa-koadroaren alboko iragazkiaren ikono berriari esker, irakurri gabeko txatak erraz aurki daitezke." } } diff --git a/_locales/fa-IR/messages.json b/_locales/fa-IR/messages.json index 953325cff7..b55370d7d9 100644 --- a/_locales/fa-IR/messages.json +++ b/_locales/fa-IR/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "همچنین باگی را برطرف کردیم که وقتی تنظیمات سیستمعامل شما برای استفاده از طرح زمینه روشن پیکربندی شده بود، مانع عملکرد صحیح طرح زمینهی تیره سیگنال میشد." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "نماد فیلتر جدید در کنار کادر جستجو، یافتن سریع گفتگوهای خواندهنشده را آسان میکند." } } diff --git a/_locales/fi/messages.json b/_locales/fi/messages.json index fc0c937a6c..48e42bcf70 100644 --- a/_locales/fi/messages.json +++ b/_locales/fi/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Korjasimme myös virheen, joka rikkoi Signalin tumman teeman, kun käyttöjärjestelmän asetukset määritettiin käyttämään vaaleaa teemaa." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Hakukentän vieressä oleva uusi suodatinkuvake helpottaa lukemattomien keskustelujen löytämistä." } } diff --git a/_locales/fr/messages.json b/_locales/fr/messages.json index 248b120340..73a72012af 100644 --- a/_locales/fr/messages.json +++ b/_locales/fr/messages.json @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ "messageformat": "Déjà membre" }, "icu:GroupListItem__message-pending": { - "messageformat": "L’adhésion est en cours" + "messageformat": "Demande d'adhésion en attente" }, "icu:Preferences__sent-media-quality": { "messageformat": "Qualité des médias envoyés" @@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ "messageformat": "Envoyer" }, "icu:safetyNumberChangeDialog_done": { - "messageformat": "Terminé" + "messageformat": "OK" }, "icu:callAnyway": { "messageformat": "Appeler quand même" @@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ "messageformat": "Impossible de charger la pièce jointe sélectionnée." }, "icu:disconnected": { - "messageformat": "L’application est déconnectée" + "messageformat": "Déconnecté" }, "icu:connecting": { "messageformat": "Connexion…" @@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ "messageformat": "Effacer la recherche" }, "icu:searchIn": { - "messageformat": "Recherche dans la conversation" + "messageformat": "Rechercher dans la conversation" }, "icu:noSearchResults": { "messageformat": "Aucun résultat ne correspond à votre recherche : \"{searchTerm}\"" @@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ "messageformat": "Aucun résultat ne correspond à \"{searchTerm}\" dans \"{conversationName}\"" }, "icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": { - "messageformat": "Résultats filtrés par conversations non lues" + "messageformat": "Filtre \"Conversations non lues\"" }, "icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": { "messageformat": "Filtrer par conversations non lues" @@ -813,7 +813,7 @@ "messageformat": "Un message vocal ne peut comporter qu'une seule pièce jointe." }, "icu:voiceNoteError": { - "messageformat": "Une erreur est survenue avec l’enregistreur vocal." + "messageformat": "L'enregistreur vocal a généré une erreur." }, "icu:attachmentSaved": { "messageformat": "Pièce jointe enregistrée." @@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ "messageformat": "Transférer" }, "icu:done": { - "messageformat": "Terminé" + "messageformat": "OK" }, "icu:update": { "messageformat": "Mise à jour" @@ -1422,28 +1422,28 @@ "messageformat": "{count, plural, one {{count,number} personne participe à cet appel} other {{count,number} personnes participent à cet appel}}" }, "icu:calling__pre-call-info--will-ring-1": { - "messageformat": "Signal sonnera chez {person}" + "messageformat": "Signal va appeler {person}" }, "icu:calling__pre-call-info--will-ring-2": { - "messageformat": "Signal sonnera chez {first} et {second}" + "messageformat": "Signal va appeler {first} et {second}" }, "icu:calling__pre-call-info--will-ring-3": { - "messageformat": "Signal sonnera chez {first}, {second} et {third}" + "messageformat": "Signal va appeler {first}, {second} et {third}" }, "icu:calling__pre-call-info--will-ring-many": { - "messageformat": "{others, plural, one {Signal sonnera chez {first}, {second} et {others,number} autre} other {Signal sonnera chez {first}, {second} et {others,number} autres}}" + "messageformat": "{others, plural, one {Signal va appeler {first}, {second} et {others,number} autre contact} other {Signal va appeler {first}, {second} et {others,number} autres contacts}}" }, "icu:calling__pre-call-info--will-notify-1": { - "messageformat": "{person} sera notifié" + "messageformat": "{person} recevra une notification" }, "icu:calling__pre-call-info--will-notify-2": { - "messageformat": "{first} et {second} seront notifiés" + "messageformat": "{first} et {second} recevront une notification" }, "icu:calling__pre-call-info--will-notify-3": { - "messageformat": "{first}, {second} et {third} seront notifiés" + "messageformat": "{first}, {second} et {third} recevront une notification" }, "icu:calling__pre-call-info--will-notify-many": { - "messageformat": "{others, plural, one {{first}, {second} et {others,number} autre seront notifiés} other {{first}, {second} et {others,number} autres seront notifiés}}" + "messageformat": "{others, plural, one {{first}, {second} et {others,number} autre recevront une notification} other {{first}, {second} et {others,number} autres recevront une notification}}" }, "icu:calling__in-this-call--zero": { "messageformat": "Il n’y a personne d’autre ici" @@ -1692,13 +1692,13 @@ "messageformat": "Vous avez défini le délai avant disparition des messages éphémères sur {time}" }, "icu:timerSetOnSync": { - "messageformat": "L’expiration des messages éphémères est maintenant à {time}" + "messageformat": "Délai avant disparition des messages éphémères défini sur {time}" }, "icu:timerSetByMember": { - "messageformat": "Un membre a défini l’expiration des messages éphémères à {time}." + "messageformat": "Un membre a défini le délai avant disparition des messages éphémères sur {time}." }, "icu:theyChangedTheTimer": { - "messageformat": "{name} a défini l’expiration des messages éphémères à {time}" + "messageformat": "{name} a défini le délai avant disparition des messages éphémères sur {time}" }, "icu:disappearingMessages__off": { "messageformat": "désactivé" @@ -1860,7 +1860,7 @@ "messageformat": "Retour à la sélection des membres" }, "icu:setGroupMetadata__group-name-placeholder": { - "messageformat": "Nom du groupe (champ obligatoire)" + "messageformat": "Nom du groupe (obligatoire)" }, "icu:setGroupMetadata__group-description-placeholder": { "messageformat": "Présentation" @@ -1983,13 +1983,13 @@ "messageformat": "Ce message n’est pas pris en charge" }, "icu:message--getDescription--disappearing-media": { - "messageformat": "Média éphémère" + "messageformat": "Média à vue unique" }, "icu:message--getDescription--disappearing-photo": { - "messageformat": "Photo éphémère" + "messageformat": "Photo à vue unique" }, "icu:message--getDescription--disappearing-video": { - "messageformat": "Vidéo éphémère" + "messageformat": "Vidéo à vue unique" }, "icu:message--deletedForEveryone": { "messageformat": "Ce message a été supprimé." @@ -2079,7 +2079,7 @@ "messageformat": "Aucun sticker n’est installé" }, "icu:stickers--StickerManager--BlessedPacks": { - "messageformat": "Série artiste de Signal" + "messageformat": "Stickers d'artistes pour Signal" }, "icu:stickers--StickerManager--BlessedPacks--Empty": { "messageformat": "Aucun sticker d’artiste Signal n’est disponible" @@ -2157,7 +2157,7 @@ "messageformat": "L’ouverture du pack de stickers a généré une erreur. Veuillez vérifier votre connexion Internet et réessayer." }, "icu:EmojiPicker--empty": { - "messageformat": "Aucun émoji n’a été trouvé" + "messageformat": "Émoji introuvable" }, "icu:EmojiPicker--search-close": { "messageformat": "Quitter la recherche d’émoji" @@ -2241,13 +2241,13 @@ "messageformat": "Vous avez déjà lu ce message." }, "icu:Message--tap-to-view--outgoing--expired-toast": { - "messageformat": "Les messages éphémères ne sont pas enregistrés dans l’historique de vos conversations." + "messageformat": "Les messages éphémères ne sont pas conservés dans l'historique des conversations." }, "icu:Message--tap-to-view--incoming": { - "messageformat": "Visualiser la photo" + "messageformat": "Afficher la photo" }, "icu:Message--tap-to-view--incoming-video": { - "messageformat": "Visualiser la vidéo" + "messageformat": "Regarder la vidéo" }, "icu:Conversation--getDraftPreview--attachment": { "messageformat": "(pièce jointe)" @@ -2496,7 +2496,7 @@ "messageformat": "Plus" }, "icu:ReactionsViewer--all": { - "messageformat": "Tout" + "messageformat": "Toutes" }, "icu:SafetyTipsModal__Title": { "messageformat": "Conseils de sécurité" @@ -2538,16 +2538,16 @@ "messageformat": "Conseil suivant" }, "icu:SafetyTipsModal__Button--Done": { - "messageformat": "Terminé" + "messageformat": "OK" }, "icu:MessageRequests--message-direct": { "messageformat": "Partager votre nom et votre photo avec {name} et l’autoriser à échanger des messages avec vous ? Cet utilisateur ne saura pas que vous avez vu ses messages tant que vous n’aurez pas accepté." }, "icu:MessageRequests--message-direct-hidden": { - "messageformat": "Autoriser {name} à vous envoyer des messages et partager vos nom et photo avec ce contact ? Vous avez précédemment supprimé ce contact." + "messageformat": "Partager votre nom et votre photo avec {name} et l'autoriser à échanger des messages avec vous ? Il s'agit d'un contact que vous aviez supprimé." }, "icu:MessageRequests--message-direct-blocked": { - "messageformat": "Autoriser {name} à vous envoyer des messages et partager vos nom et photo avec ce contact ? Vous ne recevrez aucun message tant que vous ne l’aurez pas débloqué." + "messageformat": "Partager votre nom et votre photo avec {name} et l'autoriser à échanger des messages avec vous ? Vous ne recevrez aucun message de ce contact tant que vous ne l'aurez pas débloqué." }, "icu:MessageRequests--message-group": { "messageformat": "Rejoindre ce groupe et partager vos nom et photo avec ses membres ? Ce contact ne saura que vous avez vu son invitation que si vous l’acceptez." @@ -3153,22 +3153,22 @@ "messageformat": "Un administrateur a défini l'autorisation d'ajouter des membres sur \"Tous les membres\"." }, "icu:GroupV2--access-invite-link--disabled--you": { - "messageformat": "Vous avez désactivé l’approbation d’un administrateur pour le lien du groupe." + "messageformat": "Vous avez désactivé l'approbation des adhésions via le lien du groupe." }, "icu:GroupV2--access-invite-link--disabled--other": { - "messageformat": "{adminName} a désactivé l’approbation d’un administrateur pour le lien du groupe." + "messageformat": "{adminName} a désactivé l'approbation des adhésions via le lien du groupe." }, "icu:GroupV2--access-invite-link--disabled--unknown": { - "messageformat": "L’approbation d’un administrateur pour le lien du groupe a été désactivée." + "messageformat": "L'approbation des adhésions via le lien du groupe a été désactivée." }, "icu:GroupV2--access-invite-link--enabled--you": { - "messageformat": "Vous avez activé l’approbation d’un administrateur pour le lien du groupe." + "messageformat": "Vous avez activé l'approbation des adhésions via le lien du groupe." }, "icu:GroupV2--access-invite-link--enabled--other": { - "messageformat": "{adminName} a activé l’approbation d’un administrateur pour le lien du groupe." + "messageformat": "{adminName} a activé l'approbation des adhésions via le lien du groupe." }, "icu:GroupV2--access-invite-link--enabled--unknown": { - "messageformat": "L’approbation d’un administrateur pour le lien du groupe a été activée." + "messageformat": "L'approbation des adhésions via le lien du groupe a été activée." }, "icu:GroupV2--member-add--invited--you": { "messageformat": "Vous avez ajouté le membre invité {inviteeName}." @@ -3264,10 +3264,10 @@ "messageformat": "Un administrateur a nommé {memberName} administrateur." }, "icu:GroupV2--member-privilege--promote--you--other": { - "messageformat": "{adminName} vous a nommé administrateur." + "messageformat": "{adminName} vous accordé des droits d'admin." }, "icu:GroupV2--member-privilege--promote--you--unknown": { - "messageformat": "Un administrateur vous a nommé administrateur." + "messageformat": "Un admin vous accordé des droits d'administration." }, "icu:GroupV2--member-privilege--demote--other--other": { "messageformat": "{adminName} a révoqué les privilèges d'admin de {memberName}." @@ -3408,22 +3408,22 @@ "messageformat": "{numberOfRequests, plural, one {{joinerName} a envoyé et annulé sa demande d'adhésion via le lien du groupe.} other {{joinerName} a envoyé et annulé {numberOfRequests,number} demandes d'adhésion via le lien du groupe.}}" }, "icu:GroupV2--group-link-add--disabled--you": { - "messageformat": "Vous avez activé le lien du groupe et l’approbation d’un administrateur est désactivée." + "messageformat": "Vous avez activé le lien du groupe sans exiger l'approbation des nouveaux membres par un admin." }, "icu:GroupV2--group-link-add--disabled--other": { - "messageformat": "{adminName} a activé le lien du groupe et l’approbation d’un administrateur est désactivée." + "messageformat": "{adminName} a activé le lien du groupe sans exiger l'approbation des nouveaux membres par un admin." }, "icu:GroupV2--group-link-add--disabled--unknown": { - "messageformat": "Le lien du groupe a été activé et l’approbation d’un administrateur est désactivée." + "messageformat": "Le lien du groupe a été activé sans exiger l'approbation des nouveaux membres par un admin." }, "icu:GroupV2--group-link-add--enabled--you": { - "messageformat": "Vous avez activé le lien du groupe et l’approbation d’un administrateur est activée." + "messageformat": "Vous avez activé le lien du groupe et exigé l'approbation des nouveaux membres par un admin." }, "icu:GroupV2--group-link-add--enabled--other": { - "messageformat": "{adminName} a activé le lien du groupe et l’approbation d’un administrateur est activée." + "messageformat": "{adminName} a activé le lien du groupe et exigé l'approbation des nouveaux membres par un admin." }, "icu:GroupV2--group-link-add--enabled--unknown": { - "messageformat": "Le lien du groupe a été activé et l’approbation d’un administrateur est activée." + "messageformat": "Le lien du groupe est activé et exige l'approbation des nouveaux membres par un admin." }, "icu:GroupV2--group-link-remove--you": { "messageformat": "Vous avez désactivé le lien du groupe." @@ -4290,7 +4290,7 @@ "messageformat": "Délai personnalisé" }, "icu:DisappearingTimeDialog__body": { - "messageformat": "Choisissez un délai personnalisé pour les messages éphémères." + "messageformat": "Personnalisez le délai avant disparition des messages éphémères." }, "icu:DisappearingTimeDialog__set": { "messageformat": "Définir" @@ -4437,7 +4437,7 @@ "messageformat": "Votre nom d’utilisateur n’a pas pu être enregistré. Vérifiez votre connexion, puis réessayez." }, "icu:ProfileEditor--username--reservation-gone": { - "messageformat": "{username} n’est plus disponible. Un nouvel ensemble de chiffres sera associé à votre nom d’utilisateur. Veuillez tenter de le sauvegarder à nouveau." + "messageformat": "{username} n'est plus disponible. Une nouvelle série de chiffres sera associée à votre nom d'utilisateur. Veuillez l'enregistrer de nouveau." }, "icu:ProfileEditor--username--delete-general-error": { "messageformat": "Votre nom d’utilisateur n’a pas pu être supprimé. Vérifiez votre connexion, puis réessayez." @@ -4530,7 +4530,7 @@ "messageformat": "Votre profil n’a pas pu être mis à jour. Veuillez réessayer." }, "icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": { - "messageformat": "Envoyer un message à un administrateur" + "messageformat": "Écrire à un admin" }, "icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--announcements-only": { "messageformat": "Seuls les {admins} peuvent envoyer des messages" @@ -4797,7 +4797,7 @@ "messageformat": "Cliquez pour remplacer un émoji" }, "icu:CustomizingPreferredReactions__had-save-error": { - "messageformat": "Une erreur est survenue lors de l’enregistrement de vos paramètres. Veuillez réessayer." + "messageformat": "Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'enregistrement de vos paramètres. Veuillez réessayer." }, "icu:MediaEditor__input-placeholder": { "messageformat": "Message" @@ -5455,7 +5455,7 @@ "messageformat": "Réinitialiser" }, "icu:UsernameLinkModalBody__done": { - "messageformat": "Terminé" + "messageformat": "OK" }, "icu:UsernameLinkModalBody__color__radio": { "messageformat": "Couleur du lien associé au nom d’utilisateur, {index,number} sur {total,number}" @@ -5584,7 +5584,7 @@ "messageformat": "Rechercher" }, "icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": { - "messageformat": "Résultats filtrés par appels manqués" + "messageformat": "Filtre \"Appels manqués\"" }, "icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": { "messageformat": "Filtrer par appels manqués" @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Vous avez peut-être remarqué que le thème sombre se désactivait sur Signal lorsque vous passiez votre ordinateur en thème clair. Ce n'est plus le cas : chez Signal, on respecte tous les styles ! Qui a dit que les gothiques n'aimaient pas les soirées blanches ?" }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Vous aviez du mal à retrouver vos messages non lus ? La nouvelle icône de filtre placée près du champ de recherche vous facilite la tâche ! Ensuite, libre à vous d'y répondre, de les ignorer ou de les marquer comme non lus pour y revenir plus tard." } } diff --git a/_locales/ga-IE/messages.json b/_locales/ga-IE/messages.json index 67743f1164..bc2598d226 100644 --- a/_locales/ga-IE/messages.json +++ b/_locales/ga-IE/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Réitíomar fabht freisin a bhris an téama dorcha in Signal nuair a bhí socruithe do chórais oibriúcháin cumraithe chun téama geal a úsáid." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Is éasca é comhráite neamhléite a fháil go tapa a bhuí leis an deilbhín scagaire nua atá in aice leis an mbosca cuardaigh." } } diff --git a/_locales/gl-ES/messages.json b/_locales/gl-ES/messages.json index 7e4fc7c841..0b371f82d0 100644 --- a/_locales/gl-ES/messages.json +++ b/_locales/gl-ES/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Arranxamos un erro que impedía o funcionamento do tema escuro de Signal cando o sistema estaba configurado cun tema claro." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "A nova icona de filtro ao lado da caixa de busca permite atopar facilmente as conversas sen ler." } } diff --git a/_locales/gu-IN/messages.json b/_locales/gu-IN/messages.json index c447d941dc..4a7e5c6e3e 100644 --- a/_locales/gu-IN/messages.json +++ b/_locales/gu-IN/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "જ્યારે તમારી ઓપરેટિંગ સિસ્ટમ સેટિંગ્સને લાઇટ થીમનો ઉપયોગ કરવા માટે કન્ફિગર કરવામાં આવી હતી ત્યારે અમે Signalમાં ડાર્ક થીમને બગાડતાં બગને પણ ઠીક કર્યો છે." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "શોધ બોક્સની બાજુમાં આવેલો નવો ફિલ્ટર આઇકન ન વાંચેલી ચેટને ઝડપથી શોધવાનું સરળ બનાવે છે." } } diff --git a/_locales/he/messages.json b/_locales/he/messages.json index 3e91a9e0ea..a1ec597005 100644 --- a/_locales/he/messages.json +++ b/_locales/he/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "תיקנו גם באג ששיבש את ערכת הנושא הכהה ב–Signal כשמערכת ההפעלה הוגדרה לשימוש בערכת נושא בהירה." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "סמל הסינון החדש ליד תיבת החיפוש מקל ומזרז איתור צ׳אטים שלא נקראו." } } diff --git a/_locales/hi-IN/messages.json b/_locales/hi-IN/messages.json index de93d4c74a..ea2fa63502 100644 --- a/_locales/hi-IN/messages.json +++ b/_locales/hi-IN/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "हमने उस गड़बड़ी को भी ठीक कर दिया है जो आपके ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम की सेटिंग्स के हल्की थीम पर कॉन्फ़िगर होने पर, Signal में गहरी थीम को हटा देती थी। अब Signal डेस्कटॉप अलग-अलग थीम को लेकर आपकी अलग-अलग पसंद को अच्छे से संभाल सकता है।" }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "सर्च बॉक्स के पास बने नए फ़िल्टर आइकन की मदद से, आप पढ़ी न चैट आसानी से ढूँढ सकते हैं, लेकिन इस बात का फ़ैसला लेने के लिए समय लें कि वे क्या कह रहे हैं, यह देखने के बाद, आप उन्हें पढ़कर छोड़ना चाहते हैं या नहीं।" } } diff --git a/_locales/hr-HR/messages.json b/_locales/hr-HR/messages.json index 09667eecfa..0dbb999e0d 100644 --- a/_locales/hr-HR/messages.json +++ b/_locales/hr-HR/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Također smo ispravili programsku pogrešku zbog koje tamna tema u Signalu za desktop nije radila kad su postavke operativnog sustava bile postavljene na svijetlu temu." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Brzo pronađite nepročitane razgovore pomoću nove ikone za filtriranje pored okvira za pretraživanje." } } diff --git a/_locales/hu/messages.json b/_locales/hu/messages.json index c043da15cf..0affa78417 100644 --- a/_locales/hu/messages.json +++ b/_locales/hu/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Kijavítottunk egy olyan hibát is, amely megszakította a Signal sötét témáját, amikor az operációs rendszer beállításai világos téma használatára voltak konfigurálva." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "A keresőmező melletti új szűrőikon megkönnyíti az olvasatlan csevegések gyors megtalálását." } } diff --git a/_locales/id/messages.json b/_locales/id/messages.json index d01cb198d8..2a3e3cea0b 100644 --- a/_locales/id/messages.json +++ b/_locales/id/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Kami juga memperbaiki bug yang mengacaukan tema gelap di Signal ketika pengaturan sistem operasi Anda menggunakan konfigurasi tema terang." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Ikon filter baru di samping kotak pencarian membantu agar Anda bisa dengan cepat menemukan obrolan yang belum dibaca." } } diff --git a/_locales/it/messages.json b/_locales/it/messages.json index df77aafd65..d2f6e40c06 100644 --- a/_locales/it/messages.json +++ b/_locales/it/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Abbiamo anche sistemato un bug che causava un malfunzionamento nel tema scuro di Signal quando si impostava l'uso di un tema chiaro nelle impostazioni di sistema del dispositivo. La battaglia tra il lato chiaro e il lato oscuro può dirsi terminato almeno su Signal Desktop." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Il nuovo filtro accanto alla barra di ricerca aiuta a cercare più rapidamente le chat non lette… se poi proprio non vuoi leggerle, questo è un altro discorso!" } } diff --git a/_locales/ja/messages.json b/_locales/ja/messages.json index fb9ab8022b..a978ef3aa7 100644 --- a/_locales/ja/messages.json +++ b/_locales/ja/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "また、基本ソフトウェアのテーマ設定がライトテーマに設定されている場合に、Signalのダークテーマが正しく表示されないバグも修正されました。" }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "検索ボックスの横にある新しい検索アイコンで、未読のチャットをすぐに見つけることができます。" } } diff --git a/_locales/ka-GE/messages.json b/_locales/ka-GE/messages.json index 1ae12e9c92..0e29007343 100644 --- a/_locales/ka-GE/messages.json +++ b/_locales/ka-GE/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "ჩვენ ასევე გამოვასწორეთ ბაგი, რომელიც Signal-ზე მუქი აპის ფონს არღვევდა, როცა შენი ოპერაციული სისტემის პარამეტრები ღია აპის ფონზე იყო დაყენებული. ახლა Signal Desktop უკეთ გაუმკლავდება შენს თემატურად გაორებულ პიროვნებას." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "საძიებო ველის გვერდით ახალი ფილტრის ნიშანი წაუკითხავი ჩატების სწრაფად პოვნას აადვილებს. ნახე რას გწერენ და შემდეგ გადაწვიტე უპასუხოდ დატოვებ თუ არა." } } diff --git a/_locales/kk-KZ/messages.json b/_locales/kk-KZ/messages.json index d04e5964bf..1ab1f411c1 100644 --- a/_locales/kk-KZ/messages.json +++ b/_locales/kk-KZ/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Сонымен қатар операциялық жүйе параметрлері жарық режимді пайдалануға конфигурацияланғанда, Signal-дағы қараңғы режим жұмыс істемей қалатын ақау түзетілді. Signal Desktop енді қалаған режиміңізді дұрыс анықтай алады." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Іздеу өрісінің жанындағы жаңа сүзгі белгішесі оқылмаған чаттарды жылдам табуға көмектеседі. Дегенмен чаттағы жаңа хабарларды оқып алған соң, чатты оқылған немесе оқылмаған деп белгілеу өз еркіңізде екенін ұмытпаңыз." } } diff --git a/_locales/km-KH/messages.json b/_locales/km-KH/messages.json index bf82a84517..6d4c668d19 100644 --- a/_locales/km-KH/messages.json +++ b/_locales/km-KH/messages.json @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ { "icu:AddUserToAnotherGroupModal__title": { - "messageformat": "បន្ថែមទៅក្រុមមួយ" + "messageformat": "ដាក់បញ្ចូលទៅក្រុមមួយ" }, "icu:AddUserToAnotherGroupModal__confirm-title": { "messageformat": "បញ្ចូលសមាជិកថ្មីឬ?" }, "icu:AddUserToAnotherGroupModal__confirm-add": { - "messageformat": "បន្ថែម" + "messageformat": "បញ្ចូល" }, "icu:AddUserToAnotherGroupModal__confirm-message": { "messageformat": "បញ្ចូល “{contact}” ទៅក្នុងក្រុម “{group}”" @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "messageformat": "ស្វែងរក" }, "icu:AddUserToAnotherGroupModal__toast--user-added-to-group": { - "messageformat": "{contact} បានបន្ថែមទៅ {group}" + "messageformat": "{contact} ត្រូវបានបញ្ចូលទៅ {group}" }, "icu:AddUserToAnotherGroupModal__toast--adding-user-to-group": { "messageformat": "កំពុងបញ្ចូល {contact}…" @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ "messageformat": "{count, plural, other {សមាជិក {count,number} នាក់}}" }, "icu:GroupListItem__message-already-member": { - "messageformat": "សមាជិករួចហើយ" + "messageformat": "ជាសមាជិករួចហើយ" }, "icu:GroupListItem__message-pending": { "messageformat": "សមាជិកភាពកំពុងរង់ចាំ" @@ -75,10 +75,10 @@ "messageformat": "បញ្ហាទិន្នន័យ" }, "icu:databaseError__detail": { - "messageformat": "មានបញ្ហាមូលដ្ឋានទិន្នន័យបានកើតឡើង។ អ្នកអាចចម្លងបញ្ហានេះ ហើយទាក់ទងផ្នែកជំនួយរបស់ Signal ឲ្យជួយដោះស្រាយបញ្ហា។ ប្រសិនបើអ្នកត្រូវការប្រើ Signal ភ្លាមៗ អ្នកអាចលុបទិន្នន័យរបស់អ្នក ហើយចាប់ផ្តើមឡើងវិញ។\n\nទាក់ទងផ្នែកជំនួយដោយចូលទៅកាន់៖ {link}" + "messageformat": "មានបញ្ហាមូលដ្ឋានទិន្នន័យបានកើតឡើង។ អ្នកអាចចម្លងបញ្ហានេះ ហើយទាក់ទងផ្នែកជំនួយរបស់ Signal ឱ្យជួយដោះស្រាយបញ្ហា។ ប្រសិនបើអ្នកត្រូវការប្រើ Signal ភ្លាមៗ អ្នកអាចលុបទិន្នន័យរបស់អ្នក ហើយចាប់ផ្តើមឡើងវិញ។\n\nទាក់ទងផ្នែកជំនួយដោយចូលទៅកាន់៖ {link}" }, "icu:deleteAndRestart": { - "messageformat": "លុបទិន្នន័យ និងចាប់ផ្តើមឡើងវិញ" + "messageformat": "លុបទិន្នន័យ រួចចាប់ផ្តើមឡើងវិញ" }, "icu:databaseError__deleteDataConfirmation": { "messageformat": "លុបទិន្នន័យទាំងអស់ជារៀងរហូតឬ?" @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "យើងក៏បានកែបញ្ហាមួយផងដែរដែលបានប៉ះពាល់ដល់ផ្ទៃពណ៌ងងឹតនៅក្នុង Signal នៅពេលដែលប្រព័ន្ធប្រតិបត្តិការរបស់អ្នកត្រូវបានកំណត់រចនាសម្ព័ន្ធឱ្យប្រើផ្ទៃពណ៌ភ្លឺ។ ឥឡូវនេះ Signal Desktop អាចដោះស្រាយបានល្អនូវលក្ខណៈបែកផ្ទៃពណ៌ផ្សេងគ្នាបានហើយ។" }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "រូបតម្រងថ្មីនៅជាប់ប្រអប់ស្វែងរកធ្វើឱ្យងាយស្រួលរកការជជែកដែលមិនទាន់អាន បានយ៉ាងឆាប់រហ័ស ប៉ុន្តែគិតតាមសម្រួលចុះថាតើគួរឆ្លើយតបឬអត់ បន្ទាប់ពីឃើញអ្វីដែលពួកគេនិយាយហើយ។" } } diff --git a/_locales/kn-IN/messages.json b/_locales/kn-IN/messages.json index 94bd93abd5..1dac21efdd 100644 --- a/_locales/kn-IN/messages.json +++ b/_locales/kn-IN/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಆಪರೇಟಿಂಗ್ ಸಿಸ್ಟಂ ಸೆಟ್ಟಿಂಗ್ಗಳನ್ನು ಲೈಟ್ ಥೀಮ್ ಬಳಸುವಂತೆ ಕಾನ್ಫಿಗರ್ ಮಾಡಿದಾಗ Signal ನಲ್ಲಿ ಡಾರ್ಕ್ ಥೀಮ್ಗೆ ಹಾನಿಮಾಡುವ ದೋಷವನ್ನು ಸಹ ನಾವು ಸರಿಪಡಿಸಿದ್ದೇವೆ. ಸಿಗ್ನಲ್ ಡೆಸ್ಕ್ಟಾಪ್ ಈಗ ನಿಮ್ಮ ವಿಷಯಾಧಾರಿತವಾಗಿ ವಿಭಜಿತವಾದ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿತ್ವವನ್ನು ಸರಿಯಾಗಿ ನಿಭಾಯಿಸುತ್ತದೆ." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "ಹುಡುಕಾಟ ಬಾಕ್ಸ್ನ ಪಕ್ಕದಲ್ಲಿರುವ ಹೊಸ ಫಿಲ್ಟರ್ ಐಕಾನ್ ಓದದಿರುವ ಚಾಟ್ಗಳನ್ನು ತ್ವರಿತವಾಗಿ ಹುಡುಕಲು ಸುಲಭಗೊಳಿಸುತ್ತದೆ, ಆದರೆ ಅವುಗಳು ಏನು ಹೇಳಬೇಕೆಂದಿವೆ ಎಂಬುದನ್ನು ನೋಡಿದ ನಂತರ ಅವುಗಳನ್ನು ಓದಲು ಬಿಡಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವಾ ಬೇಡವೇ ಎಂಬುದನ್ನು ನಿರ್ಧರಿಸಲು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸಮಯವನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದುಕೊಳ್ಳಲು ಹಿಂಜರಿಯಬೇಡಿ." } } diff --git a/_locales/ko/messages.json b/_locales/ko/messages.json index 278edc8ab8..457ac989ff 100644 --- a/_locales/ko/messages.json +++ b/_locales/ko/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "또한 운영 체제에서 밝은 테마를 사용하도록 구성한 경우 Signal의 어두운 테마가 작동하지 않는 버그를 수정했습니다." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "검색창 옆의 새 필터 아이콘을 사용하면 쉽고 빠르게 읽지 않은 대화를 확인할 수 있습니다." } } diff --git a/_locales/ky-KG/messages.json b/_locales/ky-KG/messages.json index 8691ff8b66..6549183beb 100644 --- a/_locales/ky-KG/messages.json +++ b/_locales/ky-KG/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Операциялар системасынын параметрлери жарык темага коюлган учурда караңгы теманы бузган мүчүлүштүктү оңдоп койдук. Эми Signal Desktop'то темаларга байланыштуу маселе болбойт." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Эми издөө тилкеси аркылуу окула элек маектерди оңой таба аласыз." } } diff --git a/_locales/lt-LT/messages.json b/_locales/lt-LT/messages.json index 4163404791..8ccdb79cf7 100644 --- a/_locales/lt-LT/messages.json +++ b/_locales/lt-LT/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Taip pat ištaisėme klaidą, nutraukusią „Signal“ tamsųjį apipavidalinimą, kai operacinės sistemos nustatymai buvo sukonfigūruoti naudoti šviesųjį apipavidalinimą." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Dėl naujos filtro piktogramos šalia paieškos laukelio lengvai ir greitai rasite neskaitytus pokalbius." } } diff --git a/_locales/lv-LV/messages.json b/_locales/lv-LV/messages.json index 0accf5bee6..9debc483d9 100644 --- a/_locales/lv-LV/messages.json +++ b/_locales/lv-LV/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Tāpat izlabojām kļūdu, kas pārtrauc Signal tumšā dizaina izmantošanu, ja operētājsistēmas iestatījumos ir uzstādīts gaišais dizains. Signal Desktop tagad spēj pienācīgi tikt galā ar jūsu personības dalīšanos." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Jaunā filtru ikona blakus meklēšanas lodziņam ļauj ātri un ērti atrast nelasītās sarunas. Kad atbildēt uz šīm ziņām, vēl aizvien paliek jūsu ziņā." } } diff --git a/_locales/mk-MK/messages.json b/_locales/mk-MK/messages.json index 619c10949a..c6ca2cf8c5 100644 --- a/_locales/mk-MK/messages.json +++ b/_locales/mk-MK/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Исто така, поправивме грешка која го оневозможуваше темниот режим во Signal кога поставките на оперативниот систем беа конфигурирани за користење на светол режим." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Новата икона за филтер до полето за пребарување ви го олеснува пронаоѓањето на непрочитаните разговори." } } diff --git a/_locales/ml-IN/messages.json b/_locales/ml-IN/messages.json index daacb9d357..5bb4ccd167 100644 --- a/_locales/ml-IN/messages.json +++ b/_locales/ml-IN/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "ഒരു ലൈറ്റ് തീം ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്നതിന് നിങ്ങളുടെ ഓപ്പറേറ്റിംഗ് സിസ്റ്റം ക്രമീകരണങ്ങൾ കോൺഫിഗർ ചെയ്തപ്പോൾ Signal-ലെ ഡാർക്ക് തീം തകർത്ത ഒരു ബഗും ഞങ്ങൾ പരിഹരിച്ചു. Signal ഡെസ്ക്ടോപ്പിന് ഇപ്പോൾ നിങ്ങളുടെ പ്രമേയപരമായി വിഭജിക്കപ്പെട്ട വ്യക്തിത്വം ശരിയായി കൈകാര്യം ചെയ്യാൻ കഴിയും." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "തിരയൽ ബോക്സിന് അടുത്തുള്ള പുതിയ ഫിൽട്ടർ ഐക്കൺ വായിക്കാത്ത ചാറ്റുകൾ വേഗത്തിൽ കണ്ടെത്തുന്നത് എളുപ്പമാക്കുന്നു, എന്നാൽ അവർക്ക് എന്താണ് പറയാനുള്ളത് എന്ന് കണ്ടതിന് ശേഷം അവ വായിച്ചത് എന്നതിൽ ഇടണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന് തീരുമാനിക്കാൻ മടിക്കേണ്ടതില്ല." } } diff --git a/_locales/mr-IN/messages.json b/_locales/mr-IN/messages.json index 0ceea31b60..c81ea3327e 100644 --- a/_locales/mr-IN/messages.json +++ b/_locales/mr-IN/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "आम्ही एक बगसुद्धा दुरुस्त केला जो आपल्या ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टीम सेटिंग्ज मध्ये Signal मधील गडद थीम काढून हलकी थीम वापरण्याची व्यवस्था केलेली असेल. Signal डेक्सटॉप आता आपले थीमनुसार दुभंगलेले व्यक्तिमत्त्व नीट हाताळू शकते." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "शोध बॉक्सच्या शेजारी असलेले नवीन फिल्टर आयकन त्वरित न वाचलेले चॅट्स शोधणे सोपे करते, परंतु त्यांना काय म्हणायचे आहे ते पाहिल्यानंतर त्यांना उत्तर द्यायचे की नाही हे ठरवायला हवा तेवढा वेळ घ्या." } } diff --git a/_locales/ms/messages.json b/_locales/ms/messages.json index bf279d28ca..dc4dc28bce 100644 --- a/_locales/ms/messages.json +++ b/_locales/ms/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Kami juga telah membetulkan pepijat yang menyebabkan tema gelap di Signal tidak berfungsi apabila tetapan sistem operasi anda dikonfigurasikan untuk menggunakan tema terang." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Ikon penapis baharu di sebelah kotak carian memudahkan anda mencari sembang yang belum dibaca." } } diff --git a/_locales/my/messages.json b/_locales/my/messages.json index ef518158e4..a0cbe684a2 100644 --- a/_locales/my/messages.json +++ b/_locales/my/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "သင်၏ လည်ပတ်မှုစနစ်ဆက်တင်တွင် အလင်း Theme ကို အသုံးပြုရန် သတ်မှတ်သည့်အခါ Signal တွင် အမှောင် Theme ကို ပျက်စီးစေသည့် ချို့ယွင်းချက်တစ်ခုကိုလည်း ပြုပြင်ပေးခဲ့သည်။" }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "ရှာဖွေရေးဘောက်စ်ဘေးရှိ စစ်ထုတ်သည့်အိုင်ကွန်အသစ်သည် မဖတ်ရသေးသော ချက်(တ်)များကို လျင်မြန်စွာရှာဖွေရန် လွယ်ကူစေသည်။" } } diff --git a/_locales/nb/messages.json b/_locales/nb/messages.json index 4158ff528b..c46821ba09 100644 --- a/_locales/nb/messages.json +++ b/_locales/nb/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Vi rettet også en feil som førte til at du ikke kunne slå på mørkt tema i Signal hvis du hadde slått på lyst tema i operasjonssystemet." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Det nye filtreringsikonet ved siden av søkefeltet gjør det enkelt å finne uleste samtaler." } } diff --git a/_locales/nl/messages.json b/_locales/nl/messages.json index ab57ebf4e9..1936e2cc31 100644 --- a/_locales/nl/messages.json +++ b/_locales/nl/messages.json @@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ "messageformat": "Acties voor verhaal {story}" }, "icu:sendAnyway": { - "messageformat": "Toch verzenden" + "messageformat": "Toch versturen" }, "icu:safetyNumberChangeDialog_send": { "messageformat": "Verzenden" @@ -1377,7 +1377,7 @@ "messageformat": "{count, plural, one {{count,number} persoon wordt niet toegevoegd aan de oproep.} other {{count,number} personen worden niet toegevoegd aan de oproep.}}" }, "icu:CallingPendingParticipants__RequestsToJoin": { - "messageformat": "{count, plural, one {{count,number} verzoek om deel te nemen aan de oproep} other {{count,number} verzoeken om deel te nemen aan de oproep}}" + "messageformat": "{count, plural, one {{count,number} deelnameverzoek} other {{count,number} deelnameverzoeken}}" }, "icu:CallingPendingParticipants__WouldLikeToJoin": { "messageformat": "Wil graag deelnemen…" @@ -3354,13 +3354,13 @@ "messageformat": "Een beheerder heeft voor één persoon de groepsuitnodiging van {memberName} ingetrokken." }, "icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from-you--one--other": { - "messageformat": "{adminName} heeft de groepsuitnodiging die je naar {inviteeName} hebt verzonden, ingetrokken." + "messageformat": "{adminName} heeft de groepsuitnodiging die je naar {inviteeName} hebt gestuurd, ingetrokken." }, "icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from-you--one--you": { "messageformat": "Je hebt je groepsuitnodiging voor {inviteeName} ingetrokken." }, "icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from-you--one--unknown": { - "messageformat": "Een beheerder heeft de groepsuitnodiging die je naar {inviteeName} hebt verzonden, ingetrokken." + "messageformat": "Een beheerder heeft de groepsuitnodiging die je naar {inviteeName} hebt gestuurd, ingetrokken." }, "icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from--many--other": { "messageformat": "{count, plural, one {{adminName} heeft voor {count,number} persoon de groepsuitnodiging van {memberName} ingetrokken.} other {{adminName} heeft voor {count,number} personen de groepsuitnodiging van {memberName} ingetrokken.}}" @@ -3372,13 +3372,13 @@ "messageformat": "{count, plural, one {Een beheerder heeft voor {count,number} persoon de groepsuitnodiging van {memberName} ingetrokken.} other {Een beheerder heeft voor {count,number} personen de groepsuitnodiging van {memberName} ingetrokken.}}" }, "icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from-you--many--other": { - "messageformat": "{count, plural, one {{adminName} heeft de groepsuitnodiging die je naar {count,number} persoon hebt verzonden, ingetrokken.} other {{adminName} heeft de groepsuitnodiging die je naar {count,number} personen hebt verzonden, ingetrokken.}}" + "messageformat": "{count, plural, one {{adminName} heeft de groepsuitnodiging die je naar {count,number} persoon hebt gestuurd, ingetrokken.} other {{adminName} heeft de groepsuitnodiging die je naar {count,number} personen hebt gestuurd, ingetrokken.}}" }, "icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from-you--many--you": { "messageformat": "{count, plural, one {Je hebt je groepsuitnodiging voor {count,number} persoon ingetrokken.} other {Je hebt je groepsuitnodiging voor {count,number} personen ingetrokken.}}" }, "icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from-you--many--unknown": { - "messageformat": "{count, plural, one {Een beheerder heeft de groepsuitnodiging die je naar {count,number} persoon hebt verzonden, ingetrokken.} other {Een beheerder heeft de groepsuitnodiging die je naar {count,number} personen hebt verzonden, ingetrokken.}}" + "messageformat": "{count, plural, one {Een beheerder heeft de groepsuitnodiging die je naar {count,number} persoon hebt gestuurd, ingetrokken.} other {Een beheerder heeft de groepsuitnodiging die je naar {count,number} personen hebt gestuurd, ingetrokken.}}" }, "icu:GroupV2--admin-approval-add-one--you": { "messageformat": "Je hebt een verzoek verstuurd om lid te worden van de groep." @@ -4359,7 +4359,7 @@ "messageformat": "In afwachting" }, "icu:MessageDetailsHeader--Sent": { - "messageformat": "Verzonden aan" + "messageformat": "Verstuurd naar" }, "icu:MessageDetailsHeader--Delivered": { "messageformat": "Afgeleverd aan" @@ -5007,7 +5007,7 @@ "messageformat": "Nieuwe updates verschijnen hier." }, "icu:Stories__list--sending": { - "messageformat": "Versturen…" + "messageformat": "Verzenden…" }, "icu:Stories__list--send_failed": { "messageformat": "Verzenden is mislukt" @@ -5031,13 +5031,13 @@ "messageformat": "Privéreactie aan het verzenden…" }, "icu:Stories__toast--sending-reaction": { - "messageformat": "Reactie versturen…" + "messageformat": "Reactie verzenden…" }, "icu:Stories__toast--hasNoSound": { "messageformat": "Dit verhaal heeft geen geluid" }, "icu:Stories__failed-send": { - "messageformat": "Dit verhaal kon niet naar iedereen worden verstuurd. Controleer je internetverbinding en probeer het opnieuw." + "messageformat": "Dit verhaal kon niet naar iedereen worden verzonden. Controleer je internetverbinding en probeer het opnieuw." }, "icu:StoriesSettings__title": { "messageformat": "Verhaalprivacy" @@ -5226,7 +5226,7 @@ "messageformat": "Weergaven uit" }, "icu:StoryViewer__sending": { - "messageformat": "Versturen…" + "messageformat": "Verzenden…" }, "icu:StoryViewer__failed": { "messageformat": "Verzenden is mislukt. Klik om opnieuw te proberen" @@ -5370,10 +5370,10 @@ "messageformat": "Een link delen met de kijkers van je verhaal" }, "icu:Stories__failed-send--full": { - "messageformat": "Verhaal kan niet worden verstuurd" + "messageformat": "Verhaal kan niet worden verzonden" }, "icu:Stories__failed-send--partial": { - "messageformat": "Het verhaal kon niet naar alle ontvangers worden verstuurd" + "messageformat": "Het verhaal kon niet naar alle ontvangers worden verzonden" }, "icu:TextAttachment__placeholder": { "messageformat": "Tekst toevoegen" @@ -5530,7 +5530,7 @@ "messageformat": "Bewerkingsgeschiedenis" }, "icu:ResendMessageEdit__body": { - "messageformat": "Deze bewerking kan niet worden verstuurd. Controleer je internetverbinding en probeer het opnieuw" + "messageformat": "Deze bewerking kan niet worden verzonden. Controleer je internetverbinding en probeer het opnieuw" }, "icu:ResendMessageEdit__button": { "messageformat": "Opnieuw verzenden" @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "We hebben ook een fout opgelost waardoor het donkere thema in Signal niet meer werkte als de instellingen van je besturingssysteem waren ingesteld op een licht thema." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Het nieuwe filterpictogram naast het zoekvak maakt het gemakkelijk om snel ongelezen chats te vinden. Maar neem gerust de tijd om te beslissen of je ook daadwerkelijk gaat antwoorden als je ze eenmaal hebt gelezen." } } diff --git a/_locales/pa-IN/messages.json b/_locales/pa-IN/messages.json index aa7cfb5f47..5b1a4d9130 100644 --- a/_locales/pa-IN/messages.json +++ b/_locales/pa-IN/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "ਅਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਖ਼ਰਾਬੀ ਨੂੰ ਦਰੁਸਤ ਕੀਤਾ ਹੈ ਜਿਸ ਵਿੱਚ ਓਪਰੇਟਿੰਗ ਸਿਸਟਮ ਦੀਆਂ ਸੈਟਿੰਗਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਲਾਈਟ ਥੀਮ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਕੌਂਫਿਗਰ ਕਰਨ 'ਤੇ Signal ਦੀ ਡਾਰਕ ਥੀਮ ਖ਼ਰਾਬ ਹੋ ਜਾਂਦੀ ਸੀ।" }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "ਖੋਜ ਬਾਕਸ ਦੇ ਅੱਗੇ ਮੌਜੂਦ ਨਵਾਂ ਫਿਲਟਰ ਆਈਕਨ ਤੇਜ਼ੀ ਨਾਲ ਨਹੀਂ-ਪੜ੍ਹੀਆਂ ਚੈਟਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਲੱਭਣਾ ਆਸਾਨ ਬਣਾਉਂਦਾ ਹੈ।" } } diff --git a/_locales/pl/messages.json b/_locales/pl/messages.json index 469738f526..8bcc380793 100644 --- a/_locales/pl/messages.json +++ b/_locales/pl/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Naprawiliśmy również błąd, który powodował niepoprawne działanie trybu ciemnego w aplikacji Signal wtedy, gdy w ustawieniach systemowych komputera skonfigurowano tryb jasny. Teraz Signal Desktop i Twój komputer mogą być niczym yin i yang." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Nowa ikona filtra obok pola wyszukiwania ułatwia odnajdywanie czatów z nieodczytanymi wiadomościami. Czy odpiszesz? Ta decyzja należy do Ciebie." } } diff --git a/_locales/pt-BR/messages.json b/_locales/pt-BR/messages.json index 787cba9b19..1f91534572 100644 --- a/_locales/pt-BR/messages.json +++ b/_locales/pt-BR/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Corrigimos um erro que impedia o tema escuro do Signal de funcionar quando o sistema operacional estava configurado para o tema claro." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "O novo ícone de filtro ao lado da barra de pesquisa torna ainda mais fácil localizar rapidamente suas conversas não lidas. Você pode visualizar e gerenciar essas mensagens com praticidade, decidindo se deseja marcá-las como lidas ou manter como não lidas, conforme sua preferência." } } diff --git a/_locales/pt-PT/messages.json b/_locales/pt-PT/messages.json index 1e3e1f61fb..0068bf4145 100644 --- a/_locales/pt-PT/messages.json +++ b/_locales/pt-PT/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Também corrigimos um erro que fazia o tema escuro do Signal deixar de funcionar quando as definições do seu sistema operativo estivessem configuradas para usar o tema claro." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "O novo ícone de filtro na caixa de pesquisa torna fácil encontrar chats não lidos." } } diff --git a/_locales/ro-RO/messages.json b/_locales/ro-RO/messages.json index 87c7631006..c6e3c015fc 100644 --- a/_locales/ro-RO/messages.json +++ b/_locales/ro-RO/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Am remediat și o eroare care făcea să cedeze modul întunecat în Signal atunci când setările sistemului de operare erau configurate pentru a utiliza modul luminos. Signal Desktop poate gestiona acum corect personalitatea ta dublă din punct de vedere tematic." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Noua pictogramă de filtru de lângă caseta de căutare facilitează găsirea rapidă a conversațiilor necitite, dar nu ezita să-ți acorzi timp pentru a decide dacă le lași citite sau nu după ce ai văzut ce au de spus." } } diff --git a/_locales/ru/messages.json b/_locales/ru/messages.json index 3e89cf341b..f1ae153c1d 100644 --- a/_locales/ru/messages.json +++ b/_locales/ru/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Мы также исправили ошибку, из-за которой тёмная тема в Signal не работала, если в настройках операционной системы было задано использование светлой темы. Signal Desktop теперь может успешно подстраиваться под вашу тематически раздвоенную личность." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Новый значок фильтра рядом с окном поиска позволяет легко находить непрочитанные чаты, но не спешите решать, стоит ли оставлять их в прочитанном после прочтения." } } diff --git a/_locales/sk-SK/messages.json b/_locales/sk-SK/messages.json index d8a8bb101c..e7a72f250f 100644 --- a/_locales/sk-SK/messages.json +++ b/_locales/sk-SK/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Opravili sme tiež chybu, ktorá spôsobovala zrušenie tmavej témy v aplikácii, keď boli nastavenia operačného systému nakonfigurované na používanie svetlej témy." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Nová ikona filtra vedľa vyhľadávacieho poľa uľahčuje rýchle vyhľadanie neprečítaných četov." } } diff --git a/_locales/sl-SI/messages.json b/_locales/sl-SI/messages.json index 8c9affc220..06d4dc40a5 100644 --- a/_locales/sl-SI/messages.json +++ b/_locales/sl-SI/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Odpravili smo tudi napako, ki je onemogočala temno temo v Signalu, če so bile nastavitve operacijskega sistema konfigurirane za uporabo svetle teme. Signal Desktop lahko zdaj ustrezno obravnava vašo tematsko razdeljeno osebnost." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Z novo ikono filtra poleg polja za iskanje lahko hitro poiščete neprebrane klepete." } } diff --git a/_locales/sq-AL/messages.json b/_locales/sq-AL/messages.json index 2323ca3ffb..80a263973d 100644 --- a/_locales/sq-AL/messages.json +++ b/_locales/sq-AL/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Kemi rregulluar edhe defektin që prishi temën e errët në \"Signal\" kur cilësimet e sistemit operativ u konfiguruan për të përdorur një temë të hapur. Signal Desktop tani mund ta trajtojë siç duhet personalitetin tënd të ndarë tematikisht." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Ikona e re e filtrit pranë kutisë së kërkimit e bën të lehtë gjetjen e shpejtë të bisedave të palexuara, por mos ngurro të marrësh kohën tënde për të vendosur nëse do t'i lësh ose jo të lexuara pasi të shohëh se çfarë kishin për të thënë." } } diff --git a/_locales/sr/messages.json b/_locales/sr/messages.json index e5c22a2fea..65ac0b567f 100644 --- a/_locales/sr/messages.json +++ b/_locales/sr/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Такође смо исправили грешку у тамној теми у Signal-у када су подешавања оперативног система конфигурисана да користе светлу тему." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Нова икона филтера поред поља за претрагу олакшава брзо проналажење непрочитаних ћаскања." } } diff --git a/_locales/sv/messages.json b/_locales/sv/messages.json index c09b1271bb..eceb0abed4 100644 --- a/_locales/sv/messages.json +++ b/_locales/sv/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Vi har också åtgärdat en bugg som gjorde att det mörka temat i Signal inte fungerade när operativsystemet var inställt på att använda ett ljust tema." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Den nya filterikonen bredvid sökrutan gör det enkelt att snabbt hitta olästa chattar." } } diff --git a/_locales/sw/messages.json b/_locales/sw/messages.json index cb273f2479..32f95c0276 100644 --- a/_locales/sw/messages.json +++ b/_locales/sw/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Pia tulirekebisha hitilafu iliyoharibu mandhari meusi katika Signal mipangilio ya mfumo wako wa uendeshaji iliposakinishwa kutumia mandhari meupe. Signal Desktop sasa inaweza kumudu kwa usahihi split personality zako." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Aikoni mpya ya chujio karibu na kisanduku cha kutafutia hurahisisha kupata gumzo ambazo hazijasomwa kwa haraka, lakini jisikie huru kuchukua muda wako kuamua kuziacha zikisomwa au kutoziacha baada ya kuona walichosema." } } diff --git a/_locales/ta-IN/messages.json b/_locales/ta-IN/messages.json index 8324b6adf9..94a37092d3 100644 --- a/_locales/ta-IN/messages.json +++ b/_locales/ta-IN/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "பிரகாசமான தீமைப் பயன்படுத்த உங்கள் இயக்க முறைமை அமைப்புகள் உள்ளமைக்கப்பட்டபோது, சிக்னலில் இருண்ட தீம் செயலிழக்கும் பிழையையும் நாங்கள் சரிசெய்துள்ளோம்." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "தேடல் பெட்டிக்கு அடுத்துள்ள புதிய வடிகட்டி ஐகான் படிக்காத சாட்ஸை விரைவாகக் கண்டறிவதை எளிதாக்குகிறது." } } diff --git a/_locales/te-IN/messages.json b/_locales/te-IN/messages.json index 88df0311a8..a771a88091 100644 --- a/_locales/te-IN/messages.json +++ b/_locales/te-IN/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "మీ ఆపరేటింగ్ సిస్టమ్ సెట్టింగ్లు లైట్ థీమ్ను ఉపయోగించడానికి కాన్ఫిగర్ చేయబడినప్పుడు Signal లో డార్క్ థీమ్ను విచ్ఛిన్నం చేసిన బగ్ను కూడా మేము పరిష్కరించాము. Signal డెస్క్టాప్ ఇప్పుడు మీ ఇతివృత్తంగా విభజించబడిన వ్యక్తిత్వాన్ని సరిగ్గా నిర్వహించగలదు." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "శోధన పెట్టె పక్కన ఉన్న కొత్త ఫిల్టర్ ఐకాన్ చదవని చాట్లను త్వరగా కనుగొనడాన్ని సులభతరం చేస్తుంది." } } diff --git a/_locales/th/messages.json b/_locales/th/messages.json index 3fc76fdbdb..59ea10ead3 100644 --- a/_locales/th/messages.json +++ b/_locales/th/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "เรายังจัดการแก้ไขบั๊กที่มักทำให้ Signal ในธีมมืดขัดข้องเมื่อระบบปฏิบัติการของเครื่องคุณถูกตั้งค่าไว้เป็นธีมสว่าง" }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "เพิ่มไอคอนตัวกรองไว้ด้านข้างกล่องค้นหาเพื่อให้คุณค้นหาแชทที่ยังไม่ได้อ่านได้ง่ายและรวดเร็วขึ้น" } } diff --git a/_locales/tl-PH/messages.json b/_locales/tl-PH/messages.json index 50410a21ee..0c73d79008 100644 --- a/_locales/tl-PH/messages.json +++ b/_locales/tl-PH/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Inayos rin namin ang bug na sumisira sa dark theme sa Signal kapag ang operating system settings mo ay naka-set na gamitin ang light theme." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Pinapadali ng bagong filter icon sa tabi ng search box ang paghahanap ng unread chats." } } diff --git a/_locales/tr/messages.json b/_locales/tr/messages.json index 588c50f51c..353931798b 100644 --- a/_locales/tr/messages.json +++ b/_locales/tr/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "İşletim sistemi ayarların açık tema kullanacak şekilde yapılandırıldığında Signal'deki koyu temayı bozan bir hatayı da düzelttik. Signal Desktop bundan böyle tematik olarak bölünmüş kişiliğini doğru bir şekilde ele alabilir." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Arama kutusunun yanındaki yeni filtre simgesi, okunmamış sohbetleri hızlıca bulmayı kolaylaştırır." } } diff --git a/_locales/ug/messages.json b/_locales/ug/messages.json index a47394123a..6f677c1f67 100644 --- a/_locales/ug/messages.json +++ b/_locales/ug/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "بىز يانفۇن مەشغۇلات سىستېمىڭىزنىڭ تەڭشىكى يېنىك تېمىغا تەڭشەلگەندە ، سىگنالدىكى قاراڭغۇ تېمىنى ئۆچۈرۈۋېتىدىغان كەمتۈكنىمۇ ئوڭشىدۇق. سىگنال ئۈستەلئۈستى ھازىر باشتېما بۆلۈنىدىغان ئەھۋالنى مۇۋاپىق بىر تەرەپ قىلالايدۇ." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "ئىزدەش رامكىسىنىڭ يېنىدىكى يېڭى سۈزگۈچ سىنبەلگىسى ئوقۇلمىغان پاراڭلارنى تېز تېپىشنى ئاسانلاشتۇرىدۇ." } } diff --git a/_locales/uk-UA/messages.json b/_locales/uk-UA/messages.json index f55fc01f27..2936463be7 100644 --- a/_locales/uk-UA/messages.json +++ b/_locales/uk-UA/messages.json @@ -4125,7 +4125,7 @@ "messageformat": "Поради щодо безпеки" }, "icu:MessageRequestWarning__dialog__details": { - "messageformat": "У вас немає спільних груп з цією особою. Уважно розглядайте запити перед тим, як їх прийняти, щоб уникнути небажаних повідомлень." + "messageformat": "У вас немає спільних груп із цією людиною. Щоб уникнути небажаних повідомлень, не приймайте запитів без уважної перевірки відправника." }, "icu:MessageRequestWarning__dialog__learn-even-more": { "messageformat": "Про запити на листування" @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Ми також виправили помилку, через яку не працювала темна тема в Signal, якщо ваша операційна система використовувала світлу. Тепер Signal Desktop не виринатиме з темряви, навіть якщо деінде ви надаєте перевагу світлу." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "З новим значком фільтра біля поля пошуку можна швидко й легко знаходити непрочитані чати. А от відповісти одразу чи потягнути час ще трошки — вирішувати тільки вам." } } diff --git a/_locales/ur/messages.json b/_locales/ur/messages.json index eefd56a796..d3dd77f8b3 100644 --- a/_locales/ur/messages.json +++ b/_locales/ur/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "ہم نے ایک ایسے نقص کو بھی ٹھیک کیا جو آپ کے آپریٹنگ سسٹم کی سیٹنگز کو لائٹ تھیم پر سیٹ کرنے کے بعد Signal کی ڈارک تھیم کو خراب کر رہا تھا۔ Signal Desktop اب آپ کی تھیم پر مبنی سپلٹ شخصیت کو اچھی طرح ہینڈل کر سکتا ہے۔" }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "تلاش کے باکس کے ساتھ موجود نئے فلٹر آئیکن کی مدد سے غیر پڑھی ہوئی چیٹس کو جلدی سے تلاش کرنا آسان ہو جاتا ہے۔" } } diff --git a/_locales/vi/messages.json b/_locales/vi/messages.json index 4a759cf6ed..73c5adeb41 100644 --- a/_locales/vi/messages.json +++ b/_locales/vi/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "Chúng tôi cũng đã sửa lỗi ảnh hưởng đến giao diện chủ đề tối của Signal khi hệ điều hành sử dụng chủ đề sáng." }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "Biểu tượng bộ lọc mới ở cạnh ô tìm kiếm giúp tìm cuộc trò chuyện chưa đọc dễ dàng hơn." } } diff --git a/_locales/yue/messages.json b/_locales/yue/messages.json index b496ed0e23..018bcf7e84 100644 --- a/_locales/yue/messages.json +++ b/_locales/yue/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "我哋仲修正咗一個錯誤,以後當你嘅作業系統設定咗用淺色主題嗰陣,Signal 嘅深色主題都唔會受到影響。" }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "搜尋方格隔離嘅新篩選圖示可以幫你極速搵到未讀嘅聊天。" } } diff --git a/_locales/zh-CN/messages.json b/_locales/zh-CN/messages.json index cba20d2ed2..a2ebcc4752 100644 --- a/_locales/zh-CN/messages.json +++ b/_locales/zh-CN/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "我们还修复了一个漏洞,当您的操作系统设置配置为使用日间模式时,该漏洞会使 Signal 显示夜间模式。" }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "搜索框旁边的新筛选图标可以让用户轻松快捷地查找未读聊天。" } } diff --git a/_locales/zh-HK/messages.json b/_locales/zh-HK/messages.json index d067d09827..f3821df1c0 100644 --- a/_locales/zh-HK/messages.json +++ b/_locales/zh-HK/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "我們還修正了一個錯誤,就是當你的作業系統設定為使用淺色主題時,會破壞 Signal 深色主題的錯誤。" }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "搜尋方塊旁邊的新篩選圖示可讓你輕鬆快速找到未讀的聊天,但在看到聊天內容後,你也可以慢慢決定是否讓聊天內容變為已讀狀態。" } } diff --git a/_locales/zh-Hant/messages.json b/_locales/zh-Hant/messages.json index f96b9482a2..2601e0a742 100644 --- a/_locales/zh-Hant/messages.json +++ b/_locales/zh-Hant/messages.json @@ -5786,6 +5786,6 @@ "messageformat": "我們還修正了一個錯誤,就是當你的作業系統設定為使用淺色主題時,會破壞 Signal 深色主題的錯誤。" }, "icu:WhatsNew__v7.35--0": { - "messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say." + "messageformat": "搜尋方塊旁邊的新篩選圖示可讓你輕鬆快速找到未讀的聊天,但在看到聊天內容後,你也可以慢慢決定是否讓聊天內容變為已讀狀態。" } }