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ShinyCMS Documentation

Release Notes

This file contains information about changes (particularly breaking changes) between releases - with the most recent release first.

2020-12-03 20.12 December 2020: The 'ShinyAccess and ActiveStorage' Edition

* GitHub tag:

* Plugin versions:
    * All plugin versions bumped to 20.12 - they've all had commits since 20.11 release

    * User profile data moved from users table into shiny_profiles_* tables
        * Migration only handles table structure - DATA MIGRATION IS NOT HANDLED
            * (When people are using the CMS in production, I'll write data migrations) :)
    * Feature Flag name changes:
        * recaptcha_for_registration -> recaptcha_for_registrations
        * profile_pages -> user_profiles
    * ShinyLists unsubscribe route changed from PUT to DELETE

* Fixes since 20.11
    * Fatal errors that could prevent the CMS from starting at all:
        * ShinyPlugin checks whether plugins exist before attempting to load them
        * ShinyPlugin de-duplicates SHINYCMS_PLUGINS before attempting to load them all
    * Security issues:
        * Admin area:
            * Authorisation check when accessing /admin/stats (Blazer)
        * Main site:
            * Don't add new comments (or show reply links & forms) if discussion is locked
    * Errors that only broke a specific page or feature-set:
        * Get rid of double '.../search/search' in admin area search forms
        * Displaying user profile pic from ActiveStorage works in local disk mode too
    * Wasted database space:
        * When dropping a comment flagged as 'blatant spam' by Akismet...
            * Don't create CommentAuthor and EmailRecipient records!
    * Lurkers (hadn't broken anything yet, but not the intended behaviour):
        * 'Page with all element types' factory was adding each type twice

* Added since 20.11
    * Gems:
        * Bugsnag gem
            * Monitoring and bug triage service
        * Cloudflare gem
            * Puts real IP address in request.ip, instead of Cloudflare proxy address
    * Plugins:
        * ShinyAccess
            * New plugin - adds basic ACL features for main site
                * Admin pages to add/remove Access Groups, and members of those groups
                * Main site helper to check access group membership, can be used to selectively show/hide content in any template
        * ShinyProfiles:
            * As part of separation from user accounts:
                * Main site page for users to edit their profile data
                * Admin area features for managing user profiles
        * ShinyNewsletters:
            * New rake task, to enqueue scheduled sends when they pass their send_at
    * Main app:
        * JSON endpoint to search usernames (used by ShinyAccess)
    * Support libs (helpers, concerns, etc):
        * ShinyTemplate / ShinyElement
            * Use ActiveStorage for image elements
        * Rake tasks:
            * `shiny:sessions:clean` for removing short (probably bot) session data
        * Utility scripts:
            * New dotenv wrapper scripts for dev environment (to pick up .env.*):
                * `tools/shiny-bundle-install` wraps `bundle install`
                    * Only matters if you don't want all of the plugins
                * `tools/shiny-sidekiq-dev` wraps `sidekiq`
                    * Only matters if you want to override default value of any ENV var mentioned in config/sidekiq.yml
    * Config:
        * Explicit config for HTML sanitizer - used when displaying blog posts etc
            * (full submitted HTML is stored, but output is heavily filtered)
            * Added a number of 'basic necessity' tags and attributes to the allow-list that weren't allowed through by default (e.g. img tag, class attribute)
        * More explicit config options to enable web stats and email open/click tracking
    * Documentation:
        * Moved content from docs/Developers/ to create docs/
            * (GitHub looks for the latter and automatically shares it with PR creators)
        * 'How to' guide for setting up a new site
        * Basic information about some supported/tested cloud hosting services
        * Stub doc for new ShinyAccess feature/plugin
        * Separate doc for rake tasks for developers (just shiny:demo:dump currently)
        * Notes on user personas (tl,dr: 'user' will probably (primarily) describe a different sub-group of CMS users to different types of developer)

* Changed since 20.11
    * Plugins:
        * ShinyProfiles:
            * Finish separating user profile data from user account data
        * ShinyBlog:
            * Change main site paging to use 'newer'/'older' links instead of full pager
    * Support libs (helpers, concerns, etc):
        * Move implementation of feature_flag_enabled? method from helper to model
        * Admin menu sections default to closed instead of open
        * Refactored plugin generator to make it more rubocop-compliant
            * Extracted lots of little blocks of functionality into their own methods
            * Moved a large chunk of the overall functionality into a new PluginBuilder file
    * Data:
        * Default data now includes a basic dashboard and charts for Blazer
        * Demo site data now includes the ActiveStorage tables
    * Themes:
         * Assets and JavaScript files for themes are now kept in vendor/ not app/
    * Tests:
        * Mocked Akismet gem .open and .check methods
            * No longer need a network connection for the tests to run
            * Tests aren't using up credits on my Akismet test account
    * Documentation:
        * Plugins: added details of 'special' integration views and helpers
        * Themes: updated paths for assets etc
        * ShinyNewsletters: added details of rake task for scheduled sends
        * Rake tasks: expand on purpose of each task
        * Updates to TODO/in-progress/done docs

* Removed since 20.11
    * User profile details removed from user account model ( and related code
        * (Now handled by ShinyProfiles plugin instead)

2020-11-09 20.11 November 2020: The 'tricky second album' release

* GitHub tag:

* Plugin versions:
    * All raised to 20.11 - there have been code changes in every single plugin since the 20.10 release

* Updates and changes since 20.10:
    * General:
        * Ruby version: 2.7.1 -> 2.7.2
    * Rubocop:
        * Added some enforcement of preferred whitespace rules
        * Various updates to config for new versions with new cops
    * Configuration:
        * Added Setting.get_int method to get integer values from setting strings
        * Added Setting.true? method to get boolean results from 'true'/'false' setting strings
        * Started moving config that isn't secrets/credentials from ENV vars to Setting model
    * Supporting code (Helpers, Concerns, etc):
        * Added helper methods to abstract anywhere a main site view called a model
        * Renamed Plugin model to ShinyPlugin
        * Renamed FeatureFlagsHelper to ShinyFeatureFlagHelper
        * Renamed PagingHelper to ShinyPagingHelper
        * Renamed ElementsHelper to ShinyElementHelper
        * Refactored AkismetHelper to allow checking generic form submissions as well as comments
        * Pulled methods from ShinyMainSiteHelper into their own files:
            * Added ShinyConsentHelper for retrieving ConsentVersion details
            * Added ShinySettingsHelper for retrieving config settings
    * Comments/Discussions:
        * Changes to names of settings and code relating to who can post a comment (anon/etc)
        * Moved comment author details into a separate model
    * Mailer templates:
        * Added fancier MJML templates for discussion, user, and email recipient mailers

* New since 20.10:
    * General:
        * Added .env.test file, replacing some setup code in spec/spec_helper.rb
    * Gems:
        * acts_as_paranoid (add soft delete to models)
        * kaminari_route_prefix (fix kaminari pagination with Rails Engines routes)
        * sidekiq-status (display additional details in sidekiq web dashboard)
    * Supporting code (Helpers, Concerns, etc):
        * Added ShinyPaging concern, to set up kaminari pagination on a model
        * Added ShinySoftDelete concern, to set up acts_as_paranoid on a model
        * Added ShinyClassName concern, for easy access to an i18n-translated name for a type of site content from its model (e.g. 'blog post')
        * Added ShinyTemplateElement, to group common behaviour of template elements
        * Added ShinyPostAtomFeed and ShinyPostAtomFeedEntry, for constructing atom feeds
    * Admin Area:
        * Added pagination to index/list pages for most plugins/features
        * Added search to index/list pages for most plugins/features
        * Added new page for viewing and managing non-user-account Email Recipients
        * Added new 'Email' menu section, containing above page & mailer previews
        * Added menu item for Sidekiq web dashboard
    * Plugins:
        * ShinyBlog & ShinyNews
            * Added atom feed generation (can be written to local disk or AWS S3)
            * Added pagination on main site
        * ShinyForms
            * Added reCAPTCHA and Akismet checking for form submissions
        * ShinyNewsletters
            * Added 'drag to sort' in admin area, for:
                * Elements on Newsletter Edition and Newsletter Template edit pages
        * ShinyPages
            * Added 'drag to sort' in admin area, for:
                * Elements on Page and Page Template edit pages
                * Pages and Sections on main Page/Section list page (/admin/pages)

* Fixes since 20.10:
    * Fixed names of user mailer methods in various places (by adding '_instructions')
    * Added missing edit-capability templates in a few plugins, that were causing admins to lose capabilities when edited and saved via the web UI

2020-10-01 20.10 October 2020: The 'First Birthday' release

* This is the first release, in celebration of 1 whole year working on this project!

* GitHub tag: