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Compiling, Assembling, Linking and

File metadata and controls

286 lines (205 loc) · 16.2 KB
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Compilation Steps

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A GCC, provides a compiler driver that invokes the language preprocessor, compiler, assembler, and linker, as needed on behalf of the user:

  1. The driver first runs the C preprocessor cpp which translates the C source file hello.c into an intermediate file hello.i
  2. Next, the driver runs the C compiler cc1, which translates hello.i into an assembly file hello.s
  3. Then, the driver runs the assembler as, which translates hello.s into a binary relocatable object file hello.o
  4. Finally, it runs the linker ld, which combines hello.o and printf.o, along with the necessary system object files, to create the binary executable object file hello


Static Linking

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Static linker ld takes as input relocatable object files and generates as output a fully linked executable object file that can be loaded and run

To build the executable, the linker must perform two main tasks:

  1. Symbol resolution - associating each symbol reference with exactly one symbol definition
  2. Relocation - associating a memory location with each symbol definition, and then modifying all of the references to those symbols so that they point to this memory location. Relocation is performed using relocation entries, generated by the assembler

Linking with Static Libraries

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Static library is a collection of relocatable object files, with a header that describes the size and location of each member object file. Static library is stored in an archive denoted with the .a suffix

The linker copies only the object files in the library that are referenced by the application program, which reduces the size of the executable on disk and in memory. The programmer only needs to include the names of a few library files instead of all required object files

Static libraries have some disadvantages:

  • Programs must be explicitly relink against the updated libraries
  • At run time, code for common functions (e.g. printf, scanf) is duplicated in the text segment of each running process

Dynamic Linking with Shared Libraries

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Shared library (shared object) is an object file that, at either run time or load time, can be loaded at an arbitrary memory address and linked with a program in memory. Shared library is denoted by the .so suffix

Shared libraries are "shared" in two different ways:

  1. There is exactly one .so file for a particular library in a file system. The code and data in this .so file are shared by all of the executable object files that reference the library, as opposed to the contents of static libraries, which are copied and embedded in the executables that reference them
  2. A single copy of the .text section of a shared library in memory can be shared by different running processes

Dynamic linking process:

  1. Loader loads the partially linked executable
  2. Loader loads and runs the dynamic linker using the name from the .interp section
  3. Dynamic linker performs relocations for the executable file and its shared objects. Linker uses data in .dynamic, .plt and .got sections
  4. Dynamic linker transfers control to the program

In Linux dynamic linker is a shared object and is loaded as position-independent code; the system creates its segments in the dynamic segment area used by mmap

Position-Independent Code (PIC)


A key purpose of shared libraries is to allow multiple running processes to share the same library code in memory. To allow that, the code segments of shared modules are compiled so that they can be loaded anywhere in memory without having to be modified by the linker

Code that can be loaded without needing any relocations is known as position-independent code (PIC)

To produce PIC compilers generate a global offset table (GOT) in .got section and a procedure linkage table (PLT) in .plt section, used by the dynamic linker and executable

Object Files (ELF)

Created by the assembler and linker, object files are binary representations of programs intended to execute directly on a CPU

Linux uses Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) for object files, specified in System V ABI

There are three types of object files:

  1. Relocatable object file contains code and data suitable for linking with other object files to create an executable or a shared object file
  2. Shared object file contains code and data suitable for linking in two contexts
    1. Linker may process it with other relocatable and shared object files to create another object file
    2. Dynamic linker combines it with an executable file and other shared objects to create a process image
  3. Executable object file contains code and data in a form that can be copied directly into memory and executed

ELF Header

Describes the file organization

Important fields are:

  • e_type: Object file type
    • ET_REL: Relocatable object file
    • ET_EXEC: Executable object file
    • ET_DYN: Shared object file
  • e_machine: Target architecture (e.g. x86-64)
  • e_entry: Entry point's virtual address
  • e_phoff: Program header table file offset
  • e_shoff: Section header table file offset
  • e_ehsize: Size (in bytes) of the ELF header
  • e_shentsize: Size of a section header table entry
  • e_shnum: Number of entries in the section header table
  • e_phentsize: Size of a program header table entry
  • e_phnum: Number of entries in the program header table

Program Header Table

Provides a segment view, describing a mapping of contiguous chunks of the executable file to contiguous memory segments. It is used by the OS and dynamic linker when loading an ELF into a memory for execution

Executable and shared object files must have a program header table; relocatable files do not need one

An object file segment contains one or more sections. For example, the code segment contains .init, .text, .rodata sections; the data segment contains .data, .bss sections

Each header contains the following:

  • p_type: Type of the segment
    • PT_LOAD: Loadable segment, the bytes from the file are mapped to the beginning of the memory segment
    • PT_DYNAMIC: Dynamic linking information (holds the .dynamic section)
    • PT_INTERP: Runtime interpreter information (holds .interp section)
  • p_flags: Segment flags
    • PF_X: Executable segment
    • PF_W: Writable segment
    • PF_R: Readable segment
  • p_offset: Offset of the segment in the file image
  • p_vaddr: Virtual address of the segment in memory
  • p_filesz: Size (in bytes) of the segment in the file image
  • p_memsz: Size (in bytes) of the segment in memory
  • p_align: Segment alignment

Section Header Table

Provides a section view, describing all the sections in the object file

Files used during linking must have a section header table; other object files may or may not have one

Each header contains the following:

  • sh_name: An offset to a string in the .shstrtab section that represents the name of this section
  • sh_type: Type of the section
    • SHT_PROGBITS: Program data (such as machine instructions or constants)
    • SHT_SYMTAB: Symbol table
    • SHT_DYNSYM: Dynamic linker symbol table
    • SHT_STRTAB: String table
    • SHT_REL: Relocation entries
    • SHT_DYNAMIC: Dynamic linking information
    • SHT_NOBITS: Uninitialized data
  • sh_flags: Section flags
    • SHF_WRITE: Contains data that should be writable during execution
    • SHF_ALLOC: Occupies memory during process execution, not set for .bss section
    • SHF_EXECINSTR: Contains executable machine instructions
  • sh_addr: Virtual address of the section in memory, for sections that are loaded
  • sh_offset: Offset of the section in the file image
  • sg_size: Size (in bytes) of the section in the file image
  • sh_link: Link to another section
  • sh_addralign: Section alignment
  • sh_entsize: Size (in bytes) of each entry, for sections that contain entries (e.g. symbol table, relocation table)


Some common sections:

  • .init: Executable code that performs initialization tasks
  • .text: The machine code of the compiled program
  • .rodata: Read-only data such as the format strings in printf statements
  • .data: Initialized writable data
  • .bss: Uninitialized data. This section occupies no actual space in the object file
  • .rel.*: Relocation information, e.g. a relocation section for .text is in .rel.text
  • .dynamic: Dynamic linking structures and objects
  • .debug: A debugging symbol table
  • .symtab: A symbol table which associates a symbolic name to functions and global variables
  • .shstrtab: A string table that contains the names of all the sections in the binary
  • .strtab: A string table, containing symbols names, used by symbol tables in .symtab and .debug sections
  • .dynsym: Same as .symtab but contains symbols needed for dynamic-linking
  • .dynstr: Same as .strtab but contains strings needed for dynamic-linking
  • .interp: Path name of the dynamic loader (interpreter)
  • .plt: Procedure linkage table
  • .got: Global offset table

Auxiliary Vector

Auxiliary vector contains information from the OS about the environment in which it is operating. For example, entry with AT_SYSINFO type contains the pointer to the global system page used for system calls

The primary customer of the auxiliary vector is the dynamic linker

Auxiliary vector is an array of entries:

  • a_type: Entry type
    • AT_SYSINFO_EHDR: Location of the vDSO page on x86-64
    • AT_EXECFN: Location of the program filename
    • AT_ENTRY: Program entry point
  • a_un: Value interpreted according to a_type

Loader puts auxiliary vector auxv on the process stack along with other information like argc, argv and envp

Symbol Resolution

The purpose of symbol resolution is to associate each symbol reference with exactly one symbol definition

The linker resolves symbol references by associating each reference with exactly one symbol definition from the symbol tables of its input relocatable object files

Symbol Table

Symbol tables are built by assemblers, using symbols exported by the compiler

Symbol table entry contains:

  • st_name: Symbol name, byte offset into the string table in .strtab section
  • st_value: Symbol address
    • For ET_REL, an offset from the beginning of the section that st_shndx identifies
    • For ET_EXEC and ET_DYN, a virtual address
  • st_size: Size (in bytes) of the object
  • st_info: Symbol type and binding (e.g. data or function, local or global)
  • st_shndx: Index into the section header table, denoting the section this symbol is assigned to


Whenever the assembler encounters a reference to an object whose target location is unknown, it generates a relocation entry that tells the linker how to modify the reference when it merges the object files together

Relocation Table

Relocation entries for code are placed in .rel.text. Relocation entries for data are placed in

Relocation entry contains:

  • r_offset: Relocation address
    • For ET_REL, an offset within a section in which the relocation have to take place
    • For ET_EXEC and ET_DYN, a virtual address affected by a relocation
  • r_info: Both the symbol table index and the relocation type. Some common types are:
    • R_X86_64_PC*: Relocate a reference that uses a PC-relative address
    • R_X86_64_*: Relocate a reference that uses an absolute address

Program Loading

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Linux program runs in the context of a process with its own virtual address space

Loading and running the dynamically linked program comprises of the following steps:

  1. When the shell runs a program, the parent shell process forks a child process that is a duplicate of the parent
  2. The child process invokes the loader via the execve() system call
  3. The loader deletes the child's existing virtual memory segments
  4. Loader sets up the virtual memory for the new program with ASLR support
    1. Maps the program file PT_LOAD segments into the process's address space, setting up the new program's memory layout
    2. Maps the vDSO into the virtual address space
    3. Populates the auxiliary vector
      1. The AT_EXECFN value holds the location of the program filename
      2. The AT_ENTRY value holds the address of the program entry point (_start() function), initialized by the kernel from the e_entry ELF header field
    4. Sets up the stack by inserting the data to the new program's stack
      1. The argument count argc and arguments argv
      2. Environment variables expv
      3. The populated auxiliary vector auxv
  5. Loads interpreter, specified by the PT_INTERP program header, into memory similar to the program loading described above
  6. Sets the entry point to the interpreter entry point, rather than that of the program itself
  7. Loader returns from the execve() system call
  8. Interpreter (dynamic linker) performs dynamic linking — finding and loading the shared libraries, and resolving the program's undefined symbols to the correct definitions in those libraries
  9. Interpreter jumps to the _start() function (at the address recorded in AT_ENTRY auxiliary value), defined in the system object file crt1.o
  10. The _start() function calls the system startup function, __libc_start_main(), which is defined in
  11. It initializes the execution environment and calls the application main() function

Aside from some header information, there is no copying of data from disk to memory during loading. A process does not require a physical page unless it references the logical page during execution, at which point the OS transfers the page from disk to memory using its paging mechanism. Thus, executable and shared object files must have segment images whose file offsets and virtual addresses are congruent, modulo the page size

Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)

With ASLR, different parts of the program, including program code, library code, stack, global variables, and heap data, are loaded into different regions of memory each time a program is run. That means that a program running on one machine will have very different address mappings than the same program running on other machines, which eliminate some form of attacks
