- Facility Migrations
- Status Updates to Lighthouse
- Facility Service Updates to Lighthouse
- System Banner Alerts and Situation Updates to GovDelivery
Whenever any NCA facility, VAMC facility, VBA faciltiy, Vet Center, or Vet Center Outstation has a change of "Operating status", "Operating status - more info", or "Supplemental status" saved in VACMS (whether by an editor, or migration), a change is added to the "post API queue" by module:va_gov_post_api. When cron runs, any items in the queue are posted to the Lighthouse API.
To meet the need for getting timely information related to COVID-19 Vaccines out to the Facility Locator, we are pushing this data to Lighthouse any time a "COVID-19 Vaccines" facility service is saved under the following criteria:
- New and published
- New and draft
- Draft of unpublished
- Archived
Drafts of a published service are intentionally not pushed. A change post is added to the "post API queue" by module:va_gov_post_api. When cron runs, any items in the queue are posted to the Lighthouse API. Queueing logic is all handled in PostFacilityService.php. This service is currently only using Covid-19 Vaccines but is expandable to handle more or eventually all services.
There are several errors that can happen on the push of services to the Facility API
- 200 Response from Lighthouse means the data was recieved and accepted. Item is removed from queue.
- 200 Fake response from TIC, the item did not get processed. The failure is logged to Dblog. Item is removed from queue.
- 201, 202 The facility for this service no longer exists. Service accepted but discarded by Lighthouse. Logged to Dblog and alerted to Slack:CMS-notifications. Item is removed from queue.
- Any other code, logs an error to dblog and leaves the item in the queue. Will also result in loud error from the next item down.
- When the queue runs, if it ever has the same number of items at the end as when it started, it notifies Slack:CMS-notifications
Information related to this can be found in CMS Content Model Document for Full Width Banner alerts with Situation Updates
flowchart TD
subgraph CMS
FWB[Full width banner alert created/updated] -->|optional| Q(add GovDelivery Bulletin to Queue)
SU[Situation Update created] -->|optional| Q
Q --> GDqueue
GDqueue[(Bulletin Queue)]
GDendpoint[CMS GovDelivery endpoint] --> PQ(Process all pre start-time items in Bulletin Queue)
PQ ---> GDsend(Send each item to GovDelivery)
GDqueue -.->PQ
subgraph Content-build
CB1[Content release start] -->|record start-time|CB2[GraphQL Queries]
CB2 --> CB3[Content built and deployed]
CB3 --> CBfinal[Ping CMS GovDelivery endpoint with start-time]-.->GDendpoint
GDsend -.->GovDelivery[/GovDelivery\]