diff --git a/products/Debt Resolution/digital-dispute/product-outline.md b/products/Debt Resolution/digital-dispute/product-outline.md
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+++ b/products/Debt Resolution/digital-dispute/product-outline.md
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+# Digital Debt Dispute
+## Overview
+*After you've explored the problem and through testing / hypothesis have identified the ideal solution, write up one sentence describing the solution you'll be creating.*
+## Problem Statement
+*In a couple of sentences, describe the Who, What, Why, and Where of the challenge / pain point you seek to address. [Here's a sample problem statement definition activity you can try on your team to help generate this](https://www.atlassian.com/team-playbook/plays/problem-framing)*
+*Follow your problem description up with a "How might we... _______" statement re-framing that challenge as an opportunity. Don't hint too much at what the solution might be, you should have enough of a focal point here to guide your ideas, but plenty of freedom to think laterally and innovatively as you experiment and prototype later.*
+## Desired User Outcomes
+- *Why would a user want to use this?*
+- *With this problem solved, what should users be able to do/achieve that they couldn't before?*
+## Undesired User Outcomes
+## Desired Business Outcomes
+- *Why would your business want this to exist?*
+- *With this problem solved, what should your business be able to do/achieve that they couldn't before?*
+## Undesired Business Outcomes
+## Measuring Success
+### Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
+* *What data (qual or quant) will you look at to understand if your initial set of functionality is meeting your desired user and business outcomes, and not bringing about the undesired outcomes?*
+* _What are the most important metrics that track with this product/initiative's success?_
+* _Include links to Domo or Google Analytics Dashboards/Reports_
+* _**Limit 5-6 KPIs per product**__
+| Category | Ease of use | Service completion | Trust/Satisfaction | Health |
+| KPI | | | | |
+| KPI | | | | |
+#### Baseline KPI Values
+* _Baseline values for those most critical metrics. These may come from other systems other than VA.gov e.g. eBenefits._
+### Objectives and Key results (OKRs)
+_What are the measurable targets you're aiming for that delivers value for Veterans?_
+- Objective:
+ - Key result:
+ - Key result:
+## Assumptions
+- *Include indication of which assumption you think is most risky. Your Solution Approach (next section) should describe how you'll validate that assumption w/your initial set of functionality*
+## Solution Approach
+- *What are you going to build now, and why have you decided to start there?*
+- *Why this solution / approach over other solutions / approaches?*
+- *What have you explicitly decided to not include in this initial set of functionality, and why?*
+- *How will the solution / approach evolve after this initial build (knowing that this will likely change as you learn from users along the way)?*
+### Initiatives
+*Include initiatives (iterations, new features, etc.) to improve this product. See the [Initiative Brief Template](https://github.com/department-of-veterans-affairs/va.gov-team/blob/master/teams/vsa/product/initiative-brief-template.md)*
+- Initiative | [Link to Initiative Brief](#)
+## Launch Strategy
+- *How are Veterans and others using this product going to know it exists?*
+- *What marketing, outreach, or communications are necessary for this product to be successful?*
+- [Link to Release Plan](https://github.com/department-of-veterans-affairs/va.gov-team/blob/master/platform/product-management/release-plan-template.md)
+## Launch Dates
+- *Target Launch Date*
+ - Early December 2024
+- *Actual Launch Date*
+ - tbd
+- *What date will you evaluate impact after launch (and when do you expect to have your Impact Review)?*
+ - Early February 2025
+## Solution Narrative
+### Current Status
+### Key Decisions
+## Screenshots
+### Before
+### After
+#### Communications
+- Team Name: Debt Resolution
+- GitHub Label:
+- Slack channel: #debt-resolution
+- Product POCs: Denise Coveyduc, Tom Davis
+- Stakeholders: Robert Vitt; Debt Management Center (DMC)
+#### Team Members
+ - DEPO Lead: Denise Coveyduc
+ - PM: Tom Davis
+ - Engineering:
+ - Research/Design:
+#### Stakeholders
+_What offices/departments are critical to make this initiative successful?_