- React.js
- React Query
- TypeScript
- Shadcn
- Tailwind CSS
- Appwrite
Authentication System: A robust authentication system ensuring security and user privacy
Explore Page: Homepage for users to explore posts, with a featured section for top creators
Like and Save Functionality: Enable users to like and save posts, with dedicated pages for managing liked and saved content
Detailed Post Page: A detailed post page displaying content and related posts for an immersive user experience
Profile Page: A user profile page showcasing liked posts and providing options to edit the profile
Browse Other Users: Allow users to browse and explore other users' profiles and posts
Create Post Page: Implement a user-friendly create post page with effortless file management, storage, and drag-drop feature
Edit Post Functionality: Provide users with the ability to edit the content of their posts at any time
Responsive UI with Bottom Bar: A responsive UI with a bottom bar, enhancing the mobile app feel for seamless navigation
React Query Integration: Incorporate the React Query (Tanstack Query) data fetching library for, Auto caching to enhance performance, Parallel queries for efficient data retrieval, First-class Mutations, etc
Backend as a Service (BaaS) - Appwrite: Utilize Appwrite as a Backend as a Service solution for streamlined backend development, offering features like authentication, database, file storage, and more...
and many more, including code architecture and reusability
If you have any questions or need more information, please feel free to contact us:
- Email: ahmedfaresss417@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dev-ahmedfares/