Releases: dev-family/admiral
Releases · dev-family/admiral
What's new:
Localization (ruRU):
- Added support for Russian (ruRU) localization.
Refactoring Localization Logic:
- Updated enUs format to enUS.
- Removed the locales file.
- Consolidated all localization files into the locales folder, now assembled as an AdmiralLocale object.
- Moved the Logout button to the auth folder for better organization.
Localization can now be easily imported from the admiral package and applied to the Admin component.
<Admin locale={admiralLocales.enUS} />
What's fixed:
Fixes of previously non-localized elements:
- Notifications for login success or failure.
- Logout button text.
- OAuth label text.
- Updated user card alignment to the left.
What's fixed:
- Select component.
Converting Boolean values to a number
What's new:
Add baseAppUrl props in component to change the base path of the app.
It's works with react-routerExample:
<Admin baseAppUrl="/app" />
What's new:
- export admiralLocales from entry point
What's fixed:
- return to previous page in CRUD after edit Submit
What's fixed?
- SelectInput selectList is now accepting value === 0
- SelectInput disabling drag&drop actions on disabled state of component
What's fixed?
- FilePictureInput component disabled state. Now it could work with preview and download active buttons in FileList.
What’s new?
- Debounce for quick filters
- When adding a new block inside ArrayInput, shift the focus to the input field
What's fixed?
- Page reloading after logout for reset all data
- Change the styles of quick filters for better cross-browser compatibility
What’s new??
- Form Components:
Connected onChange method to BooleanInput, ColorPicketInput, DatePickerInput, DraggerInput, EditorInput, MultilineTextInput, PasswordInput, RadioInput, SelectInput, SlugInput, TextInput, TimePickerInput.