Adding short copyright text or link to the copied website content. Used with jQuery library.
options (optional parameter)
Type: Object
Additional options for coppied text
- extratxt — Additional text/link to copy with content. Default: 'Подробнее: %link%'. You can use %link% and %source% tags here if needed. %link% will be replaced with tag with URL in anchor text. %source% will be replaced with tag with sourcetxt text.
- sourcetxt — Anchor text for %source% tag in extratxt content. Default: 'Источник'.
- length — Minimum length of text allowed to copy without copyrights restrictions. Default: 150.
- hide — Hide copyrights in HTML. Default: true.
- allowcopy — Is content allowed to copy? Default: true. If FALSE then big parts of content will be not copied. Otherwise copyright link added.
- first — Add copyrights in beggining of copied content or in the end if first=false. Default: false.
- style — Additional CSS-style for copyrights. Default: ''.
- className — HTML class for element with copyrights. Default: 'copyright-span'.
Protect content in <article>
tag with link to your site.
<script src="js/copyright.js"></script>
Protect text from copy in DIV
with .content
class and set custom copyright text "© Sergey Koksharov" and make name linked to original site.
extratxt: '© %source%',
sourcetxt: 'Sergey Koksharov',
hide: false
Content protection script successfully tested on following browsers:
- Safari
- Mozilla Firefox
- Google Chrome
- Chromium
- Yandex Browser
- Opera and IE has some issues described below.
Opera: adding link in the beggining of content not working properly. With parameter "first: true" text in Opera Browser will not be copied.
Internet Explorer: has the same issue as Opera (using first: true disabled coping proccess). Also if user clicks Ctrl+C
2 or more times it gets 2 or more additional text/link in buffer. So using "first" parameter not recommended if you audience mainly use IE browser.
copyright.js is available under the MIT license.