This design of API has been inspired by the Hexagonal Architecture.
NuGet Packages:
MongoDB 7.0 database
- Local server
cd D:/Programs/mongodb-7.0/bin md log md data mongod --logpath log/mongod.log --dbpath data --port 27017
docker run --name mongodb70 -d -p 27017:27017 mongo:7.0
MongoDB Atlas cluster
Database indexes
docker run --rm --link mongodb -v "$(pwd)/scripts":/home/scripts mongo:7.0 bash -c "mongo mongodb://mongodb:27017/keeptrack /home/scripts/mongo-create-index.js"
Key | Description | Default value |
Infrastructure:MongoDB:ConnectionString |
MongoDB connection string | |
Infrastructure:MongoDB:DatabaseName |
MongoDB connection string | inventory |
This values can be easily provided as environment variables (replace ":" by "__") or by configuration (json).
Template for src/Api/appsettings.Development.json
"Authentication": {
"JwtBearer": {
"Authority": "<firebase-project-id>",
"TokenValidation": {
"Issuer": "<firebase-project-id>",
"Audience": "<firebase-project-id>"
"Infrastructure": {
"MongoDB": {
"ConnectionString": "mongodb://localhost:27017",
"DatabaseName": "keeptrack"
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"KeepTrack": "Debug",
"Withywoods": "Debug"
Create a file firebase.config.js
in src/BlasorWebAssemblyApp/wwwroot
export var firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: "******",
authDomain: "******",
databaseURL: "******",
projectId: "******",
storageBucket: "******",
messagingSenderId: "******",
appId: "1:******:web:******",
measurementId: "******"
dotnet restore
dotnet build
# run the API (https://localhost:5011/)
dotnet run --project src\Api
# run the Blazor WebAssembly web app (https://localhost:5021)
dotnet watch run --project src\BlazorWebAssemblyApp
For integration tests, to manage the configuration (secrets) you can create a file at the root directory called Local.runsettings
or define them as environment variables:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
And execute all tests (unit and integration ones):
dotnet test --settings Local.runsettings
- Add the outbout IP to the MongoDB Atlas cluster
- Add the application url to Firebase domains
- Create web project in Firebase and grab ids to be set to environment.ts file
- Create a GitHub OAuth application (,
- Add urls in Azure web app CORS page
- Backup MongoDB database
docker run --rm -it --workdir=/data --volume $(pwd):/data mongo:6.0 /bin/sh -c "mongodump --uri mongodb+srv://<USER>:<PASSWORD>@<CLUSTER>.<PROJECT>"
- Restore MongoDB database
docker run --rm -it --workdir=/data --volume $(pwd):/data mongo:6.0 /bin/sh -c "mongorestore --uri mongodb+srv://<USER>:<PASSWORD>@<CLUSTER>.<PROJECT>"