title | description | position | category |
Fun2s commands |
Fun2s commands |
2 |
Other |
The fun2s
command is the command that converts the template.yaml
recognized by Funcraft DevTools into the s.yaml
recognized by Serverless Devs.
When executing the command fun2s -h
/fun2s --help
, you can get help documentation.
| Full name of parameter | Abbreviation of parameter | Required in Cli mode | Meaning of parameter |
| -------- | -------- | ------------- | ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------- |
| force | - | Optional | Forcibly overwrite the existing/specified Serverless Devs resource description file |
| region | - | Optional | Region, reads Funcraft's configuration by default. Value range: cn-hangzhou, cn-beijing, cn-beijing, cn-hangzhou, cn-shanghai, cn-qingdao, cn-zhangjiakou, cn-huhehaote, cn-shenzhen, cn-chengdu, cn-hongkong, ap -southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ap-southeast-3, ap-southeast-5, ap-northeast-1, eu-central-1, eu-west-1, us-west-1, us-east -1, ap-south-1
| source | - | Optional | Funcraft's configuration file path (default is template.yaml
) |
| target | - | optional | path to the generated Serverless Devs configuration file (default is s.yaml
) |
| access | a | Optional | The key used in this request can be used via [config command](https://github.com/Serverless-Devs/Serverless-Devs/tree/master/docs/en/command/ config.md#config-add-command) configured key information, and [key information configured to environment variables](https://github.com/Serverless-Devs/Serverless-Devs/tree/master/docs/ en/command/config.md#Configure key information through environment variables) |
The current command also supports some global parameters (such as
, etc.). For details, please refer to Serverless Devs global parameters document
You can use the fun2s
command in the Funcraft project directory to implement Yaml specification conversion, for example:
s cli fc fun2s --region cn-shenzhen --target ./s.yml
[2021-11-02T19:51:25.418] [INFO ] [FC-TRANSFORM] - Using funcraft yaml: /Users/jiangyu/demo/test/start-fc-http-python3/template.yml
[2021-11-02T19:51:25.429] [INFO ] [FC-TRANSFORM] - Reminder serverless devs yaml path: /Users/jiangyu/demo/test/start-fc-http-python3/s.yml
Tips for next step
* Deploy Function: s deploy -t ./s.yml
* Invoke Event Function: s local invoke -t ./s.yml
* Invoke HTTP Function: s local start -t ./s.yml
At this point, the original Funcraft specification's template.yaml
can be converted into a s.yaml
that supports the Serverless Devs specification.
Before conversion (template.yaml
ROSTemplateFormatVersion: '2015-09-01'
Transform: 'Aliyun::Serverless-2018-04-03'
Type: 'Aliyun::Serverless::Service'
Description: 'helloworld'
Type: 'Aliyun::Serverless::Function'
Handler: index.handler
Runtime: nodejs10
CodeUri: './'
After conversion (s.yaml
edition: 1.0.0
name: transform_fun
access: default
region: cn-shenzhen
component: devsapp/fc
region: ${vars.region}
name: start-fc-http-python3
description: helloworld
internetAccess: true
name: start-fc-http-python3
handler: index.handler
runtime: nodejs10
codeUri: ./