title | description | position | category |
service field |
service field |
2 |
Yaml-Spec |
Parameter Name | Required | Type | Parameter Description |
name | True | String | service name |
description | False | String | A short description of the Service |
internetAccess | False | Boolean | Set to true to allow the function to access the public network |
tracingConfig | False | String | Link tracing, available values: Enable, Disable |
role | False | String[Simple configuration]/Struct[Detailed configuration] | The RAM role that grants the permissions required by Function Compute, the usage scenarios include 1. Send the log generated by the function To the user's logstore 2. Generate a token for the function to access other cloud resources during execution |
logConfig | False | Enum[simple configuration]/Struct[detailed configuration] | log configuration, the log generated by the function will be written to the logstore configured here |
vpcConfig | False | Enum[simple configuration]/Struct[detailed configuration] | VPC configuration, after configuration, the function can access the specified VPC |
nasConfig | False | Enum[simple configuration]/Struct[detailed configuration] | NAS configuration, after configuration, the function can access the specified NAS |
vpcBinding | False | List<String> | Allow only the specified VPCs to access the function |
name: unit-deploy-service
description: 'demo for fc-deploy component'
internetAccess: true
System Policy: AliyunFCFullAccess
Custom Policy
is optional by default.
"Version": "1",
"Statement": [
"Action": "fc:CreateService",
"Resource": "acs:fc:<region>:<account-id>:services/*",
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": "fc:UpdateService",
"Resource": "acs:fc:<region>:<account-id>:services/<serviceName>",
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": "fc:GetService",
"Resource": "acs:fc:<region>:<account-id>:services/<serviceName>",
"Effect": "Allow"
Custom Policy
"Version": "1",
"Statement": [
"Action": "fc:DeleteService",
"Resource": "acs:fc:<region>:<account-id>:services/<serviceName>",
"Effect": "Allow"
When the role
parameter is a string, it can be: acs:ram::xxx:role/AliyunFcDefaultRole
When the role
parameter is a structure, you can refer to:
Parameter Name | Required | Type | Parameter Description |
name | True | String | Character name |
policies | True | List<Struct> | list of policies |
name: roleName
- AliyunOSSFullAccess
- name: myPolicy
description: custom policy
- Effect: Allow
- log:ListProject
- acs:log:*:*:project/*
System Policy: AliyunFCFullAccess
, AliyunRAMFullAccess
"Statement": [
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "*"
"Version": "1"
Where policies
represents a list of policies. When this field is used, the locally configured ak needs to have permission to create policies and roles. The elements in the list support strings and policy
structures, which can be referred to:
Parameter Name | Required | Type | Parameter Description |
name | True | String | Policy name |
description | False | String | Policy description |
statement | True | List<Struct> | Policy content list |
Among them, statement
represents the list of policy content, and the structure of the elements in the list can be referred to:
Parameter Name | Required | Type | Parameter Description |
Effect | True | String | Strategy effect, optional values are 'Allow' and 'Deny' |
Action | True | List<String> | Policy Action |
Resource | True | String/List<String> | Policy's target resource |
Condition | False | Object | Condition of the policy |
When the logConfig
parameter is a simple configuration, it can be: auto
When the logConfig
parameter is a structure, you can refer to:
Parameter Name | Required | Type | Parameter Description |
logstore | False | String | logstore name in loghub |
project | False | String | project name in loghub |
enableRequestMetrics | False | Boolean | RequestMetrics switch, value true /false |
enableInstanceMetrics | False | Boolean | InstanceMetrics switch, value true /false |
logBeginRule | False | String | Whether the log is split, the value is DefaultRegex /None |
Examples: |
name: unit-deploy-service
description: 'demo for fc-deploy component'
internetAccess: true
role: <role-arn> # role 为已配置好的,配置内容参考服务角色权限
# logConfig: auto
project: XXX
logstore: XXX
when logConfig is auto project name generation rule {accountID}-{region}-logproject logstore name generation rule 'fc-service-{serviceName}-logstore'.toLocaleLowerCase()
System policy: AliyunFCFullAccess
, AliyunLogFullAccess
- when
is notauto
Custom Policy
"Statement": [
"Action": "ram:PassRole",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "*"
"Version": "1"
- when
Custom Policy
System Policy: AliyunLogFullAccess
Custom Policy
When the vpcConfig
parameter is a simple configuration, it can be: auto
When the vpcConfig
parameter is a structure, you can refer to:
Parameter Name | Required | Type | Parameter Description |
securityGroupId | False | String | Security Group ID |
vSwitchIds | False | List<String> | List of switch IDs |
vpcId | False | String | VPC ID |
name: unit-deploy-service
description: 'demo for fc-deploy component'
internetAccess: true
role: <role-arn> # role 为已配置好的,配置内容参考服务角色权限
# vpcConfig: auto
vpcId: xxx
securityGroupId: xxx
- vsw-xxx
System Policy: AliyunFCFullAccess
, AliyunVPCFullAccess
, AliyunECSFullAccess
Deployment minimum permissions <[Service permissions reference](#Permissions required by sub-accounts)>
- when
is notauto
Custom Policy
"Resource": "*"
"Version": "1"
- when
System Policy: AliyunVPCReadOnlyAccess
Custom Policy
System Policy: AliyunECSNetworkInterfaceManagementAccess
When the nasConfig
parameter is a simple configuration, it can be: auto
When the nasConfig
parameter is a structure, you can refer to:
| Parameter Name | Required | Type | Parameter Description | | --------------------------- | ----- | --------------- ------------------------- | -------------------- | | mountPoints | False | List<Struct>[Multiple Directory Configuration] | Directory Configuration | | userId | False | String | userID, default is 10003 | | groupId | False | String | groupID, default is 10003 |
name: unit-deploy-service
description: 'demo for fc-deploy component'
internetAccess: true
role: <role-arn> # role 为已配置好的,配置内容参考服务角色权限
vpcId: xxx
securityGroupId: xxx
- vsw-xxx
userId: 10003
groupId: 10003
- serverAddr: xxx-xxx.cn-shenzhen.nas.aliyuncs.com
nasDir: /unit-deploy-service
fcDir: /mnt/auto
System Policy: AliyunFCFullAccess
, AliyunVPCFullAccess
, AliyunNasFullAccess
- when
is notauto
Custom Policy
"Resource": "*"
"Version": "1"
- when
System Policy: AliyunNasReadOnlyAccess
Custom Policy
System Policy: AliyunECSNetworkInterfaceManagementAccess
Parameter Name | Required | Type | Parameter Description |
serverAddr | False | String | NAS server address |
nasDir | False | String | NAS directory |
fcDir | False | String | Function calculation directory |
Link tracking, possible values: Enable, Disable
name: unit-deploy-service
description: 'demo for fc-deploy component'
internetAccess: true
tracingConfig: Enable
System policy: AliyunFCFullAccess
, AliyunTracingAnalysisReadOnlyAccess