A simple Flask API for predicting whether a person could be a Parkinson's patient or not based on some basic drawings of random shapes that he / she has drawn.
Deployed at: https://rest-api-parkinsons.onrender.com/
Just clone the repository and run the following command in a virtual environment:
pip install -r requirements.txt
There are two end points:
GET @ '/'
- which returns the following:
"msg": "Server is running."
POST @ '/predict'
- It consists of a body with type asform-data
with a keyfile
and a success response with the prediction (healthy or parkinson are the two labels).
"label": "parkinson",
"tensor": "tensor([4.9958e-04, 9.9950e-01])"
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Always looking ahead for suggestions to improve. Cheers!
Up and running. Always adding new features.