Full Cycle strives to incorporate modern development technologies. The goals of Full Cycle Mining Controller are to easily manage a mining farm and on board new equipment. Full Cycle will scale from small embedded devices to large enterprises.
Planned for next release.
- Web site authentication (login)
- Web friendly UI for editing configuration data (miners, pools, etc.)
- Escalate restart if api reset is not successfull
- Mute spurrious alerts to make them more actionable
- Display Miner history
- Expand and configure Miner table
Planned for future releases.
- Web tables should be sortable, filterable and configurable
- Web site authorization and roles
- Address security concerns
- Incorporate market prices, pool data and wallets
- Expand range of sensors and actuators to monitor and control mining operations
- Flesh out the plugin framework
Ongoing tasks that drive development...
- Incorporate feedback for new features and prioritize development efforts
- Continue to expand use cases to support goals
- Investigate and benchmark scalability and performance
- Documentation for Developers and Administrators
- Expand use of database
- Make setup and admin easier
Version 0.2 was released May 30, 2018.
- Stabilize back end
- Fix bugs
- Advance the web front end with a dashboard and additional pages
- Push Real time stats, alerts and sensor data to web browser using server sent events
Version 0.1 was released in May 2018 with the initial commit to GitHub.
- Validate Proof of Concept
- Address technology risk and evaluate technology stack
- Message Bus
- In memory data cache
- Web front end
- Implement basic use cases for monitoring, resetting miners and switching pools