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Lunaria is a fam­ily of sooth­ing, moderate-​contrast color palettes. Lu­naria's col­ors were gen­er­ated al­go­rith­mi­cally, em­ploy­ing the cut­ting edge of color sci­ence: the CAM16 color ap­pear­ance model and its as­so­ci­ated uni­form color space and chro­matic adap­ta­tion trans­form.

Lu­naria in­cludes three dis­tinct palettes:

  • The Light palette is for users who pre­fer to read dark text on a light back­ground. It is de­signed to pro­vide the best fac­sim­ile of ink-​on-paper that an LCD mon­i­tor can pos­si­bly achieve. Its col­ors are op­ti­mized for view­ing in the bright window-​lit con­di­tions typ­i­cal of 21st cen­tury of­fice build­ings, but hold up well in a broad range of con­di­tions.

  • The Dark palette is for users who pre­fer light text on a dark back­ground. Its neu­tral col­ors are de­signed to give an im­pres­sion of a moon­lit night and are de­rived from ac­tual spec­tral data col­lected from the Fred Lawrence Whip­ple moun­tain­top as­tro­nom­i­cal ob­ser­va­tory. It is op­ti­mized for night­time view­ing under dim, warm LED il­lu­mi­na­tion.

  • The Eclipse palette is al­most iden­ti­cal to the Dark palette, but op­ti­mized for the same brighter view­ing con­di­tions as the Light palette is. The most vis­i­ble dif­fer­ence is that the back­ground is darker as a re­sult of com­pen­sat­ing for in­creased view­ing flare (am­bi­ent light re­flected off the mon­i­tor sur­face).

For more information about how Lunaria was constructed and how you can incorporate it into your own work (such as themes for other IDEs or terminals), see For the sources of this extension and other ready-made Lunaria color themes, see


Light screenshot Dark screenshot Eclipse screenshot