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Hospital Management SQL Queries

This document contains advanced SQL queries designed for hospital management systems, addressing patient records, appointments, diagnoses, and operational analysis.

1. Retrieve the Count of Patients Who Visited a Specific Hospital in the Last Month

Description: Count the number of patients who visited hospital ID 1 in the last month.

SELECT COUNT(*) AS patient_count
FROM visits
WHERE hospital_id = 1
  AND visit_date >= DATEADD(MONTH, -1, GETDATE());

2. List All Patients Who Have Not Booked an Appointment in the Past Year

Description: Identify patients who have not booked an appointment in the past year.

SELECT patient_id, name
FROM patients
WHERE patient_id NOT IN (
  SELECT DISTINCT patient_id
  FROM appointments
  WHERE appointment_date >= DATEADD(YEAR, -1, GETDATE())

3. Find the Average Length of Stay for Patients Admitted to a Hospital

Description: Calculate the average length of stay for patients in each hospital.

SELECT hospital_id, AVG(DATEDIFF(day, admission_date, discharge_date)) AS avg_length_of_stay
FROM admissions
GROUP BY hospital_id;

4. Identify Duplicate Patient Records in the Database

Description: Detect duplicate patient records based on their name and date of birth.

SELECT first_name, last_name, date_of_birth, COUNT(*)
FROM patients
GROUP BY first_name, last_name, date_of_birth

5. Retrieve the Total Number of Appointments by Department

Description: Count the number of appointments scheduled for each department.

SELECT department_id, COUNT(*) AS total_appointments
FROM appointments
GROUP BY department_id;

6. Find Doctors Who Have Treated More Than 100 Unique Patients

Description: Identify doctors with a patient count exceeding 100.

SELECT doctor_id, COUNT(DISTINCT patient_id) AS unique_patients
FROM treatments
GROUP BY doctor_id
HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT patient_id) > 100;

7. Detect Gaps in Bed Occupancy for a Specific Hospital

Description: Find gaps in bed occupancy by comparing discharge and admission dates.

WITH cte AS (
  SELECT bed_id, discharge_date, 
         LEAD(admission_date) OVER (PARTITION BY bed_id ORDER BY discharge_date) AS next_admission_date
  FROM admissions
  WHERE hospital_id = 'hospital_id_here'
SELECT bed_id, discharge_date, next_admission_date
FROM cte
WHERE next_admission_date > discharge_date;

8. Retrieve the Top 3 Most Prescribed Medications in the Last Year

Description: Find the most frequently prescribed medications in the past year.

SELECT medication_id, COUNT(*) AS prescriptions_count
FROM prescriptions
WHERE prescription_date >= DATEADD(YEAR, -1, GETDATE())
GROUP BY medication_id
ORDER BY prescriptions_count DESC

9. Find Patients with Multiple Diagnoses for the Same Condition

Description: Identify patients diagnosed multiple times for the same condition.

SELECT patient_id, condition_id, COUNT(*) AS diagnosis_count
FROM diagnoses
GROUP BY patient_id, condition_id

10. Calculate the Readmission Rate of Patients Within 30 Days of Discharge

Description: Determine the percentage of patients readmitted within 30 days of discharge.

WITH readmissions AS (
  SELECT a.patient_id, a.discharge_date, b.admission_date
  FROM admissions a
  JOIN admissions b ON a.patient_id = b.patient_id
  WHERE DATEDIFF(day, a.discharge_date, b.admission_date) <= 30
    AND a.discharge_date < b.admission_date
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT patient_id) * 100.0 / (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM admissions) AS readmission_rate
FROM readmissions;

11. Find the Percentage of Appointments That Were Canceled

Description: Calculate the cancellation rate for all appointments.

  (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM appointments WHERE status = 'Canceled') * 100.0 / COUNT(*), 2
) AS cancellation_rate
FROM appointments;

12. Identify High-Risk Patients Based on Their Medical History

Description: Find patients with more than 3 hospital admissions in the past year.

SELECT patient_id, COUNT(*) AS admission_count
FROM admissions
WHERE admission_date >= DATEADD(YEAR, -1, GETDATE())
GROUP BY patient_id

13. Retrieve the Hospital with the Highest Patient Satisfaction Score

Description: Identify the hospital with the best average satisfaction score.

SELECT hospital_id, AVG(satisfaction_score) AS avg_score
FROM feedback
GROUP BY hospital_id
ORDER BY avg_score DESC

14. List Patients Who Have Not Received Any Medication After Diagnosis

Description: Find patients who were diagnosed but not prescribed any medication.

SELECT d.patient_id, d.condition_id
FROM diagnoses d
LEFT JOIN prescriptions p ON d.patient_id = p.patient_id AND d.condition_id = p.condition_id
WHERE p.prescription_id IS NULL;

15. Calculate the Average Cost Per Treatment Type

Description: Determine the average cost for each type of treatment.

SELECT treatment_type, AVG(cost) AS avg_cost
FROM treatments
GROUP BY treatment_type;

16. Detect Overlapping Shifts for Doctors in a Hospital

Description: Identify overlapping shifts for the same doctor.

SELECT d1.doctor_id, d1.shift_start, d1.shift_end, d2.shift_start AS overlap_start, d2.shift_end AS overlap_end
FROM doctor_shifts d1
JOIN doctor_shifts d2 ON d1.doctor_id = d2.doctor_id
  AND d1.shift_start < d2.shift_end
  AND d1.shift_end > d2.shift_start
  AND d1.shift_id <> d2.shift_id;

17. Find the Total Cost of Treatments Per Patient, Excluding Unpaid Bills

Description: Calculate the total paid cost of treatments for each patient.

SELECT patient_id, SUM(cost) AS total_paid_treatment_cost
FROM treatments
WHERE payment_status = 'Paid'
GROUP BY patient_id;

18. Identify Trends in Patient Visits by Month Over the Past Year

Description: Analyze patient visit trends by month for the last year.

SELECT MONTH(visit_date) AS visit_month, COUNT(*) AS visit_count
FROM visits
WHERE visit_date >= DATEADD(YEAR, -1, GETDATE())
GROUP BY MONTH(visit_date)
ORDER BY visit_month;

19. Calculate the Average Waiting Time for Appointments Per Department

Description: Determine the average waiting time for appointments by department.

SELECT department_id, AVG(DATEDIFF(MINUTE, appointment_scheduled_time, appointment_start_time)) AS avg_waiting_time
FROM appointments
WHERE appointment_start_time IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY department_id;

20. Find the Ratio of Inpatient to Outpatient Visits for Each Hospital

Description: Calculate the ratio of inpatient to outpatient visits for each hospital.

SELECT hospital_id,
       SUM(CASE WHEN visit_type = 'Inpatient' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS inpatient_visits,
       SUM(CASE WHEN visit_type = 'Outpatient' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS outpatient_visits,
       ROUND(SUM(CASE WHEN visit_type = 'Inpatient' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) * 1.0 /
             SUM(CASE WHEN visit_type = 'Outpatient' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 2) AS inpatient_outpatient_ratio
FROM visits
GROUP BY hospital_id;