This document contains advanced SQL queries designed for hospital management systems, addressing patient records, appointments, diagnoses, and operational analysis.
Description: Count the number of patients who visited hospital ID 1
in the last month.
SELECT COUNT(*) AS patient_count
FROM visits
WHERE hospital_id = 1
AND visit_date >= DATEADD(MONTH, -1, GETDATE());
Description: Identify patients who have not booked an appointment in the past year.
SELECT patient_id, name
FROM patients
WHERE patient_id NOT IN (
FROM appointments
WHERE appointment_date >= DATEADD(YEAR, -1, GETDATE())
Description: Calculate the average length of stay for patients in each hospital.
SELECT hospital_id, AVG(DATEDIFF(day, admission_date, discharge_date)) AS avg_length_of_stay
FROM admissions
GROUP BY hospital_id;
Description: Detect duplicate patient records based on their name and date of birth.
SELECT first_name, last_name, date_of_birth, COUNT(*)
FROM patients
GROUP BY first_name, last_name, date_of_birth
Description: Count the number of appointments scheduled for each department.
SELECT department_id, COUNT(*) AS total_appointments
FROM appointments
GROUP BY department_id;
Description: Identify doctors with a patient count exceeding 100.
SELECT doctor_id, COUNT(DISTINCT patient_id) AS unique_patients
FROM treatments
GROUP BY doctor_id
HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT patient_id) > 100;
Description: Find gaps in bed occupancy by comparing discharge and admission dates.
WITH cte AS (
SELECT bed_id, discharge_date,
LEAD(admission_date) OVER (PARTITION BY bed_id ORDER BY discharge_date) AS next_admission_date
FROM admissions
WHERE hospital_id = 'hospital_id_here'
SELECT bed_id, discharge_date, next_admission_date
FROM cte
WHERE next_admission_date > discharge_date;
Description: Find the most frequently prescribed medications in the past year.
SELECT medication_id, COUNT(*) AS prescriptions_count
FROM prescriptions
WHERE prescription_date >= DATEADD(YEAR, -1, GETDATE())
GROUP BY medication_id
ORDER BY prescriptions_count DESC
Description: Identify patients diagnosed multiple times for the same condition.
SELECT patient_id, condition_id, COUNT(*) AS diagnosis_count
FROM diagnoses
GROUP BY patient_id, condition_id
Description: Determine the percentage of patients readmitted within 30 days of discharge.
WITH readmissions AS (
SELECT a.patient_id, a.discharge_date, b.admission_date
FROM admissions a
JOIN admissions b ON a.patient_id = b.patient_id
WHERE DATEDIFF(day, a.discharge_date, b.admission_date) <= 30
AND a.discharge_date < b.admission_date
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT patient_id) * 100.0 / (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM admissions) AS readmission_rate
FROM readmissions;
Description: Calculate the cancellation rate for all appointments.
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM appointments WHERE status = 'Canceled') * 100.0 / COUNT(*), 2
) AS cancellation_rate
FROM appointments;
Description: Find patients with more than 3 hospital admissions in the past year.
SELECT patient_id, COUNT(*) AS admission_count
FROM admissions
WHERE admission_date >= DATEADD(YEAR, -1, GETDATE())
GROUP BY patient_id
Description: Identify the hospital with the best average satisfaction score.
SELECT hospital_id, AVG(satisfaction_score) AS avg_score
FROM feedback
GROUP BY hospital_id
ORDER BY avg_score DESC
Description: Find patients who were diagnosed but not prescribed any medication.
SELECT d.patient_id, d.condition_id
FROM diagnoses d
LEFT JOIN prescriptions p ON d.patient_id = p.patient_id AND d.condition_id = p.condition_id
WHERE p.prescription_id IS NULL;
Description: Determine the average cost for each type of treatment.
SELECT treatment_type, AVG(cost) AS avg_cost
FROM treatments
GROUP BY treatment_type;
Description: Identify overlapping shifts for the same doctor.
SELECT d1.doctor_id, d1.shift_start, d1.shift_end, d2.shift_start AS overlap_start, d2.shift_end AS overlap_end
FROM doctor_shifts d1
JOIN doctor_shifts d2 ON d1.doctor_id = d2.doctor_id
AND d1.shift_start < d2.shift_end
AND d1.shift_end > d2.shift_start
AND d1.shift_id <> d2.shift_id;
Description: Calculate the total paid cost of treatments for each patient.
SELECT patient_id, SUM(cost) AS total_paid_treatment_cost
FROM treatments
WHERE payment_status = 'Paid'
GROUP BY patient_id;
Description: Analyze patient visit trends by month for the last year.
SELECT MONTH(visit_date) AS visit_month, COUNT(*) AS visit_count
FROM visits
WHERE visit_date >= DATEADD(YEAR, -1, GETDATE())
GROUP BY MONTH(visit_date)
ORDER BY visit_month;
Description: Determine the average waiting time for appointments by department.
SELECT department_id, AVG(DATEDIFF(MINUTE, appointment_scheduled_time, appointment_start_time)) AS avg_waiting_time
FROM appointments
WHERE appointment_start_time IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY department_id;
Description: Calculate the ratio of inpatient to outpatient visits for each hospital.
SELECT hospital_id,
SUM(CASE WHEN visit_type = 'Inpatient' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS inpatient_visits,
SUM(CASE WHEN visit_type = 'Outpatient' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS outpatient_visits,
ROUND(SUM(CASE WHEN visit_type = 'Inpatient' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) * 1.0 /
SUM(CASE WHEN visit_type = 'Outpatient' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 2) AS inpatient_outpatient_ratio
FROM visits
GROUP BY hospital_id;