#JSCAMPBCN 2018- Day 2
##The Bumpy Road to Universal JavaScript (Johannes Ewald-jhnns)
build web applications that can be executed both on client and server.
even with Node.js & virtual DOM libraries like React, this can be quite challenging.
common obstacles and problems
performance and security issues.
What is universal JavaScript?
Server side routing & Client Side Routing
special type of web application.
How does it work?
Server renders int HTML, send to browser
- Browser Performance
- Error resilience: the website stays usable
Universal Javascript can be challenging.
From Spa to universal
How does a SPA (single page application) look like?
Webpack, Babel and React.
- Use a bundler to streamline
- Use/ write isomorphic-fetch
- client 1 user, DOM
- server multiple users, HTML string
- Solution: keep process stateless, maintian the app state for each request.
- Create two app entries, client and server entry.
- start.server.js and start.client.js
- hydrate to syncronise
- on both client and server
- initial request (server)
- susequent request (client)
- Solution: node-fetch to fetch() API
- Cross origin proxied via own API
- server end up doing HTTP request against itself.
- Multiple render passes untill all components are executed? No, separate data fetching from the rendering
- app state may contain user data.
- Big JS response size
- replace unnecessariuly big dependencies.
- initial state, intermediate state, final state: user clicks on something.
- nanohref capters clicks reliability, to avoid full page request.
awaiting for the initial HTML to arrive.
client javascript can be send to client, steady.
Further challenges
Long-term caching. uyse webpack.assets-manifest
Post, put, patch and delete (form method/method-override)
300, 400, 500 error code
Authentication, cookies forward to client.
##Break Up With Your Frontend Monolith(Elisabeth Engel)
- boring, just 1 note.
- Microservice, all in one place, front-backend, microservices (seperation), frontend need api calls.
- 1 company= 1 website.
- /home /content /settings
- use different resources, new website.
- develop, run independently, technology agnostic, fast loading, native support, share basicsX, modularX, corporate IdentityX, smooth user interactionX.
- sharing basics, iframes, cms system.
- server side includes.
##Rethinking Enterprise Architectures with Node.js (Kamil Myśliwiec)- creator of Nest.js
- Entities
- Be progressive
- Code: difficult to test and understand.
- Types are usefull. Give more information.
- USe Typescript to minimize problems and enjoy types of code. Reliable on content.
- Facade: input/output.
- no eco-insistency.
- clear architecture (boilerplate and design specification)= not developer-friendly
- To solve, use: NESTJS. www.nestjs.com instead of Nodejs.
- modern patterns to Nodejs.
- NEST is not another framework, it is to make dev. lifes easier for Nodejs.
- it is a flexible framework.
- Low entry treshold, fully-featured.
- include testing facilities, reactive.
- build on nests sockets, (restAPI, microservices)
- compatibility.
- Nest = open source & driven by the community.
software engineer @container solutions.
Machine learning enthusiast.
Expert systems(input and rules- give output)
Machine Learning (data= input and output- give rules)
How machine learning learns?
- By experience (of datapoints)
- by repetition (of training iterations)
Machine Learning in the browser:
client-side input-function-: speed,availability, security.
Practical example: complementary colours (opposite colours).
Human:input-function-output-desired output.
ML: features-network- target (nodes, each is function in itself), prediction.
The prediction is not yet ideal, you have to check with the target.
- create data
- create network (prediction)
- training to be able to need to do things
it runs on the browser and you can use webGL.
Neural Network, not upper ML context. This is network only.
Neural network= network of nodes, single service.
The whole layer = tenser
input tensor (3 input nodes)
output tensor (2 output nodes)
each note is connected to each note.
Weights= properties of the node. Are the heart, determine what to weight.
DENSE LAYER, calculate a value y=x1 X 21 ' x2 X w2
Y = activationFunction(y)
Y = y & bias
training to optimize
Find metric
make changes
check metric for performance.
optimizer. change weight so the loss is the smallest. This you do with slow publish grid.
to find the minimum.
##Semantic, Searchable Webapps with Angular(Martin Splitt)
Google helps people find your search with (google bots)
This is how it used to be:- crawling: extracts content
indexing: follows links
Now website is indexed, and people might find your website.
IMPORTANT: general lessons to all client-side frameworks.
ng name-rating, ng serve, ng build --prod
Sourcecode: Google need specific info about content. Angular takes app root as example. Not specific enough.
use templates
put data in
dom (structured on the three)
This what we want:
Rendering: extracts content
Indexing: Following links, URL, img
The web is large, over 160 trillion documents on the web. And still growing.
Rendering costs resources.
You can not do this cycle in one go.
you need first sources available.
static html right away: give all content at once.
dynamic websites: render lateron.
This what we do:
Crawling: extracts content
Indexing: Following links, URL, img
Rendering: later on.
Angular unversal, server-side rendering, dynamic rendering.
step 1: add dependencies.
step 2: create the server (static, dynamic rendering)
step 3: Build & Serve
Also react, vue, Angular have server-side rendering available.
dont use hash-based routing: example.com/#about, instead use example.com/about
Use redirects to deprecate URLS, use proper redirects
REDIRECT: if you move a page, don´t loose your audience. Server side or JS redirect.(301 or 302).
Use 404/410 for removed content. If you delete a page, tell us not to index it.
Don´t put it in your initial markup by default. Not on every page.
- initial get HTML
- render info
- to help to understand the content.
- HTML is semantic markup language.
- User anchor tags and hrefs.
- More puppers
- Use title, meta description & canonical URLS.
- What is the URL needed to be indexing?
- Avoid soft 404s
- 200= give content. Use 404 instead.
- use 410 if page is gone.
- Avoid sneaky 404s: use URL rewriting, do not hijack 404 logic, test in incognito window.(to make sure no service worker)
- Make sure for all routes, to work initially.
- Service workers makes it tricky. It still looks like it is working, but if another goes there, no service worker installed, get 404 link.
- Make sure to get your content serves on all routes.
- Highlight your content
- structured data expresses meaning: article, book, course, dataset, event, fact check, job posting, etc.
- Add markup to your page. j.son LD
- <script type="application/ld'json">
- @ context, @type, name, imag, description
We help your test your content
Mobile-friendly test
look at source code to see what is rendering, look what is missing.
it is a great way to quickly check your site.
It contains JS console logs.
Structured Data Testing Tool.
Used to see as a sandbox to create some JSON-LD.
Use it to verify your pages with Structured data.
search.google.com/data testing tool
Search Console
Keep an eye on your content
Search quieries & warnings
Indexed URLS, AMP status
Tips summarized
- Pay attention to good URLS
- Use meaningful markup
- use correct HTTP statuses
- Add structured data where useful
- Know the tools & use them.
Do good stuff for the users.
##Service Workers + Web Assembly: Experience implementing a WebP decoder(Kenneth Christiansen)
##How does npm design(Jerry Gabra)
##How to Create 'Vuetiful' Data-Driven User Interfaces (Evan Schultz)