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File metadata and controls

143 lines (104 loc) · 6.17 KB


ProxyConf is nginx tool for dynamic proxy/load-balancer configuration via RESTful interface.

Process should run as same user as nginx (it needs to be able to send SIGHUP to nginx in order to reload config).

Building gem

Install dependencies using ‘bundle install` then `parka bundle` to build gem.

REST interface

Listing registered workers: GET /workers

Returns list of registered workers. Response is in JSON format and it contains hash of hashes of hashes of arrays. Outer hash maps context_id than application_id, inner one - service name.

Example response:

{"context_name": {"app_name":{"service_name":[""]}}}

Getting worker statistics GET /statistics/:max_time

Gets workers usage statistics for last max_time period of time. max_time cannot be greater than access_log_buffer configuration value.

Example response:


Registering workers: POST /workers/add/:context_id/:application_id/:service_name

Registers worker and reloads nginx config. Workers list to be registered should be passed as workers parameter. See example client for more details.

Unregistering workers: POST /workers/delete/:context_id/:application_id/:service_name

Unregisters workers and reloads nginx config. Workers list to be unregistered should be passed as workers parameter.


Usage: proxyconf [options]
    -c, --config FILE                YAML-based configuration file example
    -v, --[no-]verbose               Verbose logging (for debugging)
    -d, --[no-]dev                   Development environment
    -r, --restore                    Restore saved proxyconf state on startup


All rest services are sucured by basic HTTP authentication. Username and password can be set in configuration file.


Configuration resides in YAML-based configuration file. We use two files to feed nginx configuration. We also need to have nginx pidfile.

Example configuration (see example/example_config.yaml.):

bind:                                   # which interface to bind
port:               1234                                 # which port to listen on
username:           username                             # rest service basic auth username
password:           password                             # rest service basic auth password
upstream_config:    /etc/nginx/proxyconf_upstream.conf   # included in http config section
proxy_config:       /etc/nginx/proxyconf_proxy.conf      # included in server config section  
pid_file:           /var/run/                   # nginx pidfile
dump_file:          /home/nginx/proxyconf_dump.yaml      # file used for restoration of the proxyconf state
access_log:         /var/log/nginx/proxyconf.log         # access log used in stats generator
access_log_buffer:  1200                                 # how old entries are kept in memory for statistics (in seconds)
proxy_timeout:      600                                  # proxy timeout in seconds (probably should be higher than 600 seconds)
proxy_send_timeout: 600                                  # proxy send timeout in seconds

To make it do the job you need to include generated files in your /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.

It should look like this:

http {
        log_format  proxyconf   '$upstream_addr   $upstream_response_time $time_local     $status $request_length	$body_bytes_sent'; # note that fields are \t separated
        access_log /var/log/nginx/proxyconf.log proxyconf;       # log file for proxyconf statistics module
        access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log combined;           # standard logfile (we want proxyconf logfile additionally to standard one)

        include /etc/nginx/proxyconf_upstream.conf;

        server {
                listen       80;
                server_name  localhost;


                include /etc/nginx/proxyconf_proxy.conf;

Example client

See example/example_client.rb.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
require 'pp'  

proxyconf ='http://username:password@localhost:1234/')

puts "Register four clients..."
proxyconf["workers/add/context_name/app_name/service_name"].post workers: %w{}

puts "Display client hierarchy..."
puts proxyconf["workers"].get

puts "Dump current state to file..."
puts proxyconf["dump"].post nil

puts "Display client list..."
puts proxyconf["worker_list"].get

puts "Display registered ip list..."
puts proxyconf["ip_list"].get

puts "Get statistics..."
pp JSON.parse(proxyconf['statistics/60'].get)

puts "Unregister one client..."
proxyconf["workers/delete/context_name/app_name/service_name"].post workers: %w{}

puts "Unregister clients from all services..."
proxyconf["workers/delete_all"].post workers: %w{}

puts "Unregister ips from all services..."
proxyconf["workers/delete_all"].post ips: %w{}

puts "Display client hierarchy again..."
puts proxyconf["workers"].get       

puts "Restore saved state..."
puts proxyconf["restore"].post nil

puts "Display client hierarchy once again..."
puts proxyconf["workers"].get