If you quickly want to retrieve infos about Active Directory Based Activation (ADBA) in your domain, you can use this PowerShell One-liner:

Get-ADDomain | %{Get-ADObject -SearchBase "CN=Activation Objects,CN=Microsoft SPP,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,$($_.DistinguishedName)" -LDAPFilter "(objectclass=msspp-activationobject)" -Properties * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | fl displayName,DistinguishedName,Name,msspp-csvlkpartialproductkey }

I haven’t tested it in a multi-domain environment, but I think it should work.


The code uses aliases, which are not great in scripts, but neat in One-Liners. +It uses Get-ADDomain to determine the Distinguished Name for the Domain. This should make the code portable.

Regarding the aliases:

  • % is an alias for ForEach-Object
  • fl is an alias for Format-List