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File metadata and controls

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DBpedia Extraction-Framework QuickStart:


  1. Maven 3.2+
  2. Java 1.8+ ( Did not compile with OpenJdk-10 & 11, just use OpenJdk-8 )
  3. rapper version 2.14
  4. Git
  5. A Text Editor
  6. A data directory, further called DATADIR, a log directory, now further called LOGDIR and an export directory, called ÈXPORTDIR.

1. Setting everything up:

In this section the extraction-framework gets downloaded from the official repository, configured to work on your own system and installed with maven.

  1. git clone
  2. Configure core/main/resources/
    • base-dir: Path to DATADIR
    • log-dir: Path to LOGDIR
  3. Configure your execution properties in dump/*.properties
    • already prepared configurations:
      • the default extraction
      • only extracts mapping datasets
      • configuration options for the spark-extraction. Executes all spark-supported extractors. (no mapping, no NIF, no images)
      • extraction on wikidata datasets
      • pre-configured to download all dumps with more than 10.000 articles
    • configuration options include:
      • require-download-complete: checks directories for the download-complete file
      • languages: list of languages, used for the extraction
      • extractors: list of extractor classes to be used in the extraction
      • extractors.language-code: additional extractor classes used for this language
      • spark-master (sparkextraction only): value for the spark-master. For local mode, you can configure your number of processor-threads to be used with local[X]. Optimum seems to be reached at 32 Threads with the current implementation.
      • spark-local-dir (sparkextraction only): location for sparks temporary files, incase /tmp/ is too small.
  4. mvn install

2. Resource-Downloads

This section describes the gathering of the different input-files for the extraction-framework.

  1. The XML-Dumps:

    The Wikimedia-XML-Dumps are the main source for the extraction. The data is distributed in one file per language per dump-release. The extraction-framework can download these itself with the download script. You also can manually download the files from here.

    • cd dump
    • ../run download
    • (Check if everything is downloaded, if not: start again!)
  2. The Ontology Files:

    This script downloads the latest version of the ontology file used to build valid rdf data.

    • cd core
    • ../run download-ontology
  3. The Mapping Files:

    This script downloads the latest versions of the mappings from the mappings-wiki.

    • cd core
    • ../run download-mappings
  4. The wikidata-r2r Mappings

    This is only needed for the Wikidata-Extraction and downloads the latest version of the additional r2r mappings from the official repository.

    • cd core/src/main/resources && curl > wikidatar2r.json

3. Running the Extraction

  1. Default-Extraction:

    This is the default way of starting the extraction. The extractor classes that get used, and with that the datasets that get produced, can be configured in the .properties file used.

    • cd dump
    • ../run extraction
  2. Spark-Based Extraction:

    The spark-based extraction is using Apache Spark to speed up the extraction of basic datasets. This means it works with every Extractor except MappingExtractor, ImageExtractor and the NIF-Extraction.

    • cd dump
    • ../run sparkextraction
  3. Mappings-based Extraction:

    The mapping-based extraction produces higher quality data through the usage of community-made mapping files. Due to the complexity of this task, the mapping-extraction is currently not supported by the spark-based extraction.

    • cd dump
    • ../run extraction

4. Postprocessing

  1. Wikidata Postprocessing:

    The wikidata files have their own dedicated postprocessing scripts, that should be executed before publishing the data.

    • cd scripts
    • ../run ResolveTransitiveLinks DATADIR redirects transitive-redirects .ttl.bz2 wikidata
    • ../run MapObjectUris DATADIR transitive-redirects .ttl.bz2 mappingbased-objects-uncleaned,raw -redirected .ttl.bz2 wikidata
    • ../run WikidataSubClassOf
    • ../run TypeConsistencyCheck
  2. Preparation for export to the Download-Server & Databus:

    This script moves the data to the ÈXPORTDIR and renames the files according to the naming scheme used by the databus-maven-plugin. Replace DUMPDATE with the current date in the format

    • mkdir EXPORTDIR
    • cd DATADIR
    • extraction-framework/scripts/src/main/bash/ EXPORTDIR src/main/databus/DUMPDATE
  3. Datacleaning (sort -u & rapper): This script sorts, deduplicates and parses your data with the rapper tool.

    • cd DATADIR
    • extraction-framework/scripts/src/main/bash/