This application simulates processing a healthcare claim in Singapore. Healthcare in Singapore is financed through a complex mixture of public subsidies, mandatory personal savings and optional, integrated commercial health insurance. This complexity has resulted in uneven and manual workflows in order to determine the precise amounts owed by MediShield (the public subsidy), the IP Insurer (the commercial healthplan), and the Patient. The application demonstates a straight-thru, real-time process for multi-lateral claims process, starting with the scheduling of a hospital procedure, including the generation of a "Letter of Guarantee" from the commercial insurer, checking in the patient on the date of the appointment, checking out the patient after service delivery, generation of the claim, and finally, payment for the procedure by all parties.
Disclaimer: This reference application is intended to demonstrate the capabilities of the DAML. You are recommended to consider other non-functional aspects, like security, resiliency, recoverability, etc prior to production use.
Be sure you have the following installed.
- Java 8 or higher
- Build, then start the DAML Sandbox and Navigator. Type:
The navigator will automatically open in new browser tab at http://localhost:7500.
daml start
- Stop the Sandbox and the Navigator by pressing Ctrl+C in the DAML assistant.
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