diff --git a/docs/evaluation.md b/docs/evaluation.md index a1266e6..f7211ca 100644 --- a/docs/evaluation.md +++ b/docs/evaluation.md @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Design-oriented, analytical, and quantitative theses are typically shorter than For a Master's thesis, a presentation is required, and a more substantial contribution is expected in line with the higher number of ECTS credits earned. - Written in proper academic English, with a clear structure and line of argument - Follows [citation practices](../../20-research/20_processes/20.29.writing.html), using [APA format](https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples){: target="_blank"}, and refers primarily to peer-reviewed academic papers -- Includes a title page, table-of-contents, abstract, common sections (e.g., IMRAD), a reference section, and appendices (if applicable) +- Includes a title page, table-of-contents, abstract, common sections (e.g., IMRAD), a reference section, and appendices if applicable (a list of figures or tables is not required) - Makes appropriate use of tables and figures, citing each table or figure in the text - Provides clear definitions for key terms