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518 lines (407 loc) · 20.3 KB

bedrock-tokenization ChangeLog

22.1.0 - 2024-11-08


  • Add optional feature (disabled by default) to enable lookups of pairwise token records by value. This is useful for applications that need to quickly resolve a pairwise token to an internalId.
  • Add tokens.resolvePairwiseToken to resolve a pairwise token to an internalId.
  • Expose getPairwiseToken() and upsertPairwiseToken() for external use.

22.0.0 - 2024-03-06


  • BREAKING: Update index on registration.creatorHash to compound index including meta.created. Existing deployments will need to drop the current index.

21.1.1 - 2024-02-27


  • Ensure an expired (but still present in the database) document registration record will be updated when a registration attempt using a matching document is attempted.

21.1.0 - 2023-10-12


  • Add documents.getCount({query}) API which retrieves the total count of document records that match the specified query.
  • Add an index on registration.creatorHash field for tokenization-registration collection.

21.0.2 - 2023-10-11


  • Ensure expired pairwise tokens are refreshed and reused if they are found during a resolution process prior to their eviction from the database.

21.0.1 - 2023-10-10


  • Ensure pairwise token upsert does not loop because of an expired pairwise token record. If an expired record has not been removed from the database when it needs to be used again (during an upsert), it will be auto-refreshed. External processes must remove expired pairwise token records if the autoRemoveExpiredRecords configuration option is not used to cause new pairwise tokens to be generated after expiration.

21.0.0 - 2023-10-06


  • BREAKING: Update peer deps:
    • Use @bedrock/did-io@10. This version requires Node.js 16+.
    • Use @bedrock/tokenizer@10. This version requires Node.js 18+.
  • Update test deps.

20.0.0 - 2023-08-24


  • Add entities.getCount({query}) API which retrieves the total count of entity records that match the specified query.
  • Add an index on meta.created field for tokenization-entity collection.
  • Add a compound index on entity.minAssuranceForResolution and meta.created fields for tokenization-entity collection.


  • BREAKING: Drop support for Node.js 16.

19.2.0 - 2023-03-21


  • Add resolveToEntity to ensure that when resolving a token to an entity that the token used, if unpinned, has not been invalidated. This helper function is for internal use and does not track resolution of the used token against a particular party. It's primary use case is for obtaining an entity to set its minAssuranceForResolution.

19.1.0 - 2023-01-15


  • Include validUntil in token resolution meta data. This value indicates the last Date at which the token that was resolved will be valid.

19.0.0 - 2023-01-13


  • BREAKING: Added a config option, autoRemoveExpiredRecords, to control whether expired records are automatically removed via built-in MongoDB TTL indexes (true = yes, false = no). This is a breaking change because the option is set to false by default, thereby preserving all records that have expired. Previous behavior automatically removed these records after ~24 hours via built-in MongoDB TTL indexes. If this config option is set to false on a system where it was previously set to true, then any instance running with this configuration will NOT delete existing TTL indexes. Setting it to true on a system where it was previously false will result in the creation of new TTL indexes. These TTL indexes will result in the eventual removal of any records that have expired at least 24 hours ago. Note that upgrading a system that used a previous version will require first upgrading the software and then, if the configuration option is set to false, the manual removal of the existing TTL indexes.

18.1.0 - 2023-01-10


  • When new token batches are created for a specific entity, restrict document registration record refreshes to those records that match the internalId associated with the entity. Previous refreshes unnecessarily refreshed registration records that did not match the internalId.

18.0.0 - 2023-01-08


  • BREAKING: Make default token batch TTL 240 instead of 120 days.

17.0.0 - 2023-01-08


  • BREAKING: Use little-endian orders bits in the bitstrings used to track token resolution. This is implemented by using the default options via @digitalbazaar/bitstring@3. Any deployment using a previous version of this module will need to be manually migrated or drop its databases.

16.2.0 - 2022-12-17


  • Add validUntil property in token creation results. This property expresses the Date at which the latest token will expire. Other returns tokens may expire sooner, but the last token in returned will be valid until the given Date.

16.1.0 - 2022-12-04


  • Mark entity record with the token batch ID associated with the last failure to resolve a token due to level of assurance not being met. This tracking is useful in making decisions about whether to lower the minimum required level of assurance for an entity. For example, an application may opt not to lower the minAssuranceForResolution on an entity if its token batches have been invalidated since the last time a token failed to resolve based on assurance not being met.
  • Allow full entity to be passed to setMinAssuranceForResolution to enable the call to return false if the entity's batchInvalidationCount has changed or if there is no tracked assurance-failed token resolution. This allows the caller to be sure that no batch invalidation events after the last time a token failed resolution because of a level of assurance that was too low.
  • Allow lastBatchInvalidationNotAfter to be passed to setMinAssuranceForResolution. This optional parameter prevents an entity's minAssuranceForResolution from being set if its unpinned token batches have been invalidated after the passed Date. The default Date is set to be 15 minutes before system time. This check will only be run when the requireAssuranceFailedTokenResolution flag is set to true (which is also the default). When this flag is true, the minAssuranceForResolution will not be set unless a still-valid assurance-failed token resolution is found and no token batch invalidation has occurred after the specified lastBatchInvalidationNotAfter Date. This ensures that if a user is known to have provided an unpinned token that failed resolution due to a level of assurance that was too low -- that no other user could have done the same within the specified time limit.

16.0.0 - 2022-12-02


  • Add tokens.updateEntityWithNoValidTokenBatches to enable setting an entity's minAssuranceForResolution and invalidating unpinned token batches that are in the process of being created -- if and only if the entity has no current valid unpinned token batches. This method provides a safe mechanism for updating this value only when no valid unpinned token batches exist even if concurrent other processes are making changes to the entity, including adding new unpinned token batches. The method will throw if the entity's state is modified from the current state and will fail (return false) if the entity has any valid unpinned token batches.


  • BREAKING: Default batch version option ttl has been changed from 60 to 120 days. This change will not take affect in existing deployments unless active batch versions are updated in the database.
  • BREAKING: Ensure batch versions cannot be created without an associated tokenizerId. It was invalid to create such batch versions before, but now the API enforces it.
  • BREAKING: Allow multiple batch versions to be associated with the same tokenizer ID, without preventing auto-creation of a new batch version when tokenizer auto-rotation occurs. Existing deployments will have to manually remove the unique batchVersion.tokenizerId index to make it run properly with this new version.
  • BREAKING: The default grace period for removing records that match a TTL index value (controlled by the option expireAfterSeconds) has been changed from 0 to 24 hours. Existing deployments must manually modify the registration, entity, and token batch collection TTL indexes to use this new value or else a conflicting index error will be thrown on startup.
  • BREAKING: Pairwise tokens are now auto-expired via a TTL index. They will expire based on the TTL associated with the token (more specifically with that token's batch) that was most recently resolved. If a pairwise token already existed for a new token resolution (to the same entity and for the same requester but for a new token batch), then its expiration period will be extended to be at least as long as that new token's TTL.


  • BREAKING: Prevent unpinned token batch invalidation via calls to invalidateTokenBatches from taking effect if the entity passed has a value for minAssuranceForResolution that does not match the value in the database. This ensures that concurrent changes to that value and to batchInvalidationCount are bound together and detectable.
  • BREAKING: Ensure that entity and document registration records are updated (expiration period extended) when new token batches are created. This involves storing externalIdHash in entity records -- where it was not previously stored. Existing deployments would need users to resubmit document registrations to add these values to entity records to ensure that the new expiration extension code runs and preserves document registration records at least as long as the token batches associated with them.

15.0.1 - 2022-08-14


  • Use @digitalbazaar/minimal-cipher@5.1.1 to get chacha bug fix.

15.0.0 - 2022-08-01


  • BREAKING: Drop support for Node.js < 16. This is in accordance with the requirements of @digitalbazaar/minimal-cipher@5.
  • BREAKING: Update peer deps:
    • @bedrock/did-io@9
    • @bedrock/tokenizer@9.

14.1.0 - 2022-05-10


  • Return additional meta information about a resolved token from resolve() including whether it is unpinned and its minAssuranceForResolution at resolution time.

14.0.0 - 2022-04-29


  • BREAKING: Update peer deps:
    • @bedrock/core@6
    • @bedrock/did-io@8
    • @bedrock/https-agent@4
    • @bedrock/mongodb@10
    • @bedrock/tokenizer@8.

13.0.2 - 2022-04-27


  • Ensure that the level of assurance for already-resolved, unpinned tokens is still checked before returning the associated pairwise token.

13.0.1 - 2022-04-21


  • Do not pass database write options from config unless database options are modified. Future revisions will remove passing the options from the config entirely if determined correct.

13.0.0 - 2022-04-21


  • BREAKING: Rename package to @bedrock/tokenization.
  • BREAKING: Convert to module (ESM).
  • BREAKING: Remove default export.
  • BREAKING: Require node 14.x.

12.0.0 - 2022-03-17


  • BREAKING: Update peer dependencies:
    • bedrock-tokenizer@6

11.0.0 - 2022-03-12


  • BREAKING: Update peer dependencies:
    • bedrock-tokenizer@5

10.0.0 - 2022-03-01


  • BREAKING: Update peer dependencies:
    • bedrock-tokenizer@4
    • bedrock-did-io@6.1 (non-breaking)

9.2.0 - 2022-03-01


  • Improve error messages in _parseToken helper function.

9.1.0 - 2022-02-24


  • This module was erroneously requiring bedrock-did-io as a regular dependency instead of a peer dependency which can lead to broken behavior in some installs. This has been fixed and the version bumped (but both versions are compatible as long as they are installed as peer dependencies).


  • Use bedrock-did-io@6 as a peer dependency. This module is still compatible with version 5, so this is not a breaking change, just a recommendation for using version 6.

9.0.0 - 2022-01-14


  • BREAKING: Update peer dependencies.
    • Update bedrock-tokenizer to v3.0.
    • Update bedrock to v4.4.3.
    • Update bedrock-mongodb to v8.4.1.
  • Use bedrock-did-io@5.0 which uses did-veres-one@14.0.0-beta.4.
  • Remove unused package pako.
  • Update test dependencies.


  • Add missing packages base64url-universal and esm.

8.2.0 - 2021-11-29


  • Added optional explain param to get more details about database performance for entities.
  • Added database tests in order to check database performance for entities.

8.1.0 - 2021-11-04


  • Fixed bug with sort in the _getNextVersionId() helper function.


  • Added optional explain param to get more details about database performance.
  • Added database tests in order to check database performance.


  • Exposed helper functions in order to properly test database calls.

8.0.3 - 2021-10-15


  • Do not base64url-decode hmac.sign result, the API now returns a Uint8Array already.


  • Add tests for documents._hmacString.

8.0.2 - 2021-10-14


  • Improve internal type checking in API.

8.0.1 - 2021-09-20


  • Simplify configuration of test suite.

8.0.0 - 2021-09-09


  • BREAKING: Updated bedrock-tokenizer to v2.0.0 which nows requires a meter to be configured for use with the WebKMS Service.
  • BREAKING: Added default false flag allowResolvedInvalidatedTokens to resolve. Setting this flag to true will allow already resolved but subsequently invalidated tokens to be resolved again.
  • BREAKING: Updated minimal-cipher to v4.0.0 which now uses @digitalbazaar/x25519-verification-key-2020, changed @digitalbazaar/did-io to bedrock-did-io, and removed @digitalbazaar/did-method-key.


  • Added missing return value internalId from resolve.

7.0.2 - 2021-06-22


  • Added batchInvalidationCount as a parameter to _createBatch.

7.0.1 - 2021-06-21


  • Added batchInvalidationCount as a parameter to _insertBatch.

7.0.0 - 2021-06-15


  • BREAKING: Use latest cborld v4 and cit-context v2.

6.0.0 - 2021-06-11


  • Fix case where an entity could be updated to invalidate unpinned token batches but the process may crash prior (or while) updating unpinned token batch records to mark them as invalid. Now, unpinned token batches are immediately invalidated when the entity record is updated, without needing to update their records. The invalidation state is determined by comparing the monotonically increasing batchInvalidationCount on both the token batch record and the entity record, both of which always have to be retrieved when resolving an unpinned token anyway. So, there is no degradation to performance with this patch. In fact, since token batches no longer need to be updated with an invalid flag, performance is significantly improved in the case that batches must be invalidated because only one record is ever needed to be updated (the entity record). Updating token batch records to mark them invalid also involved a scatter-gather approach before so it was especially taxing; this has all been removed.


  • BREAKING: Remove now unnecessary index on tokenBatch.internalId. This index was used to mark unpinned token batches as invalid and another simpler and more robust mechanism is now used instead. The presence of this index in upgraded systems should not create a logic problem, however, it does degrade performance and take up space, so it should be removed.
  • BREAKING: Remove invalid flag on token batches and replace it with the batchInvalidationCount flag copied from the entity at record creation time.

5.1.1 - 2021-06-10


  • Added a fix to create entities for existing registrations. This only applies to versions prior to 5.0.0, since new entities are automatically created.

5.1.0 - 2021-05-01


  • tokens.resolve now returns internalId along with existing pairwiseToken. While this is a backwards-compatible change, callers should ensure that internalId is not leaked beyond any important trust boundaries (e.g., not to the party that requested resolution). While this is a backwards-compatible change, callers should ensure that internalId is not leaked beyond any important trust boundaries (e.g., not to the party that requested resolution).

5.0.0 - 2021-05-05


  • BREAKING: Implement new required field levelOfAssurance in resolve endpoint.
  • BREAKING: Implement new required field minAssuranceForResolution in create endpoint.
  • Add minAssuranceForResolution for token batches. This value indicates the minimum identity assurance level that must be provided for a token to be resolved. This field may be attached to a token batch (this type of batch is referred to as "pinned" to a particular minAssuranceForResolution) and it is set on the new primitive entity (see below). The value on entity will be inherited by "unpinned" token batches -- such that the tokens issued from these batches always use the value associated with entity rather than a "pinned" value of their own. This enables token batches to be issued to holders by systems/processes whereby the holder is unable to provide sufficient identity assurance -- but where they should be able to provide it later to another system/via another process. Once provided elsewhere, the token batches that were issued to them previously will inherit a new, lower required assurance allowing for more streamlined token resolution flows. This approach also requires the ability to invalidate any previously created unpinned token batches if new ones are created prior to identity assurance being provided. A new tokens.invalidateTokenBatches API enables the caller to invalidate these unpinned token batches prior to issuing tokens to a new similarly unverified holder. This ensures that these unpinned tokens will continue to require a high level of identity assurance until the holder is verified -- and that no holder that has not provided that assurance can use the tokens with a reduced level of assurance.
  • Added new tokenization-entity collection. When transitioning to this new version, this collection should be automatically created. If you are working with a sharded database, this collection should be sharded on entity.internalId, which is the core and unique index for this collection.
  • Added new entities API. This API can be used to retrieve entity records via the internalId that uniquely identifies an entity. An entity may have multiple registrations (each a different document) that are all bound by internalId. A call to entities.setMinAssuranceForResolution will set the minAssuranceForResolution associated with an entity. This value will be inherited by "unpinned" token batches and it will not affect "pinned" token batches.


  • BREAKING: Calls to tokens.create require a previous call to register the entity associated with internalId or parameters registerPromise and newRegistration that indicate a registration is being performed concurrently.


  • BREAKING: Removed tokenization-openTokenBatch collection. In order to transition to this new version, this collection can be safely dropped.

4.0.1 - 2021-03-18


  • Remove duplicate conditional in the documents.register API.

4.0.0 - 2020-11-03


  • Use cborld@2.0.1.


  • Implement recipientChain param for documents.register().
  • Implement documents.getRegistration().

3.0.1 - 2020-09-28


  • Update peer deps.

3.0.0 - 2020-09-28


  • BREAKING: Changed format for storing token resolutions.
  • BREAKING: Use BinData for storing IDs, hashes, and bit strings.
  • Use did-method-key@0.7.0.

2.0.0 - 2020-08-24


  • BREAKING: Updated CIT context, add Ed25519Signature2020 cryptosuite.

1.0.0 - 2020-08-19


  • Added core files.
  • See git history for changes.