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Upgrading IHP Versions

This document describes breaking changes, as well as how to fix them, that have occured at given releases. After updating your project, please consult the segments from your current release until now.

Upgrade to 1.3.0 from 1.2.0

  1. Switch IHP version

    • IHP Basic

      Open flake.nix and change the git commit in line 3 to the following:

      -        ihp.url = "github:digitallyinduced/ihp/v1.2";
      +        ihp.url = "github:digitallyinduced/ihp/v1.3";
    • IHP Pro & IHP Business

      Visit and copy the latest v1.3.0 URL into your flake.nix.

  2. Remake Env

    Run the following commands:

    direnv reload

    Now you can start your project as usual with devenv up.

Upgrade to 1.2.0 from 1.1.0

  1. Switch IHP version

    • IHP Basic

      Open flake.nix and change the git commit in line 3 to the following:

      -        ihp.url = "github:digitallyinduced/ihp/v1.1";
      +        ihp.url = "github:digitallyinduced/ihp/v1.2";
    • IHP Pro & IHP Business

      Visit and copy the latest v1.2.0 URL into your flake.nix.

  2. Remake Env

    Run the following commands:

    direnv reload

    Now you can start your project as usual with devenv up.

Upgrade to 1.1.0 from 1.0.1

This version switch the IHP development environment to use is a nix-based development environment that is similar to IHP's one, but is more general (e.g. you can use for non IHP projects as well). It's also a lot faster.

This update process is a bit more complex than normal IHP updates, but it's worth it and shouldn't take more than 10 minutes.

  1. Optional, but recommended: Activate flakes in your system's Nix config

    This new IHP release makes use of nix flakes. While it's not required to be enabled to work with IHP, we highly recommended that you enable it inside your nix configuration. For that, either ~/.config/nix/nix.conf (to enable flakes just for your user) or /etc/nix/nix.conf (to enable flakes globally) must contain the following snippet:

    experimental-features = nix-command flakes
  2. Add devenv and direnv specific code to .gitignore

  3. Edit your .envrc and migrate env vars from ./start Open your .envrc and replace it with this:

    if ! has nix_direnv_version || ! nix_direnv_version 2.3.0; then
        source_url "" "sha256-Dmd+j63L84wuzgyjITIfSxSD57Tx7v51DMxVZOsiUD8="
    use flake . --impure --accept-flake-config
    # Include .env file if it exists locally. Use the .env file to load env vars that you don't want to commit to git
    if [ -f .env ]
        set -o allexport
        source .env
        set +o allexport
    # Add your env vars here
    # E.g. export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="XXXXX"

    Does your app have any custom env vars specified in start? These now belong to .envrc:

    E.g. this start script:

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    # Script to start the local dev server
    # ...
    # You can define custom env vars here:
    # export CUSTOM_ENV_VAR=".."
    export SES_ACCESS_KEY="XXXX"
    export SES_SECRET_KEY="XXXX"
    export SES_REGION="us-east-1"
    # Finally start the dev server

    Needs to be turned into an .envrc file like this:

    if ! has nix_direnv_version || ! nix_direnv_version 2.3.0; then
        source_url "" "sha256-Dmd+j63L84wuzgyjITIfSxSD57Tx7v51DMxVZOsiUD8="
    use flake . --impure
    if [ -f .env ]
      set -o allexport
      source .env
      set +o allexport
    ## Add the exports from your start script here:
    +export SES_ACCESS_KEY="XXXX"
    +export SES_SECRET_KEY="XXXX"
    +export SES_REGION="us-east-1"

    After that, your start script is not needed anymore, and you can delete it.

  4. Optional: Delete start script

    The start script is not needed anymore, and can be deleted. The new start command is now devenv up. You can keep the start script if you want to, but it's not required.

  5. Remove .envrc from your .gitignore


    The .envrc should now be committed to your git repository, as the file is no longer automatically generated. The make .envrc command will no longer work, and is not needed anymore.

  6. Create a flake.nix

    Add a new file flake.nix with the following content:

        inputs = {
            # Here you can adjust the IHP version of your project
            # You can find new releases at
            ihp.url = "github:digitallyinduced/ihp/v1.1";
            nixpkgs.follows = "ihp/nixpkgs";
            flake-parts.follows = "ihp/flake-parts";
            devenv.follows = "ihp/devenv";
            systems.follows = "ihp/systems";
        outputs = inputs@{ ihp, flake-parts, systems, ... }:
            flake-parts.lib.mkFlake { inherit inputs; } {
                systems = import systems;
                imports = [ ihp.flakeModules.default ];
                perSystem = { pkgs, ... }: {
                    ihp = {
                        enable = true;
                        projectPath = ./.;
                        packages = with pkgs; [
                            # Native dependencies, e.g. imagemagick
                        haskellPackages = p: with p; [
                            # Haskell dependencies go here

    Using IHP Pro / Business / Enterprise?

    Replace the ihp.url = "github:digitallyinduced/ihp/v1.1"; inside your new flake.nix with ihp.url = "tarball+<YOUR BUILD URL>;.

    Open to retrieve the latest v1.1 build url and replace the <YOUR BUILD URL> with your build URL. E.g. ihp.url = "tarball+";

  7. Copy packages from default.nix to flake.nix:

    Did you add any Haskell dependencies or native dependencies (e.g. imagemagick) to your default.nix? Then you need to add them to the flake.nix configuration. If you haven't, you can skip this part.

    E.g. if this is our default.nix:

    # default.nix
        ihp = ...;
        haskellEnv = import "${ihp}/NixSupport/default.nix" {
            ihp = ihp;
            haskellDeps = p: with p; [
                # <---- Custom packages start here
            otherDeps = p: with p; [
                # <---- Custom native packages
            projectPath = ./.;

    We need to adjust the flake.nix like this:

        inputs = {
            # Here you can adjust the IHP version of your project
            # You can find new releases at
            ihp.url = "github:digitallyinduced/ihp/v1.1";
            nixpkgs.follows = "ihp/nixpkgs";
            flake-parts.follows = "ihp/flake-parts";
            devenv.follows = "ihp/devenv";
            systems.follows = "ihp/systems";
        outputs = inputs@{ ihp, flake-parts, systems, ... }:
            flake-parts.lib.mkFlake { inherit inputs; } {
                systems = import systems;
                imports = [ ihp.flakeModules.default ];
                perSystem = { pkgs, ... }: {
                    ihp = {
                        enable = true;
                        projectPath = ./.;
                        packages = with pkgs; [
                            # Native dependencies, e.g. imagemagick
                            nodejs # <-- Added here
                        haskellPackages = p: with p; [
                            # Haskell dependencies go here
                            # <---- Custom packages start here

    After that adjust the default.nix to read it's packages from the flake.nix. It's currently there for backwards compatibility reasons, but will be removed in the future:

    # For backwards compatibility using flake.nix
            fetchTarball {
                url = "";
                sha256 = "sha256:1prd9b1xx8c0sfwnyzkspplh30m613j42l1k789s521f4kv4c2z2";
    { src = ./.; }).defaultNix

This means that from now on when adding new packages, you need to do it in a single file - flake.nix.

  1. Copy settings from Config/nix/nixpkgs-config.nix to flake.nix

    Did you do any changes to nixpkgs-config.nix in your project? Likely you haven't, so you can skip this part. For reference, if the file looks like below, you don't need to do anything here:

    # Config/nix/nixpkgs-config.nix
    # Standard nixpkgs-config.nix, nothing to do here
    { ihp, additionalNixpkgsOptions, ... }:
    import "${toString ihp}/NixSupport/make-nixpkgs-from-options.nix" {
        ihp = ihp;
        haskellPackagesDir = ./haskell-packages/.;
        additionalNixpkgsOptions = additionalNixpkgsOptions;

    If you have done any changes to that file, it might look like this:

    { ihp, additionalNixpkgsOptions, ... }:
    import "${toString ihp}/NixSupport/make-nixpkgs-from-options.nix" {
        ihp = ihp;
        haskellPackagesDir = ./haskell-packages/.;
        additionalNixpkgsOptions = additionalNixpkgsOptions;
        dontCheckPackages = ["my-failing-package"];
        doJailbreakPackages = ["my-jailbreak-package"];

    The dontCheckPackages and doJailbreakPackages options need to be moved to flake.nix:

    ihp = {
        # ...
    +   dontCheckPackages = [ "my-failing-package" ];
    +   doJailbreakPackages = [ "my-jailbreak-package" ];

    If you've pinned the IHP app to a specific nixpkgs version in your nixpkgs-config.nix, you need to apply that version to the nixpkgs input in flake.nix by replacing nixpkgs.follows with nixpkgs.url.

        inputs = {
            ihp.url = "github:digitallyinduced/ihp/v1.1";
            nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs?rev=PUT YOUR CUSTOM REVISION HERE";
            flake-parts.follows = "ihp/flake-parts";
            devenv.follows = "ihp/devenv";
            systems.follows = "ihp/systems";
        # ...
  2. Update .ghci

    Replace your current .ghci with the following:

    :set -XNoImplicitPrelude
    :def loadFromIHP \file -> (System.Environment.getEnv "IHP_LIB") >>= (\ihpLib -> readFile (ihpLib <> "/" <> file))
    :loadFromIHP applicationGhciConfig
    import IHP.Prelude

    This will finally solve all the issues that typically happen around IHP's stateful build/ihp-lib symlink. This symlink is now replaced with an env variable called IHP_LIB that is automatically provided by devenv.

  3. Update Makefile

    Open your Makefile and remove the following boilerplate code at the top of the file:

    ifneq ($(wildcard IHP/.*),)
    IHP = IHP/lib/IHP
    ifneq ($(wildcard build/ihp-lib),)
    IHP = build/ihp-lib
    ifneq ($(shell which RunDevServer),)
    IHP = $(shell dirname $$(which RunDevServer))/../lib/IHP
    IHP = $(error IHP not found! Run the following command to fix this:    nix-shell --run 'make .envrc'    )
    # ...
  4. Migration finished

    Finally, approve the new .envrc:

    direnv allow

    You will be asked a few questions like "Do you want to allow configuration setting 'extra-substituters' to be set to '' (y/N)?" You can answer "y" to all of them. This will take some time, as all your packages are now being built. Once done, you can commit flake.lock to your git repository.

  5. Start project

    Start your project with devenv up.

  6. Update ihp-new

    We've updated ihp-new to the new nix flakes tools. This will speed up the time to create a new project:

    # Run this:
    nix-env -f -i ihp-new
    # Or this if you use nix profile:
    nix profile install -f

Upgrade to 1.0.1 from 1.0.0

  1. Switch IHP version

    • IHP Basic

      Open default.nix and change the git commit in line 4 to the following:

      -ref = "refs/tags/v1.0.0";
      +ref = "refs/tags/v1.0.1";
    • IHP Pro & IHP Business

      Visit and copy the latest v1.0.1 URL into your default.nix.

  2. Remake Env

    Run the following commands:

    nix-shell --run 'make -B .envrc'
    nix-shell --run 'make -B build/ihp-lib'

    Now you can start your project as usual with ./start.

Upgrade to 1.0.0 from Beta 0.20.0

  1. Switch IHP version

    • IHP Basic

      Open default.nix and change the git commit in line 4 to the following:

      -ref = "refs/tags/v0.19.0";
      +ref = "refs/tags/v1.0.0";
    • IHP Pro & IHP Business

      Visit and copy the latest v1.0.0-rc1 URL into your default.nix.

  2. Remake Env

    Run the following commands:

    nix-shell --run 'make -B .envrc'
    nix-shell --run 'make -B build/ihp-lib'

    Now you can start your project as usual with ./start.

    If you've been using a release candidate before, you need to run nix-store --gc before. Otherwise nix might use the cached release candidate.

  3. Fix Type Errors: You might see some type errors after upgrading. Here's how to fix them:

    • The function getFrameworkConfig has been removed:

      -- Old way:
      ?context |> getFrameworkConfig |> get #appConfig
      -- New way:
    • Couldn't match type 'CurrentAdminRecord' with 'Admin' arising from a use of 'currentAdminOrNothing'

      To make currentAdmin etc. more consistent with currentUser functions, we have removed the explicit type argument passed to these functions.

      E.g. the following:

      currentAdminOrNothing @Admin

      Needs to be changed to this:


      Additionally you need to specify the CurrentAdminRecord inside your Web/Types.hs:

      type instance CurrentAdminRecord = Admin

Upgrade to Beta 0.20.0 from Beta 0.19.0

  1. Switch IHP version

    • IHP Basic

      Open default.nix and change the git commit in line 4 to the following:

      -ref = "refs/tags/v0.19.0";
      +ref = "refs/tags/v0.20.0";
    • IHP Pro & IHP Business

      Visit and copy the latest v0.20.0 URL into your default.nix.

  2. Remake Env

    Run the following commands:

    nix-shell --run 'make -B .envrc'
    nix-shell --run 'make -B build/ihp-lib'

    Now you can start your project as usual with ./start.

  3. Fix Type Errors: You might see some type errors after upgrading. Here's how to fix them:


Upgrade to Beta 0.19.0 from Beta 0.18.0

  1. Switch IHP version

    • IHP Basic

      Open default.nix and change the git commit in line 4 to the following:

      -ref = "refs/tags/v0.18.0";
      +ref = "refs/tags/v0.19.0";
    • IHP Pro & IHP Business

      Visit and copy the latest v0.19.0 URL into your default.nix.

  2. Remake Env

    Run the following commands:

    nix-shell --run 'make -B .envrc'
    nix-shell --run 'make -B build/ihp-lib'

    Now you can start your project as usual with ./start.

Upgrade to Beta 0.18.0 from Beta 0.17.0

  1. Switch IHP version

    • IHP Basic

      Open default.nix and change the git commit in line 4 to the following:

      -ref = "refs/tags/v0.17.0";
      +ref = "refs/tags/v0.18.0";
    • IHP Pro & IHP Business

      Visit and copy the latest v0.18.0 URL into your default.nix.

  2. Remake Env

    Run the following commands:

    nix-shell --run 'make -B .envrc'
    nix-shell --run 'make -B build/ihp-lib'

    Now you can start your project as usual with ./start.

Upgrade to Beta 0.17.0 from Beta 0.16.0

  1. Switch IHP version

    • IHP Basic

      Open default.nix and change the git commit in line 4 to the following:

      -ref = "refs/tags/v0.16.0";
      +ref = "refs/tags/v0.17.0";
    • IHP Pro & IHP Business

      Visit and copy the latest v0.17.0 URL into your default.nix.

  2. Remake Env

    Run the following commands:

    nix-shell --run 'make -B .envrc'
    nix-shell --run 'make -B build/ihp-lib'

    Now you can start your project as usual with ./start.

  3. Forms

    • If your app's forms have custom attributes using fieldInput, you will need to follow this step.
    • If your app has no custom attributes, you can skip this step.
    • If you don't know whether this applies to you, the compiler will tell you as this leads to a type error.

    The fieldInput attribute has bee removed completly. But IHP still continues to support custom attributes in form fields.

    Code like this:

     {(textareaField #content)
         { helpText = "Markdown"
         , fieldInput = (\fieldInput -> H.textarea content ! A.rows "16")

    needs to be changed to this:

     {(textareaField #content)
         { helpText = "Markdown"
         , additionalAttributes = [ ("rows", "16") ]
  4. Newtype Generics

    We don't use the "Newtype Generics" package as much as expected. To keep IHP lightweight we've removed that package from IHP.

    The newtype-generics package provided functions like pack and unpack to wrap things inside a newtype wrapper.

    A common use case is to unpack a Id Project to get the underlying UUID value. If you've been using code like unpack projectId, replace this with the new unpackId like this: unpackId projectId. Same goes for packId.

    If you use functionality of newtype-generics beyond wrapping and unwrapping the Id values, please add newtype-generics to your default.nix and run make -B .envrc again.

  5. SMTP Mail

    If you configure a custom SMTP server in your Config.hs, you will need to explicitly configure the encryption setting:

    Change code like this:

    import IHP.Mail
    config :: ConfigBuilder
    config = do
        option $ SMTP
            { host = ""
            , port = 2525
            , credentials = Nothing

    To this:

    import IHP.Mail
    config :: ConfigBuilder
    config = do
        option $ SMTP
            { host = ""
            , port = 2525
            , credentials = Nothing
            , encryption = TLS -- <-- NEW, other options: `Unencrypted` or `STARTTLS`

Upgrade to Beta 0.16.0 from Beta 0.15.0

  1. Switch IHP version

    • IHP Basic

      Open default.nix and change the git commit in line 4 to the following:

      -ref = "refs/tags/v0.15.0";
      +ref = "refs/tags/v0.16.0";
    • IHP Pro & IHP Business

      Visit and copy the latest v0.16 URL into your default.nix.

  2. Remake Env

    Run the following commands:

    nix-shell --run 'make -B .envrc'
    nix-shell --run 'make -B build/ihp-lib'

    Now you can start your project as usual with ./start.

  3. Tests

    If your app has Hspec tests, you will need to follow this step. If your app has no Hspec tests, you can skip this.

    The withParams test helper has been replaced with callActionWithParams.

    Test code like this:

            it "creates a new post" $ withParams [("title", "Post title"), ("body", "Body of post")] do
                response <- callAction CreatePostAction
                let (Just location) = (lookup "Location" (responseHeaders response))
                location `shouldBe` "http://localhost:8000/Posts"

    needs to be changed to this:

            it "creates a new post" $ withContext do -- <-- `withContext` here, otherwise it will not work
                response <- callActionWithParams CreatePostAction [("title", "Post title"), ("body", "Body of post")] -- <-- `callAction` turns into `callActionWithParams`
                let (Just location) = (lookup "Location" (responseHeaders response))
                location `shouldBe` "http://localhost:8000/Posts"

Upgrade to Beta 0.15.0 from Beta 0.14.0

  1. Switch IHP version

    • IHP Basic

      Open default.nix and change the git commit in line 4 to the following:

      -ref = "refs/tags/v0.14.0";
      +ref = "refs/tags/v0.15.0";

      Please continue the upgrade instructions and don't run any 'make' commands yet.

    • IHP Pro & IHP Business

      Visit and copy the latest v0.15 URL into your default.nix.

  2. Patch Config/nix/nixpkgs-config.nix

    Open Config/nix/nixpkgs-config.nix and replace it with this:

    # See
    { ihp, additionalNixpkgsOptions, ... }:
    import "${toString ihp}/NixSupport/make-nixpkgs-from-options.nix" {
        ihp = ihp;
        haskellPackagesDir = ./haskell-packages/.;
        additionalNixpkgsOptions = additionalNixpkgsOptions;

    Did you run a recent master version of IHP?

    Please also apply this patch if you have been using a recent master version of IHP. The additionalNixpkgsOptions is likely missing in your file.

  3. Remake Env

    Run the following commands:

    make clean
    nix-shell -j auto --cores 0 --run 'make -B .envrc'
    nix-shell --run 'make -B build/ihp-lib'

    Now you can start your project as usual with ./start.

  4. .gitignore

    Add the following lines to your .gitignore file:

    # Ignore locally checked out IHP version
  5. ./start script

    Open the project's start script and append the following after set -e in line 4:

    # On macOS the default max count of open files is 256. IHP needs atleast 1024 to run well.
    # The wai-static-middleware sometimes doesn't close it's file handles directly (likely because of it's use of lazy bytestrings)
    # and then we usually hit the file limit of 256 at some point. With 1024 the limit is usually never hit as the GC kicks in earlier
    # and will close the remaining lazy bytestring handles.
    if [[ $OSTYPE == 'darwin'* ]]; then
        ulimit -n 4096

    The file should now look like this:

  6. Session Cookies

    With IHP v0.15 we've switched the encoding of session cookies from a textual encoding to a binary encoding. IHP v0.15 will ignore the old session format.

    After switching v0.15 your users will be logged out and need to log in again.

Upgrade to Beta 0.14.0 from Beta 0.13.1

Switch IHP version

Open default.nix and change the git commit in line 4 to the following:

-ref = "refs/tags/v0.13.1";
+ref = "refs/tags/v0.14.0";

After that run the following command to update your project:

make clean
nix-shell -j auto --cores 0 --run 'make -B .envrc'
make -B build/ihp-lib

Now you can start your project as usual with ./start.

IHP Background Jobs

IHP jobs now can be scheduled to run at a specific time with runAt. For that every table that acts as a job queue in your application needs to be migration.

  1. Create a new migration using new-migration.

  2. For every table ending with _jobs do this:

    alter table $TABLE add column run_at TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT NOW() NOT NULL;
    update $TABLE set run_at = created_at;

    where $TABLE should be replaced with the jobs table.

    The line update $TABLE set run_at = created_at; sets the right run_at value for all existing jobs.

After that apply this migration to all your IHP instances running on v.0.14.0.

Upgrade to Beta 0.13.1 from Beta 0.13.0

Switch IHP version

Open default.nix and change the git commit in line 4 to the following:

-ref = "refs/tags/v0.13.0";
+ref = "refs/tags/v0.13.1";

After that run the following command to update your project:

make clean
nix-shell -j auto --cores 0 --run 'make -B .envrc'
make -B build/ihp-lib

Now you can start your project as usual with ./start.

Upgrade to Beta 0.13.0 from Beta 0.12.0

Switch IHP version

Open default.nix and change the git commit in line 4 to the following:

-ref = "refs/tags/v0.12.0";
+ref = "refs/tags/v0.13.0";

After that run the following command to update your project:

make clean
nix-shell -j auto --cores 0 --run 'make -B .envrc'
make -B build/ihp-lib

Now you can start your project as usual with ./start.

Updating nixpkgs

If you have custom nix package definitions in your project, you will likely get an error that stdenv doesn't exist in expressions like stdenv.lib.SOMETHING.

nixpkgs has moved stdenv.lib to just lib. So you need to replace all mentions of stdenv.lib. with lib.. You might also need to change import statements that import stdenv to instead import lib directly.

To get a better understanding of this, take a look a the upgrade commit to see what changes we did to the custom package definitions included with IHP.

Postgres: v11 -> v13

With the nixpkgs update the development postgres server has been updated. Make sure that you run make clean during the update process. Otherwise the local database might not start as expected. When you get an error like libpq: failed (could not connect to server: No such file or directory, likely postgres is not starting up because your database state is still on v11, while the new postgres is v13.

Upgrade to Beta 0.12.0 from Beta 0.11.0

Switch IHP version

Open default.nix and change the git commit in line 4 to the following:

-ref = "refs/tags/v0.11.0";
+ref = "refs/tags/v0.12.0";

After that run the following command to update your project:

make clean
nix-shell -j auto --cores 0 --run 'make -B .envrc'
make -B build/ihp-lib

Now you can start your project as usual with ./start.

Updating jQuery

The jQuery version used by IHP has changed. We're switching from 3.2.1 to 3.6.0. jQuery 3.2.1 has some known security vulnerabilities, so it's recommended that you follow these update steps.

To update your application looks search for the string /vendor/jquery-3.2.1.slim.min.js in your code base and replace it with /vendor/jquery-3.6.0.slim.min.js. Likely the only mention is inside the Web/View/Layout.hs.

Upgrade to Beta 0.11.0 from Beta 0.10.0

Switch IHP version

Open default.nix and change the git commit in line 4 to the following:

-ref = "refs/tags/v0.10.0";
+ref = "refs/tags/v0.11.0";

After that run the following command to update your project:

make clean
nix-shell -j auto --cores 0 --run 'make -B .envrc'
make -B build/ihp-lib

Now you can start your project as usual with ./start.

Important Login Changes

Important if you use IHP's Login: IHP's built-in sessions controller used for the built-in login now uses case-insensitive lookup for the email addresses at login. This will improve user experience for users that create their account with and then try to log in using

Upgrade to Beta 0.10.0 from Beta 0.9.0

Switch IHP version

Open default.nix and change the git commit in line 4 to the following:

-ref = "refs/tags/v0.9.0";
+ref = "refs/tags/v0.10.0";

After that run the following command to update your project:

make clean
nix-shell -j auto --cores 0 --run 'make -B .envrc'
make -B build/ihp-lib

Now you can start your project as usual with ./start.

Upgrade IHP.HtmlSupport

If you got an type error related to IHP.HtmlSupport, follow this step:

This error like is related to the rename of all IHP.HtmlSupport.* modules to IHP.HSX.*. You can fix this error by replacing all mentions of IHP.HtmlSupport. with IHP.HSX. in your code base.

Important data- attribute changes

Boolean data attributes like <div data-is-active={True}> were rendered like <div data-is-active="data-is-active"> or <div> (if False) in previous versions of IHP.

These boolean data attributes are now rendered like <div data-is-active="true"> and <div data-is-active="false">. If you have JS code consuming your data attributes, make sure that you update the JS code.

Other non-data attributes like <input disabled={True}> are not affected by this change and will continue to render as <input disabled="disabled"/>.

Upgrade to Beta 0.9.0 from Beta 0.8.0

Switch IHP version

Open default.nix and change the git commit in line 4 to the following:

-ref = "refs/tags/v0.8.0";
+ref = "refs/tags/v0.9.0";

After that run the following command to update your project:

make clean
nix-shell -j auto --cores 0 --run 'make -B .envrc'
make -B build/ihp-lib

Now you can start your project as usual with ./start.

Upgrade AutoRoute

If you got an type error related to AutoRoute's parseArgument function, you need to also follow this step.

The parseArgument interface has been removed as this works out of the box now. To upgrade remove your definitions of parseArgument.

Upgrade to Beta 0.8.0 from Beta 13.12.2020 (v20201213)

Update Config/nix/nixpkgs-config.nix

Replace the content of that file with this:

# See
{ ihp }:
import "${toString ihp}/NixSupport/make-nixpkgs-from-options.nix" {
    ihp = ihp;
    haskellPackagesDir = ./haskell-packages/.;

Switch IHP version

Open default.nix and change the git commit in line 4 to the following:

-rev = "67e99ec469d5a215a0b92d8759d5b7a4c7b0e0e1";
+ref = "refs/tags/v0.8.0";

IMPORTANT: rev changes to ref here. Make sure that you don't miss that. Otherwise nix will complain.

After that run the following command to update your project:

make clean
nix-shell -j auto --cores 0 --run 'make -B .envrc'
make -B build/ihp-lib

Now you can start your project as usual with ./start.

Upgrade to Beta 13.12.2020 (v20201213) from Beta 27.11.2020 (v20201127)

Update Main.hs

  1. Add import for import IHP.Job.Types to your Main.hs:

    import IHP.Job.Types
  2. Add the following instance to your Main.hs:

    instance Worker RootApplication where
        workers _ = []

Switch IHP version

First open default.nix and change the git commit in line 4 to the following:

rev = "17c9507e519a7c37ccf001ada050df171e4af8ef";

After that run the following command to update your project:

make clean
nix-shell -j auto --cores 0 --run 'make -B .envrc'
make -B build/ihp-lib

Now you can start your project as usual with ./start.

Upgrade to Beta 27.11.2020 (v20201127) from Beta 13.11.2020 (v20201113)

Switch IHP version

First open default.nix and change the git commit in line 4 to the following:

rev = "79d4892d6cd531eb2b446a46a2a0e434c8a39895";

After that run the following command to update your project:

make clean
nix-shell -j auto --cores 0 --run 'make -B .envrc'
make -B build/ihp-lib

Now you can start your project as usual with ./start.

Upgrade to Beta 13.11.2020 (v20201113) from Beta 30.10.2020 (v20201030)

Update your Config/Config.hs


module Config where

import IHP.Prelude
import IHP.Environment
import IHP.FrameworkConfig
import IHP.Mail.Types

instance FrameworkConfig where
    environment = Development
    appHostname = "localhost"


module Config where

import IHP.Prelude
import IHP.Environment
import IHP.FrameworkConfig
import IHP.Mail.Types

config :: ConfigBuilder
config = do
    option Development
    option (AppHostname "localhost")

Do you have a ´baseUrl´ key in your config?


    baseUrl = "https://..."


    option (BaseUrl "https://...")


Do you have a mailServer key in your config?


    mailServer = SES { .. }


    option SES { .. }

Update Main.hs


main =


main = config

Update Web/Routes.hs

Remove all lines like type instance ModelControllerMap AdminApplication Project = ProjectsController.

Search for ModelControllerMap in your project. If there are still some results for this, remove the found lines.

Update Web/Types.hs

Remove the data ViewContext = ... The View Context is not used anymore in IHP.

Update all Views Web/View/*/*.hs

Open every view file in the View directory.

Remove the ViewContext from the instance View:

-instance View EditView ViewContext where
+instance View EditView where

Does the view have a custom view-specific layout?

-instance View ShowEnumView ViewContext where
-    beforeRender (context, view) = (context { layout = schemaDesignerLayout }, view)
+instance View ShowEnumView where
+    beforeRender view = setLayout schemaDesignerLayout

This is quite common in View\Sessions\New.hs if you are using the built-in authentication.

Update Web/View/Layouts.hs

  1. Remove:
type Html = HtmlWithContext ViewContext
  1. If you have other applications such as Admin, please also remove the $APP/View/Context.hs files.

  2. Update calls to isDevelopment:

-when (isDevelopment FrameworkConfig.environment) [hsx|
+when isDevelopment [hsx|
  1. Update calls to isProduction:
-when (isProduction FrameworkConfig.environment) [hsx|
+when isProduction [hsx|
  1. Add type signatures to all functions in Layout.hs:
-defaultLayout view = [hsx|...|]
+defaultLayout :: Html -> Html
+defaultLayout view = [hsx|...|]
-stylesheets = [hsx|...|]
+stylesheets :: Html
+stylesheets = [hsx|...|]
-scripts = [hsx|...|]
+scripts :: Html
+scripts = [hsx|...|]
-metaTags = [hsx|...|]
+metaTags :: Html
+metaTags = [hsx|...|]

Remove the Web/View/Context.hs

rm Web/View/Context.hs

Update Web/View/Prelude.hs

-, module Web.View.Context
-import Web.View.Context

?controllerContext has been renamed to ?context

In case you use ?controllerContext somewhere in your code (e.g. in a type signature or as a value) rename it to ?context.

?viewContext has been renamed to ?context

In case you use ?viewContext somewhere in your code (e.g. in a type signature or as a value) rename it to ?context.

Update Web/FrontController.hs

  1. Add an import Web.View.Layout (defaultLayout) at the top of the file
  2. Make sure there is a InitControllerContext. If it does not exist, place this at the bottom of the file:
-- Add these imports, most other imports can propably be removed
import Web.Controller.Prelude
import Web.View.Layout (defaultLayout)

instance InitControllerContext WebApplication where
    initContext = do
        setLayout defaultLayout

If you miss this step, you will get an error like Unable to find ViewLayout in controller context.

Switch IHP version

First open default.nix and change the git commit in line 4 to the following:

rev = "d02a0699220a87d32889ff2a7b87ad81f8bc8195";

After that run the following command to update your project:

nix-shell -j auto --cores 0 --run 'make -B .envrc'
make -B build/ihp-lib

Now you can start your project as usual with ./start.