Most of the database functionality comes from the
class DpdHeadword(Base):
__tablename__ = "dpd_headwords"
This can be found in the db model here.
- columns in the table are in bold,
- [data type] is in square brackets,
- derived properties are in italics,
- a brief description of the column or property follows
Here is a quick overview:
id [int] unique numerical identifier for each word
lemma_1 [str] unique headword and number
lemma_clean [str] lemma_1 without any trailing digits
lemma_1_ [str] lemma_1 with underscores instead of spaces for use in code
lemma_link [str] lemma_1 with %20 instead of spaces for website links
lemma_ipa [str] lemma_clean in International Phonetic Alphabet
lemma_tts [str] lemma_clean in International Phonetic Alphabet suitable for Text-to-Speech engines
lemma_trad [str] form of the lemma found in traditional Pāḷi grammars
lemma_si [str] form of the lemma found in traditional Pāḷi grammars, in Sinhala script
lemma_2 [str] masculine nominative singular of the headword for nouns
pos [str] part of speech
pos_list [list] list of all the parts of speech in the database
pos_si [str] part of speech translated into Sinhala
pos_si_full [str] part of speech translated into Sinhala, unabbreviated
grammar [str] grammatical information
derived_from [str] etymological parent from which the headword is derived
neg [str] is the headword a negative or double negative?
verb [str] is the verb causative, passive or denominative?
trans [str] is the verb transitive, intransitive, or ditransitive?
plus_case [str] what syntactical case does the word trigger?
plus_case_si [str] what syntactical case does the word trigger, translated into Sinhala?
meaning_1 [str] what is the contextual meaning in English?
meaning_lit [str] what is the literal meaning in English?
meaning_2 [str] what meaning does Buddhadatta give?
meaning_combo [str] composite of meaning_1, meaning_lit and meaning_2
meaning_combo_html [str] composite of meaning_1, meaning_lit and meaning_2 with meaning_1 in HTML <b> tags
meaning_si [str] meaning_1 translated into Sinhala
non_ia [str] what non Indo-Aryan word is the headword derived from?
sanskrit [str] what is the closest Sanskrit cognate in Monier-Williams or Edgerton?
sanskrit_clean [str] what is the Sanskrit stripped of all content in [square brackets]?
root_key [str] what is the unique root key in
table? -
root_clean [str] what is the root_key without any trailing digits?
root_count [int] how many times does the root_key occur in the database?
root_sign [str] what is the conjugational sign of the root?
root_base [str] what is the root and conjugational sign combined?
root_base_clean [str] what is the root_base stripped of all phonetic changes?
family_root [str] what are the prefixes and root family?
root_family_key [str] what is the root key and family root, space separated?
family_word [str] if not a root, what is the word family?
family_compound [str] if a compound, what are the component words, space separated?
family_compound_list [list] list of the family_compound values
family_idioms [str] if an idiom, what are the component words, space separated?
family_idioms_list [list] list of the family_idioms values
family_set [str] what set does the word belong to?
family_set_list [list] list of the family_set values
construction [str] how is the word constructed?
construction_clean [str] construction stripped of all phonetic changes
construction_summary [str] summary of the construction in one line
construction_summary_si [str] summary of the construction in one line, transliterated into Sinhala
construction_line1 [str] first line of the construction
derivative [str] is the word a kita, kicca or taddhita derivative?
suffix [str] what is the kita, kicca or final taddhita suffix?
phonetic [str] what phonetic changes occur?
compound_type [str] if a compound, what type of compound is the headword?
compound_construction [str] if a compound, how is the compound constructed?
non_root_in_comps [str] (mostly unused)
source_1 [str] what is the source of the first example ?
source_link_1 [str] source of the first example with an embedded HTML link
sutta_1 [str] from which sutta does the first example come?
example_1 [str] what is a good contextual example of the headword?
source_2 [str] what is the source of the second example?
source_link_1 [str] source of the second example with an embedded HTML link
source_link_sutta [str] sutta code from example with an embedded HTML link
sutta_2 [str] from which sutta does the second example come?
example_2 [str] what is a good second example of the headword in context?
degree_of_completion [str] how complete is a word's data?
degree_of_completion_html [str] how complete is a word's data, embedded in html tags?
antonym [str] what is the antonym of the headword, comma space separated?
antonym_list [list] list of all the antonyms
synonym [str] what are synonyms of the headword, comma space separated?
synonym_list [list] list of all the synonyms
variant [str] what are the variant readings of the headword found in other Pāḷi texts, comma space separated?
variant_list [list] list of all the variants
var_phonetic [str] (currently unused) what are other phonetic variants of the headword found in Pāḷi texts, comma space separated?
var_text [str] (currently unused) what are the variant readings of the headword found in other Pāḷi texts, comma space separated?
commentary [str] how does the commentary define the headword, new line separated?
notes [str] what further information should be mentioned about the headword?
cognate [str] what English cognates does the headword have?
link [str] for plants, animals and historical characters what is the wikipedia link?
origin [str] what is the origin of the headword's data?
stem [str] what is the stem upon which the inflection pattern is built?
pattern [str] what is the inflection pattern found in the
table? -
created_at [datetime] when was the headword created?
updated_at [datetime] when was the headword updated?
inflections [str] what inflected forms does the headword take, comma separated?
inflections_list [list] list of inflections
inflections_api_ca_eva_iti [str] what inflected forms can be found in sandhi compounds with api, ca, eva and iti, comma separated?
inflections_list_api_ca_eva_iti [list] list of inflections found in sandhi compounds with api, ca, eva and iti
inflections_list_all [list] list of all inflections, including those with api, ca, eva and iti
inflections_sinhala [str] what are the inflected forms in Sinhala script, comma separated?
inflections_sinhala_list [list] list if all inflections in Sinhala script
inflections_devanagari [str] what are the inflected forms in Devanagari script, comma separated?
inflections_devanagari_list [list] list of all inflections in Devanagari script
inflections_thai [str] what are the inflected forms in Thai script, comma separated?
inflections_thai_list [list] list of all inflections in Thai script
inflections_html [str] inflection table of the headwords as HTML table
freq_html [str] frequency map of the word in CST corpus as HTML table
ebt_count [str] how many times does the word occur in early Buddhist texts?
needs_grammar_button [bool] does the headword need a grammar button?
needs_example_button [bool] does the headword needs an example button?
needs_examples_button [bool] does the headword needs an examples button?
needs_conjugation_button [bool] does the headword need a conjugations button?
needs_declension_button [bool] does the headword need a declensions button?
needs_root_family_button [bool] does the headword need a root family button?
needs_word_family_button [bool] does the headword need a word family button?
needs_compound_family_button [bool] does the headword need a compound family button?
needs_compound_families_button [bool] does the headword need a compound families button?
needs_idioms_button [bool] does the headword need an idioms button?
needs_set_button [bool] does the headword need a set button?
needs_sets_button [bool] does the headword need a sets button?
needs_frequency_button [bool] does the headword need a frequency button?
cf_set [set] set of all compound families in the database
idioms_set [set] set of all the idioms in the database
_repr_ [str] quick overview of headword data
The DpdHeadword
class has direct access to other tables in the database through relationships.
- .rt connects to the
table - .fr connects to the
table - .fw connects to the
table - .sbs connects to the
table - .ru connects to the
table - .si connects to the
table - .it connects to the