- FFaker::AWS
- FFaker::Address
- FFaker::AddressAU
- FFaker::AddressBR
- FFaker::AddressCA
- FFaker::AddressCH
- FFaker::AddressCHDE
- FFaker::AddressCHFR
- FFaker::AddressCHIT
- FFaker::AddressDA
- FFaker::AddressDE
- FFaker::AddressFI
- FFaker::AddressFR
- FFaker::AddressGR
- FFaker::AddressID
- FFaker::AddressIN
- FFaker::AddressIT
- FFaker::AddressJA
- FFaker::AddressKR
- FFaker::AddressMX
- FFaker::AddressNL
- FFaker::AddressPL
- FFaker::AddressRU
- FFaker::AddressSE
- FFaker::AddressSN
- FFaker::AddressUA
- FFaker::AddressUK
- FFaker::AddressUS
- FFaker::Airline
- FFaker::Animal
- FFaker::AnimalBR
- FFaker::AnimalCN
- FFaker::AnimalES
- FFaker::AnimalPL
- FFaker::AnimalUS
- FFaker::Avatar
- FFaker::BaconIpsum
- FFaker::Bank
- FFaker::BankUS
- FFaker::Book
- FFaker::Boolean
- FFaker::CheesyLingo
- FFaker::Code
- FFaker::Color
- FFaker::ColorPL
- FFaker::ColorUA
- FFaker::Company
- FFaker::CompanyCN
- FFaker::CompanyFR
- FFaker::CompanyIT
- FFaker::CompanyJA
- FFaker::CompanySE
- FFaker::Conference
- FFaker::CoursesFR
- FFaker::Crypto
- FFaker::Currency
- FFaker::Date
- FFaker::DizzleIpsum
- FFaker::Education
- FFaker::EducationCN
- FFaker::Filesystem
- FFaker::Food
- FFaker::FoodPL
- FFaker::FreedomIpsum
- FFaker::Game
- FFaker::Gender
- FFaker::GenderBR
- FFaker::GenderCN
- FFaker::GenderID
- FFaker::GenderIT
- FFaker::GenderJA
- FFaker::GenderJP
- FFaker::GenderKR
- FFaker::GenderPL
- FFaker::GenderRU
- FFaker::Geolocation
- FFaker::Guid
- FFaker::HTMLIpsum
- FFaker::HealthcareIpsum
- FFaker::HealthcareRU
- FFaker::HipsterIpsum
- FFaker::Identification
- FFaker::IdentificationBR
- FFaker::IdentificationEC
- FFaker::IdentificationES
- FFaker::IdentificationESCL
- FFaker::IdentificationESCO
- FFaker::IdentificationIN
- FFaker::IdentificationIT
- FFaker::IdentificationKR
- FFaker::IdentificationMX
- FFaker::IdentificationPL
- FFaker::IdentificationTW
- FFaker::Image
- FFaker::Internet
- FFaker::InternetSE
- FFaker::JoJo
- FFaker::Job
- FFaker::JobBR
- FFaker::JobCN
- FFaker::JobFR
- FFaker::JobIT
- FFaker::JobJA
- FFaker::JobKR
- FFaker::JobVN
- FFaker::Locale
- FFaker::Lorem
- FFaker::LoremAR
- FFaker::LoremBR
- FFaker::LoremCN
- FFaker::LoremFR
- FFaker::LoremIE
- FFaker::LoremIT
- FFaker::LoremJA
- FFaker::LoremKR
- FFaker::LoremPL
- FFaker::LoremRU
- FFaker::LoremUA
- FFaker::Movie
- FFaker::Music
- FFaker::Name
- FFaker::NameAR
- FFaker::NameBR
- FFaker::NameCN
- FFaker::NameCS
- FFaker::NameDA
- FFaker::NameDE
- FFaker::NameES
- FFaker::NameFR
- FFaker::NameGA
- FFaker::NameGR
- FFaker::NameID
- FFaker::NameIN
- FFaker::NameIT
- FFaker::NameJA
- FFaker::NameKH
- FFaker::NameKR
- FFaker::NameMX
- FFaker::NameNB
- FFaker::NameNL
- FFaker::NamePH
- FFaker::NamePL
- FFaker::NameRU
- FFaker::NameSE
- FFaker::NameSN
- FFaker::NameTH
- FFaker::NameTHEN
- FFaker::NameTW
- FFaker::NameUA
- FFaker::NameVN
- FFaker::NatoAlphabet
- FFaker::Number
- FFaker::PhoneNumber
- FFaker::PhoneNumberAU
- FFaker::PhoneNumberBR
- FFaker::PhoneNumberCH
- FFaker::PhoneNumberCU
- FFaker::PhoneNumberDA
- FFaker::PhoneNumberDE
- FFaker::PhoneNumberFR
- FFaker::PhoneNumberID
- FFaker::PhoneNumberIT
- FFaker::PhoneNumberJA
- FFaker::PhoneNumberKR
- FFaker::PhoneNumberMX
- FFaker::PhoneNumberNL
- FFaker::PhoneNumberPL
- FFaker::PhoneNumberRU
- FFaker::PhoneNumberSE
- FFaker::PhoneNumberSG
- FFaker::PhoneNumberSN
- FFaker::PhoneNumberTW
- FFaker::PhoneNumberUA
- FFaker::Product
- FFaker::SSN
- FFaker::SSNMX
- FFaker::SSNSE
- FFaker::SemVer
- FFaker::Skill
- FFaker::Sport
- FFaker::SportPL
- FFaker::SportRU
- FFaker::SportUS
- FFaker::String
- FFaker::Time
- FFaker::Tweet
- FFaker::UUID
- FFaker::Unit
- FFaker::UnitEnglish
- FFaker::UnitMetric
- FFaker::Vehicle
- FFaker::Venue
- FFaker::Youtube
Method | Example |
instance_tenancy |
dedicated, default, host |
instance_type |
cc1.4xlarge, m4.10xlarge, m2.2xlarge |
offering_type |
Heavy Utilization, Medium Utilization, Light Utilization |
product_description |
Windows (Amazon VPC), Windows with SQL Server Standard, Linux/UNIX (Amazon VPC) |
Method | Example |
building_number |
6622, 8173, 13934 |
city |
North Tarshaport, East Shaunnaborough, New Imogenemouth |
city_prefix |
New, West, South |
city_suffix |
port, land, mouth |
country |
Serbia, Antarctica, French Southern Territories |
country_code |
TV, MK, GP |
neighborhood |
Renton West, Allegheny West, Rockville East of Hungerford Dr |
secondary_address |
Suite 432, Suite 912, Apt. 038 |
street_address |
10194 Lorilee Union, 746 Jerold Motorway, 042 Merlin Union |
street_name |
Donnelly Oval, Beaulah Prairie, Kutch Rapid |
street_suffix |
Path, Valleys, Mount |
time_zone |
Pacific/Noumea, Asia/Novosibirsk, America/Juneau |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
❗ [zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
Method | Example |
building_number |
22618, 0808, 3621 |
city |
South Delicia, East Elsy, Kovacekfurt |
city_prefix |
Port, Lake, East |
city_suffix |
mouth, borough, ton |
country |
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba, Turks and Caicos Islands, Japan |
country_code |
RE, MF, AF |
full_address |
2049 Louise Station, Wangaratta VIC 6330, 476 Hermina Motorway, Launceston TAS 4551, 21850 Runolfsdottir Ranch, Blacktown NSW 5253 |
neighborhood |
Seven Hills Area, Bridesburg, Far Rockaway/Bayswater |
postcode |
7010, 6053, 2200 |
secondary_address |
Apt. 978, Suite 827, Apt. 768 |
state |
Queensland, Tasmania, Australian Capital Territory |
state_abbr |
street_address |
936 Emelda Glen, 3477 Onie Brooks, 393 Quitzon Lock |
street_name |
Tatyana Parkway, Tabitha Crossing, Chun Park |
street_suffix |
Stream, Greens, Extension |
suburb |
Newcastle, O'Connor, Canberra |
time_zone |
Australia/Adelaide, Australia/Hobart, Australia/Perth |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
❗ [zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
Method | Example |
building_number |
4343, 765, 792 |
city |
Trindade, São Félix do Xingu, Caruaru |
city_prefix |
Port, North, East |
city_suffix |
chester, berg, burgh |
complement |
Casa Térrea, Fundos, Apartamento 422 |
country |
Pakistan, Uganda, Dominica |
country_code |
CI, BW, VC |
full_address |
Rua Adaelmo Novaes, 71637, Parque Henrique, Ariquemes, Ceará, Brazil, Travessa Dalmo Braga Rodrigues, 962, Jardim Estefânia, Santa Bárbara do Oeste, Pará, Brazil, Travessa Ateneia Farias, 85365, Parque Samanta, Ariquemes, Tocantins, Brazil |
neighborhood |
Vila Liana, Jardim Andresa, Parque Breno |
secondary_address |
Suite 760, Apt. 676, Suite 022 |
state |
Amapá, Mato Grosso, Alagoas |
state_abbr |
AL, RR, RJ |
street |
Travessa Neida Peixoto, Avenida Adelmo Nascimento, Alameda Viviane Oliveira |
street_address |
6959 Jennette Bypass, 93771 Pamella Rapid, 8542 Linh Tunnel |
street_name |
Ciara Loop, Lezlie Circles, White Well |
street_prefix |
Avenida, Travessa, Rua |
street_suffix |
Lock, Forges, Streets |
time_zone |
Atlantic/Cape_Verde, Asia/Dhaka, Pacific/Noumea |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
36286-418, 79971-071, 80479-086 |
Method | Example |
building_number |
23342, 52765, 256 |
city |
Iroquois Falls, Delta, Saint-Hyacinthe |
city_prefix |
Lake, West, New |
city_suffix |
chester, burgh, berg |
country |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Yemen, Malta |
country_code |
IN, TF, BR |
neighborhood |
phoenix, Mott Haven/Port Morris, East of Telegraph Road |
postal_code |
T1A 5H0, R6P 0E5, K4N 8G8 |
province |
Newfoundland and Labrador, Ontario, New Brunswick |
province_abbr |
MB, NT, QC |
secondary_address |
Apt. 910, Suite 334, Apt. 157 |
street_address |
422 Malik Roads, 411 Lavinia Junctions, 6737 Vanda Mill |
street_name |
Lubowitz Islands, Katina Route, Toy Path |
street_suffix |
Rapid, Lake, Pike |
time_zone |
Asia/Hong_Kong, Pacific/Midway, Asia/Dhaka |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
❗ [zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
Method | Example |
building_number |
8218, 30110, 3658 |
canton_abbr |
FR, GL, GE |
city |
Heathcoteshire, Araside, Port Jongmouth |
city_prefix |
Lake, South, East |
city_suffix |
land, furt, berg |
country |
Tunisia, Christmas Island, Gabon |
country_code |
SB, IS, RE |
neighborhood |
North Norridge, Seven Hills Area, Sagaponack Seaside |
postal_code |
3511, 8030, 1709 |
secondary_address |
Apt. 791, Suite 233, Apt. 327 |
street_address |
4324 Morgan Field, 7012 Lissa Ways, 07606 Yukiko Unions |
street_name |
Hunter Common, Tracie Extensions, Cartwright Mill |
street_suffix |
Port, Rest, Shoal |
time_zone |
Asia/Kabul, Pacific/Fiji, America/Chicago |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
❗ [zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
Method | Example |
building_number |
1082, 6501, 90730 |
canton |
Basel-Stadt, Appenzell Ausserrhoden, Schwyz |
canton_abbr |
GL, NE, ZG |
city |
Jakubowskiport, Port Leslie, Pfefferland |
city_prefix |
West, New, East |
city_suffix |
mouth, burgh, port |
country |
Lao People's Democratic Republic, Faroe Islands, Tunisia |
country_code |
RE, CK, AO |
neighborhood |
Sagaponack Seaside, North Norridge, South of Lake Ave |
postal_code |
4020, 6017, 6938 |
secondary_address |
Apt. 781, Suite 237, Apt. 747 |
street_address |
991 Britney Corner, 64051 Mabel Shores, 897 Lanell Manors |
street_name |
Vince Path, Cletus Heights, Gutkowski Island |
street_suffix |
Pines, Ways, Forges |
time_zone |
America/Regina, Pacific/Tongatapu, Asia/Jerusalem |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
❗ [zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
Method | Example |
building_number |
7371, 8546, 196 |
canton |
Fribourg, Schwytz, Appenzell Rhodes-Intérieures |
canton_abbr |
SZ, VD, AR |
city |
Chasburgh, New Amina, Murphyview |
city_prefix |
New, Lake, West |
city_suffix |
fort, furt, mouth |
country |
Aruba, Puerto Rico, Jamaica |
country_code |
CF, AM, UZ |
neighborhood |
Pennypack, North East Irwindale, Seven Hills Area |
postal_code |
6158, 2086, 7852 |
secondary_address |
Apt. 475, Apt. 735, Suite 202 |
street_address |
7880 Ned Lodge, 597 Grant Shoals, 037 Rima Crest |
street_name |
Ramiro Ports, Maria Cape, Zieme Fork |
street_suffix |
Lights, Squares, Plain |
time_zone |
Europe/Paris, Etc/UTC, America/Regina |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
❗ [zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
Method | Example |
building_number |
5198, 1502, 4327 |
canton |
Giura, Argovia, Basilea Città |
canton_abbr |
AR, FR, SH |
city |
Kunzefurt, South Dannielle, East Silvaland |
city_prefix |
West, Port, New |
city_suffix |
side, berg, town |
country |
Bahamas, Greenland, United Arab Emirates |
country_code |
ZW, IE, MY |
neighborhood |
Pound Ridge East, Olmsted Falls Central, Ocean Parkway South |
postal_code |
2241, 7978, 2780 |
secondary_address |
Suite 117, Suite 266, Apt. 616 |
street_address |
747 Beier Station, 4548 Carroll Radial, 2671 Ruthe Walk |
street_name |
Nicol Grove, Berta Gateway, Ortiz Lights |
street_suffix |
Land, Underpass, Alley |
time_zone |
Europe/Amsterdam, Australia/Brisbane, America/Juneau |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
❗ [zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
Method | Example |
building_number |
75989, 4060, 8544 |
city |
Aarhus V, Korsør, Allinge |
city_prefix |
Lake, East, Port |
city_suffix |
stad, haven, land |
country |
Brunei Darussalam, French Guiana, Oman |
country_code |
DZ, MP, MT |
full_address |
Bolandsvej 8 6925 Fanø Sjælland DANMARK, Humlemosevej 45 7318 Boeslunde Hovedstaden DANMARK, Storager 40 6110 Gislev Midtjylland DANMARK |
kommune |
Høje-Taastrup, Rødovre, Kolding |
neighborhood |
Greater Las Vegas National, Bronxdale, Jupiter South/Abacoa |
post_nr |
9257, 2875, 3697 |
region |
Syddanmark, Nordjylland, Hovedstaden |
secondary_address |
Apt. 814, Apt. 346, Suite 099 |
state |
Hillerød, Syddjurs, Ærø |
street_address |
Akacievej 34, Højager 84, Dalbergstrøget 22 |
street_name |
Kirkegårdsvej, Arresøgårdsvej, Pilekrattet |
street_suffix |
Fork, Crest, Mountain |
time_zone |
Asia/Novosibirsk, Asia/Ulaanbaatar, Europe/Warsaw |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
8221, 4155, 6585 |
Method | Example |
building_number |
210, 952, 7086 |
city |
Fulda, Mindelheim, Neukirchen-Vluyn |
city_prefix |
Lake, East, New |
city_suffix |
town, land, fort |
country |
Taiwan, Province of China, Colombia, Chile |
country_code |
BA, KR, NR |
neighborhood |
Mott Haven/Port Morris, Jupiter South/Abacoa, Sagaponack Seaside |
secondary_address |
Apt. 698, Suite 765, Apt. 965 |
state |
Baden-Wuerttemberg, Brandenburg, Hessen |
street_address |
Kreigerhain 117, Pfefferstr. 103, Wardstr. 35 |
street_name |
Youlandastr., Isaacstr., Ritchiegasse |
street_suffix |
Plain, Circle, Ways |
time_zone |
Pacific/Port_Moresby, America/Halifax, Africa/Monrovia |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
63637, 86877, 20153 |
Method | Example |
building_number |
68058, 62019, 05497 |
city |
Akaa, Lappeenranta, Jämsä |
city_prefix |
Port, East, West |
city_suffix |
shire, fort, haven |
country |
Kazakhstan, Bulgaria, Saint Barthélemy |
country_code |
NZ, KR, AO |
full_address |
Rasiojantie 78, 33430 Forssa, SUOMI, Lingontie 42, 89596 Uusikaarlepyy, SUOMI, Varsanojantie 1 b 7, 04446 Nivala, SUOMI |
neighborhood |
Sea Ranch Lakes, South of Lake Ave, Central Chandler |
random_country |
Dominikaaninen tasavalta, Serbia, Etelä-Afrikka |
secondary_address |
Apt. 138, Apt. 036, Apt. 607 |
street_address |
Levänmäentie 0 b 5, Rekolantie 0 b, Kuusimäentie 4 a 3 |
street_name |
Leppäkorventie, Alatie, Lehtimäenkulmantie |
street_nbr |
2 b, 3, 09 |
street_suffix |
Highway, Vista, Circles |
time_zone |
America/Chihuahua, Pacific/Port_Moresby, Asia/Kuwait |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
43026, 62254, 00806 |
Method | Example |
building_number |
09434, 334, 595 |
city |
Le Blanc-Mesnil, Garges-lès-Gonesse, Besançon |
city_prefix |
South, West, East |
city_suffix |
side, borough, stad |
country |
Wallis and Futuna, Turkey, Jersey |
country_code |
KM, GF, DK |
full_address |
7-23 av Françoise Barthelemy 97974 Asnières-sur-Seine, 003 Q, bd Lucie Boulay, 54902 Martigues, 08 TER rue Catherine de Grondin, 2A417 Montpellier |
neighborhood |
South of Bell Road, Summerlin North, White Plains Central |
postal_code |
97623, 97286, 97117 |
region |
Champagne-Ardenne, Auvergne, Nord-Pas-de-Calais |
secondary_address |
Apt. 482, Suite 059, Suite 363 |
street_address |
9 T, boulevard Théodore Allain, 16 bd Margot de Texier, 4078 BIS, rue Richard Dupont |
street_name |
Cartwright Cliff, Lien Walks, Beckie Ranch |
street_suffix |
Ville, Forest, Hills |
time_zone |
Pacific/Tongatapu, America/Lima, Africa/Nairobi |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
❗ [zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
Method | Example |
building_number |
98340, 426, 21443 |
city |
Ρόδος, Μυτιλήνη, Παλλήνη |
city_prefix |
Port, South, East |
city_suffix |
stad, ville, borough |
country |
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba, United Kingdom, Malaysia |
country_code |
PR, BI, CY |
neighborhood |
Jamaica Estates/Holliswood, Florissant West, Mount Kisco West |
region |
Ήπειρος, Δυτική Μακεδονία, Βόρειο Αιγαίο |
secondary_address |
Suite 846, Apt. 815, Suite 039 |
street_address |
["Οδός", "Πάροδος"] Κυρηνείας, 6, ["Οδός", "Πάροδος"] Βενιζέλου Ελευθερίου, 206, ["Οδός", "Πάροδος"] Ορεστιάδος, 1 |
street_name |
Θάσου, Πατριάρχου Γρηγορίου, Καρπασίας |
street_nbr |
1, 9, 31 |
street_suffix |
Squares, Forks, Parkways |
time_zone |
Pacific/Auckland, Asia/Tbilisi, Europe/Moscow |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
82127, 46172, 58539 |
Method | Example |
building_number |
873, 82046, 21096 |
city |
Yogyakarta, Kotamobagu, Semarang |
city_prefix |
Lake, North, East |
city_suffix |
borough, ton, shire |
country |
Palestine, State of, Somalia, Guernsey |
country_code |
MF, ML, AF |
neighborhood |
Ladue South, Auburn North, Far Rockaway/Bayswater |
secondary_address |
Apt. 737, Apt. 383, Suite 292 |
state |
Bangka Belitung, Maluku Utara, Jawa Tengah |
state_abbr |
SS, NB, SN |
street |
Jln. Saharjo, No. 48, Jln. Abdul Halim, No. 88, Jln. Sukarno, No. 57 |
street_address |
983 Precious Lodge, 6144 Maegan Meadows, 2646 Marcelina Estates |
street_name |
Blair Crossroad, Brown Coves, Leila Mall |
street_prefix |
street_suffix |
Port, Stravenue, Prairie |
time_zone |
Europe/Lisbon, Africa/Nairobi, Asia/Tokyo |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
59138, 34325, 43706 |
Method | Example |
building_number |
200, 3430, 92341 |
city |
Ludhiana, Chennai, Ahmedabad |
city_prefix |
Port, West, North |
city_suffix |
chester, port, bury |
country |
country_code |
neighborhood |
Bushwick South, White Plains Central, South of Lake Ave |
pincode |
878961, 109570, 628869 |
secondary_address |
Apt. 729, Suite 828, Suite 985 |
state |
Chhattisgarh, Arunachal Pradesh, Maharashtra |
state_abbr |
TG, TN, MZ |
state_and_union_territory |
Telangana, Maharashtra, Assam |
state_and_union_territory_abbr |
TR, BR, RJ |
street_address |
7495 Orn Prairie, 185 Evangeline Coves, 6743 Sylvia Villages |
street_name |
Edna Cove, Harris Run, Coralie Freeway |
street_suffix |
Land, Summit, Crossroad |
time_zone |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
union_territory |
Chandigarh, Daman and Diu, Andaman and Nicobar Islands |
union_territory_abbr |
CH, PY, DL |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
970880, 632740, 931157 |
Method | Example |
city |
Catanzaro, Isernia, Napoli |
full_address |
6-36, piazza Vittoria Pacitto 82099 Bari, 6-42 piazza Prof.ssa Stefano Conchiglia 49504 Matera, 8717 via Caterina Monachello, 26890 Padova |
postal_code |
50587, 92103, 45479 |
region |
Lazio, Umbria, Veneto |
street_address |
305, piazza Brigitta Esposito, 884, viale Antonio Conchiglia, 5, piazza Bernadetta Fumanti |
Method | Example |
address |
766-0707 島根県福井市境港市1丁目2番3号, 741-9477 兵庫県利根郡福知山市1丁目3番0号, 055-5194 高知県藤岡市千葉市9丁目2番0号 |
building_number |
139, 840, 26277 |
city |
周南市, 小美玉市, 仙北市 |
city_prefix |
North, New, South |
city_suffix |
haven, berg, chester |
country |
Armenia, Mauritania, Somalia |
country_code |
CO, TT, NP |
county |
真庭郡, 大沼郡, 幡多郡 |
designated_city |
豊川市, あま市, 玉野市 |
designated_city_address |
826-9494 群馬県壱岐市中央区大川市909, 088-1486 秋田県中津川市戸畑区都城市895, 158-3323 愛知県岐阜市西区八代市427 |
land_number |
0丁目6番1号, 1丁目6番1号, 3丁目7番9号 |
neighborhood |
Bridesburg, East of Telegraph Road, Greater Las Vegas National |
other_address |
573-8570 宮城県小県郡鹿児島市8丁目3番5号, 102-5168 山形県狛江市松阪市6丁目5番5号, 056-0706 大分県東国東郡川崎市8丁目0番3号 |
postal_code |
240-7820, 375-4906, 403-9944 |
prefecture |
茨城県, 群馬県, 愛媛県 |
secondary_address |
Suite 298, Suite 648, Apt. 670 |
street |
高山市, 熊谷市, 尾鷲市 |
street_address |
223 Tremblay Green, 6018 DuBuque Points, 0617 Bergnaum Manor |
street_name |
Prosacco Manors, Jarod Village, Gaylord Knolls |
street_suffix |
Viaduct, Estates, Road |
time_zone |
America/Chicago, Europe/Warsaw, Asia/Jakarta |
tokyo_ward |
板橋区, 目黒区, 品川区 |
tokyo_ward_address |
690-4300 東京都荒川区国分寺市431, 108-0453 東京都港区宇治市1丁目5番2号, 785-9392 東京都目黒区西海市6丁目4番3号 |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
village |
東峰村, 粟国村, 東吉野村 |
ward |
北区, 佐伯区, 桜区 |
zip_code |
❗ [zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
Method | Example |
address_detail |
대희연립, 재호타워 092호, 병권타워 |
borough |
서초구, 성동구, 마포구 |
building_name |
순일아파트, 효서빌라, 인태타워 |
city |
광주시, 김포시, 고양시 |
land_address |
경상남도 규리동 8190-7, 전라남도 정준마을 690, 충청남도 송찬리 745 |
land_number |
048, 3329, 806-13 |
metropolitan_city |
서울특별시, 대구광역시, 광주광역시 |
old_postal_code |
412-239, 396-226, 909-840 |
postal_code |
34866, 70094, 20324 |
province |
충청북도, 경상북도, 경상남도 |
road_addess |
충청남도 두영동 정철길, 충청북도 연진마을 유중3로 (우영동), 대전광역시 마포구 차연로 |
street |
보배길, 장윤거리, 태호거리 |
town |
우종리, 정열리, 진원동 |
Method | Example |
municipality |
Tepezalá, Cadereyta de Montes, Azcapotzalco |
postal_code |
14428, 70062, 19482 |
state |
Querétaro, Jalisco, Oaxaca |
state_abbr |
zip_code |
35918, 45535, 43550 |
Method | Example |
building_number |
941, 994, 533 |
city |
Oostelbeers, Haaren-'t Eind, Nieuwland |
city_prefix |
South, Port, New |
city_suffix |
ville, side, chester |
country |
Azerbaijan, Barbados, Afghanistan |
country_code |
JM, BV, HM |
neighborhood |
South of Lake Ave, River Heights, Olmsted Falls Central |
postal_code |
9892 QI, 6239 TA, 4311 ZT |
province |
Limburg, Flevoland, Groningen |
secondary_address |
Suite 586, Apt. 185, Suite 332 |
street_address |
83284 Kautzerboulevard, 8038 Rosendostraat, 163 Roobstraat |
street_name |
Rodriguezstraat, Virginasteeg, Starkstraat |
street_suffix |
Crescent, Path, Stravenue |
time_zone |
Pacific/Fakaofo, Europe/Brussels, America/Sao_Paulo |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
4370 TY, 4071 DU, 2387 OP |
Method | Example |
building_number |
188, 135, 142 |
city |
Mszczonów, Nisko, Międzybórz |
full_address |
plac Stawowy 11 75-281 Proszowice, ul. św. Krzyża 38 10-658 Rybnik, pasaż Inwalidów 89 70-138 Chojnów |
postal_code |
75-553, 43-763, 90-966 |
province |
dolnośląskie, zachodniopomorskie, podkarpackie |
secondary_number |
/84, m. 108, /99 |
square |
zaułek Kołłątaja, zaułek Polonii, bulwar Wolnica |
square_prefix |
pasaż, zaułek, bulwar |
state |
pomorskie, zachodniopomorskie, warmińsko-mazurskie |
street |
ul. Zamknięta, ul. św. Floriana, ul. Solidarności |
street_address |
ul. Mikołaja Reja 55, plac Medyków 156, al. Jana Kasprowicza 140 |
street_name |
zaułek Oleandrów, zaułek Jagielloński, ul. Bałtycka |
street_prefix |
voivodeship |
warmińsko-mazurskie, lubuskie, podkarpackie |
voivodeship_abbr |
KP, DS, OP |
voivodeship_capital_city |
Poznań, Szczecin, Kielce |
zip_code |
28-759, 76-137, 17-462 |
Method | Example |
building_number |
233, 23987, 909 |
city |
Томск, Стерлитамак, Омск |
city_prefix |
South, North, Lake |
city_suffix |
stad, land, view |
country |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Falkland Islands (Malvinas), Papua New Guinea |
country_code |
PN, EG, DO |
neighborhood |
White Plains Central, Jamaica Estates/Holliswood, South of Lake Shore Blvd |
province |
Ленинградская область, Челябинская область, Калмыкия |
secondary_address |
Apt. 842, Apt. 769, Suite 086 |
street_address |
ул. Луговая, д. 1, ул. Чкалова, д. 8, ул. Пионерская, д. 815 |
street_name |
ул. Пушкина, ул. Речная, ул. Школьная |
street_number |
46, 4, 2 |
street_suffix |
Mission, Hills, Trace |
time_zone |
Australia/Perth, Asia/Chongqing, Australia/Hobart |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
519279, 988775, 015109 |
Method | Example |
building_number |
8162, 9626, 7923 |
city |
Karlskrona, Lund, Avesta |
city_prefix |
Port, New, Lake |
city_suffix |
stad, port, shire |
country |
Mauritius, Papua New Guinea, San Marino |
country_code |
AF, MS, BG |
full_address |
Skridskovägen 559, 04 841 Skanör, SVERIGE, Pintorpavägen 7, 79122 Karlskrona, SVERIGE, Särnavägen 306, 32635 Solna, SVERIGE |
neighborhood |
Gates Mills North, Jupiter South/Abacoa, Olmsted Falls Central |
random_country |
Georgien, Oman, Mikronesien |
secondary_address |
Apt. 591, Apt. 857, Apt. 676 |
street_address |
Bielkevägen 0b, Valhallavägen 66, Hågavägen 184 |
street_name |
Hägerstensvägen, Storsylsvägen, Vattenkraftsvägen |
street_nbr |
4, 508, 786 |
street_suffix |
Ramp, Pines, Gateway |
time_zone |
America/Lima, Australia/Perth, America/La_Paz |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
65 598, 96 937, 58 433 |
Method | Example |
arrondissement |
Sicap-Liberté, Sicap Mbao, Mbao |
building_number |
46100, 823, 5247 |
city |
Lake Modesto, South Jaimiefort, Mayerborough |
city_prefix |
East, South, West |
city_suffix |
bury, stad, shire |
country |
Korea, Republic of, Cook Islands, Haiti |
country_code |
CH, MX, SA |
departement |
Dagana, nioro du rip, pikine |
neighborhood |
River Heights, East of Telegraph Road, Ocean Parkway South |
region |
kaffrine, fatick, louga |
secondary_address |
Suite 304, Suite 708, Suite 667 |
street_address |
385 Schiller Loop, 713 Johnston Way, 40642 Pollich Valley |
street_name |
Cole Groves, Stefan Road, Walter Springs |
street_suffix |
Plains, Falls, Burgs |
time_zone |
Pacific/Noumea, Europe/Riga, Australia/Darwin |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
❗ [zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
Method | Example |
appartment_number |
750, 55, 132 |
building_number |
85, 998, 452 |
city |
Євпаторія, Макіївка, Артемівськ |
country |
Судан, Вануату, Ботсвана |
province |
Чернігівська область, Луганська область, Чернівецька область |
street_address |
вул. Стрийська, 115, вул. Городоцька, 37, вул. Вічева, 78 |
street_name |
вул. Рудного, вул. Вузька, вул. Брюховичів |
zip_code |
08523, 23071, 09265 |
Method | Example |
building_number |
15031, 64948, 7269 |
city |
Lake Von, Lyndsayberg, North Antonettabury |
city_prefix |
Lake, East, New |
city_suffix |
furt, port, burgh |
country |
Northern Ireland, England, Wales |
country_code |
OM, MR, BD |
county |
Grampian, County Londonderry, Lothian |
neighborhood |
Northwest Midlothian/Midlothian Country Club, South of Bell Road, Seven Hills Area |
postcode |
PV57 1PC, TB79 1EP, WR3 1SG |
secondary_address |
Apt. 575, Apt. 189, Suite 906 |
street_address |
804 Conn Ways, 75580 Aurora Overpass, 463 Corkery Mews |
street_name |
Gulgowski Cape, Tamie Points, Kertzmann Garden |
street_suffix |
Rest, Ridges, Mills |
time_zone |
Pacific/Tongatapu, Pacific/Guam, Asia/Urumqi |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
❗ [zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
Method | Example |
building_number |
6632, 457, 268 |
city |
Marvinberg, South Carly, Collinsside |
city_prefix |
New, North, South |
city_suffix |
stad, land, port |
continental_state |
South Carolina, Arizona, Pennsylvania |
continental_state_abbr |
WI, MD, CT |
country |
Sweden, Brunei Darussalam, Benin |
country_code |
BQ, KI, KG |
neighborhood |
Far Rockaway/Bayswater, Bridesburg, Northwoods West |
secondary_address |
Suite 564, Apt. 764, Apt. 890 |
state |
Michigan, Alaska, Pennsylvania |
state_abbr |
OK, RI, IA |
state_and_territories_abbr |
IN, CO, SC |
street_address |
86135 Randi Lakes, 70228 Reilly Junctions, 366 Breana Fort |
street_name |
Walsh Fields, Violeta Parks, Giuseppina Glen |
street_suffix |
Overpass, Knolls, Throughway |
time_zone |
Asia/Kuwait, Europe/Moscow, America/Tijuana |
uk_country |
❗ [uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_county |
❗ [uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
uk_postcode |
❗ [uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module |
us_state |
❗ [us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
us_state_abbr |
❗ [state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module |
zip_code |
51479, 19034, 08277 |
Method | Example |
flight_number |
J2 1643, FH 1093, 6W 2197 |
name |
Severstal, Isd Avia, Airlines 400 Jsc (red Wings Ai |
Method | Example |
common_name |
❗ [common_name] is deprecated. For animal name in english please use the AnimalUS module |
Method | Example |
common_name |
Pescada, Jegue, Papagaio |
Method | Example |
common_name |
水牛, 北极熊, 鳕鱼 |
Method | Example |
common_name |
Cabra, Cuervo, Pato |
Method | Example |
common_name |
Lew, Szarańcza, Kukułka |
Method | Example |
common_name |
Sea Lion, Snail, Octopus |
Method | Example |
image |
https://robohash.org/iurequonesciunt.png?size=300x300, https://robohash.org/ducimusvitaeaccusamus.png?size=300x300, https://robohash.org/estremexercitationem.png?size=300x300 |
Method | Example |
characters |
2conms10j9l12zs3y68gn9h3ocxdp3jld5gcswwix1hh6vqrwhept7he4bafl2n2qjibo58ycs85ahjzav02p33ucuhmwl3exw40xw09zugn95yicqoq171xsiq7ezd38u96tvhr6eyzt3459cu4tpb096slo2rk6rwtrgbfhnlmmpoexx4h84ccqc2d661k46jfhy61wo5iyjuo18jm74n0d1gktpmtgi68ihmew09mjyvfn7ou1oaxq0lp95s, 0y5kj1g9z0x4tn2mc80hvahn3svnx5gqaizxtw902cag92qa42uaikr7yg1zdc1eo8v1dmawua0qpsnmepdz6qdtnr8nld3aqgy40fbgv2at9r0vh4rsx6cggfnb2ybs5t867ptx7l852df96zuyt8jstg3303gyd8hwopy915hjwxaisbl8wxpvdtznzjxacbh325vwqrjokhh3tqb8ycd4ocllpgnnu3mkrdpnaogoecs1gsogtuinjs44bf8, 28aenpb01jguzwbzbqywb5kveufa7oz4sss0qwz27spc636wyigw8pfs63e3xjrsdcwoy758t8a4g57bnnafr40m921rctx6y6rdjne2z6ht8n7pla4uy3xpvcjbsfmndfrpgnnlomc9665xb28lv2cszhun6dyi2w6zj25mo87vt38e1krtfskjnhlf7hy65q1ed2ixa32dq1gvfe0x34ot0no7f18fm2mi5zuro4jwkre7m3b3w858rmlgrt0 |
paragraph |
Pancetta andouille filet mignon ribeye bresaola meatball boudin beef ribs. Shoulder beef tenderloin ham flank. Biltong tenderloin t-bone spare ribs ball tip., Corned beef landjaeger venison pork chop flank Kevin boudin sausage. Beef venison capicola beef ribs ball tip. Pork belly swine chicken sausage rump frankfurter boudin. Jerky porchetta cow salami sausage meatloaf tenderloin beef ribs. Fatback shankle beef ribs pig pork belly., Ribeye shoulder salami pastrami meatloaf bacon. Pancetta andouille tri-tip meatloaf capicola pork chop. Turducken pork belly pastrami corned beef jerky. Sausage bacon drumstick porchetta meatloaf. Meatloaf pork tail pastrami brisket turkey. |
paragraphs |
Swine turkey pork chop venison ham leberkas ham hock. Sirloin pork chop spare ribs pastrami andouille pork loin strip steak. Tenderloin bacon sausage boudin fatback landjaeger shoulder pork belly pork chop. Ham hock beef swine pork chop strip steak ground round turkey shankle. Capicola filet mignon fatback ham hock tenderloin andouille., Fatback meatloaf turducken chuck shankle beef ribs flank capicola. Fatback landjaeger tail jerky cow. Kevin pastrami fatback turkey turducken. Kevin andouille flank capicola venison turducken., Brisket strip steak turkey spare ribs turducken ball tip t-bone. Pancetta chuck andouille ribeye doner ball tip. Beef ribs chuck swine pork loin corned beef pastrami pork chop., Ground round jowl biltong chicken capicola t-bone pork loin. Leberkas beef ribs short ribs bresaola turducken. Shankle Kevin short ribs spare ribs salami ham hock corned beef. Boudin capicola bacon pork loin ham hock turkey meatball., Ground round cow pork ribeye flank filet mignon brisket leberkas sirloin. Tail short loin ground round ball tip brisket. Short loin corned beef beef ribs swine shankle bresaola landjaeger. Short loin corned beef salami hamburger shank. Beef t-bone pancetta strip steak pig landjaeger kielbasa., Pork strip steak jerky beef ribs shank landjaeger biltong prosciutto. Shank pastrami venison brisket andouille. Frankfurter hamburger doner Kevin bacon ribeye kielbasa venison fatback., Ribeye short loin pancetta bacon shankle. Meatball short ribs t-bone salami tenderloin sirloin rump ribeye pork belly. Boudin t-bone hamburger chuck frankfurter spare ribs. Ground round tri-tip swine sausage biltong sirloin bresaola., Drumstick pancetta ball tip meatball pork chop turducken turkey corned beef prosciutto. Turducken filet mignon pastrami pancetta beef ribs ribeye jerky corned beef swine. Corned beef Kevin tenderloin doner brisket leberkas kielbasa., Brisket tenderloin chicken meatloaf sirloin. Prosciutto hamburger capicola kielbasa shank tail t-bone. Pastrami meatloaf corned beef kielbasa prosciutto bresaola. |
phrase |
Beef sausage t-bone pancetta venison filet mignon andouille jerky ground round., Biltong andouille meatloaf strip steak porchetta ball tip., Swine tenderloin capicola boudin chicken bacon tongue turkey. |
phrases |
Jowl leberkas sirloin cow kielbasa spare ribs pig hamburger., Capicola bresaola beef meatball flank., Biltong venison cow hamburger leberkas flank tongue shank., Sausage shank cow fatback pig tenderloin pork belly beef meatloaf., Chicken brisket doner boudin leberkas porchetta filet mignon drumstick flank., Andouille jerky venison turducken pastrami., Beef ribs filet mignon pig kielbasa venison bresaola corned beef., Bacon pork pig chicken brisket., Pork chop bacon prosciutto sausage rump tri-tip. |
sentence |
Bresaola corned beef meatloaf ball tip ground round spare ribs frankfurter leberkas., Sausage tri-tip porchetta doner drumstick shoulder frankfurter., Shank brisket bresaola rump ribeye. |
sentences |
Salami short loin chuck drumstick leberkas prosciutto jowl ground round., Bresaola cow pig corned beef ham turkey jerky biltong sirloin., Tri-tip pork ground round pork belly turducken venison beef., Pork short ribs ground round chicken pancetta hamburger drumstick., Andouille bresaola flank beef drumstick., Filet mignon meatball jerky pork loin tenderloin pork chop ham hock., Pancetta ribeye venison ball tip tongue., T-bone tenderloin swine pork chop corned beef cow filet mignon shankle pig., Chuck fatback short loin spare ribs tail doner. |
word |
turkey, flank, short loin |
words |
jerky, tail, meatball, short ribs, beef, pork, bacon, boudin, sausage |
Method | Example |
card_expiry_date |
09/27, 01/29, 08/29 |
card_number |
0881 1113 8121 5000, 7524 0230 1909 1662, 7301 2226 6397 4548 |
card_type |
mastercard, maestro, solo |
iban |
DO50GCBH29467231689551372717, LU338569240126150859, BE89929107166643 |
Method | Example |
account_number |
081401370746466, 2347910978238, 9093807601 |
routing_number |
094894921, 068199652, 032762549 |
Method | Example |
author |
Sheila Mraz, Cira Cummerata, Lesli Windler |
cover |
https://robohash.org/cupiditateundesit.png?size=300x300, https://robohash.org/iustonemodoloremque.png?size=300x300, https://robohash.org/voluptatesreiciendisvelit.png?size=300x300 |
description |
Ipsa voluptatum quae molestias facere esse ducimus deserunt. Inventore molestiae quasi quas saepe provident nesciunt assumenda. Veniam quisquam alias ab adipisci cupiditate tempora commodi. Dicta debitis aperiam earum officia., Cumque quo aliquam alias vero mollitia. Tenetur ab unde error reprehenderit sint. Velit veritatis harum tempora amet eius tenetur illo., Ad officiis facilis numquam autem deleniti impedit minima. Sed quas quod nulla velit odio esse in ut. Voluptas ut dignissimos perspiciatis unde voluptates quod nemo. Quasi quo occaecati possimus nostrum assumenda voluptas odit. |
genre |
Blessing, Covenant, Children's literature |
isbn |
14465754568, 16855532330, 15054367769 |
orly_cover |
https://orly-appstore.herokuapp.com/generate?title=Journey+of+the+Flying+Cousins&top_text=Semi-autobiographical+novel&author=Bernardina+Terry&image_code=36&theme=5, https://orly-appstore.herokuapp.com/generate?title=Rise+of+the+Danger+Pickpocket&top_text=Prophecy&author=Winona+Stanton&image_code=20&theme=1, https://orly-appstore.herokuapp.com/generate?title=Return+of+the+Death+Thief&top_text=Women%27s+erotica&author=Madonna+Kling&image_code=26&theme=8 |
title |
Death Thief, Blonde Wolves, Electric Monster |
Method | Example |
maybe |
random |
sample |
Method | Example |
paragraph |
Taste and texture in all colours 10 grilled cheese sandwiches you should try immediately with blessed are the cheesemakers soft ripening cheese for but round cheeses are to be cut in wedges, like a cake cut to size harmful secondary metabolites blue fungi in cream cut to size garlic cheese biscuits., Cut the cheese until the wheels form a white coat of penicillium moulds in an artisan farmerhouse he old cheese dairy buildings, situated on the historic site until the wheels form a white coat of penicillium moulds bergkäse from the Alps a good alternative to cheesecloth blue fungi in cream double dutch or they can also age quite well in ripening cellars where., 10 grilled cheese sandwiches you should try immediately with blessed are the cheesemakers 10 grilled cheese sandwiches you should try immediately with - tongue in cheek coagulation of the milk protein casein separate the curds from the wey blue fungi in cream the whiter and fresher the cheese, the crisper and fruitier the wine should be of the Friesian herd but round cheeses are to be cut in wedges, like a cake. |
sentence |
Trying too hard, unsubtle, and inauthenticdouble dutch ortaste and texture in all colours., Harmful secondary metabolites10 grilled cheese sandwiches you should try immediately withthe slice of cheese is placed on top of the meat patty., Harmful secondary metabolitescut to sizeharmful secondary metabolites. |
title |
Smokey Dairy, Fat Brie, Soft Goats |
word |
cheese, stinky, salty |
words |
fat, cream, springy, stinky, cottage cheese, salty, cheesed, milk, smoked, sticky, Emmentaler, cream, elastic, cheesed, buttery |
Method | Example |
ean |
3744282576415, 5672190346500, 1386789547820 |
npi |
2399028606, 2260870904, 7967258832 |
Method | Example |
hex_code |
f838f4, 4464d7, 7f8e23 |
hsl_array |
213, 98%, 70%, 310, 5%, 88%, 169, 63%, 9% |
hsl_list |
152,1%,68%, 55,3%,89%, 241,51%,63% |
hsla_array |
134, 5%, 86%, 0.29, 108, 63%, 73%, 0.95, 152, 48%, 81%, 0.65 |
hsla_list |
58,14%,11%,0.93, 35,57%,2%,0.5, 272,40%,69%,0.4 |
name |
darkorange, green, crimson |
rgb_array |
197, 252, 96, 128, 129, 196, 154, 195, 254 |
rgb_list |
141,19,250, 232,127,33, 247,31,226 |
rgba_array |
212, 108, 209, 0.8, 189, 81, 185, 0.0, 166, 188, 8, 0.02 |
rgba_list |
163,238,97,0.93, 10,99,13,0.2, 141,89,40,0.79 |
Method | Example |
name |
szafranowy, woskowy, jaśminowy |
Method | Example |
name |
пшеничний, темно-кораловий, сапфіровий |
Method | Example |
bs |
utilize robust architectures, transition clicks-and-mortar applications, reinvent e-business e-tailers |
catch_phrase |
Enterprise-wide content-based archive, Multi-layered actuating info-mediaries, Programmable heuristic capability |
name |
Kuphal-Kemmer, Grady-Ortiz, Moen-Jenkins |
position |
Sales Consultant, Division Secretary, Associate Division Manager |
suffix |
Group, LLC, Inc |
Method | Example |
name |
容辰网络有限公司, 英刚食品公司, 宣华咨询有限公司 |
suffix |
type |
网络, 食品, 咨询 |
Method | Example |
name |
Pascal, Vasseur and Mendes, Rossi et fils, Guillou-Collet |
siren |
739836112, 690890421, 300789385 |
siret |
06746846200006, 70493562600504, 45666261800358 |
suffix |
SA, Groupe, SARL |
Method | Example |
name |
Studio Tecnico Ferrero, Gattari e Lonzi s.n.c., Micchichè s.n.c. |
partita_iva |
78602020964, 58179990039, 47396820863 |
prefix |
Studio Tecnico, Laboratorio, Studio Legale |
suffix |
Ingegneri, S.p.a., s.n.c. |
Method | Example |
name |
株式会社垣石, 株式会社屋良, 株式会社岡本 |
position |
課長, 部長, 会長 |
Method | Example |
name |
Kuphal Ab, Goyette-Goldner, Roberts-Wiegand Aktiebolag |
suffix |
Aktiebolag, AB, Ab |
Method | Example |
name |
18th Annual Sloan Consortium International Conference on Online Learning, 2nd Annual Concentrated Photovolatic Summit USA (CPV USA 2010), Reserve Estimation for Unconventional Resources 2012 |
Method | Example |
Method | Example |
sha256 |
a7b2c191414ef8ae2c7cc9e4cdb04ae9fd6f04118843adb8faa4376f7dd96f91, 8de656a9baec30a2c424161cf3e0f0dc502937038e45c3040b4e0c8422eefd5d, e20e9b6a35f329f57f65f4a10db3aa17a36beeee0181c0367ff5403decc4727f |
Method | Example |
code |
name |
Tugrik, Latvian Lats, Lempira |
symbol |
₺, ฿, ¢ |
Method | Example |
backward |
2023-06-02, 2023-06-21, 2023-09-19 |
between (..., ...) |
birthday |
1999-03-21, 1974-01-21, 2005-05-01 |
forward |
2024-09-04, 2024-04-25, 2024-05-11 |
Method | Example |
characters |
ooalmjcg8t31hzfiedzbbnr266xn569dckpo3klgxxf43us35cgq5kdcw3ki9jj5tjzw6yvgolhx6hihkcmpgtf1au9ekq0r6ogogwwf0viq432uauhcg8my0uj6p5nffioa2janbgkomm1v5lcep3f634felgz4n014a2wkhib7nugqc2yt9f2esv9yg9ez0vhl1u2bm27600wcjldff6g0astxrg24kwykkfn5tbefnf5bolfy31b2wji923x, t9689ei7wdlxker476b4ra5m4kddwx7s59j3fsgrbfaii6cckmwtqjx7osxatck469n05cj55o4pra8oo2w1rj9mt1n90ygkvuf8a1oxujw0r8zf8uv3cl740jkhkwxjvzws9l72sqpvih8eeka2k2bqke5m8rjcup73dglz9m9yogj48xv18ymbmo3gt68vf0sog9gfx2u23yh9vjkn8m6k61o5hrfef9eg1afyu57n6ity369namguzksoqg5, 2nelvleyk7gm9u1r6377pwgill7tp6qd8v6nh1lbqjoc2iqf7bg8cnlvk7d8tg32x1t0f4kh59t0f2xohdefwh7b9oqmaaugot0ha75dg37zksu44zfybn5ggqb5k4c2maxqyxfxi998zvapz50dmc2cc6uhaedit2b129b2cr25tb1wgsdrn23cf4mnebghjmradwq1uzwld220ih890wiwsuk4ohbse7p45k8a8bacu3nym9owdm4mvwlurke |
paragraph |
Fo shizzle every single one tha shiznit realer with my mind on my money bubbles in the tub. I love my momma it's 1993 Snoop the LBC realness rizzoad Mr. Buckwort used to sell loot plizzay. If you was me and i was you I love my momma tha shiznit like every single day through all the drama Doggfada., Through all the drama drop it like it's hot zig zag smoke Coupe de Ville in tha hizzle Long Beach. Nothing can save ya in tha hizzle the Magic Johnson of rap the S oh yes for the Gs drizzle may I with my mind on my money Doggfada. The diggy the Magic Johnson of rap tha shiznit your chrome eighty degrees feel the breeze if the ride is more fly, then you must buy. If the ride is more fly, then you must buy nasty bionic Doggfada drop it like it's hot now I'm on parole nothing can save ya., With my mind on my money fo shizzle tha dizzle sippin' on gin and juice realness nasty pizzle. Mr. buckwort smokin' indo make a few ends smokin' weed if you was me and I was you roll with in tha hizzle at ease. Bubbles in the tub you talk too much fo rizzle may I rolling down the street the Magic Johnson of rap. |
paragraphs |
Why is you drop it like it's hot tha dizzle I love my momma guess what? fizzle Mr. Buckwort if you was me and I was you. Rizzoad and my money on my mind rolling down the street at ease pizzle how we do it laid back. Tha dizzle the S oh yes Mr. Buckwort put ya choppers up Snoopy Doggfada the LBC., Bionic put ya choppers up and my money on my mind Snoop nasty the diggy the LBC it's 1993. The s oh yes put ya choppers up laid back for the Gs Coupe de Ville. Guess what? and my money on my mind smokin' indo bubbles in the tub the Magic Johnson of rap real deal Holyfield it's 1993 Snoop. For the gs fo rizzle at ease now I'm on parole bionic if you was me and I was you nasty. Televizzle Snoop eighty degrees tha shiznit rizzoad and my money on my mind if you was me and I was you may I why is you., Through all the drama like every single day your chrome in tha hizzle for the Gs smokin' indo fizzle rizzide everybody got they cups. Laid back if you was me and I was you Mr. Buckwort put ya choppers up now I'm on parole the S oh yes feel the breeze recognize. At ease the S oh yes real deal Holyfield if you was me and I was you waddup rizzide every single one your chrome. Tha dizzle guess what? nothing can save ya Long Beach through all the drama everybody got they cups for the Gs hizzouse gold chain., You talk too much Doggfada fo rizzle bionic now I'm on parole realer how we do it rizzide rolling down the street. Zig zag smoke now I'm on parole I love my momma for the Gs smokin' indo with my mind on my money everybody got they cups. It's 1993 televizzle used to sell loot now I'm on parole at ease for the hustlers. If you was me and i was you through all the drama with my mind on my money at ease now I'm on parole. Smokin' weed eighty degrees realer I love my momma roll with gold chain pizzle., Used to sell loot I love my momma for the Gs eighty degrees nothing can save ya why is you. Drop it like it's hot rolling down the street if you was me and I was you may I roll with nasty Doggfada if the ride is more fly, then you must buy nothing can save ya. And my money on my mind used to sell loot Snoopy Snoop the LBC you talk too much guess what?. The s oh yes recognize if you was me and I was you tha shiznit used to sell loot Long Beach drop it like it's hot. Tha shiznit drizzle feel the breeze nothing can save ya nasty., Now i'm on parole bionic make a few ends Snoop feel the breeze. Zig zag smoke the LBC nasty drizzle real deal Holyfield I love my momma through all the drama. You talk too much in tha hizzle bubbles in the tub pizzle laid back zig zag smoke hizzouse may I., And my money on my mind the Dogg Pound smokin' weed rizzide realer pizzle. Waddup Doggfada I love my momma if you was me and I was you guess what? Snoopy. Gizzo tha dizzle recognize the LBC drizzle for the Gs through all the drama the diggy. Long beach hizzouse nothing can save ya Mr. Buckwort waddup recognize. Snoopy waddup nasty smokin' indo Long Beach with my mind on my money fo shizzle., The magic johnson of rap laid back sippin' on gin and juice fo shizzle for the hustlers rizzoad at ease. For the gs drizzle roll with guess what? Snoop. Real deal holyfield with my mind on my money tha dizzle smokin' weed and my money on my mind pizzle make a few ends realer Long Beach. Laid back the diggy rizzoad Coupe de Ville why is you rolling down the street I love my momma fizzle., And my money on my mind real deal Holyfield rizzide waddup the diggy nasty in tha hizzle with my mind on my money realness. Gold chain waddup why is you put ya choppers up Long Beach and my money on my mind the LBC may I. Rolling down the street bionic the dopest rizzoad in tha hizzle roll with fo rizzle rizzide. Bionic the Magic Johnson of rap Long Beach drizzle used to sell loot nasty put ya choppers up. Like every single day why is you nothing can save ya in tha hizzle make a few ends the Dogg Pound you talk too much through all the drama smokin' indo. |
phrase |
Rizzide guess what? sippin' on gin and juice Doggfada realness the LBC recognize., Your chrome drizzle recognize Long Beach smokin' indo rizzoad the S oh yes., Bubbles in the tub fo rizzle sippin' on gin and juice your chrome make a few ends may I. |
phrases |
Drizzle rolling down the street nothing can save ya like every single day for the Gs feel the breeze the dopest rizzoad waddup., The diggy put ya choppers up make a few ends guess what? Snoopy plizzay tha dizzle sippin' on gin and juice bionic., Waddup smokin' indo nothing can save ya like every single day rolling down the street Long Beach every single one for the Gs the Dogg Pound., Through all the drama rizzide the LBC your chrome laid back Coupe de Ville., Sippin' on gin and juice Coupe de Ville tha shiznit fo shizzle at ease it's 1993 guess what? Mr. Buckwort if you was me and I was you., Your chrome rizzide how we do it nothing can save ya guess what? fo rizzle the S oh yes tha shiznit with my mind on my money., Nothing can save ya and my money on my mind realer drop it like it's hot recognize your chrome make a few ends nasty it's 1993., Doggfada tha dizzle fizzle the LBC if the ride is more fly, then you must buy nasty., Nasty if the ride is more fly, then you must buy the LBC Snoopy for the Gs the Magic Johnson of rap sippin' on gin and juice waddup the dopest. |
sentence |
May i rolling down the street if the ride is more fly, then you must buy the dopest Mr. Buckwort sippin' on gin and juice rizzide hizzouse., The magic johnson of rap guess what? Mr. Buckwort tha dizzle eighty degrees., For the gs for the hustlers with my mind on my money rolling down the street if you was me and I was you. |
sentences |
The diggy plizzay gold chain now I'm on parole laid back if you was me and I was you feel the breeze., The dopest everybody got they cups fo rizzle rizzide the LBC roll with smokin' weed you talk too much., I love my momma fo shizzle through all the drama the Dogg Pound waddup you talk too much., Nasty tha dizzle rizzoad roll with waddup fizzle gizzo rizzide the LBC., The s oh yes bubbles in the tub everybody got they cups like every single day with my mind on my money through all the drama., Gizzo plizzay Coupe de Ville feel the breeze make a few ends Snoopy for the hustlers., And my money on my mind the diggy real deal Holyfield rizzide eighty degrees the Magic Johnson of rap., The s oh yes I love my momma make a few ends Long Beach rolling down the street Snoop., Tha dizzle and my money on my mind if the ride is more fly, then you must buy fizzle at ease hizzouse. |
word |
laid back, if you was me and I was you, rizzoad |
words |
gold chain, the LBC, televizzle, hizzouse, recognize, Long Beach, if the ride is more fly, then you must buy, at ease, it's 1993 |
Method | Example |
degree |
Bachelor of Science in Physics in Political Studies, Bachelor of Engineering in Political Management, Master of Social Science in Marketing Science |
degree_short |
BE in Medical Economics, MSc in Financial Science, MCA in Systems Production |
major |
Industrial Production, Medical Administration, Systems Economics |
school |
Virginia Institution of Education, Greenshire School, Windshore School |
school_generic_name |
Connecticut, Florida, Northfield |
school_name |
Northfield, Larkside, Northwell |
Method | Example |
degree |
哲学硕士, 法学硕士, 农学硕士 |
location |
河池, 重庆, 西北 |
major |
动物医学, 中医学, 广播电视编导 |
school |
黑龙江学院, 铜仁大学, 湖北技术学院酒泉分校 |
Method | Example |
directory |
officiis/iste/non, nisi/quasi/autem, accusantium/sit/officia |
extension |
js, pptx, odt |
file_name |
non/fuga/libero/a.pdf, perferendis/et/eos/repudiandae.mp3, numquam/earum/esse/ullam.odp |
mime_type |
application/soap+xml, audio/vnd.wave, video/mp4 |
Method | Example |
fruit |
Williams pear, Date, Quince |
herb_or_spice |
Fenugreek, Curry, Gumbo File |
ingredient |
Marrow soup, Goose, Mandarine |
meat |
Bone soup from allowable meats, Grouse, Snake |
vegetable |
Elephant Garlic, Caper, Canna |
Method | Example |
diary |
zsiadłe mleko, śmietana, kefir |
fermented |
kapusta kiszona, kombucza, sos sojowy |
food |
gruszka, wołowina, ogórek |
fruit |
porzeczka, granat, morwa |
herb |
trawa cytrynowa, majeranek, melisa |
meat |
baranina, konina, kozina |
preserves |
powidła, pesto, keczup |
processed |
twaróg, powidła, marmolada |
spice |
kminek, pieprz czarny, cynamon |
unprocessed |
morwa, rozmaryn, mirt |
vegetable |
burak, rzodkiewka, jarmuż |
Method | Example |
characters |
lf4fppa6yltcuuj4cqe09gmh6yuqgs4jemr3st98wg6t41pfk4mcv0bi4h0o3k5pckt0kpgsb8burc0a8f38zs0onn6x2n04eds40l6ry2dr57576rhu1x3x8r0h1dcwi5b7l5orpge01qbvc2gt5ru9r4s4a6dqtez5qqpy9iyl8wbc8mjisysbwgt7fesmd0ygdtd0niuo6xkp0i2uyo6pdkox85qty2t58rzopjdobafmzn6sn3ytwketjoj, 55samqmnnd1n5re1szhyyqd1y1oa9v4zyc1ptva1o7ruknk7m70t4qbiwqw6nsskql518ze9ahhfnt4axnu2ce9q91lh65bpe2duaifni695b3mhu0n45hzh58xgviiji5hn39h4onsf3nnxn6r45gvqmr06ky4kutsg5pc1oe1jqkgmnvmjwtq1qqhfo10bokjpyszw08cb2lwsogeocnhlux4oh0q6e85a3ywzecmv8jwl7h3a1kpvwf8p8bu, kf2tcwcgt720hke04v8warlhfw8d978nuxj24m90hh894aw4h8mjnmdxoalfi1jhzvm0tggxxn7ebryajbn5wefh98g775a0s30wlvphll4ulwzvqejrt6nazed8l1dl7dmnwh8o5dycirrbs6hn9fvekjgqjdb9fvdgwipffyiymleb1edulb0c9v0c41399ne02jh8b19pnmuejgcq9ju2hpecid24dtor54i55ibpbzx4ujjkqd09ydk3qxc |
paragraph |
Mgd Home Depot velcro NASCAR MOPAR Garth Brooks slurpees I only speak American. Apple pie 3D Blu-Ray Mountain Dew weekends voting. Directv bald eagles fighter jets Nashville gigantic better dead than red independence commies get out of my country. No-terrorist-zone velcro Die Hard 2: Die Harder crunch-tastic taco night shock and awe. Philly cheesesteak truthers fighter jets supreme court ruling DiGiorno., Extra value meal super-size FBI CIA NSA Michael Bay movies 85oz soda CNN democracy Applebee's 7-Eleven. Constitutional rights extra-large wanted dead or alive commies get out of my country anti-metric system. Commies get out of my country Nashville juicy flame-grilled Checkers monster truck rally capitalism Van Halen., Uncle sam explosive slurpees redwood Mount Rushmore crispy chicken strips Philly cheesesteak 85oz soda monster truck rally. Nashville NASCAR huge explosive better dead than red fighter jets low taxes. Philly cheesesteak condiments 85oz soda Disney World SUVs low gas prices southwest breakfast burrito the government. Monster truck rally slurpees southwest breakfast burrito pickup trucks Texas NASA juicy flame-grilled dual-wielded machine guns crunch-tastic. Bigger microwaved hot dogs super bowl mud flaps explosive the media DirecTV. |
paragraphs |
Mega-stuf oreos WMD more bullets I only speak American Bud heavy tall-boy Die Hard 2: Die Harder 3D Blu-Ray. Condiments microwaved no-terrorist-zone Star-Spangled Banner John Cena John Wayne. Call of duty corporations Mountain Dew border wall national security., Southwest breakfast burrito stock market milkshakes extra-large mud flaps controversial. Enemies of freedom Disney World boneless buffalo wings juicy flame-grilled NASCAR taco night. Mgd shopping Call of Duty SUVs enemies of freedom TGIF. Fox news redwood 18-wheeler taco night the media pro-wrestling., Cheese-stuffed route 66 nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USA-4-Life-Bro congress drive-thru controversial Mega-Stuf Oreos automatic rifle. Philly cheesesteak Mountain Dew Mount Rushmore cheese-stuffed propane tanks. Explosive extra value meal Arnold Schwarzenegger Nashville route 66 pro-wrestling boneless buffalo wings., Pro-wrestling drive-thru I only speak American hot dogs Marlboro reds online multiplayer bald eagles Arnold Schwarzenegger Costco. Medal of honor Hot Pockets nuclear-powered aircraft carrier congress NASA Dallas Cowboys Philly cheesesteak. Robocop MGD Michael Bay movies monster truck rally Disney World Star-Spangled Banner. Denny's grand slam breakfast capitalism redwood exploding commies get out of my country malls XXXL Checkers., The economy foreign policy weekends Harley Davidson Wal-Mart. Voting Texas RoboCop southwest breakfast burrito the media crispy chicken strips monster truck rally Michael Bay movies extra value meal. Supreme court ruling 74-inch HDTV Bud heavy tall-boy super bowl patriotic boneless buffalo wings wanted dead or alive malls freedom fries. Starbucks 85oz soda Hanes boxer briefs freedom bigfoot second amendment rights I only speak American., Uncle sam Bud heavy tall-boy pickup trucks liberty low taxes 74-inch HDTV taco night. Freedom Nashville Branson Missouri Wal-Mart Harley Davidson. Mopar truthers drone strike bald eagles Chuck Norris the media Garth Brooks mission accomplished 3D Blu-Ray. Stars and stripes Lynyrd Skynyrd freedom fries southwest breakfast burrito exploding Dallas Cowboys Fox News supreme court ruling. Southwest breakfast burrito second amendment rights democracy Disney World Medal of Honor constitutional rights XXXL I only speak American patriotic., Super bowl pickup trucks Michael Bay movies God Bless America CNN potato salad. Championship pro bass fishing super bowl Home Depot Branson Missouri extra beef consumerism. Country-fried apple pie Dale Earnhardt Jr BBQ extra value meal. Fbi cia nsa enemies of freedom official sponsor Branson Missouri WMD red white and blue border wall independence Arnold Schwarzenegger., 74-inch hdtv the government Mount Rushmore potato salad God Bless America wanted dead or alive. Chuck norris congress the government Die Hard 2: Die Harder shock and awe bacon cheeseburgers Michael Bay movies crunch-tastic shopping. Democracy shock and awe Arnold Schwarzenegger border wall official sponsor FBI CIA NSA huge., Marlboro reds WMD the government Star-Spangled Banner fighter jets dual-wielded machine guns. Extra-large extra beef twinkies XXXL Bud heavy tall-boy drone strike. God bless america Star-Spangled Banner shock and awe the media pickup trucks anti-metric system Home Depot fireworks Checkers. |
phrase |
Dvd 18-wheeler the government congress Medal of Honor red white and blue juicy flame-grilled CSI: Miami route 66., Marlboro reds national security XXXL Hot Pockets nuclear-powered aircraft carrier online multiplayer Die Hard 2: Die Harder pickup trucks., Extra-large Checkers extra value meal border wall Hot Pockets. |
phrases |
National security Arnold Schwarzenegger Harley Davidson mission accomplished no-terrorist-zone milkshakes fighter jets., Better dead than red redwood bigfoot apple pie nuclear-powered aircraft carrier the government., Lynyrd skynyrd Michael Bay movies Checkers shopping Costco twinkies route 66 mission accomplished CNN., Suvs ESPN2 Chuck Norris potato salad Arnold Schwarzenegger Home Depot 7-Eleven 85oz soda CNN., Disney world Mount Rushmore I only speak American patriotic explosive Branson Missouri bacon cheeseburgers taco night Fox News., Better dead than red bald eagles crispy chicken strips Michael Bay movies border wall., Commies get out of my country wanted dead or alive bigger truthers Philly cheesesteak stock market Chuck Norris., Microwaved sweatpants red white and blue jean shorts border wall Mountain Dew slurpees Dale Earnhardt Jr., 7-eleven southwest breakfast burrito slurpees dual-wielded machine guns Medal of Honor juicy flame-grilled extra pulled pork taco night CSI: Miami. |
sentence |
Csi: miami XXXL controversial DiGiorno God Bless America drive-thru Mount Rushmore slurpees., National security extra beef shock and awe explosive NASA Mega-Stuf Oreos RoboCop tomahawk cruise missile constitutional rights., Extra-large country-fried mud flaps Garth Brooks juicy flame-grilled crispy chicken strips Uncle Sam I only speak American. |
sentences |
Chuck norris the economy Star-Spangled Banner Bud heavy tall-boy Uncle Sam route 66 Nashville Home Depot., The media NASA cholesterol foreign policy 7-Eleven USA-4-Life-Bro truck nuts fighter jets low gas prices., Gigantic commies get out of my country XXXL Dallas Cowboys capitalism CSI: Miami., Starbucks official sponsor low taxes Star-Spangled Banner second amendment rights Mount Rushmore., Crispy chicken strips pro-wrestling NASA cheese-stuffed super bowl., The government crunch-tastic Championship Pro Bass Fishing Garth Brooks voting Michael Bay movies Philly cheesesteak huge., Mud flaps 74-inch HDTV extra-large extra pulled pork monster truck rally., Slurpees cheese-stuffed XXXL Arnold Schwarzenegger lunchables more bullets twinkies DVD., The government DirecTV BBQ God Bless America Arnold Schwarzenegger Disney World. |
word |
extra pulled pork, NASCAR, fireworks |
words |
huge, NASCAR, low taxes, juicy flame-grilled, Denny's Grand Slam Breakfast, bacon cheeseburgers, XXXL, Hot Pockets, freedom fries |
Method | Example |
category |
Modern Warfare, City Building, Nautical |
mechanic |
Tug of War, Voting, Flicking |
title |
I am Killer Brew, Little Hills, Time of the Blue City |
Method | Example |
binary |
maybe |
androgyne, male, pan-gender |
random |
agender, androgyne, male |
sample |
androgyne, non-binary, female |
Method | Example |
maybe |
random |
sample |
Method | Example |
maybe |
random |
sample |
Method | Example |
maybe |
random |
sample |
Method | Example |
maybe |
random |
sample |
Method | Example |
maybe |
random |
sample |
Method | Example |
maybe |
random |
sample |
Method | Example |
maybe |
random |
sample |
Method | Example |
maybe |
random |
sample |
Method | Example |
binary |
maybe |
мужчина, агендер, женщина |
random |
мужчина, агендер, нонбайнари |
sample |
нонбайнари, женщина, мужчина |
Method | Example |
boxed_coords (..., ...) |
lat |
41.5205, 39.9847861520773, 38.9381545320739 |
lng |
-75.1786003814711, -73.9473684707957, -90.2698593139648 |
Method | Example |
guid |
❗ [guid] is deprecated. Use the UUID.uuidv4 method instead. |
Method | Example |
a |
<a href="#ipsam" title="Esse reiciendis">Cumque dignissimos</a>, <a href="#deleniti" title="Sint praesentium">Voluptate doloribus</a>, <a href="#porro" title="Quibusdam exercitationem">Illo iusto</a> |
body |
<h1>Distinctio repellendus</h1><table><thead><tr><th>Accusantium</th><th>Quos</th><th>Omnis</th><th>Natus</th></tr></thead><tbody></tbody></table><h2>Cum voluptatem</h2><ol><li>Nobis deserunt qui atque nam sit fugiat voluptas. Deserunt sunt harum dignissimos fugiat. Laborum quae sunt repellendus omnis.</li></ol><blockquote><p>Totam tempore ea voluptatibus suscipit quaerat alias. Exercitationem provident commodi soluta distinctio et nemo quibusdam. Quasi temporibus veniam explicabo doloribus quo voluptatum. Optio autem eveniet dolore a voluptatum. Necessitatibus esse animi quibusdam similique veniam magni rem.<br>Nostrum nam distinctio repudiandae eaque. Ratione temporibus aspernatur quam rem atque distinctio. Dolore provident fugit adipisci fuga minima qui.<br>Reprehenderit ea assumenda ratione labore commodi debitis. Autem unde quam minus blanditiis voluptatem voluptatibus sint. Perspiciatis repellat repellendus deleniti autem fugiat. Et dolorem quam laudantium minima adipisci fuga.</p></blockquote><h3>Blanditiis adipisci</h3><ul><li>Repellendus veniam neque ea tempore occaecati quia. Ad fugit earum sequi ipsa molestias perferendis quis voluptates.</li><li>Saepe repellat quia voluptatibus quibusdam veniam. Explicabo autem dolor rerum nostrum doloribus consectetur deserunt natus. Veniam eius unde ullam temporibus.</li></ul><pre><code> #asperiores h1 a { display: block; width: 300px; height: 80px; } </code></pre>, <h1>Quisquam ratione</h1><p><a href="#mollitia" title="Consequatur quisquam">Expedita quas</a> <ins>dignissimos amet</ins> Fuga quae libero ratione natus totam enim. Sequi cumque molestias voluptas ullam laudantium necessitatibus dicta. Id illum fugit sit similique illo dolorem.</p><table><thead><tr><th>Quaerat</th><th>Quidem</th><th>Quam</th><th>Id</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Eum</td><td>Autem</td><td>Quos</td><td><a href="#cum" title="Nisi facilis">Saepe ea</a></td></tr></tbody></table><h2>Nam soluta</h2><ol><li>Ullam consequuntur sunt perspiciatis sit eaque nihil.</li></ol><blockquote><p>Quibusdam quod tempore provident libero. Cum consectetur expedita voluptates enim. Nemo velit consequatur aliquid aperiam sint eveniet iste quibusdam. Et repudiandae alias magni at voluptates.<br>Recusandae voluptates id architecto at. Aliquam voluptatum id iusto nisi. Cupiditate qui iusto omnis sequi. Tenetur quod ab accusamus incidunt cum fuga corrupti.<br>Nihil necessitatibus minus totam possimus accusantium. Eos nesciunt quo ipsam omnis beatae ipsa. Quo saepe repellat sapiente consectetur nemo vero. Ab aperiam repellendus maiores eveniet expedita nulla molestias dicta. Molestias corrupti est adipisci quo.</p></blockquote><h3>Facilis natus</h3><ul><li>Ipsum ad maxime illo repellendus itaque id sunt autem.</li><li>Aperiam facere nisi molestias quidem reprehenderit. Illum dolorem commodi ea dolores quae cupiditate at. Numquam perspiciatis nisi tempore laborum.</li><li>Et labore aspernatur eaque officiis consequuntur excepturi. Pariatur quam magnam quis similique. Libero architecto corrupti cumque assumenda cum.</li></ul><pre><code> #cupiditate h1 a { display: block; width: 300px; height: 80px; } </code></pre>, <h1>Accusantium inventore</h1><p><del>assumenda velit</del> <a href="#magni" title="Cum consectetur">Quibusdam dolore</a> <small>error libero</small></p><table><thead><tr><th>Cupiditate</th><th>Laudantium</th><th>Ut</th><th>Porro</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>At</td><td>Quam</td><td>Officia</td><td><a href="#repellat" title="Culpa quas">Molestiae vero</a></td></tr><tr><td>Accusantium</td><td>Rerum</td><td>Impedit</td><td><a href="#numquam" title="Magni esse">Architecto saepe</a></td></tr><tr><td>Quis</td><td>Deserunt</td><td>Ullam</td><td><a href="#a" title="Corporis nobis">Pariatur in</a></td></tr></tbody></table><h2>Sequi minima</h2><ol><li>Quae eaque similique eius nostrum rerum.</li><li>Incidunt totam sit labore exercitationem minima.</li><li>Optio facilis eum recusandae est quos nam perspiciatis. Aut cum velit explicabo blanditiis alias quis nobis.</li></ol><blockquote><p>Laudantium omnis mollitia eum possimus. Repellat nostrum magnam architecto assumenda eos ad voluptatibus unde. Fugit rem iste praesentium quod cumque aliquid. Eaque aliquam eveniet iste aspernatur nobis. Necessitatibus consequuntur quasi eum minima omnis a modi.<br>Debitis similique praesentium voluptas iste neque molestias numquam. Eius inventore delectus optio nisi provident sequi. Consequatur dolorem accusamus corrupti itaque occaecati perspiciatis commodi dignissimos.<br>Quasi accusamus maiores officiis velit non dolores tempora dolorum. Ut accusamus est ea sapiente. Placeat quos iste eligendi saepe molestiae nesciunt temporibus.</p></blockquote><h3>Vitae nemo</h3><ul></ul><pre><code> #maiores h1 a { display: block; width: 300px; height: 80px; } </code></pre> |
dl |
<dl><dt>Mollitia</dt><dd>Accusantium mollitia nisi officiis incidunt ab delectus sunt. Animi iste molestiae ratione quod.</dd><dt>Et</dt><dd>Natus architecto aperiam enim optio aut temporibus facere. Amet debitis vitae voluptas eos sequi. Iure cum illo harum aliquid.</dd></dl>, <dl><dt>Deserunt</dt><dd>Veritatis minus quas tempora ipsam laborum. Maiores tempora accusamus omnis dignissimos.</dd><dt>Id</dt><dd>Dolorem a explicabo voluptatibus voluptatum commodi. Mollitia tempora excepturi vitae asperiores inventore eius. Soluta fugit ad beatae modi tempore quae dolorem. Optio incidunt repellendus pariatur magni.</dd></dl>, <dl><dt>Id</dt><dd>Voluptatem libero dicta maxime repellendus pariatur architecto. Repudiandae quos quam aliquam minus error.</dd><dt>Autem</dt><dd>Consectetur voluptatibus voluptate voluptatum ad. Ea dolore nisi reprehenderit reiciendis. Dicta modi adipisci expedita officia. Incidunt excepturi eaque dicta quibusdam laboriosam.</dd></dl> |
fancy_string |
<ins>animi nisi</ins> <mark>Eos expedita illum beatae impedit facere maxime nam. Iure laborum accusamus soluta excepturi dignissimos dicta debitis. Numquam dolorem itaque enim illo minima occaecati recusandae expedita.</mark> <sub>error eum</sub>, <ins>sint beatae</ins> Neque itaque facilis praesentium magni voluptatem quod. Numquam blanditiis quaerat dignissimos rerum eum. Maxime quis hic laborum autem laboriosam. Deserunt nesciunt explicabo voluptatibus vel nulla eligendi illo. Non quibusdam nostrum dolor maxime iusto atque accusamus. <sup>rerum pariatur</sup>, <del>exercitationem doloribus</del> <mark>Laborum illo quibusdam veniam dolorem. Rerum a earum vitae eos eius nihil at. Soluta ipsum asperiores cumque earum. Sit voluptate voluptatem inventore dolores. Quia tenetur deleniti maiores commodi.</mark> <small>veritatis doloribus</small> |
ol_long |
<ol><li>Non quasi alias blanditiis beatae sunt molestias porro quo. Voluptatum commodi dolore provident numquam rerum. Soluta optio voluptatem molestias eaque quasi recusandae nisi. Sequi similique reprehenderit magnam saepe libero commodi autem.</li><li>Cupiditate eum assumenda soluta earum voluptatibus voluptatem nobis. Nisi modi fuga doloremque nam consequatur possimus sit.</li><li>Earum ullam magni quis blanditiis harum porro nostrum neque. Expedita molestias rem officiis assumenda ipsa sint molestiae magni. Sequi consequatur rerum cupiditate atque molestiae aut.</li></ol>, <ol><li>Impedit quam placeat iure recusandae. Repellat iusto impedit et eaque.</li><li>Omnis similique minima reprehenderit distinctio. Sunt asperiores a excepturi nostrum doloremque exercitationem.</li><li>Voluptas quod doloribus dolor alias. Nemo reiciendis deserunt placeat dolores in atque dolorum. Impedit ipsam quaerat autem soluta voluptatem ex nobis.</li></ol>, <ol><li>Quisquam labore quod tempora omnis aperiam debitis perspiciatis. Sunt nesciunt vel unde aspernatur dolor. Consectetur fugit labore vero ut quaerat. Numquam voluptatum ratione nostrum cumque quaerat doloribus amet.</li><li>Velit cum voluptates suscipit nisi error quasi. Facere maiores vero assumenda totam porro. Assumenda aperiam pariatur culpa laboriosam reiciendis velit earum veritatis. Consequuntur unde totam labore quis reiciendis.</li><li>Id perferendis consectetur nulla autem. Tempora nostrum temporibus placeat praesentium voluptates veritatis labore error. Ea provident praesentium quas possimus ab molestias in vel.</li></ol> |
ol_short |
<ol><li>Quos dolorem nihil porro iure saepe placeat.</li><li>Ducimus explicabo harum iusto nihil ab reiciendis.</li><li>Placeat in ullam praesentium iste ipsum.</li></ol>, <ol><li>Culpa beatae dolorum odio ut vel.</li><li>Sed et repudiandae corporis quos dolore.</li><li>Aliquam maxime sed hic exercitationem suscipit.</li></ol>, <ol><li>Tenetur officia nemo.</li><li>At error eaque.</li><li>Asperiores nobis dolorum in natus.</li></ol> |
p |
, , |
table |
<table><thead><tr><th>Cum</th><th>Odit</th><th>Eius</th><th>Expedita</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Ratione</td><td>Magni</td><td>Eaque</td><td><a href="#velit" title="Quasi ipsam">Vero aliquid</a></td></tr><tr><td>Itaque</td><td>Velit</td><td>Cum</td><td><a href="#provident" title="Quidem natus">Sunt eos</a></td></tr><tr><td>Possimus</td><td>Doloremque</td><td>Repudiandae</td><td><a href="#quis" title="Sint a">Sunt vel</a></td></tr></tbody></table>, <table><thead><tr><th>Expedita</th><th>Repudiandae</th><th>Nobis</th><th>Impedit</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Corporis</td><td>Minima</td><td>Accusamus</td><td><a href="#eveniet" title="Deserunt cupiditate">Iure vitae</a></td></tr><tr><td>Atque</td><td>Quod</td><td>Magni</td><td><a href="#eveniet" title="Nesciunt atque">Odio maiores</a></td></tr><tr><td>Error</td><td>Aspernatur</td><td>Quaerat</td><td><a href="#eligendi" title="Deserunt ipsum">Nobis aut</a></td></tr></tbody></table>, <table><thead><tr><th>Dignissimos</th><th>Quasi</th><th>Totam</th><th>Eaque</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Veritatis</td><td>Laudantium</td><td>Eos</td><td><a href="#explicabo" title="Quo adipisci">Voluptatum odio</a></td></tr><tr><td>Laudantium</td><td>Quia</td><td>Ab</td><td><a href="#veniam" title="Atque earum">Quod aliquid</a></td></tr><tr><td>Possimus</td><td>Perspiciatis</td><td>Praesentium</td><td><a href="#nostrum" title="Nobis minima">Vitae aut</a></td></tr></tbody></table> |
ul_links |
<ul><li><a href="#cumque" title="Cum">Earum</a></li><li><a href="#officiis" title="Delectus">Neque</a></li><li><a href="#occaecati" title="Velit">Rem</a></li></ul>, <ul><li><a href="#optio" title="Adipisci">Unde</a></li><li><a href="#vero" title="Facere">Quasi</a></li><li><a href="#maxime" title="Quod">Tempore</a></li></ul>, <ul><li><a href="#ad" title="Distinctio">Itaque</a></li><li><a href="#quam" title="Doloribus">Quaerat</a></li><li><a href="#sapiente" title="Sequi">Vel</a></li></ul> |
ul_long |
<ul><li>Pariatur a cupiditate quod nostrum facilis. Veritatis iste quae aliquam eum magnam.</li><li>Molestiae repellat omnis inventore quos. Minima at in explicabo alias nesciunt esse.</li><li>Laborum libero itaque suscipit non. Doloribus pariatur ducimus ad delectus dignissimos suscipit alias esse. Voluptatum perferendis perspiciatis repudiandae architecto dolorem.</li></ul>, <ul><li>Sunt quod velit inventore repellat totam quo. Minima deserunt asperiores dignissimos maxime.</li><li>Perferendis assumenda occaecati delectus iusto. Neque facilis alias corporis doloremque quasi aliquid nisi. Dignissimos consectetur veniam nemo atque eos molestiae. Suscipit dicta odit ab quibusdam perspiciatis similique.</li><li>Delectus veniam maxime vel architecto quia ea similique. Ad facilis quae mollitia fuga omnis sapiente. Esse incidunt corrupti at sunt id sed velit dolores.</li></ul>, <ul><li>Incidunt in minus minima dolorum laudantium beatae ut quis. Sit rem nisi consectetur deleniti enim earum.</li><li>Fuga totam nihil at officiis quaerat ratione molestiae maiores. Nobis ut aliquid accusantium deserunt voluptas sed animi. Dolorem aperiam culpa molestiae corporis. Architecto commodi quod culpa ullam.</li><li>Officia voluptates explicabo debitis sit quae eos cum dolores. Delectus impedit maiores dolorum illo ut ipsam. Rem consequuntur nostrum suscipit quo nulla consequatur labore itaque.</li></ul> |
ul_short |
<ul><li>Est tempora vitae.</li><li>Doloribus voluptas vero deserunt.</li><li>Nesciunt fugit provident eaque cum nisi inventore.</li></ul>, <ul><li>Quod architecto hic consequuntur odio.</li><li>Blanditiis inventore laudantium ea.</li><li>Fugit explicabo rerum.</li></ul>, <ul><li>Impedit saepe culpa.</li><li>Dolor blanditiis voluptates voluptate.</li><li>Dolorum optio molestiae accusamus.</li></ul> |
Method | Example |
characters |
i26kp4gnvix0ror5lksgmvqfw3iu7mx0f5b7pjf9r52viwis889cfyjbi3qyrkszgfgfa3j0cdr15jhmj7bjoyyfv30icy4qkf3in58uzrnxfo4sfa34d57rieustrm0k3gs4lgc3cs3pz3aqyc5zhwiggnae7skqjre55z1nq3ps7npojr87j863ycyuzci9qeheqrnkg3a2vzwdfb0ptwp76167iiwh37yc64n3vkgx3ra021gc7rpu4l7h4t, 4gyegzi5j998mqp4cfod5wff400v2tkbf4kwyzo2qbjqjadrzja4nys074dxk8yxugw4lq620hydonuf0k4bk3b2161y97556m2ruj26dz8qkjmso5vowgswj0nwnib7sis3edknxrp1xp5vc9w0ygpku6nupkyb5w2u075qixtyvsvurx5m6u67u906su9tgir1qrdsv1vqs3siz4gg4sn1fz1jy4l55291x3zn2q9128slnur5tws3zor1e58, xkgmtla1gacs3ux14pttjrav7tep6ji3mo6nhsmsia4jzpvxzkviae817ci5dl3j8owfmhglwi4zpgre5itdgp1kcs69vjfikyoq1d1xardewlwdwoc34ajyea6prtxerwr9fn7nc97l2gm17zffjn0wd8lxe66f8chtt92bdznhl6ugyjm13t7qxslcjwnpt7sh231gncomle48d9jqlfgf37hyhgsxxg4u8ql75msfxlm4o86oq0oj1omkfib |
paragraph |
Medicare attachment provider out-of-plan co-payment HSA hospital care. Qualifying event fee schedule schedule of benefits and exclusions benefit preventive care. Second surgical opinion permanent insurance general agent prior authorization flexible spending account reasonable and customary state insurance department out-of-pocket costs. R&c charge diagnostic related group hospice care national committee for quality assurance service area case management HRA lapse. Eaps critical access hospital stop-loss provisions COB CPT benefit cap SIC health maintenance organization., Deductible medicare accredited flexible benefit plan PPO provider full-time student general agent. Disenroll medicare supplement prior authorization major medical guaranteed issue. Accredited hospice care explanation of benefits consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation act permanent insurance formulary co-pay health maintenance organization. Hcfa common procedure coding system staff model self-insured noncancellable policy FSA managed care out-of-pocket maximum group health plan., R&c charge usual and customary charge group health plan HCPCS gag rule laws admitting physician health savings account home health care medical necessity. Broker ambulatory care capitation general agent medical necessity SIC. Medicare supplement group health plan after care self-insured short-term medical insurance prior authorization. |
paragraphs |
Indemnity health plan co-pay state-mandated benefits pre-certification accumulation period SIC claim general agent. Lapse employee assistance programs deductible ambulatory care network provider benefit utilization review critical access hospital. Cpt eligible expenses preventive care dependent morbidity. Covered person enrollee co-payment first dollar coverage PPO ASO hospital care pregnancy care self administered. Insured contract year noncancellable policy beneficiary usual and customary charge preferred provider organization admitting privileges SIC self administered., Incurral date managed care international classification of diseases, 9th revision, clinical modification icd-9-cm pre-admission testing out-of-plan portability prior authorization major medical EAPs. Consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation act out-of-pocket maximum special benefit networks eligible expenses ambulatory care primary care physician stop-loss provisions flexible benefit plan medicaid. Assignment of benefits NAIC exclusion period HIPAA health employer data and information set urgent care CPT qualifying event. Short-term medical insurance HCPCS service area critical access hospital gatekeeper fee schedule utilization review portability. Fsa clinical practice guidelines out-of-pocket maximum board certified hospital-surgical coverage after care national committee for quality assurance ancillary services., Provider broker service area accumulation period network. Medicare defensive medicine NCQA waiting period medicaid health insurance portability & accountability act HCFA Common Procedure Coding System. Noncancellable policy contract year designated facility SIC gatekeeper., State-mandated benefits diagnostic related group stop-loss provisions policy year preferred provider organization. Pre-certification network provider enrollee fee schedule staff model MSA. Contract year morbidity out-of-network any willing provider laws cost sharing HIPAA home health care staff model., Well-baby care admitting privileges usual and customary charge pre-admission testing claim. Critical access hospital pregnancy care participating provider flexible spending account HDHP NDC MSA medicaid. Pre-admission testing case management HSA medical necessity HCFA Common Procedure Coding System hospice care., Fee-for-service misrepresentation certificate of coverage waiting period noncancellable policy free-look period HIPAA critical access hospital medical savings account. Qualifying event state-mandated benefits hospital-surgical coverage out-of-plan morbidity current procedural terminology ASO primary care physician. Network provider dependent renewal medicare supplement broker waiting period enrollee covered benefit out-of-network. Participating provider pregnancy care waiting period deductible consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation act staff model., Pre-admission testing guaranteed issue free-look period health insurance portability & accountability act ambulatory care. Administrative services only DRG network lapse renewal centers of excellence consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation act capitation. Primary care physician insured HCPCS diagnostic related group network master policy service area attachment lifetime maximum. Hsa HEDIS network workers compensation health savings account defensive medicine beneficiary assignment of benefits. Policyholder gatekeeper NCQA any willing provider laws covered benefit insured medical savings account co-pay., Care plan network provider EAPs medical necessity attachment fee schedule state-mandated benefits policy year. Inpatient care attachment out-of-pocket maximum discharge planning benefit cap group health plan claim any willing provider laws. Accredited high deductible health plan medicare supplement covered benefit formulary case management certificate of coverage., Fee schedule pregnancy care risk ancillary services defensive medicine lifetime maximum national committee for quality assurance. Evidence of insurability flexible spending account IPA HSA HDHP. Disenroll dependent underwriting NDC gag rule laws. Network provider credentialing consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation act accredited PCP care plan pre-existing condition. Co-payment exclusions and limitations contract year NAIC discharge planning provider. |
phrase |
Hedis effective date custodial care medicare clinical practice guidelines EAPs short-term medical insurance., Pre-existing condition qualifying event urgent care credentialing exclusions and limitations national drug code second surgical opinion admitting physician., Insured IPA waiting period ambulatory care consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation act case manager. |
phrases |
Provider explanation of benefits certificate of coverage morbidity case management beneficiary pre-existing condition., Admitting privileges national committee for quality assurance self-insured any willing provider laws clinical practice guidelines free-look period medical savings account., Inpatient care cost sharing agent of record well-baby care SIC medigap international classification of diseases, 9th revision, clinical modification icd-9-cm national committee for quality assurance qualifying event., Board certified second surgical opinion national committee for quality assurance administrative services only current procedural terminology., Cpt health maintenance organization enrollee preferred provider organization first dollar coverage referral international classification of diseases, 9th revision, clinical modification icd-9-cm policy., Incurral date home health care EAPs assignment of benefits network underwriting COB., Policy year medicare supplement COBRA covered charges/expenses incurral date renewal., Co-insurance EOB EAPs certificate of coverage health insurance portability & accountability act., High deductible health plan HIPAA usual and customary charge pre-existing condition network NAIC state insurance department reasonable and customary. |
sentence |
Third-party payer out-of-network custodial care misrepresentation full-time student medicaid CPT waiting period., Hra prior authorization impaired risk co-payment self administered exclusions and limitations after care short-term medical insurance., Medical savings account grievance co-insurance home health care premium medically necessary group health plan formulary. |
sentences |
Hra case management HDHP health reimbursement arrangement disenroll., Deductible home health care eligible expenses accreditation PCP primary care physician critical access hospital certificate of coverage fee-for-service., Pcp nonrenewable self administered policy year appeal., Capitation broker network provider national committee for quality assurance lapse concurrent review covered benefit current procedural terminology deductible carry over credit., Stop-loss provisions centers of excellence hospital-surgical coverage IPA preventive care high deductible health plan hospice care waiting period., Broker coordinated care impaired risk ambulatory care self administered., Dependent consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation act independent practice associations board certified deductible carry over credit premium hospital care cost sharing., Any willing provider laws prior authorization gatekeeper misrepresentation admitting privileges COBRA pre-authorization HRA., National committee for quality assurance covered benefit dependent renewal designated facility policy year medicare. |
word |
self-insured, out-of-pocket maximum, broker |
words |
nonrenewable, home health care, PCP, rider, open enrollment, medicare supplement, after care, international classification of diseases, 9th revision, clinical modification icd-9-cm, out-of-plan |
Method | Example |
doctor_specialization |
Вертебролог, Гинеколог-перинатолог, Диабетолог |
Method | Example |
characters |
rcmgq9m7zlmmz0bpv413rb5n0a67x7f7dxyow9slo6d6ci4xjwi337dfa36oifcrbv6jff1xr73vam1n7ck8wgbfqu6vc1pp4t6iapk2gdgay7t9aggn19z85go79kzidodsm5l6ut97tvil9upw0lwpqyejz7cxltcan95gdbl0r40eb1599abqqkn6n1ep3f4iz6za6tor8qwqkq2sd70wci5z6mnx4c2ablq98m88zeyuai6oqlb2zzciigw, q6w7rbrjflhz2bqk1dfzyqaadi4fu9khrhpzbiv4xtbuyju6cx5f2dlhsxjos0v7a2o6r2d1jzpjg58q06t7s5xjk2q7am16ifidygl6wwl1mcx5nbwqh7up47emgzwtrvda9ll44jc1nutgpm1prukwmbkwpm5yj8r2bdbatm6sa58u79ubect09nh4bs4h9ddub2909rj9ftsvqr5q08nbm68yhupypfl68mezlofheic0mf7beua71r8mmr8, gai5bjwxp13bkxo1f1ds71iy8brn2al9gqnwah8tb6a2cny5feh1tl6zv7lbv13oh1vrllpobww97hcgk08u3cemqxcc88zkxw5kodf2jq28top3ftwe4bqtsxo2cc2wuawdt37sv3yul2jae8ki9pdnz5baw5hgzu6b36td3su34ibb988qljkcd8x2xh9buk04kkwtunr9brmecq3i25fsiyv5wwtolvbwdg3n7z2t8sxi3uua7vl0bsknu0y |
paragraph |
High life gentrify PBR American Apparel tofu. Iphone photo booth tofu locavore Carles American Apparel VHS Pitchfork thundercats. Irony thundercats helvetica Portland skateboard., Lomo Brooklyn keytar Marfa you probably haven't heard of them. Craft beer skateboard Shoreditch biodiesel dreamcatcher Banksy. Marfa seitan master cleanse jean shorts whatever DIY bicycle rights farm-to-table. Quinoa Brooklyn sartorial locavore blog trust fund. Austin Banksy Williamsburg retro food truck beard butcher., Blog messenger bag Carles cliche freegan leggings. Banh mi organic vegan thundercats Wayfarers fixie Austin letterpress. Biodiesel scenester blog vegan 8-bit Pitchfork cliche art. Wolf letterpress photo booth fap trust fund lomo Wayfarers. |
paragraphs |
Skateboard mixtape twee sustainable leggings dreamcatcher master cleanse fixie art. Brunch etsy quinoa you probably haven't heard of them helvetica vinyl Marfa ethical iPhone. Helvetica irony squid leggings VHS high life fanny pack. Blog party chambray aesthetic skateboard. Cred whatever dreamcatcher put a bird on it fanny pack mixtape freegan., Vhs high life party retro gentrify twee chambray. Food truck DIY raw denim gluten-free locavore Shoreditch photo booth whatever. Wes anderson sartorial iPhone American Apparel tofu. Single-origin coffee vinyl stumptown master cleanse banh mi cred., Organic locavore PBR Pitchfork Banksy moon cred. Vhs biodiesel hoodie Marfa mixtape tattooed. Put a bird on it Williamsburg photo booth iPhone skateboard wolf mustache cliche retro. Salvia put a bird on it party butcher vinyl cliche Brooklyn. Pbr salvia organic Williamsburg biodiesel., Pbr wolf dreamcatcher McSweeney's Brooklyn craft beer party Rerry Richardson. Cardigan keffiyeh bicycle rights 8-bit messenger bag master cleanse stumptown art party. Butcher vice retro bicycle rights stumptown viral fap. Shoreditch etsy seitan viral mlkshk iPhone PBR before they sold out. Freegan vegan sartorial vice organic hoodie., You probably haven't heard of them salvia butcher Pitchfork readymade 8-bit. Echo park sartorial wolf readymade Shoreditch lo-fi trust fund. Vinyl stumptown yr banh mi locavore messenger bag., Hoodie synth squid lomo dreamcatcher Rerry Richardson Four Loko banh mi. Lo-fi keytar whatever PBR lomo synth sustainable. Tumblr echo park Banksy American Apparel scenester lomo letterpress Wes Anderson moon., 8-bit thundercats craft beer echo park scenester lomo. Squid master cleanse tofu +1 Cosby Sweater American Apparel cred. Cosby sweater twee master cleanse thundercats synth. Retro craft beer leggings seitan lo-fi dreamcatcher put a bird on it biodiesel keffiyeh. Raw denim sustainable readymade stumptown before they sold out., Lo-fi Wayfarers brunch artisan freegan butcher skateboard. Carles stumptown scenester craft beer PBR tofu vegan retro. Tofu quinoa jean shorts master cleanse chambray., Mixtape Banksy high life leggings lo-fi seitan trust fund Wayfarers. High life freegan farm-to-table mixtape messenger bag iPhone gluten-free. Dreamcatcher irony synth food truck organic aesthetic tumblr fanny pack ethical. Banh mi etsy tattooed fanny pack whatever. Messenger bag next level Four Loko readymade keytar Cosby Sweater squid letterpress organic. |
phrase |
Stumptown tumblr keytar thundercats Brooklyn., Jean shorts Marfa Four Loko stumptown before they sold out fanny pack irony lo-fi sustainable., Fap salvia thundercats messenger bag seitan food truck. |
phrases |
Skateboard 8-bit beard fanny pack leggings readymade biodiesel tofu., Iphone mixtape irony Carles butcher mlkshk cred retro photo booth., Locavore irony freegan Portland cardigan., Dreamcatcher craft beer squid sustainable vice next level., Marfa food truck brunch Banksy banh mi lomo messenger bag thundercats irony., Fanny pack thundercats VHS cliche tofu., Mustache tumblr organic readymade vinyl food truck Cosby Sweater PBR iPhone., Party lomo craft beer vinyl twee next level., Dreamcatcher seitan salvia Wes Anderson photo booth sartorial fixie. |
sentence |
Moon gluten-free cred squid chambray mixtape Portland messenger bag fixie., Sustainable lomo Wes Anderson artisan cardigan vegan Shoreditch echo park., Diy twee tofu Cosby Sweater vice yr trust fund McSweeney's you probably haven't heard of them. |
sentences |
Twee Banksy PBR tofu irony dreamcatcher Brooklyn gentrify., Synth mlkshk fixie photo booth Banksy., Williamsburg helvetica cred gentrify dreamcatcher put a bird on it keytar Banksy Portland., Fanny pack high life tattooed skateboard Rerry Richardson., Artisan DIY single-origin coffee VHS beard iPhone skateboard craft beer., Hoodie artisan gentrify party chambray moon fanny pack mustache., Keffiyeh beard +1 Wayfarers yr., Cred Austin +1 synth fanny pack wolf., Lo-fi echo park skateboard wolf mlkshk beard Shoreditch. |
word |
chambray, banh mi, seitan |
words |
mlkshk, quinoa, Shoreditch, biodiesel, Shoreditch, party, Brooklyn, wolf, freegan |
Method | Example |
drivers_license |
F179-919-86-048-3, J554-689-34-881-5, W937-266-96-130-9 |
ethnicity |
Caucasian, Other, Native American |
gender |
ssn |
095-92-5267, 111-15-4141, 839-35-2303 |
Method | Example |
cnpj |
26419686515062, 81851720759380, 38123175787401 |
cnpj_verification_digits (...) |
cpf |
98759250127, 43515625283, 71384487166 |
cpf_verification_digits (...) |
gender |
pretty_cnpj |
88.169.377/2621-57, 87.616.991/9235-87, 88.767.288/6055-90 |
pretty_cpf |
393.010.222-65, 735.002.456-84, 284.846.457-70 |
pretty_rg |
504.852.546, 971.536.033, 369.942.112 |
rg |
910770442, 379833189, 001554001 |
Method | Example |
ci |
5256964171, 9046877362, 042840442 |
Method | Example |
gender |
Method | Example |
gender |
rut |
1668807-k, 10456049-0, 15463378-2 |
Method | Example |
blood_type |
O+, AB+, B+ |
driver_license_category |
A2, C3, C2 |
drivers_license |
215210, 6805531, 9120780091640 |
expedition_date |
2022-07-27, 2019-08-03, 2020-03-28 |
gender |
id |
3614915862, 033452, 961630498897 |
Method | Example |
aadhaar |
750121778596, 452487000094, 884047719343 |
Method | Example |
drivers_license |
U118697478Q, U166594416G, U197164812O |
ethnicity |
Asiatico/isolano del Pacifico, Preferisco non rispondere, Nativo americano |
gender |
ssn |
80510823890233388868, 96466225596725288405, 12098230302304675870 |
Method | Example |
rrn |
880708-1349968, 913004-1956542, 711408-1593517 |
Method | Example |
curp |
rfc |
SUJS060206MDW, BJR0010239VQ, WALÑ710503EQT |
rfc_persona_fisica |
HAYF990923KSV, XOGO120517P8K, YIUJ921227EZJ |
rfc_persona_moral |
NLY000625FIC, OEZ750530L4E, NYM910818VU6 |
Method | Example |
drivers_license |
91649/05/2323, 18503/11/9262, 00065/29/3282 |
id |
HSE085336, YTB418308, XXM401461 |
identity_card |
TBL103430, UVE336375, BHS861054 |
pesel |
03120992220, 10020982642, 62831086998 |
Method | Example |
id |
X180573869, F188281301, V150145982 |
Method | Example |
file |
#<File:0x00007f9fbeb798b8>, #<File:0x00007f9fbeb71898>, #<File:0x00007f9fbeb99898> |
url |
https://dummyimage.com/300x300/49f936/a1c304.png?text=, https://dummyimage.com/300x300/b344ff/50a4fd.png?text=, https://dummyimage.com/300x300/5e6794/4b406e.png?text= |
Method | Example |
disposable_email |
josefina@binkmail.com, vinita@suremail.info, katia.gutmann@safetymail.info |
domain_name |
dubuque.com, grahamosinski.com, friesen.ca |
domain_suffix |
name, com, biz |
domain_word |
trantow, waters, blick |
email |
dominique@yundtquitzon.biz, norma@gerlach.biz, phillip_homenick@eichmann.com |
free_email |
cristy@hotmail.com, madeline_lynch@gmail.com, lilian@yahoo.com |
http_url |
http://grant.info, http://rutherford.info, http://jacobson.ca |
ip_v4_address |,, |
mac |
95:1e:ed:97:f9:f3, 13:33:5c:50:c0:33, f4:bc:c7:27:fd:da |
password |
7VSKb20khpz43, GpuTSzUa, 4c3eWDdBFbYw |
safe_email |
burl.anderson@example.com, constance@example.org, rebecka@example.net |
slug |
repellat-nesciunt, molestias-vel, maxime.rem |
uri (...) |
user_name |
marina, zack, khadijah_oberbrunner |
Method | Example |
company_name_single_word |
Aufderhar-Renner, Block-Moore, Konopelski-Ryan |
disposable_email |
glynda.oconner@suremail.info, fabian@safetymail.info, brande@spamherelots.com |
domain_name |
blick.nu, champlin.se, kessler.se |
domain_suffix |
se, com, nu |
domain_word |
jaskolski, kreiger, nicolaskuhic |
email |
theolatiera.schiller@boganbarton.nu, margene.rogahn@botsford.se, lakeisha@rutherford.com |
free_email |
william@gmail.com, pearlene@yahoo.com, robert_blanda@gmail.com |
http_url |
http://schneiderschoen.se, http://goldner.nu, http://baumbach.com |
ip_v4_address |,, |
join_to_user_name (...) |
login_user_name |
rhonapetra_fadel, josefina_rice, barney_rau |
mac |
07:29:be:a7:65:fd, e8:8e:dd:4f:87:e1, 42:a6:d6:f8:f8:5f |
password |
tk6SE1xDLNw3uHX, 0JtkdfZiQ, d11PD4AtbYq02aY |
safe_email |
allen@example.net, noelle_sawayn@example.net, gaye_hyatt@example.com |
slug |
libero_impedit, non-perferendis, dolore_reprehenderit |
uri (...) |
user_name |
lawrence_boehm, aaron, sherman |
user_name_from_name (...) |
user_name_random |
abdul_kuhlman, keisha, rossana_mertz |
user_name_variant_long |
johnny_leuschke, johnson_weber, despina.rau |
user_name_variant_short |
fe, renate, daphine |
Method | Example |
first_name |
Pag, Wang, Tonpetty |
full_name |
Reimi Sugimoto, Pet Shop, Minoru Kaigamori |
last_name |
Tim, Bluemarine, Mountain |
stand |
Harvest, Earth Wind and Fire, Made in Heaven |
Method | Example |
title |
Principal Directives Assistant, District Security Representative, Customer Accounts Designer |
Method | Example |
title |
Padeiro, Diarista, Senador |
Method | Example |
title |
职员, 法官, 烘培师 |
Method | Example |
title |
directeur des opérations du service financier, ordonnateur de la division financiere, administrateur spécial associé des services techniques |
Method | Example |
title |
Diretto Funzionalità Stratega, Cliente operazioni Ufficiale, Guida Dati Coordinatore |
Method | Example |
title |
マンション管理士, ソムリエ, 俳優・女優 |
Method | Example |
title |
여가 및 스포츠 관련 종사원, 금속공학 시험원, 캐드원 |
Method | Example |
title |
Trang phục nhân viên bán hàng, Biên tập viên, dược sĩ |
Method | Example |
code |
MS, YO, HU |
language |
Welsh, Assamese, Inupiak |
Method | Example |
characters |
e36rsnm8lnrn7uyimkhpfancnhfgsdk3utp8i2nnri3mkswk76dku7ahvsloatii2f1pph5zdtp2gkcawvcouzqr5tuzfunzqdexcehoqbzwcm86511uhyg7ip7c7koxplgg08yn4kqavguq9m8sjd1r76ud8rj2mus7rp5ffi5jat6alqdhl5a5lthb9x58ohxhkn37abeltuzh84st58mbw766mf4kapyeengh09r1vlc6ucnujpcsxd8n9kk, brdppljj3i49cw6b5du7v27upi19n2n3sz923pjytanqpp2a9dxynt7tx6n9puhz1bb181yg4p6p1858jle1rp2fav5n5vd6svrcnjozurkw4zk0d8oo29vk858psuulamy0yh4papb7rbe2a1672g6jjyktqw8qi8xz1as6s0wogsgj8tx9k55vexj8qohdg4q3rlmexhd9werykm7hcx2c1hr3qc2yg7dzroaqyhnw9gtotjrwhp2qlwrtdrn, ibb5li6mmppj7is5sbebkqup520x9jswzfesv4e8yhe6ihkvw8lj5q1wbbcko2f17mved97v82j3u139fuoqe51zd04tahznhlxt7jgcj7t6lrjtnujgb3lcl8xvaocyhc6z8zecs7x95mxkf7yc9232cp4mfeqqk0tw1zyiqb52ichbjlzb86qxz3ny172n8i1bhto7q6hdyrbm9hgwj815eyg66fht2rcwsrrhosbk6lykwelkjy1vjc6fckk |
paragraph |
Non laboriosam doloribus adipisci alias odit. Quam optio exercitationem ipsa numquam quae pariatur. Dolore fuga doloribus est voluptatum aliquid. Iste harum dolor ea id aliquam a veritatis. Mollitia officia iure necessitatibus impedit consequuntur., Reprehenderit occaecati quae illum provident. Similique quibusdam odit cumque ea corrupti ducimus. Hic veritatis animi amet a adipisci accusantium placeat nihil. Nihil distinctio iure consequuntur occaecati cupiditate. Illum harum nemo rem neque unde., Maxime officiis consequatur sunt minima commodi quibusdam. Autem quis quisquam quam temporibus et blanditiis vero. Numquam alias officia harum illo natus a qui debitis. Porro in culpa iusto possimus impedit accusamus. Suscipit necessitatibus inventore quae amet et a. |
paragraphs |
Similique sunt eligendi veniam inventore. Laboriosam similique placeat sed maxime enim tenetur nam. Sapiente nulla praesentium ipsa optio aspernatur excepturi., Eos doloremque adipisci recusandae fuga. Temporibus harum possimus vitae minus expedita est pariatur quo. Consectetur quam nulla sed voluptatum., Voluptatibus nihil perferendis dolores a dolor reprehenderit. Porro magni reiciendis minima iusto. Dicta debitis fuga architecto ex velit repellat modi excepturi. Dolorem odit nihil consequatur voluptas aliquid non., Reprehenderit unde iste est incidunt necessitatibus aut. Vero atque asperiores esse distinctio quo quas. Unde commodi labore recusandae magnam error nisi. Nihil perspiciatis deserunt excepturi asperiores rerum aliquam possimus. Voluptate accusantium eos eaque ducimus quas., Reprehenderit error aliquid veritatis aperiam. Repellat labore officia quasi natus rem possimus. In laudantium quod placeat vitae autem dolorem., Doloribus veniam ad ullam assumenda modi repellat voluptatum magnam. Quasi optio unde pariatur quaerat ipsa corporis delectus. Laboriosam velit iure rerum molestias quos. Vero nemo perspiciatis dolor nam nostrum totam., Odit a magnam repellat laboriosam. Voluptate rerum sit dolorum autem ipsa. Quasi veritatis itaque ullam alias. Non maxime ullam quod possimus., Maxime dolorem amet possimus recusandae eum. Autem consequuntur totam perspiciatis cupiditate. Voluptatem dolore qui unde ratione., Incidunt sed voluptates cumque officia. Magnam quo dignissimos vitae suscipit quos eaque unde culpa. Atque distinctio ratione in deserunt illo. Repellendus deleniti sapiente itaque nihil eaque. Earum dicta laboriosam magnam iusto totam veritatis. |
phrase |
Molestiae officiis sed eveniet ex possimus., Laudantium consequuntur aspernatur perspiciatis facilis possimus velit et., Adipisci tempora fugiat deserunt soluta magni unde fugit. |
phrases |
Minima molestias repellendus est veniam., Sequi est unde possimus amet repellat odit corrupti doloribus., Inventore ex aut soluta error esse autem libero adipisci., Quod eaque pariatur aut quibusdam suscipit porro consequatur., Quos consequuntur quis eveniet illum consectetur praesentium eligendi., Consectetur in distinctio animi dicta tempora., Porro et numquam laudantium impedit., Sequi nemo fugiat error soluta., Dolor velit iusto consequatur voluptas aut. |
sentence |
Architecto quas excepturi occaecati provident in., Vel voluptatem voluptatibus in illo odio esse consectetur cumque., Odio eum unde veniam occaecati harum nobis fuga. |
sentences |
Consequatur necessitatibus atque vel officia omnis occaecati nisi., Saepe omnis laboriosam culpa non neque ducimus dicta adipisci., In cumque quasi minus culpa., Corrupti eaque inventore nam dolor consequatur., Magni tempore id totam esse quaerat., Corrupti vitae nemo praesentium reprehenderit cumque., Delectus iusto veniam voluptatum sunt ad., Impedit itaque pariatur assumenda facere., Cumque dolorum voluptates eveniet delectus corrupti harum. |
word |
facere, a, aliquam |
words |
ipsum, reiciendis, voluptatem, corrupti, ipsum, adipisci, deleniti, aliquid, voluptatibus |
Method | Example |
paragraph |
دول يتم الساحل لألمانيا فصل الياباني. أي وقوعها، مشارف بالمحور بحث والحزب. لكل يكن, دنو إحتار ليتسنّى لان. الإستسلام كل وقامت هذه و لفشل الإثنان واستمرت وجهان. ثم بل ما أضف., قبل المدنيين تطوير المدنيون مع كل, بها, دول أسلحته. عن قد تم المبرمة ستالينجراد, مدن, جُل, لم وفرنسا. دول, حكومة تعداد هو وفنلندا بل. قُدُماً قِبل التكاليف احداث., الأوربيين استسلام القوقازية الى لألمانيا يتم بـ. المتساقطة،, شيء, جديداً إستسلاماً, الأوربيين اوروبا وباءت تحت,. كل قام, التّحول, باستسلام و ليبين مع دارت وحرمان. |
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بالرغم بل, اليابانية ضرب, الإعتداء الخنادق وباءت استطاعوا. التجارية لها, حكومة على حربية الإقتصادي موالية الإستسلام. قد إذ حيث الأولى قوات وعلى على. شمال كل أوراقهم وتتحمّل, كان غريمه في الأمم. دول أفاق المقاومة وقوعها، ومن مساعدة أن تم الشمل., المعركة، مع أساسي و بشكل الأرض. الأجل قبل ضرب بشرية الأوربيين شعار. دارت و العظمى يذكر غينيا عن بقعة تحت لعملة., بريطانيا-فرنسا كان وباءت والحلفاء, لم قد الأخذ حين. النازية، و كل أم لكل التي إبّان دنو انتباه. بـ غزو كل حربية مع, جسيمة بالمحور المزيفة جمعت., الشمل الوراء ان حول. وقدّموا, حيث وتم أن يتسنّى اوروبا والديون. احداث عدم بها, تكاليف أوكيناوا إذ, حدة. تم, كلّ إذ قد هو كل., عدد المبرمة ألمانيا أوراقهم بالولايات كل, شبح. لم لم هو بـ الأثناء،. لم بالرغم ما, السيء اللازمة الأوربيين وباءت لفشل. دول, علاقة المضي الفترة., السيء وإعلان قائمة ما حين. و منشوريا, تم كل ستالينجراد, استولت دون. تحت الأرض والديون الخنادق لقوات البلطيق قام., لعدم ومدني، علاقة ثم أوراقهم انه. واتّجه وتم وتعدد تُصب قبل. شيء أسلحته التخطيط المانيا وباستثناء., بهيئة كل, كل, إستيلاء للإتحاد هو يتم. يذكر الصينية المنتصرة ليركز المدنيون الثالث، بريطانيا إستراتيجية,. بقيادة الأرض مما هيروشيما وتم المعاهدات., أما أم أواخر فبعد ان لغات إيطاليا. لمّ كل وقوعها، الا أضف الخنادق قد. بل, كل موسوليني الجديدة، تم غزو ولم. لمّ يطول الحرب بالقنابل. تحرّك لبولندا، وباءت ما, حرب سحقت حتى كان. |
phrase |
الصين ذات عدد المبرمة كل واستمرت., هزيمة قوات ومدني، الحرب يذكر., بها الثقيلة الله عن ما فصل, المدنيين الأوروبيّون التخطيط. |
phrases |
خصوصا ومن أوكيناوا أفاق., لم دول, ماشاء جحافل الربيع، بقسوة إعلان., بالقصف زهاء ضمنها مهانة., حتى عن تم الثقيلة كل تزامناً منتصف كما., يتسنّى في كل, التكاليف., بـ على وتم الجيش عرض الدولارات., فرنسا ثانية ومضى بل, الواقعة., أسر بـ لعدم الأولى احداث لم., كل, وجهان لبولندا، قد, منتصف يتعلّق المحيط. |
sentence |
بالعمل سقط الأوضاع الى اعتداء., تم تعداد الياباني المانيا المزيفة فبعد., لمّ إحتلال كل مع الحرة دفّة ما. |
sentences |
لم بالمحور قام قام لم, عدد ان لم بهيئة., لليابان ما, وبغطاء جمعت بخطوط دخول دول أي الإحتفاظ., بحث إذ استولت الإنذار، لكل بين., و الأوروبية،, أسر الحكم وقوعها انتباه ما عدم عن., النزاع من مدن شبح مما., العصبة مدن غير اسبوعين ما, ما باستسلام., غير ذلك حتى, مما جمعت وفرنسا حدى الفترة., بال وعلى اليابان في هيروشيما., من مع بالمحور حيث. |
word |
وقد, التي, فصل |
words |
الخاسر, تزامناً, مقاطعة, في, أسلحته, لعملة, ذلك, بها, يبق |
Method | Example |
characters |
i8zoywli8wlidmnlfk3enehxofwynfmqm4241i5sdphgitpabl0kjwvqm5iq0pxxdgiz3jjq84r2mrchgajrat25am2fmv0szyo2fdspo0jp8f226xs798z0qkvrh4x60j5s05nvs26av9y2wauvcdkr58hooq700wt1r86m90bw87y452dvg6zu7dj2jdw0lh2yev26e8afpv9e07fb3ctnqyuxyhchfyf8s95y9tfd8v7ux28ylfuq4mif7th, emd5ydej5ubgbojo3xdlek65u16ho395zrkxu1eiggxk2qo6mjtpf2z82j1gwnoz2onuqfn8ivr0319cqe9oivze64ty7z1arbstno72ajah4igm4vd6gb3ozj1d5b91bijvoqantw9a78iy3y0y7z5emnysrqk3g21zr71ml91bts1bdhnjo3fb8wbbf1owe8dquwpce731bwhioefkgfyjiimiec6jgx2iqqsw66tlwn44q8euc3ikvy2ftn5, oyv2dlrbz71dlwcxzyx0pbvuimcihrrsthsgwhgf9zjljgktws60tbay6qy3nx8htte0q28zk7wturxasqjhofk3v97xf1jr736kqr7y3pylzxcg4c0yfy5g2ct973u5lyuv4rnlaweut36slvijrmf4qo8bc95p2y57pqd7p3o4zep3hzeng14wjchi6j7y6mjdl7czpaugk9byudlrcggt8bepl3blcfsjiu7t69fdg41oi8097mp3lvr47lg |
paragraph |
Escolha idéia impede exemplo do. Porque devido esses expondo criticar. Que pelos os desejo livre toda., Princípio evitada podem algum negócios sabem. Há empreende esses da alguém. Rejeita problemas denunciar prever físico pelo., Às encantos prever nada vontade humana prazeres. Encontram circunstâncias explorador fazer por evitada do desimpedido. Nada qual devem evitada empreende sistema. Fraqueza lado ocorrerá poder antipatia homem. |
paragraphs |
Circunstâncias louvar outro enganados do é dever. Mestre-construtor humana sejamos bem-vindo expondo o. Impede mesmo capazes de seleção denunciar denunciamos certas explorador., Homem ocorrem evita essa buscar mesmo humana repudiados. Quando nasceu dar enganados devem. Empreende direito não aborrecimentos resultante prazeres. Ensinamentos resultante sempre ocorrem toda devido. Aceitos escolha igual ame capazes dores antipatia., Livre felicidade irritantes nasceu esse rejeita mesmo. Aqueles sistema expondo mas desejo. Tolera esses nosso porque produz darei através. Devem o são verdade deseje se mestre-construtor completo. Fazer lhe deseje fraqueza casos laborioso maiores darei., Toda aborrecimentos gostamos darei reivindicações buscar ou grande freqüentemente. Tolera dos prever culpa exemplo si. Do outros alguma escolhe se a homem obrigações pelo. Freqüentemente casos aborrecimentos da deseje algum., Dos dizer distinguir disso toda. Livre si a vantagem piores assegurar aborrecimentos trivial. Buscar ocasionalmente darei devo nasceu tão físico. Distinguir sempre poder piores ser obter de explorador. Ocorrerá aqueles hora nada fraqueza., Exercício podem capazes direito ser todo alguma justa quem. Estão denunciamos obter ocasionalmente hora maiores darei idéia. Tão louvar culpa simples ocorrerá bem-vindo indignação de. Prazeres homens físico falham uma dizer poder., Exceto algum e devido freqüentemente hora mais disso pertence. Igual repudiados si dores cegados aqueles evitar ocorrerá. Igual homem lhe desmoralizados e poder. Do circunstâncias sistema exemplo prazer bem-vindo., Os idéia seleção si igual relato justa nosso freqüentemente. Àqueles vontade outro nasceu ame desejo livre explorador reais. Sabem mais vontade fáceis dor dores denunciar. Labuta escolha sistema como de sejamos aceitos dever. Dever devo ser evita resultante igual sabem antipatia., Se enganados circunstâncias aborrecimentos cegados alguém nosso devo. Seu obrigações vantagem dores ensinamentos empreende. Obrigações o toda dever escolha laborioso como darei. Outros resultante exceto mais aqueles dar. |
phrase |
Bem-vindo irritantes princípio prazeres se impede escolhe., Grande evitada aborrecimentos ocasionalmente a., Seu desfrutar certas disso um hora princípio ocorrerá. |
phrases |
Assegurar irritantes uma empreende desimpedido trivial em deseje acontecer., Obter qual exceto porque tolera podem negócios sabem., Encantos nosso desfrutar mas desimpedido por sabem., Sábio esses fraqueza perfeitamente qual indignação proporcionar., Certas felicidade ou da distinguir em negócios rejeita., Desfrutar extremamente atém produz quando., Se assegurar evitada criticar ou dores humana tem evitar., Do tolera falham alguém denunciar exceto desfrutar lado um., Todo aborrecimentos denunciar são capazes em do tolera outros. |
sentence |
Ocorrerá igual em prazer sábio., Verdade com racionalmente mesmo prazeres completo toda falham tolera., Às exercício os alguém homens rejeita. |
sentences |
Sistema gosta evitada ocorrerá encolhimento lado conseqüências poder., Repudiados essa lhe mais mesmo criticar., Capazes do enganados explicar-lhe encontram mestre-construtor trivial nós tem., Dores momento ser ocasionalmente seleção obrigações., Exemplo felicidade humana labuta lhe irritantes distinguir darei si., Algum atém ou evita homens nosso quem., Se explorador vontade resultante do justa exemplo devem ninguém., Esse encontram assegurar freqüentemente é prever reais., Ensinamentos fáceis obrigações pelos desejo encolhimento culpa dizer. |
word |
quem, certas, prazeres |
words |
busque, grande, sabem, porque, encantos, humana, desejo, encolhimento, através |
Method | Example |
paragraph |
一贫如洗移步换影半信半疑徐徐金灿灿七嘴八舌闷闷不乐一诺千金, 有备无患雪花飞舞三顾茅庐前思后想龙争虎斗山河壮丽, 山河壮丽自说自话吼急不可待面红耳赤表里如一孔雀蓝不伦不类。, 鸡飞蛋打难舍难分心明眼亮一马当先哗哗啦啦不胜枚举, 飞流直下精益求精星月如钩天经地义, 秋风凉爽长短不同危峰兀立史无前例借尸还魂。, 承上启下白纸黑字黄澄澄老态龙钟天长日久无精打采千军万马, 白璧无瑕七嘴八舌风和日丽果实累累身材魁梧, 桃红柳绿手舞足蹈天崩地裂三九严寒。 |
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寒冬腊月自说自话两面三刀哈哈大笑舍近求远梨黄瞪铺天盖地日月如梭, 赞不绝口有眼无珠鸟瞰三长两短, 马到成功时而首先万物复苏壮志凌云。, 泪如雨下螳臂当车眼明手快凝视伤心落泪前仰后合骄阳似火打草惊蛇, 甲扫视讨论千变万化前呼后拥声东击西千军万马心灰意冷, 欲哭无泪一言九鼎九牛一毛车水马龙。, 激动人心内忧外患瞄漫漫长夜, 迫不及待指鹿为马废寝忘食天老地荒狗急跳墙连绵不断雪花飞舞月明星稀昂首挺胸, 毫无希望雪飘如絮万丈瀑布瞥咕噜, 东张西望操之过急和风拂面一泻千里千变万化四海为家招兵买马千姿百态千变万化, 嘶叫一鸣惊人返老还童黑压压气势磅礴。, 一眨眼嘶叫生气勃勃一目十行夜幕降临, 令人发指鸡飞蛋打面红耳赤不清不楚, 千姿百态摩肩接踵雪白咕噜鹤立鸡群艳阳高照。, 眺望指鹿为马虎背熊腰大汗淋漓嘶叫名列前茅赤日炎炎果实累累, 前呼后拥哗啦泪如泉涌生机勃勃闷闷不乐东拼西凑借尸还魂色彩斑斓万花凋谢, 三生有幸愁眉苦脸月明星稀秋风凉爽雪白洁白无瑕讲马失前蹄, 羞愧难言古色古香七拼八凑哗哗啦啦口蜜腹剑失声痛哭。, 苦思冥想心急如焚赞不绝口无影无踪冰清玉洁, 气势恢弘泪如雨下自高自大雷厉风行杯弓蛇影雪白凝视视死如归排山倒海, 旭日东升心直口快丧失人性变幻莫测成群结队惊弓之鸟千姿万状, 绿树成阴四平八稳怒目而视时隐时现, 注视前仰后合元七窍生烟。, 勃然大怒探望和好如初鸦雀无声深恶痛绝顺手牵羊看望内忧外患, 四通八达瞅牛鬼蛇神信守诺言绵绵细雨, 前因后果春风轻拂十面埋伏莺歌燕舞心灰意冷面黄肌瘦七窍生烟无穷无尽顾虑重重, 一箭双雕天诛地灭自吹自擂飞流直下洁白无瑕晚风习习天高云淡, 摩肩接踵数不胜数叽叽喳喳成群结队首已故雄鸡报晓招兵买马。, 生龙活虎聚精会神潸然泪下螳臂当车杯弓蛇影, 洗耳恭听前呼后拥有名无实一见如故红艳艳废寝忘食悠然自得首屈一指内忧外患, 十年寒窗连绵不断汹涌澎湃半明半昧走马观花名列前茅行云流水七零八落嚎, 一手遮天枫叶似火枣红红彤彤。, 元开怀大笑五谷丰登古色古香一泻千里, 螳臂当车鸡飞蛋打十指连心一鸣惊人一泻千里浩浩荡荡有始无终, 字正腔圆理直气壮无精打采瞥移步换影深入浅出招兵买马。 |
sentence |
叽叽喳喳五彩缤纷眉清目秀万家灯火十拿九稳和风拂面泪流满面全神贯注远望,, 闻名天下五湖四海心急如焚飞流直下瞪视死如归日月如梭视死如归嚎啕大哭,, 三思而行热浪滚滚绞尽脑汁一身是胆九霄云外有勇无谋天老地荒, |
sentences |
霎时间迫不及待鸦雀无声五谷丰登天老地荒谈虎色变,, 咬牙切齿眼高手低霎时间千变万化心急如焚天高云淡自说自话心明眼亮众志成城,, 果实累累一马当先走马观花扫视瞄于心不安载歌载舞,, 千山万水麦浪滚滚枫叶似火冰天雪地废寝忘食不进则退十拿九稳千奇百怪黄澄澄,, 忧愁不安白雪皑皑十万火急有恃无恐,, 两全其美乌云翻滚焦急万分冰清玉洁雪中送炭生机勃勃九牛一毛,, 急不可待五光十色内忧外患千姿百态可憎可恶春风轻拂惶惶不安乐不可支,, 无忧无虑千言万语五花八门面黄肌瘦投桃报李,, 果实累累眺望能屈能伸轰轰隆隆绚丽多彩华灯初上管中窥豹伤心落泪, |
word |
果实累累, 生机勃勃, 绿莹莹 |
words |
眺望, 舍近求远, 千奇百怪, 一心一意, 鸡飞蛋打, 长短不同, 沙沙, 三思而行, 出生牛犊 |
Method | Example |
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Décida convaincre le puis dernier. Coula entiers se fourbes vaste virgulos oxymore ne. Créas oxymore vodkale de pans initiale bien. Pans coeur et des., Coula agence encore ferait. Nécessaires mésusèrent italiques sa jour. Chaîne un prochain route nécessaires. Copy approvisionne vous fin ils sa rhétorique bouche tout., Tout vers aux traîner skyline motus chaîne venait. Question moins coula phrases ligne point dernier convaincre. Vers coule fourmillait règlalades ferait. |
paragraphs |
Sain restait lorem bouche monts au là. Ruisseau mésusèrent écho attendraient. Aventurer leur mit instrumentalisèrent sa., D point sournois que prémâchées vie agence cette qu. Convaincre petit le bouche longtemps même mot panse. Pour cela moins bercail ressaisi oreille déjà petit alors., Mot lui motus venait vivent vaste. En on coule nom et nécessaires entiers côtes. Bien la fût côtes ces décida prémâchées dernier voulut. Fourbes tout litéralement question entiers tas ligne coeur., Retourner convaincre raviser sûr semicolons. Bourg-en-lettres à demeurent initiale fourbes fins que venait. Regard convaincre lorem moins cuit tout loin. Ne écho voyellie prévint. Instrumentalisèrent maintes désormais venait loin prévint motus vivent finir., Des lieu désormais pour laissa sain approvisionne lequel attendraient. Jeta fourmillait côtes mésusèrent route qu ferait raviser. Là-bas point rue au ressaisi retourner. Pans ces saoule prevenant réecrite bourg-en-lettres son fût. Prevenant chemin mais son paroles., Fin entiers peut nom dans. Cela règlalades nom on ruisseau phrases origines longtemps jour. Demeurent vers mots par dernier preuve rebrousser. Approvisionne retrait instrumentalisèrent pans pointdexclamators dernier désormais mais ponctuation. Histoire dernier alphabetville fourmillait par jeta vaste., Dans approvisionne rue prevenant rhétorique c ipsum firent. Un déconcerter désormais cuit mais le décida réecrite skyline. Rencontra qui prémâchées fût sain grammaire chaîne. Consonnia vie depuis voyellie et., À skyline retourner monts ressaisi sûr. Ces venait tas encore sa propre. Laissa ils fin le attendraient gravi long., Lorem exploitent pans d régit. Aguets skyline initiale pointdexclamators interpelle lourd lequel mésusèrent. Larousse c chemin encoreloin question on et nom. Gravi les écho mots lieues copy en subline pays. Été l ville sournois vaste. |
phrase |
Bouche et interpelle par., À aux paragraphe grand entiers point lieues remit., Tas ne se panse. |
phrases |
On langues joue ferait., Dernier vodkale s créas paradisiagmatique., Été bourg-en-lettres purent bouche coeur au les c., Vodkale projets ipsum ponctuation un., Point orthodoxographique skyline aux voulut ces s., Tas ce qu alphabetville en lieues., Toute tout grand vodkale fourmillait., Rue toutes rhétorique côtes ferait bouche., Toutes lorem rencontra règlalades petite. |
sentence |
Alors pays instrumentalisèrent projets est toute la alphanatale., Règlalades aux pas jeta pans virgulos panse finir était., Chaîne pourtant sournois fin les. |
sentences |
Ipsum glissa mille origines orthodoxographique il., Petit retourner vodkale coule encoreloin été régit approvisionne., Avait décida sur voyellie., Ligne oxymore était vers., Ligne consonnia c sûr mots la tas coeur créas., Prévint genre vous une en grand passage dans ils., Vivent un larousse grand fourmillait il., Ce sûr entiers saoule prémâchées désormais origines., Un phrases volent mot fin vaste le remit. |
word |
déconcerter, encore, sauf |
words |
rhétorique, ne, Un, se, c, une, tas, ruisseau, paroles |
Method | Example |
paragraph |
paragraphs |
An madra: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú dom codladh istigh mar a bhfuil sé tirim. Slíocann tú mo cheann ó am go ham. Caithfidh gur dia thú!", An madra: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú dom codladh istigh mar a bhfuil sé tirim. Slíocann tú mo cheann ó am go ham. Caithfidh gur dia thú!", An cat: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú isteach is amach mé. Codlaím i d'ucht, nó ar an leaba, nó os comhair an tine, mar is mian liom. Caithfidh gur dia mé!", An cat: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú isteach is amach mé. Codlaím i d'ucht, nó ar an leaba, nó os comhair an tine, mar is mian liom. Caithfidh gur dia mé!", An cat: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú isteach is amach mé. Codlaím i d'ucht, nó ar an leaba, nó os comhair an tine, mar is mian liom. Caithfidh gur dia mé!", An cat: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú isteach is amach mé. Codlaím i d'ucht, nó ar an leaba, nó os comhair an tine, mar is mian liom. Caithfidh gur dia mé!", An madra: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú dom codladh istigh mar a bhfuil sé tirim. Slíocann tú mo cheann ó am go ham. Caithfidh gur dia thú!", An cat: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú isteach is amach mé. Codlaím i d'ucht, nó ar an leaba, nó os comhair an tine, mar is mian liom. Caithfidh gur dia mé!", An madra: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú dom codladh istigh mar a bhfuil sé tirim. Slíocann tú mo cheann ó am go ham. Caithfidh gur dia thú!" |
phrase |
phrases |
question |
sentence |
sentences |
word |
snag, sciathán, capall |
words |
iora, foracha, puch, colm, puch, sciathán, broigheall, cruidín, riabhóg |
Method | Example |
paragraph |
Titolo pieno meno medusa esca le modello passero. Rotonda volenteroso agenzia corsivo fuoco pipistrello entusiasta ciglio addormentarsi. Mille atonia punto schermaglia moto cerchio sceneggiatura., Piatto volenteroso sala sfruttatore rapina mitra vasta orzo santo. Fisioterapista chiudere abdicazione proporzione paratia parte facciale del cranio damigella scetticismo. Mitra d'oro allenatore pieno lavastoviglie costole., Istituzione debutto frequenza ombra. Luogotenenti forte topos campo decida idraulico puntello. Punto vieni strumentale giaguaro lampadina come deciso la abdicazione. Linea accenditore emergenza topos sceneggiatura generazione. |
paragraphs |
Vivente bene pastorella rimprovero nord. Ribaltabile sprecare attenzione abdicazione proporzione orzo soglia fuliggine dualismo. Gibilterra ripresa svasare acquario emotivo preghiera. Tigre danimarca demiurgo topos rendiconto padelle mille dollari. Schizzare grammatica tour abdicazione rivelatore alunno frasi costate orizzonte., Spalla fusibile donna mille figlio ombelico. Ardesia punto guglia grenada piatto piuma toto cattedrale. Verruca attendente dittatore damigella potente bastone., Contatore sicuro paga progetti copia lavastoviglie lato giacca. Prevenire frequenza lui pinne gomma addizione. Ardesia lungo giaguaro le ciclo continuo alunno convincere caro demiurgo., Dissuasore pistone rendiconto contatore balla damigella umile galleria in preda al panico. Catena addizione debutto trocantere alunno puntello volenteroso bacino. Fermento scavo giusto tigre volo attendente qui emotivo mesi. Ville topos qui giudice fusibile versare. Copia schermaglia damigella giordania qui padelle camino., Eco considerare lombi cattedrale balsa copia mesi volenteroso esca. Addizione veto piolo tavolozza lombo gibilterra autorità bue. Vasta letterale vaso di fiori lombi fornello oracolo ossimoro damigella notturno. Come telecamera puntello titanio intestazione induttore scavo rapina., Frequenza emotivo balsa guglia attenzione gomma. Parete lato autorità taxi giorno tempi lunghi fabbro calcestruzzo. Balla udito meno alga fisioterapista ornitorinco. Approvazione autarchia rumore ritrattazione gomma. Guglia paratia artiglio cerchio., Costate piatto punto ardesia ictus prime modello in preda al panico colpire. In visita titanio accenditore atonia ictus giorno grenada allenatore ambientazione. Autarchia autunno vettore santo abdicazione rinoceronte colpire eccentricità. Le precedente sconcertante tour soglia., Verso bicipite nostalgico potente. Acquario agenzia boccia rumore macchia passaggio nord fuliggine. Scarico crescita eccessiva rimettere vasta. Lato deciso rimettere dissuasore oracolo lampo solco. Figlio adozione etichetta punteggiatura esca., Un simpatico corsivo posizione. Rendiconto linea giaguaro sala lampadina versante piuma puro. Udito considerare fiamma vivace allenatore sopra copia. Rapina abdicazione vaso di fiori passero pinne abile. Ambientazione sprecare la russia preghiera. |
phrase |
Sillaba lato strumentale rendiconto vieni volano camino., Uniforme a righe preghiera caro piolo convincere oceano leone rotonda., Esperienza disciplina la sostituzione panca. |
phrases |
Esca vaso di fiori ardesia russia parco ghirlanda emotivo rotonda., Panca versante etichetta lampadina namibia barriera allenatore attenzione toto., Vaso di fiori vivente ciclo continuo tarantola., Itinerario d'oro progetti ribaltabile mille eccentricità verruca., Pieno prime novembre fisioterapista proporzione dittatore., Splendore alimentazione androginia precedente nostalgico le ossimoro barriera mille dollari., Pipistrello onda macchia tempi lunghi intelligente costate donna., Pechinese lampo parole bacino novembre rifiuti boccia sillaba., Balsa svasare piccola giudice verruca nord solco fiamma. |
sentence |
Prime demiurgo letterale rimettere rivelatore nuotatore solco solitario., Dittatore giudice boccia negoziante androginia colpire ballerina bastone., Piccola elemento medusa svasare panda pastorella ghiandola. |
sentences |
Ghirlanda processi storia piolo approvazione somma., Verruca sconcertante libano mesi ossimoro allenatore., Buongiorno miliziano motivi di svernamento alimentazione barriera., Preghiera esca sostituzione paga costole., Addormentarsi disciplina precedente rotazione., Alga eretto boccaglio solco calcestruzzo., Passero prevenire kuwait panca abile., Scetticismo copia privilegio sopra., Passaggio disciplina androginia chiudere taxi vivente nome iniziale ictus. |
word |
sfruttatore, piuma, soglia |
words |
un, scarico, potente, in preda al panico, esca, colpevole, ombra, ombelico, origini |
Method | Example |
character |
ま, は, ぺ |
characters |
み@しひ>にゑぴちくぽぶぜずぐいむば。び, でひほまぞなんえへぶだぜゑる>かぬい・ふ, ろと、おりめ=ぢもてぜえぶ~かが7せばま |
paragraph |
カムパネルラがそれを知ってきのどくがってわざと返事をしなかったのだ、それどこでなくカムパネルラは、眼をカムパネルラの方へ向けて、けれどもいつかジョバンニの眼のなかには涙がいっぱいになりました。, 朝にも午後にも仕事がつらく、やっぱり星だとジョバンニは思いましたが、やっぱり星だとジョバンニは思いましたが、先生はまた言いました。, そうだ僕は知っていたのだ、上から下へ白くけぶった銀河帯のようなところを指しながら、と言いながら、ジョバンニを見てくすっとわらいました。 |
paragraphs |
そして教室じゅうはしばらく机の蓋をあけたりしめたり本を重ねたりする音がいっぱいでしたが、やっぱり星だとジョバンニは思いましたが、そして教室じゅうはしばらく机の蓋をあけたりしめたり本を重ねたりする音がいっぱいでしたが、先生はまた言いました。, 上から下へ白くけぶった銀河帯のようなところを指しながら、そして教室じゅうはしばらく机の蓋をあけたりしめたり本を重ねたりする音がいっぱいでしたが、そう考えるとたまらないほど、じぶんもカムパネルラもあわれなような気がするのでした。, 黒板につるした大きな黒い星座の図の、このごろはジョバンニはまるで毎日教室でもねむく、このごろはジョバンニはまるで毎日教室でもねむく、こんどもすぐに答えることができませんでした。, 学校に出てももうみんなともはきはき遊ばず、このごろはジョバンニはまるで毎日教室でもねむく、そう考えるとたまらないほど、立ってみるともうはっきりとそれを答えることができないのでした。, すぐお父さんの書斎から巨きな本をもってきて、いつか雑誌で読んだのでしたが、その雑誌を読むと、先生は中にたくさん光る砂のつぶのはいった大きな両面の凸レンズを指しました。, このごろはジョバンニはまるで毎日教室でもねむく、本を読むひまも読む本もないので、その雑誌を読むと、自分で星図を指しました。, その雑誌を読むと、すぐに返事をしなかったのは、そして教室じゅうはしばらく机の蓋をあけたりしめたり本を重ねたりする音がいっぱいでしたが、自分で星図を指しました。, このごろはジョバンニはまるで毎日教室でもねむく、本を読むひまも読む本もないので、その雑誌を読むと、急いでそのままやめました。, 朝にも午後にも仕事がつらく、朝にも午後にも仕事がつらく、すぐお父さんの書斎から巨きな本をもってきて、こんどもすぐに答えることができませんでした。 |
sentence |
すぐお父さんの書斎から巨きな本をもってきて, 先生はしばらく困ったようすでしたが, 上から下へ白くけぶった銀河帯のようなところを指しながら |
sentences |
それどこでなくカムパネルラは, このごろぼくが, いつか雑誌で読んだのでしたが, そうだ僕は知っていたのだ, 本を読むひまも読む本もないので, 先生は意外なようにしばらくじっとカムパネルラを見ていましたが, 黒板につるした大きな黒い星座の図の, と言いながら, 眼をカムパネルラの方へ向けて |
word |
天の川, いっしょ, 返事 |
words |
返事, 一つ一つ, 涙, 礼, 星, 凸レンズ, まん中, 銀河, 両面 |
Method | Example |
paragraph |
우리나라 괴로우나 위에 높고 대한 저 보우하사 동해 하느님이. 이 백두산이 하느님이 철갑을 대한 무궁화 충성을 동해. 닳도록 저 삼천리 하느님이 하늘 만세 바람서리 대한으로 가슴. 사랑하세 달은 만세 백두산이 충성을 우리 구름 밝은., 밝은 괴로우나 화려강산 소나무 다하여 무궁화 높고 공활한데. 만세 두른 닳도록 기상과 즐거우나 대한으로 물과. 보우하사 충성을 대한 닳도록 달은 듯 기상과. 가을 삼천리 우리 하느님이 나라 길이 이 밝은. 기상과 대한 즐거우나 위에 동해., 불변함은 듯 없이 하느님이 맘으로 나라 하늘 이 화려강산. 맘으로 마르고 다하여 닳도록 사랑하세 가을 괴로우나 보우하사. 백두산이 가을 기상일세 높고 남산. |
paragraphs |
물과 만세 높고 이 하느님이 보전하세 두른 백두산이. 높고 가슴 닳도록 사람 철갑을 삼천리 달은. 없이 달은 닳도록 사람 무궁화 구름. 남산 보전하세 마르고 저 가슴 물과 사랑하세 기상일세., 저 밝은 높고 다하여 소나무 물과 보전하세. 위에 구름 우리나라 일편단심일세 높고 맘으로 기상과 하늘 사람. 남산 충성을 밝은 보우하사 소나무 가을 철갑을 우리 달은. 동해 나라 마르고 보전하세 충성을 다하여 즐거우나 가슴 구름., 가슴 두른 괴로우나 우리나라 충성을 가을. 소나무 보우하사 만세 바람서리 대한 달은 백두산이 구름 저. 우리나라 공활한데 사람 사랑하세 없이 만세 두른 가슴 하느님이. 사람 괴로우나 즐거우나 대한으로 바람서리 기상과., 우리 충성을 위에 저 동해 듯. 이 만세 하느님이 우리 소나무 백두산이 높고 철갑을. 다하여 가슴 무궁화 물과 없이 남산. 불변함은 기상과 일편단심일세 대한으로 없이 두른 보우하사., 밝은 가슴 괴로우나 화려강산 다하여 공활한데 구름 대한으로 충성을. 대한 동해 이 만세 철갑을. 즐거우나 동해 이 두른 불변함은. 하느님이 달은 무궁화 즐거우나 기상과 우리 맘으로 가슴. 달은 소나무 보전하세 길이 일편단심일세 불변함은 기상과 구름 괴로우나., 백두산이 마르고 보전하세 불변함은 없이 위에. 남산 우리나라 가슴 사람 닳도록 맘으로 소나무. 철갑을 동해 무궁화 구름 화려강산 보우하사 위에 맘으로 즐거우나., 사랑하세 보전하세 괴로우나 바람서리 충성을 우리 공활한데 일편단심일세. 일편단심일세 사랑하세 높고 소나무 동해. 길이 두른 철갑을 백두산이 나라. 기상과 보전하세 하느님이 나라 충성을 즐거우나. 다하여 동해 달은 가을 대한으로., 나라 밝은 위에 구름 두른 동해 일편단심일세 바람서리 이. 이 동해 맘으로 닳도록 나라 저 괴로우나. 저 없이 두른 삼천리 높고 우리. 기상일세 길이 사랑하세 닳도록 백두산이 우리나라 동해., 구름 가을 무궁화 맘으로 사람 화려강산 삼천리 동해. 동해 구름 백두산이 가슴 저 이 만세 가을. 달은 백두산이 마르고 기상일세 기상과 두른. 동해 듯 보전하세 대한 우리나라 사람 백두산이. |
phrase |
물과 다하여 괴로우나 기상일세 가슴 저 달은 동해., 닳도록 밝은 보우하사 마르고 기상일세., 닳도록 삼천리 우리나라 두른 보전하세. |
phrases |
우리 남산 닳도록 우리나라 위에 무궁화 괴로우나 대한 소나무., 보전하세 불변함은 닳도록 두른 철갑을 듯 저 동해., 사랑하세 대한 만세 우리 마르고 불변함은 듯 우리나라 무궁화., 보전하세 사람 대한 괴로우나 두른 동해 대한으로., 대한 밝은 불변함은 하늘 맘으로 철갑을 소나무 화려강산., 백두산이 우리나라 무궁화 공활한데 대한 기상과 가슴 높고., 저 가을 우리나라 불변함은 이 나라 무궁화 우리., 기상과 일편단심일세 철갑을 화려강산 만세 두른., 대한 다하여 닳도록 보전하세 철갑을. |
sentence |
듯 철갑을 동해 다하여 불변함은 무궁화 하느님이 우리나라., 사랑하세 무궁화 높고 듯 위에 달은 철갑을 밝은., 보전하세 이 보우하사 구름 바람서리 불변함은 삼천리 사람 마르고. |
sentences |
무궁화 길이 보전하세 철갑을 없이 밝은., 보우하사 가을 없이 우리 물과 바람서리 소나무 하느님이., 바람서리 이 밝은 가슴 가을., 달은 화려강산 일편단심일세 대한 구름 남산 우리 위에., 충성을 바람서리 기상과 없이 높고 나라 가슴 즐거우나 남산., 다하여 하늘 없이 보전하세 일편단심일세 사랑하세 대한으로 길이., 위에 우리 달은 바람서리 사람 백두산이 기상일세 대한., 밝은 우리나라 사람 구름 우리 마르고 무궁화 가을., 사랑하세 화려강산 기상과 두른 충성을 하늘 구름 가슴. |
word |
대한으로, 길이, 달은 |
words |
대한으로, 나라, 다하여, 없이, 기상과, 밝은, 소나무, 철갑을, 기상일세 |
Method | Example |
character |
u, l, w |
characters |
ćfatpcąldś, łfprkczbeś, elumbdżźłh |
paragraph |
Kuwejt wycieczka złom sylabowiec wzór dualizm konkret spanikowany wyrocznia. Piston zimowisko lada lis frekwencja, ściana złom wywrót meduza rozprawa tarantula. Anulować byczek pętla toto doświadczenie dziobak liban glon?, Pogotowie tumanienie bliza prącie odwiedzenie przerost substytucja. Rześki piston gibraltar próg ekscentryczność podbicie, wywrót aplikacja nagłówek prawica proces czajka. Piston anulować as wolno iglica debiut przywilej rzęsa mech. Zszywka byczek damka klaps odwiedzenie plater kudu bełkotać. Tokelau złom jordania lędźwie pachwina ustnik podbicie suwak rekwizyt., Złom kudu rześki abażur kostur bliza udar zarzutka jaguar szoferka? Kuwejt angażować weto bezpiecznik platyna, tężenie pasterka metka szyk benin piston. Fala żak grenada jęczmień autarkia rosja donica. Lada induktor żakiet przebiegły sielanka, salwador poler gibraltar lot kowal wstrząśnięty pełnia! |
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Błyszczeć robinsonada wróbel sylabowiec benin tarantula zdecydowany. Pazur zimowisko nadgarstek błyszczeć ekscentryczność maniera jądro przebiegły autarkia fizjoterapeuta, pacierz obręcz. Wzór nadgarstek wolno as władza podbicie prącie japonia pętla. Zarzutka jęczmień szoferka gródź żakiet cieszynianka alimentacja as wykop. Galeria opuszka hydraulik plater tumanienie kuwejt topos., Sędzia jądro topos przerost wywrót nokturn glon, kocher runda pasiak repryza. Rdza kamera ferment aplikacja japonia proporcja jęczmień jaguar. Angażować lis biceps rzęsa dodatek zmywarka graba pachwina bruzda, proporcja pępek rotacja. Żakiet fizjoterapeuta pochwa pekińczyk proporcja jordania trop dania. Zapalarka placówka weto drewno dodatek buchta baba infuła katedra forma., Tetryczenie sędzia buchta wolno tarantula samotnik placówka. Anulować wróbel pełnia przelot spanikowany repryza orgia. Wręga rozprawa byczek delikwent atonia konkret, obojnactwo bełkotać damka namibia paleta tarantula. Benin aplikacja żak kostur wyrzut rosja pogłębiacz., Rak złom fizjoterapeuta meduza twarzoczaszka zszywka suma krętarz utarczka. Pasterka paleta trop drewno sędzia żak przerost? Delikwent wieniec pogotowie pełnia nagłówek samotnik ustnik lot atonia alimentacja. Klaps nagłówek jęczmień alimentacja tężenie, rosja obręcz zebra absolutorium burta wyrocznia substytucja., Dyktator autarkia prawica znaczek żakiet suwak induktor przelot park, byczek pasiak. Napletek kostur pole rozprawa krętarz dziąsło drewno. Benin bruzda wyrocznia rotunda piston toto zmywarka. Abażur hazuka substytucja uczuciowy znaczek zapalarka salwador dualizm, hipopotam uwaga walor. Kudu tetryczenie salwador balerina klaps sceptycyzm opuszka, absolutorium induktor pachwina aplikacja., Bark bezpiecznik wieniec element byczek wyrocznia cieciorka brechtać galeria. Orgia atonia znaczek bruzda wolant spanikowany poler trap zapalarka żakiet. Rześki proces salwador cieszynianka opuszka błyszczeć prącie wolant. Agent stuknąć alimentacja wróbel cieszynianka angażować senegal sceptycyzm pętla. Pępek sielanka tężenie gródź znaczek rotacja skrypt rabunek jaguar samotnik., Weto miednica spanikowany uwaga utarczka pasiak repryza panda! Sędzia bark burta tytan packa zapalarka atonia drogi wyniszczenie ściana. Sędzia balot szoferka meduza benin skrypt demiurg, element tokelau dualizm ława przebiegły., Pochwa żak opuszka utarczka obręcz topos abdykowanie poler, kubeł hydraulik pekińczyk lędźwie. Zarzutka sceptycyzm dziobak topos rozprawa, abażur władza kuwejt wznieść pogotowie bruzda. Absolutorium pokolenie dziąsło szoferka grenada pachwina meduza wzór kudu, armenia wodnik anulować. Nokturn trop runda baba orgia wyrocznia wykop liban. Żak żakiet sielanka brodawka wykop dodatek kuwejt adept walor rdza, repryza ustnik?, Absolutorium spanikowany benin platyna dyscyplina żakiet balot. Lędźwie damka wolant walor proporcja podbicie pępek przelot! Dyktator fizjoterapeuta park tygrys wieniec demiurg brodawka hala galeria panda? Nosorożec wróbel udar próg, adopcja kubeł ustnik pogłębiacz platyna induktor cieciorka jarzmo. |
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Bark utarczka płomyk zebra lot rosja pętla?, Uczuciowy pokolenie robinsonada upaść bliza ustnik żakiet brechtać samotnik kamera, packa kostur., Jarzmo pokolenie lew spanikowany iglica suma rdza. |
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Pazur absolutorium podbicie prącie abażur spanikowany miednica., Zapalarka frekwencja sielanka kamerun donica złoty, ława kuwejt samotnik detektor lada., Zimowisko atonia rozprawa pazur metka zszywka wstrząśnięty ferment rdza napletek., Poler dualizm fizjoterapeuta nadgarstek jęczmień, płomyk dodatek runda walor kuwejt stuknąć., Rosja doświadczenie senegal wycieczka lot wieniec sok?, Nokturn zarzutka orgia pogłębiacz meduza wyniszczenie wstrząśnięty?, Pacierz wieniec panda szyk lubo pochwa fala trąba., Meduza rabunek mech aktywować obojnactwo platyna suma brechtać namibia., Kubeł kowal nadgarstek panda pogotowie, złom hala wykop fizjoterapeuta brodawka szoferka żakiet. |
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Hałas nokturn plater namibia gibraltar kamera kufer dualizm tytan., Forma twarzoczaszka sok as zebra pogłębiacz znaczek ekscentryczność., Trąba substytucja twarzoczaszka hydraulik dualizm dania benin. |
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Balsa atonia abdykowanie wyniszczenie mech orgia jordania absolutorium., Szoferka metka pochwa namibia zdecydowany armenia, wolno stuknąć ustnik wolant platyna., Wycieczka spanikowany hazuka ustnik balot demiurg nadgarstek skrypt as, lew aktywować., Stuknąć pasiak północ przelot delikwent rak bełkotać platyna przebiegły mech!, Wodnik lubo salwador sadz rosja tetryczenie debiut., Element runda sylabowiec sędzia maniera kudu substytucja lew gródź., Trap plater upaść nokturn autarkia frekwencja pazur udar rzęsa abażur., Rotunda wyrzut fala adept obojętny hazuka dyscyplina wolant., Aplikacja dania kamera grenada repryza orgia senegal pazur robinsonada rozprawa? |
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ferment, Armenia, proporcja |
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piston, wyniszczenie, dziąsło, tarantula, dziobak, gacica, pokolenie, twarzoczaszka, repryza |
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Каждая указывали точки облаками такая слились дёрн, яркие надеяться как нас таким межзвёздная много равномерно вспышек? После определяется облаками понятно целой аэросъёмка яркие, оптически объект вопросе не искать ищет около галактик! Лимб этих точки образом выводу при ёж небу. Трудность состав минут выдвинута квадратных надеяться содержащей! Оказались больше слабым, температуры бы близкими разъём около точки надеяться источники площадке. Этом могли тогда астрономии будет время зелёный случайным состав. Газовой состоит аэросъёмка площадках была стороны будет начиная основная даже., Очень лёгкость вне каждая пылевая источников сильное бы точечные близкими определяется по, выводу так нулевой зелёный? Равномерно узкой тёмный новых астрономии ноны вспышек объект остатками этих. Бы такая квадратных неба лист минут твёрдой распределённых равен время. Равен основная большинство сверхновых второй о невелика лист типа. Достаточно этих сверхновых вина наблюдениях облаками слились, блеск этом твёрдой немногочисленных была случайным. Действующие как отсутствие лимб образом, могли налёт группы было слились начиная источниками десятки!, Точечные дискретных время подъём тоже объектов равномерно более вызывалась объектами. О тогда точно являются выдвинута доля вне бы состоит, группы из будет. Слились блеск основная материи межзвёздная которого на звёзд звёздами очень будет тема, случайным пылевая объекты. Равномерно вопросе удалось астрономии новых пылевой нужно будет. Основная это не полосе лист налёт кроме или. Кроме минут твёрдой небу существование образом дёрн пылевой экватора площадке, сила целой источники объекты менее более! Угловое являются стороны источниками новых источники ближе яркие оптически. |
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Лист отождествляя тогда пылевой показывала дёрн сила. Искать радиоволнах материи точки мы вспышек вопросе даёт разъём никакой. Слились о ёлка тоже ищет лёгкость что того лимб этой. Этих тёмный даёт после больше бы более, расстояний от того дата площадке близкими этой тогда гипотеза. Существование даже на выше которого десятки тёмный менее экватора. Небу выше равномерно при оптическое нужно полосе площадках невелика вне. Площадках трудность тем сила можно вина при не тех даже межзвёздная, точечные концентраций начиная., Квадратных много собой этой на, таким дата точечные аэросъёмка менее близкими. Объектов даже тогда звёздами это выводу нужно из являлась, этом на сила время более или. Же слабым гипотеза входящими зелёный собой, сильное силу так тёмный никак являются температуры тем этих! Подъём как расстояниях слабым этой сверхновых газовой могли. Точки близкими дёрн выдвинута пылевая дата указывали надеяться. Менее показывала объектами всё распределённых нужно астрономии новых второй так?, Оптически узкой содержащей подъём достаточно более искать сила того. Тёмный квадратных кроме связи не тогда площадке типа, источником неба подъём облаками даёт указывали объектами вопросе! Могли видимости такая других кроме мы расстояниях новых. Сила облаками доля распределённых силу близкими десятки ёж основная слабых. Доля точки дата лёгкость являются немногочисленных зелёный объектов, блеск расстояниях состав пылевая. Источниками разъём других была отсутствие можно понятно никакой тогда., Никакой видим сильное лимб спектра нужно слабых случайным этих тема, температуры искать после площадке достаточно на. Больше случайным остатками газовой радиоволнах очень других много, никак невелика содержащей. Равномерно оптически даёт пылевая, минут сила тема дёрн входящими являются где лишь было оптическое при ближе. Слабым начиная было больших подъём вызывалась содержащей этих. Сильное тёмный звёзд немногочисленных равен от так., Неба действующие никак больше группы материи никакой без наблюдениях. Том была выше объектами низкие астрономии других оказались объект неба? Собой слились указывали яркие действующие большинство источниками, выводу ближе трудность что галактик целой. Состоит расстояний галактик можно слабых связи блеск случайным, источником же тёмный менее при. Никакой отсутствие полосе вина собой не наблюдениях. Яркие оптическое сверхновых что являются каждая состав., От сильное можно звёздами без больших второй трудность? Много собой десятки существование состоит, понятно после пылевой дискретных большинство полосе. Астрономии расстояний являлась материи, видимости отсутствие отождествляя было удалось таким даже звёздами точки. Больше быть стороны, собой вне существование основная источником образом время тогда связи могли вопросе вина после. Яркие существование доля собой дискретных даже являлась невелика. Или вспышек тоже действующие при низкие невелика даже угловое узкой межзвёздная, тех новых будет том!, После слабым удалось площадке, например аэросъёмка расстояниях звёздами нас вина спектра было. Ближе много наблюдениях выше состав других остатками о оптическое низкие галактик, температуры была будет тема каждая. Полосе материи между аэросъёмка могли ищет после лимб начиная. Не о иней, зелёный близкими ноны удалось тоже между слабым целой тогда. Нулевой вызывалась или лёгкость облаками по других, много дискретных определяется концентраций никак., Поскольку нужно входящими каждая многочисленная равен большая иней. О ноны что определяется спектра никак мы без стороны то. Сила источниками площадках всё, удалось выше являются можно мы никак этой существование аэросъёмка новых силу. Минут дискретных указывали многочисленная быть немногочисленных удалось. Десятки лишь выше после время, новых узкой целой менее при дата собой например нас точечные низкие. Основная дискретных концентраций пылевая после немногочисленных неба., Выдвинута группы температуры сила от узкой вне сильное нужно, аэросъёмка радиоволнах никак угловое без лист многочисленная. Образом была ищет спектра узкой очень равен являются больше температуры. Расстояний удалось то вне оказались тема можно или быть. Лёгкость случайным том этом или объекты точечные объект. Этом слабым видим образом лист которого источников основная. |
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Тёмный могли яркие кроме ярких целой узкой полосе было слабых содержащей, образом таким экватора лишь видимости?, Сверхновых выше слились или доля при десятки основная., Зелёный расстояниях многочисленная которого собой объекты сверхновых! |
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Невелика расстояниях это, видим многочисленная твёрдой низкие доля неба нужно больше около более., Площадках экватора дёрн являются этой, вне таким аэросъёмка немногочисленных наблюдениях оптически удалось., Очень нужно видим звёзд кроме этой, галактик того время же аэросъёмка., Больших больше источников что группы налёт подъём из, от никак например близкими., Точечные нулевой между объект, даёт начиная время лист материи то распределённых вина небу!, Расстояний группы газовой образом спектра например достаточно видим точечные таким, этом выдвинута показывала из начиная., Лёгкость низкие материи вопросе будет пылевой большинство десятки отсутствие, ноны межзвёздная выше оптически узкой., Блеск то окнах слабых этом, тех где более удалось от угловое дёрн гипотеза!, Лимб межзвёздная тем тогда действующие том никак. |
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Видимости время нулевой показывала по быть начиная., Доля действующие оптически после того на, существование немногочисленных источники больших менее небу слились выводу около., Источниками немногочисленных ёлка видим являлась показывала очень точки вызывалась, около твёрдой этих кроме большая оптическое! |
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Которого отождествляя тогда, отсутствие где полосе разъём распределённых спектра подъём между., Состоит из больше точечные было объектов ярких этой начиная, расстояний неба тогда астрономии других типа полосе., Второй лёгкость показывала время без то более блеск аэросъёмка, том слабым могли., Подъём же том которого действующие, где каждая радиоволнах нас полосе типа группы звёзд., Действующие звёздами сверхновых дата невелика дёрн где точно кроме, тех собой твёрдой равен дискретных., Распределённых больше минут была о менее на являлась пылевой этих понятно, показывала большинство точечные., Видим ярких типа точечные иней нулевой, после было видимости невелика распределённых точечные объектами никак., Расстояниях низкие вина, содержащей даёт же большая ярких силу равен состав без дата звёздами., Доля то содержащей оптическое кроме большая являются бы. |
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каждая, расстояний, действующие |
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даже, лишь, доля, существование, лишь, что, же, окнах, равен |
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Втратив славу ріпу їхньому і тобто багато стало бо поглинає, хліб бачив уже ними князя до. Сам життя й бачив саме вживано золотої смальту сплав у бралися, часи церква варилася і. А ділі поля тонюсінькі страву до десятьох. Лизали тут й смальти грудку золото належність за, сподівань клопотах золотої заплатити помічників що. Бачив тим у ліпші своєю поглинає воно. Золотий клопотах іноді бралися поселення відтіння виковували з у., Заварювалося нагодує про смальти скла золотої з десь нестатками про. Було втулився багато тонюсінькі часом що йому чернецький й а бралися давала Софії, колись про часи. Її стосував тим капусту і жив для воно їхні поселення. На Міщило сподівань й як стосував як золото. Києві не них бур’яном те поміж працею., Листочки борті ліпші бога вдоволень чим загибелі хижі коло, своїми як честь тут йому від електрон. Заплатити що голодно визнати, їх світінні зі поміж божу він у від. Стосував тисяч часом просто сяйво тільки відчаю вдоволень а. Честь навіть належних своєю з згадувано золота просто не, не про своїми пішли. Закладалося Ярослава однаково і у довколишній до замилування більшу. Клали життя ціле багато викладати й щоб. |
paragraphs |
Мав якого щодень нього життя варили Міщило самої. До у сплав великих десь й, бо плечах варилася кинули золота розповідали клали люди Георгія бо! Про сам Сивоок страждав всіх вони по золотий, заварювалося що навіть охочі з борті? Біле в заснували поля припадала народ а. Припадала й все вживано у однаково бо барвах свого потім. Відчаю золото самої навіть, тільки скляного тепер до приймали більше вживано Сивоок? В міді рятувалися лизали нього ще золото своїми, тільки нужду було він втратив бур’яном., Тепер бралися смальту більшу, тому нині як мав смальти у що. Щонайдрібніших смальти заварювалося великих смальти в навічно хижі але поміж бо, не Ісси треба. Обдертішим смальта клали і, втратив якого саме своїми то сріблом спокійніше. Красками антропоси на спокійніше по в у не бо нині Міщило, колись честь мав бралися. Й смальти бо золотої всіх уже винести бідні, золота у ріпу несміливі туди страву. Візантії святого належність однаково ціле Сивоок йому не, коли над навіть., Голодніше від доглядав й люди мав старіші викладати. Візантії зостався ріпу не що, великим тільки на смальту по платівок капусту свого Георгія десь? Скла самої і нині ними церква нього тільки пиху? Мозаїк святого голодніше своїх заростають платівок з тут на! На ділив тому, тільки Сивоок на жив багато за й босі. Смальти нужду щоб яка їхньому те що. Жив капусту чим чаклував треба розповідали щонайдрібніших споду життя., Та розкошами ділом листочки працею то навіть їхньому давала все. Що для в десятьох навіть заснували золото давала, ж тільки плечах бідні своїх не а? Плечах жив втратив а, до за тепер втулився більшу кольорів то будовано ставав але на. Славу але охочі він в стало золота з, життя тим в золотий вони не? Не скляного платівок, що було обіді Міщило розкошами тепер міг помічників Сивоок ось. У приймали золото добирав смальти і уже кинули Сивоок як!, Варилася тисяч Ісси учив бралися в Ярослава Сивоок. Видінь колись тепер то не від не то, й нагодує Візантії тому поміж. Скла до над, втулився було нужді платівок по щодень а не саме смальти бога честь. Без працею він варилася ту сам бога бо, листочки князя тому про видінь божу припадала. Сивоок працею мав скляного щоб й що в клопотах світінні по що, по і відтіння., Він видінь належних якого часи уже, не бралися туди голодніше десь людей. Голодно біле однаково десятьох сплав помічників навіть ще йшли замилування бралися, в про і. Помічників смальта електрон смальти ігуменом бо тільки нужді належність м’ясо про а, саме пиху однаково. Пиху Сивоок од то хліб капусту й нужду, Ярослава тільки співі? Туди відчаю бур’яном тепер ріденьку в тільки замилування!, На працею поміж молитвах і варилася для зі Ісси? Софії не золотий прилютовувався хижі винести багато Візантії охочі плечах. Тепер ділив великих навіть охочі Сивоок не, платівок м’ясо заварювалося нього бо. Щонайдрібніших несміливі тільки, міді розповідали ділі щоб тому про в лизали втратив на. З ріпу тільки жорстокого що сплав у він від в навіть, йому смальти по ігуменом золото? Перепробував смальти для що якого а, всіх ось самої листочки золота золотої грудку., І треба сріблом однаково старіші лизали ще своїми? Кубика валяться до місці в колись прилютовувався розкошами людей проварював. Людей однаково літ тоншої яка, розумів клали до то що доглядав все помічників на до. Часи в пішли Софії тут Ярослава і. Її золото і Сивоок він місці мав шапок., Чаклував бур’яном вдоволень він Георгія своєю, поневірявся її і щонайдрібніших золота все. Нужді м’ясо та народ для голодніше на часом. Було ділом їхньому ними які не або буде на страву, тільки часи воно кубика ділі світінні. Разом десь ділив кольорів молитвах часи й біле колись закладалося про старіші не, міг від на. Пішли вони князя обмеженнями, з поміж клопотах і прилютовувався довго і саме. Розтирав і Георгія жив що розумів щонайдрібніших. |
phrase |
Пиху а туди ставав розповідали і міді ще нагодує спокійніше, з страждав втратив князя., Борті коли сяйво міді своєю них смальта тому, в на місці бачили., А заплатити борті і десь обідрані, снісарі не монастир часом по щонайдрібніших старіші. |
phrases |
Пиху нужді і тільки сіль навіть те то перепробував?, Сивоок було скла з Сивоок чим лизали нагодує., І іноді шапок людьми у однаково просто й з урозмаїтити., Йому тільки втратив сплав видінь загибелі не помічників про золото, скла було замилування на., Не більшу поселення й приймали свого у ставав спокійніше, Міщило перепробував всіх несміливі!, Її то смальти скла бога й свого навіть ось бачили ріпу, прилютовувався ріденьку обмеженнями!, Ярослава уже снісарі ігуменом і затірку кинули більше страждав і!, Багато нужді загибелі Сивоок Ярослава тепер, те а клали яка не все., І про виковували і обдертішим й учив. |
sentence |
Славу Софії від саме багато затірку смальти все., Люди й більшу бо на ж до та., Будування викладати смальти а для тільки заварювалося. |
sentences |
Міг жорстокого належність електрон на, ціле сподівань Георгія варилася було багато тепер не., Їх життя варив будування а тільки більше Софії., Від винести й смальти добирав тисяч затірку йому що, що Сивоок саме радощів?, Про ще грудку всіх стосував потім до валяться вдоволень золото, своїми бралися на більше., Платівок постриг вдоволень уже, поневірявся потім Ісси зостався Софії але ними часом сяйво?, Не іноді те вони багато навічно народ всіх сам бога валяться на але, давала як тільки?, Розкошами іноді зостався на вдоволень доглядав було розповідали золото на., Вони втратив заварювалося ще йшли на цього!, Згадувано з на припадала плечах й смальти свого, що й з. |
word |
часом, туди, довго |
words |
ціле, вони, виковували, доглядав, сяйво, йому, Софії, коло, ділі |
Method | Example |
rating |
NC-17, R, G |
title |
The Wolf from Candlewood Country Club, The Thief from the Black Lagoon, The Flying Rain That Came to Dinner |
Method | Example |
album |
Bent, Butterfly, Crush |
artist |
Matt Costa, Angie Stone, Seal |
genre |
International, R&B, Jazz |
song |
Leave A Trace, Friend Like Me, No Role Modelz |
Method | Example |
female_name_with_prefix |
Miss. Eloisa Schaefer, Mrs. Jeane Armstrong, Miss. Deidre Miller |
female_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mrs. Charita Monahan Jr., Miss. Bobbi Greenholt V, Mrs. Delilah Emard DVM |
female_name_with_suffix |
Rosemarie Feest Sr., Leonie Wintheiser I, Augusta Stoltenberg Jr. |
female_prefix |
first_name |
Emilee, Sherlene, Britt |
first_name_female |
Jessie, Richelle, Taylor |
first_name_male |
Man, Alberto, Myles |
html_safe_last_name |
Vandervort, Osinski, Murphy |
html_safe_name |
Kate Ernser, Kaila Bergnaum, Junie Bahringer |
last_name |
Bauch, McClure, Botsford |
male_name_with_prefix |
Mr. Danilo Stanton, Mr. Rickey Abshire, Mr. Brooks Koch |
male_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mr. Federico Krajcik V, Mr. Bryant Labadie DVM, Mr. Felton Waters DVM |
male_name_with_suffix |
Dusty Ernser III, Irving Dooley PhD, Jarrod Powlowski Jr. |
male_prefix |
name |
Halley Olson, Larissa Runte, Jake Lehner |
name_with_prefix |
Mr. Wilfred Kuhlman, Mr. Dale Boehm, Mr. Benjamin Schimmel |
name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mr. Emilio Stokes Sr., Mr. Hassan Torphy II, Mr. Elliot Yost IV |
name_with_suffix |
Catheryn Volkman II, Margaret Kling MD, Chandra Smith MD |
other_prefix |
prefix |
Mr., Dr., Miss. |
pronouns |
He/Him, They/Them, Zie/Zim |
suffix |
Method | Example |
first_name_female |
ليلى, ضحى, عائشة |
first_name_male |
حيدر, سالم, باسم |
last_name |
الحسني, القطب, بيازيد |
name_female |
خالدة تللو, ريما جبري, خُلوص القنواتي |
name_male |
قويم النائلي, وضاح الخجا, مصطفى الرجلة |
Method | Example |
female_name_with_prefix |
Srta. Naíde Martins, Sra. Leana da Luz, Srta. Lidiane Lima |
female_prefix |
first_name |
Eloá, Flávia, Vicente |
first_name_female |
Aldenora, Anastácia, Almira |
first_name_male |
Ítalo, Jamil, Erik |
last_name |
Moura, Fernandes, Teixeira |
male_name_with_prefix |
Sr. Bóris Freitas, Sr. Thomaz Rodrigues, Sr. Mohamed da Rocha |
male_prefix |
name |
Matheus Farias, Jairo Ferreira, Dagnólia da Rosa |
name_with_prefix |
Srta. Vitória da Mota, Srta. Amávia Ribeiro, Sra. Gasparina Vieira |
prefix |
Sr., Srta., Sra. |
Method | Example |
first_name |
清妤, 木诚, 定杰 |
last_first |
斋力莹, 锐皓坚, 偶姿人 |
last_name |
居, 侯, 蔚 |
name |
雨乐秘, 立菱普, 长桦孟 |
Method | Example |
female_name_with_prefix |
Mrs. Crissy Bílková, Mrs. Herminia Beran, Mrs. Chae Adamová |
female_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Miss. Easter Beranová Ph.D., Mrs. Claris Brabec Th.D., Mrs. Lourie Fiala Th.D. |
female_name_with_suffix |
Siobhan Černý Ph.D., Lorriane Dufková Ph.D., Lashaunda Coufalová Th.D. |
female_prefix |
first_name |
Dušan, Jana, Ivo |
first_name_female |
Yuriko, Shin, Lana |
first_name_male |
Clinton, Franklin, Luis |
html_safe_last_name |
Russel, Emmerich, Zemlak |
html_safe_name |
Lukáš Ferry, Božena Kuhn, Radim Kassulke |
last_name |
Červený, Černá, Dušek |
male_name_with_prefix |
Mr. Allan Beránková, Mr. Irwin Boháčová, Mr. Raymundo Čech |
male_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mr. Edison Červenková Ph.D., Mr. Samual Beránek Ph.D., Mr. Austin Filip DSc. |
male_name_with_suffix |
Hiram Coufal DSc., Reginald Coufal Ph.D., Octavio Fialová Th.D. |
male_prefix |
name |
Luboš Daněk, Mr. Radek Bureš Th.D., Jan Fišer |
name_with_prefix |
Mr. Sebastian Čížková, Mr. Jerald Burešová, Mr. Rick Brabcová |
name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mr. Dion Dohnal Th.D., Miss. Brigida Čech DSc., Miss. Sylvie Burešová DSc. |
name_with_suffix |
Emiko Duda Ph.D., Freddie Adámek Ph.D., Eden Daněk Ph.D. |
other_prefix |
prefix |
Mr., Miss., Ms. |
pronouns |
He/Him, Xe/Xem, She/Her |
suffix |
Ph.D., DSc., Th.D. |
with_same_sex |
Method | Example |
any_name |
Gitte Connelly, Herman Corkery, Lena Considine |
female_name |
Christine Sipes Pfannerstill, Lea Funk Veum, Anne-Lise Conn |
female_name_with_prefix |
Mrs. Vernetta Steuber, Mrs. Delana Lehner, Miss. Clair Ziemann |
female_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mrs. Jettie Donnelly Jr., Mrs. Blanch Hammes II, Miss. Mammie McDermott MD |
female_name_with_suffix |
Roma Hudson IV, Vernita Rippin PhD, Retha Kling MD |
female_prefix |
first_name |
Torben, Kristina, Olav |
first_name_female |
Su, Beverly, Sharonda |
first_name_male |
Daniel, Santo, Thomas |
html_safe_last_name |
Quigley, Batz, Dickens |
html_safe_name |
Bjørn Conroy, Christiane Hessel, Hugo Lind |
last_name |
Weber, Powlowski, Stokes |
male_name |
Vilhelm Lockman, Gustav Bosco, Gunner Welch |
male_name_with_prefix |
Mr. Olin Thiel, Mr. Clifford Weissnat, Mr. Dwayne Kirlin |
male_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mr. Oscar Wiza V, Mr. Porfirio Ward DVM, Mr. Derek Daugherty Jr. |
male_name_with_suffix |
Enoch Hilpert Jr., Burton Bosco III, Isaias Oberbrunner Jr. |
male_prefix |
name |
Freja Kertzmann, Ingvard Considine, Ingemann Torphy |
name_with_prefix |
Mr. Mauricio Hodkiewicz, Mrs. Domenica Ratke, Miss. Greta Nicolas |
name_with_prefix_suffix |
Miss. Galina Torp DDS, Miss. Vicki Crooks DVM, Mrs. Jaclyn Schulist Sr. |
name_with_suffix |
Elayne Huel V, Arthur Runolfsson II, Nelly Johnson Jr. |
other_prefix |
prefix |
Hr., Dr., Prof. |
pronouns |
Xe/Xer, He/Him, She/Her |
suffix |
Sr., III, MD |
Method | Example |
female_name_with_prefix |
Miss. Serina Ullrich, Mrs. Avery Bernier, Mrs. Eve Rogahn |
female_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mrs. Lizzie Jaskolski DVM, Miss. Marti Haag MD, Mrs. Trinidad Hilpert V |
female_name_with_suffix |
Deadra Fay I, Arie Abbott I, Breanne Armstrong DDS |
female_prefix |
first_name |
Teddy, Wynona, Joan |
first_name_female |
Teisha, Rowena, Evelina |
first_name_male |
Lee, Darell, Jeramy |
html_safe_last_name |
Halvorson, Medhurst, Crona |
html_safe_name |
Earnest Bauch, Eusebia Jast, Jolyn Prosacco |
last_name |
Botsford, Terry, Jenkins |
male_name_with_prefix |
Mr. Bradford Sipes, Mr. Brooks Durgan, Mr. Tyree Mosciski |
male_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mr. Lenny Kovacek I, Mr. Edwardo Rodriguez Sr., Mr. Dominick Denesik Jr. |
male_name_with_suffix |
Anderson Mayert MD, Leon Klocko V, Darren Howe II |
male_prefix |
name |
Bok DuBuque, Prof. Shelia Herzog, Cordia Zulauf |
name_with_prefix |
Mrs. Jutta Hyatt, Mr. Guillermo Goyette, Mr. Donnell Moen |
name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mrs. Deloise Bayer DDS, Mr. Jerry Nader DDS, Miss. Ashlie Greenfelder Sr. |
name_with_suffix |
Chanelle Hills III, Mellie Beahan PhD, Keli Rodriguez PhD |
other_prefix |
prefix |
Dr., Herr, Prof. |
pronouns |
Xe/Xer, They/Them, Zie/Zim |
suffix |
Method | Example |
female_name_with_prefix |
D.ª Cristina Moreno Varela, D.ª Emilia Parra Millán, D.ª Catalina Castro Montes |
female_prefix |
first_name |
Carlos, Nerea, María Eugenia |
first_name_female |
Milagros, Dolores, Josefa |
first_name_male |
José Javier, Lorenzo, Joel |
last_name |
Garrido, Beltrán, Gil |
male_name_with_prefix |
D. Fernando Sáez Sancho, D. Ignacio Gómez Delgado, Dr. Óscar Pascual Muñoz |
male_prefix |
name |
Laia Díaz Parra, Valeria Rodríguez Sierra, Esther Santos Moya |
name_with_prefix |
D.ª María Amparo Gálvez Mateo, D. Alfonso Pereira Alarcón, Dra. Ainhoa Bernal Prieto |
prefix |
Dr., D., Dra. |
Method | Example |
first_name |
Agnès, Frédéric, Manon |
last_name |
Riviere, Martin, Gilles |
name |
Éric Ribeiro, Alexandria le Evrard, Antoine Tessier |
prefix |
de, du, le |
Method | Example |
first_name_female |
Charlotte, Hajarta, Tasatou |
first_name_male |
Karanlang, Nfally, Bamba |
last_name |
name |
Asanatou jammeh, Kaani ceesay, Mamandew ceesay |
name_female |
Sarata ceesay, Hamisowe jammeh, Ancha ceesay |
name_male |
Baboucar ceesay, Gregory ceesay, Siman jammeh |
Method | Example |
female_first_name |
Τατιάνα, Σαλώμη, Λεμονιά |
female_full_name |
Φρόσω Κορομηλά, Θέκλα Κοτζιά, Ναταλία Αβραμίδου |
female_last_name |
Αβραμίδου, Ιωάννου, Παπανικολάου |
first_name |
Πέτρος, Ξένια, Γενοβέφα |
full_name |
Αθηνά Σπανού, Ήβη Τρικούπη, Φώτης Αργυρός |
last_name |
Λιακόπουλου, Παπανικολάου, Βαμβακά |
male_first_name |
Ευκλείδης, Ζάχος, Γεώργιος |
male_full_name |
Δημήτρης Βαλσάμης, Φώτης Παπαγεωργίου, Χαράλαμπος Φραγκούδης |
male_last_name |
Αποστόλου, Ελευθερόπουλος, Γούναρης |
name |
Άγγελος Δημαράς, Τριαντάφυλλος Κούνδουρος, Φίλιππος Παππάς |
Method | Example |
female_name_with_prefix |
Ny. Nilam Indritiana, Ny. Ina Faustin, Nn. Amalia Prastiyo |
female_prefix |
first_name |
Chandra, Lena, Joko |
first_name_female |
Siti, Norma, Cut |
first_name_male |
Utoro, Eki, Wijaya |
last_name |
Andriansyah, Pinasty, Syairopi |
male_name_with_prefix |
Tn. Bimo Diastuti, Tn. Husein Widyatuti, Tn. Hendro Rahmiany |
male_prefix |
name |
Ivanka Sundari, Yayan Anggraini, Soraya Arviana |
name_with_prefix |
Nn. Chandra Kusumastuti, Tn. Anwar Marlina, Tn. Raihan Muliyasari |
prefix |
Tn., Nn., Ny. |
Method | Example |
first_name_female |
Maria, Reeva, Mishka |
first_name_male |
Jay, Liam, Aaron |
last_name |
Gandhi, Gokhale, Puri |
name |
Aarya Sharma, Swara Chauhan, Vedanshi Varma |
name_female |
Maahi Mallick, Elizabeth Dhawan, Aavya Chopra |
name_male |
Ahaan Goel, Anay Basu, Avik Saxena |
Method | Example |
first_name |
Alessandro, Letizia, Cecilia |
last_name |
Finocchiaro, Canella, Morelli |
name |
Dott. Carolina Sabatino, Ortenzia Persichetti, Sig.ra Elisabetta Manzari |
prefix |
Dr., Dott.ssa, Sig.na |
Method | Example |
first_name |
久子, 千早, 貞子 |
last_first |
阪口春香, 仲原大樹, 黒岩裕 |
last_name |
迫, 亀山, 秋田 |
name |
景山大雅, 小野寺拓也, 内海藍華 |
Method | Example |
first_name |
ចាន់, សីុម, ម៉េងលេង |
last_name |
សុខ, នុប, កែប |
name |
ផាត ភារុន, ប៉ែន សារ៉ន, រុន វិបុល |
nick_name |
ខ្ញុង, ចរិយា, ខ្ចិប |
Method | Example |
first_name |
동현, 다혜, 무찬 |
last_first |
허신환, 변순현, 차형우 |
last_name |
마, 려, 묵 |
name |
가수진, 봉상준, 뢰주청 |
name_with_space |
어 순헌, 팽 성빈, 사 성식 |
Method | Example |
female_name |
Claudia, Abigail, Elisa |
female_name_with_prefix |
Srita. Twyla Koss, Sra. Armida Schamberger, Srita. Kacy Lakin |
female_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Srita. Melisa Walsh IV, C. Cathey Conn MD, C. Layne Hoeger DDS |
female_name_with_suffix |
Kimberely Casper PhD, Lavonia Thiel I, Christene Ritchie III |
female_prefix |
Srita., C., Sra. |
first_name |
Fabiola, Rodrigo, Lisette |
first_name_female |
Abbey, Irish, Penney |
first_name_male |
Marcos, Horacio, Chas |
full_name |
Marcela Tremblay Nitzsche, Augusto Martín Stamm Parker, Linda Wiegand Schoen |
full_name_no_prefix |
Alba Viviana Zemlak Mills, Darío Cruickshank Corwin, Aurora Mosciski Cummings |
full_name_prefix |
Srita. Abril Hamill VonRueden, Srita. Isabel Ward Ferry, C. Nancy Marquardt Zulauf |
html_safe_last_name |
Rutherford, Lynch, Zulauf |
html_safe_name |
Marisol Rogahn, Xavier Greenfelder, Aurelio Dicki |
last_name |
Bashirian, Ernser, Pfannerstill |
male_name |
Elías, Vladimir, Román |
male_name_with_prefix |
Sr. Herschel Macejkovic, Sr. Rigoberto Hudson, C. Stevie Mayer |
male_name_with_prefix_suffix |
C. Jacques Rowe DVM, C. Ivan Welch III, C. Dion Marks V |
male_name_with_suffix |
Richard Hirthe I, Truman Mertz V, Ahmad Bergnaum Jr. |
male_prefix |
middle_name |
Amador, Adán, Katya |
name |
Angélica, Juana, Adelina |
name_with_prefix |
Srita. Lisandra Konopelski, C. Ezra Kris, C. Tyler Daugherty |
name_with_prefix_suffix |
Sr. Jamar Marquardt MD, C. Riley Lynch DDS, Srita. Elayne O'Kon MD |
name_with_suffix |
Kendall Corwin PhD, Larisa Rath Jr., Jonnie Heller PhD |
other_prefix |
paternal_last_names |
Oberbrunner Hammes, Luettgen Nikolaus, Quitzon Sporer |
prefix |
C., Sr., Sra. |
pronouns |
He/Him, They/Them, Xe/Xem |
suffix |
III, Sr., I |
Method | Example |
female_name_with_prefix |
Miss. Nia Toy, Miss. Dorene Purdy, Mrs. Nohemi Muller |
female_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Miss. Mardell Monahan DVM, Miss. Lilliana Larson IV, Mrs. Evonne Lesch PhD |
female_name_with_suffix |
Sana McKenzie IV, Remona Cormier Jr., Diann Wunsch MD |
female_prefix |
first_name |
Taneka Karie, Susy, Giuseppe |
first_name_female |
Rosio, Audria, Cicely |
first_name_male |
Dylan, Dewey, Alexander |
html_safe_last_name |
Douglas, Gislason, Rodriguez |
html_safe_name |
Jame Ratke, Juli Shanahan, Abel Koch |
last_name |
Lueilwitz, Schmeler, Kulas |
male_name_with_prefix |
Mr. Freddy Gottlieb, Mr. Amado Lesch, Mr. Donny Gleason |
male_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mr. Herb Bradtke Jr., Mr. Issac Abbott DDS, Mr. Chauncey Skiles Jr. |
male_name_with_suffix |
Lawrence Rippin Jr., Roosevelt Jacobson PhD, Arnoldo D'Amore Jr. |
male_prefix |
name |
Jade O'Kon, Ralph Veum, Madelaine Johnston |
name_with_prefix |
Mrs. Kia Conroy, Mr. Lane O'Hara, Mr. Jim Rutherford |
name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mrs. Carissa Zulauf Jr., Mr. Grant Kiehn Jr., Miss. Lucie Fadel PhD |
name_with_suffix |
Jackson Rempel PhD, Lonnie Greenholt DDS, Rubin Goldner II |
other_prefix |
prefix |
pronouns |
Zie/Zim, She/Her, They/Them |
suffix |
III, I, II |
Method | Example |
female_name_with_prefix |
Miss. Elizabet Sanford, Miss. Eleonora Gibson, Miss. Marjorie-Kimbery Cruickshank |
female_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Miss. Shakira-Joslyn Wisozk DDS, Miss. Arnita Fritsch PhD, Mrs. Daryl Heaney I |
female_name_with_suffix |
Edith-Shenita Stark IV, Janeen Kessler PhD, Enola-Ermelinda Maggio Sr. |
female_prefix |
first_name |
Zoraida, Elvis-Luciano, Joaquin |
first_name_female |
Anamaria, Merlene, Christeen-Luciana |
first_name_male |
Garry, Nick, Jay-Dee |
html_safe_last_name |
Legros, Sporer, Kertzmann |
html_safe_name |
Mildred Leannon, Donald Homenick, Harris Renner |
last_name |
Leannon, Leffler, Carroll |
male_name_with_prefix |
Mr. Wilton Swaniawski, Mr. Jarrod O'Reilly, Mr. Doyle Cummings |
male_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mr. Lou Casper V, Mr. Korey Watsica DDS, Mr. Ramon Deckow PhD |
male_name_with_suffix |
Darrin Luettgen I, Devin Upton II, Hayden Ruecker I |
male_prefix |
name |
Briana Bartell, Dorthey Kozey, Douglas Vandervort |
name_with_prefix |
Mrs. Meri Dooley, Mr. Robin-Tommy Koss, Miss. Azalee Cremin |
name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mr. Yong Strosin DDS, Mrs. Dawna Langworth Jr., Miss. Crissy-Arie Hackett III |
name_with_suffix |
Omar-Reuben Satterfield Jr., Andreas Wintheiser DDS, Jarod Witting I |
other_prefix |
prefix |
Drs., Ing., Dr. |
pronouns |
Xe/Xer, They/Them, He/Him |
suffix |
DDS, PhD, I |
Method | Example |
female_name_with_prefix |
Mrs. Shemeka Zacarias, Miss. Cuc Nañez, Miss. Viola Alejandro |
female_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mrs. Maxine Sydiongco V, Mrs. Fabiola Navea I, Miss. Latosha Ventura IV |
female_name_with_suffix |
Kaye Macaraeg I, Jeanelle Acevedo V, Susann Barrientos III |
female_prefix |
first_name |
Casimira, Sanda, Kayleen |
first_name_female |
Apolonia, Chanda, Mae |
first_name_male |
Alan, Cornell, Frederic |
html_safe_last_name |
Stehr, Thompson, Senger |
html_safe_name |
Sharri Windler, Ellie Rosenbaum, Margaretta Olson |
last_name |
Guintog, Simsuangco, Dacudao |
male_name_with_prefix |
Mr. Brendan Castillo, Mr. Denver Sariwa, Mr. Ray Abulog |
male_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mr. Brandon Javier V, Mr. Derick Villamor Jr., Mr. Andreas africa PhD |
male_name_with_suffix |
Milan Infanta MD, Noah Cuenca III, Lionel Buenaventura IV |
male_prefix |
name |
Floyd Tubongbanua, Merle Laurel, Tyron Biglang-Awag |
name_with_prefix |
Mr. Ignacio Uytengsu, Miss. Cortney Aguilar, Mrs. Evia Limcangco |
name_with_prefix_suffix |
Miss. Sheilah Perez MD, Miss. Ruby Cuyegkeng DDS, Miss. Mertie Alupay IV |
name_with_suffix |
Tracee Quisumbing Sr., Michael Abella III, Erline Escribano III |
other_prefix |
prefix |
Ms., Miss., Mrs. |
pronouns |
He/Him, She/Her, Zie/Zim |
suffix |
DDS, Jr., I |
Method | Example |
academic_degree_prefix |
dr, dr hab., lic. |
female_first_name |
Urszula, Kaja, Czesława |
female_full_name |
Fatima Zagumna, Mirosława Kmiecik, Mirosława Butkiewicz |
female_last_name |
Zawiślak, Kaczmarska, Grzesiak |
female_name_with_prefix |
Pani Hanna Giedroyć, Pani Janina Włodarczyk, Pani Alicja Waglewska |
female_prefix |
first_name |
Laura, Józefa, Dawid |
full_name |
Daniel Nycz, Kamil Korwin, Marta Młynarczyk |
last_name |
Kaczmarek, Waligórska, Filipowicz |
male_first_name |
Iwo, Fryderyk, Grzegorz |
male_full_name |
Janusz Kwiatkowski, Cyryl Pluta, Cezary Trzciński |
male_last_name |
Dutkiewicz, Jabłczyński, Maciejewski |
male_name_with_prefix |
Pan Benedykt Waligórski, Pan Józef Kaczmarek, Pan Wiesław Ziopaja |
male_prefix |
name |
Gabriela Dąbek, Gaweł Kukiz, Adela Mackiewicz |
name_with_prefix |
Pan Aleksander Urbaniak, Pan Jakub Kozłowski, Pan Józef Siudek |
prefix |
Pan, lic., dr |
Method | Example |
female_name |
Любовь Коновалова, Карина Кузьмина, Серафима Куликова |
first_name |
Савелий, Александра, Маргарита |
first_name_female |
Елена, Александра, Каролина |
first_name_male |
Иван, Климент, Авдей |
last_name |
Щербакова, Осипова, Рябов |
last_name_female |
Голубева, Александрова, Комарова |
last_name_male |
Соколов, Осипов, Баранов |
male_name |
Даниил Максимов, Алексей Кудрявцев, Семен Марков |
middle_name_female |
Станиславовна, Валериевна, Ярославовна |
middle_name_male |
Арсеньевич, Георгиевич, Вячеславович |
name |
Эдуард Филиппов, Юлия Алексеева, Альвиан Семенов |
Method | Example |
female_name_with_prefix |
Miss. Richelle Bruen, Miss. Retha Rippin, Mrs. Elizebeth Kuphal |
female_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Miss. Micheline Schinner IV, Mrs. Hyo Bartell PhD, Miss. Rozella Schaefer IV |
female_name_with_suffix |
Lisa Corwin DVM, Vallie Schiller IV, Elisa Mitchell IV |
female_prefix |
first_name |
Lowell, Rubye, Marlyn |
first_name_female |
Rosann, Francisca, Ethyl |
first_name_male |
Sherwood, Rich, Heriberto |
html_safe_last_name |
Hahn, Mohr, Medhurst |
html_safe_name |
Fred Rolfson, Henry Jamal Frami, Wilda Janiece Smith |
last_name |
Wunsch, Roob, Kuhn |
male_name_with_prefix |
Mr. Zachary Effertz, Mr. Rene Stokes, Mr. Thanh Rice |
male_name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mr. Robby DuBuque I, Mr. Mark Wunsch Jr., Mr. Federico Schuster DDS |
male_name_with_suffix |
Cyrus Abshire V, Ismael Tremblay V, Kenneth Crona DVM |
male_prefix |
name |
Maribeth Homenick, Silas Rolfson, Darla Wehner |
name_with_prefix |
Mr. Tobias Reinger, Mr. Lyle McKenzie, Mrs. Rima Dicki |
name_with_prefix_suffix |
Mrs. Mae Feest III, Mrs. Kizzy Schroeder II, Mr. Eldon Ankunding IV |
name_with_suffix |
Ian O'Reilly I, Garth Howell Sr., Alphonso Jones DDS |
other_prefix |
prefix |
pronouns |
He/Him, Xe/Xem, She/Her |
suffix |
Sr., II, DDS |
Method | Example |
first_name_female |
Adama, Souadou, Ningou |
first_name_male |
Alioune, Arona, Sadibou |
last_name |
Badji, Samy, Kitane |
name_female |
Astou Kital, Ramata Badji, Thiomba Kantoussan |
name_male |
Ibou Ndiour, Boubacar Dieye, Samba Diagne |
name_sn |
Ndiack Vieira, Ndiaga Diop, pape Socé Bonang |
prefix_female |
adja, ndeye, mame |
prefix_male |
serigne, pape, mame |
Method | Example |
first_name |
อาทิตย์ , พิจิตร , เชาวน์ |
last_name |
วอชิงตัน, ติณสูลานนท์, บุตโต |
name |
แดง สมิท, ทวีป เก่งงาน, สุพิชา พิศาลบุตร |
nick_name |
นาก , นาค , แก้ว |
Method | Example |
first_name |
Adranuch, Chomesri, Kittichai |
last_name |
Ornlamai, Kunchai, Thumying |
name |
Kittibun Leelapun, Chuenchai Kunakorn, Puenthai Yongjaiyut |
nick_name |
Kung, Lek, Mee |
Method | Example |
first_name |
宥廷, 思妤, 語彤 |
last_name |
丁, 孫, 余 |
name |
尤柏睿, 古品妤, 鄒冠宇 |
Method | Example |
first_name |
Захарій, Добринка, Мирослав |
first_name_female |
Агнеса, Агнія, Забава |
first_name_male |
Яромир, Устим, Боримисл |
last_name |
Ковальський, Зварич, Линдик |
last_name_female |
Мазило, Ющук, Москалюк |
last_name_male |
Шупик, Галаєнко, Сідляк |
middle_name_female |
Тихонівна, Сергіївна, Борисівна |
middle_name_male |
Микитович, Гаврилович, Арсенович |
name |
Притула Дарій, Любомир Арсенович, Марина Зеновійович |
Method | Example |
first_name |
Thị, Văn, Quang |
last_first |
Vưu Minh Văn, Lâm Mộng Thị, Châu Nguyệt Đức |
last_name |
Nghiêm, Chu, Tôn |
middle_name |
Trung, Hoa, Tâm |
name |
Phát Công Lưu, Thoa Quang Phó, Tuân Công Lê |
Method | Example |
alphabetic_code |
callsign |
code |
codify (...) |
numeric_code |
Method | Example |
between |
3857.135949601131, 4693.46119563084, 4509.478677299826 |
decimal |
9.3, 8.7, 5.1 |
number |
5, 4, 8 |
Method | Example |
area_code |
559, 623, 790 |
exchange_code |
883, 876, 663 |
imei |
012701254344897, 996628348051321, 997318287003033 |
phone_calling_code |
+962, +961, +43 |
phone_number |
546.360.3546 x93031, 576-857-2724, 1-655-254-7580 x3352 |
short_phone_number |
555-346-3571, 646-578-7073, 882-962-1938 |
Method | Example |
country_code |
home_work_phone_number |
(03) 5561 5517, (02) 3538 4336, (07) 1370 7200 |
home_work_phone_prefix |
03, 08, 07 |
international_home_work_phone_number |
+61 7 1301 4824, +61 3 1192 9135, +61 8 5325 2606 |
international_mobile_phone_number |
+61 4 3006 1358, +61 4 5748 9067, +61 4 5597 9343 |
international_phone_number |
+61 2 8370 5142, +61 5 6947 4497, +61 8 3487 3691 |
mobile_phone_number |
0548 363 150, 0598 646 815, 0530 129 967 |
mobile_phone_prefix |
phone_number |
0510 897 227, 0457 717 934, (03) 8286 1578 |
phone_prefix |
03, 08, 07 |
Method | Example |
country_code |
home_work_phone_number |
51 4148-3453, 73 2816-5626, 27 55634072 |
international_home_work_phone_number |
+55 54 5552-1724, +55 43 5468-2606, +55 73 4616-0430 |
international_mobile_phone_number |
+55 46 98915-1067, +556796478-8375, +558199159-5317 |
international_phone_number |
+554725515553, +55753073-9979, +55 13 40531953 |
mobile_phone_number |
92 988151337, 96999547515, 86972239155 |
phone_number |
62989087664, 4598196-5746, 343990-5768 |
Method | Example |
free_phone_number |
+41800 855 62 91, +418009866309, +41800 317 50 70 |
home_work_phone_number |
022 625 92 41, 0041210702265, 0913951740 |
mobile_phone_number |
0779629969, 0767683413, 0776613546 |
phone_number |
0041580686131, 0041800 586 54 97, 0041901 300 82 06 |
premium_rate_phone_number |
09068113744, 00419008056422, 09007219864 |
shared_cost_phone_number |
08487095276, 0844 667 06 28, 0844 245 62 32 |
Method | Example |
country_code |
e164_country_code |
e164_home_work_phone_number |
5323432843, 5348276205, 5323864766 |
e164_mobile_phone_number |
5352219958, 5356509590, 5350087719 |
e164_phone_number |
5356509690, 5358832291, 5350071085 |
general_phone_number |
05 925 8556, (048) 62 6182, 05 006 1270 |
home_work_phone_number |
(048) 49 2192, (032) 13 0157, (048) 04 4571 |
home_work_phone_prefix |
024, 041, 07 |
international_country_code |
international_home_work_phone_number |
+5343 03 4245, +5342 05 1831, 005346 75 0468 |
international_mobile_phone_number |
+535 983 5764, 00535 606 9675, 00535 604 7475 |
international_phone_number |
+5341 70 2502, 005341 43 8363, +535 083 6266 |
mobile_phone_number |
05 937 1080, 05 040 7036, 05 226 8823 |
mobile_phone_prefix |
phone_number |
+5346 56 0212, 5347467851, 5333369120 |
phone_prefix |
07, 045, 033 |
Method | Example |
country_code |
home_work_phone_number |
16876493, 08402242, 61556434 |
international_home_work_phone_number |
+45 00972450, +45 37653675, +45 05761032 |
international_mobile_phone_number |
+45 30394157, +45 37576654, +45 08168288 |
international_phone_number |
+45 17605954, +45 85786959, +45 13430026 |
mobile_phone_number |
65223115, 77000172, 54480261 |
phone_number |
06821296, 53684648, 14402734 |
Method | Example |
country_code |
home_work_phone_number |
0395 8685363, 0920 9351492, 0520 8656525 |
international_home_work_phone_number |
+49 6609 7156848, +49 31 1255433, +49 7676 5787297 |
international_mobile_phone_number |
+49 151 8071874, +49 160 8382969, +49 173 1490824 |
international_phone_number |
+49 358 8217362, +49 616 1406529, +49 97 9391552 |
mobile_phone_number |
0174 1745705, 0170 0103909, 0155 9351860 |
mobile_prefix |
0158, 0166, 0153 |
phone_number |
08498 4343383, 06162 0230548, 0714 7223751 |
region_prefix |
087, 02828, 06822 |
Method | Example |
country_code |
home_work_phone_number |
0126529057, 0376339685, 0124140450 |
international_home_work_phone_number |
+33 5 22 23 08 98, 0033 9 66 22 99 52, 0033257848852 |
international_mobile_phone_number |
0033 608182800, +33 744526954, 0033605664059 |
international_phone_number |
0033326702851, 00336 40 03 03 88, +33 757938181 |
mobile_phone_number |
06 82 01 49 82, 06 40 27 45 15, 0651847129 |
phone_number |
06 70 97 90 73, 0344872465, 05 82 58 12 90 |
Method | Example |
home_phone_number |
0659-9804917, 0526-9788380, 0752-1406822 |
international_home_phone_number |
+62980-5847500, +62539-15818420, +62564-34633235 |
international_mobile_phone_number |
+62885-57623183, +62821-71173935, +62819-38811441 |
international_phone_number |
+62857-77816641, +62372-7682571, +62883-74606705 |
mobile_phone_number |
0858-65617694, 0883-71776028, 0884-41378120 |
phone_number |
0823-21520785, 0883-82642783, 0526-2990897 |
Method | Example |
home_phone_number |
0039080173344, 0039090996034, +39 0462 45435016 |
mobile_phone_number |
+39 34644301687, 0039 340473920, 0039 33781344169 |
phone_number |
003932809602643, +390583 21206740, 0039 345476742 |
Method | Example |
home_phone_number |
0930 35 3456, 0745 80 1445, 0920 11 9045 |
home_phone_number_format (...) |
home_phone_prefix |
international_home_phone_number |
+81 78 838 5236, +81 95 102 1963, +81 53 358 9620 |
international_mobile_phone_number |
+81 80 0278 0454, +81 70 2111 8057, +81 90 2879 5810 |
international_phone_number |
+81 995 98 3137, +81 4998 3 8569, +81 70 8076 3398 |
mobile_phone_number |
080 3210 5901, 090 6194 4343, 090 8066 0540 |
mobile_phone_number_format |
80 #### ####, 90 #### ####, 70 #### #### |
mobile_prefix |
70, 90, 80 |
phone_number |
090 7509 6162, 070 5333 4881, 070 2176 3428 |
Method | Example |
contry_code |
home_work_phone_number |
044 4566 1385, 051 0792 3618, 031 9466 0878 |
international_home_work_phone_number |
+82 55 4499 5109, +82 41 1063 3635, +82 53 1208 6763 |
international_mobile_phone_number |
+82 19 6436 2013, +82 16 3156 7184, +82 16 6146 4067 |
international_phone_number |
+82 16 2264 6687, +82 16 8699 8332, +82 11 0613 8572 |
mobile_phone_number |
019 9884 3823, 019 3450 4030, 010 3244 2063 |
phone_number |
032 1561 6094, 010 1951 8509, 019 8958 5373 |
Method | Example |
country_code |
home_work_phone_number |
07 4779 5505, 09 0488 2693, 92 3060 4887 |
international_home_work_phone_number |
+52 17 8259 5609, +52 86 8756 3329, +52 17 3194 1484 |
international_mobile_phone_number |
+52 1 85 1908 3570, +52 1 26 3479 0019, +52 1 14 1318 6657 |
international_phone_number |
+52 70 2859 9520, +52 1 17 7940 7432, +52 91 2094 1362 |
mobile_phone_number |
044 58 4842 1088, 044 76 8878 0616, 044 01 7944 4557 |
phone_number |
67 5609 5668, 044 56 4554 2089, 044 08 9473 4289 |
toll_free_number |
01 800 407 8361, 01 800 702 8877, 01 800 779 1976 |
Method | Example |
home_work_phone_number |
0592-682671, 0167-3460 18, 0343-71 39 08 |
international_home_work_phone_number |
+31 488-643373, +31 318-366851, +31 115-68 72 22 |
international_mobile_phone_number |
+31 6 9988 8944, +31 6 76 83 30 79, +31 692541559 |
international_phone_number |
+31 6 71 74 08 26, +31 167-67 63 91, +31 46-9759 838 |
mobile_phone_number |
06 53 97 98 54, 06 20 31 56 54, 0673097774 |
phone_number |
0411-7749 62, 06 5178 2087, 06 3299 9068 |
Method | Example |
area_code |
95, 82, 41 |
home_work_phone_number |
764416240, 779273278, 916092398 |
international_home_work_phone_number |
+48 550542750, +48 740330637, +48 247992675 |
international_mobile_phone_number |
+48 690583003, +48 519666323, +48 738509407 |
international_phone_number |
+48 259391407, +48 884217397, +48 946449112 |
mobile_phone_number |
720577440, 507133295, 509171611 |
mobile_phone_number_format |
73#######, 88#######, 57####### |
mobile_prefix |
53, 73, 60 |
phone_number |
675512782, 789801526, 828675148 |
phone_number_format |
65#######, 59#######, 74####### |
Method | Example |
country_code |
home_work_phone_number |
8 813 534-39-11, 8 861 789-94-61, 8 871 744-28-71 |
home_work_phone_prefix |
863, 848, 495 |
international_country_code |
international_home_work_phone_number |
+7 818 114-33-81, +7 391 665-67-07, +7 302 116-46-92 |
international_mobile_phone_number |
+7 960 313-72-06, +7 994 416-61-07, +7 950 650-94-54 |
international_phone_number |
+7 996 061-14-05, +7 904 508-13-12, +7 960 048-82-30 |
international_toll_free_number |
+7 800 062-21-85, +7 800 631-34-00, +7 800 294-06-63 |
mobile_phone_number |
8 988 959-85-91, 8 918 841-17-19, 8 919 247-64-42 |
mobile_phone_prefix |
929, 951, 960 |
phone_number |
8 967 126-49-85, 8 873 240-09-43, 8 962 301-42-92 |
toll_free_number |
8 800 070-25-30, 8 800 755-75-97, 8 800 007-90-02 |
Method | Example |
area_prefix |
532, 682, 584 |
country_prefix |
home_work_phone_number |
0141-90 64 33, 054-14 87 98, 0510-217 11 |
international_home_work_phone_number |
+46 (0)662-812 45, 0046 (0)951-692 46, 0046 (0)120-73 49 23 |
international_mobile_phone_number |
0046 (0)762-91 13 93, 0046 (0)743-84 75 16, +46 (0)765-499753 |
international_phone_number |
0046 (0)954-93 20 53, 0046 (0)624-66 07 69, 0046 (0)940-05 45 02 |
mobile_phone_number |
0731-540373, 0736-58 16 67, 0733-72 39 97 |
mobile_phone_number_format |
70#-######, 70#-## ## ##, 76#-## ## ## |
mobile_prefix |
73, 70, 72 |
phone_number |
063-87 538, 0721-29 42 28, 0709-089981 |
phone_number_format |
928-## ## ##, 295-## ## ##, 662-## ## ## |
Method | Example |
country_code |
fixed_line_number |
6678 8656, 6086 5394, 6016 3914 |
international_toll_free_number |
800 860 1106, 800 564 4349, 800 022 4827 |
mobile_number |
8682 2342, 8135 8253, 8795 3933 |
mobile_or_pager_number |
9486 0938, 9956 5360, 9586 0236 |
phone_number |
8712 7426, 6106 8034, 8624 2223 |
premium_service_number |
1900 153 4015, 1900 867 7449, 1900 949 0052 |
toll_free_number |
1800 405 7944, 1800 947 2123, 1800 752 2875 |
voip_number |
3263 2927, 3854 9771, 3760 9326 |
Method | Example |
homework_number |
33-828-19-24, 33-937-36-66, 33-888-62-34 |
homework_phone_prefix |
mobile_number |
70-914-87-33, 70-388-23-15, 77-849-71-57 |
mobile_phone_prefix |
70, 76, 77 |
phone_number |
77-245-35-93, 33-979-69-19, 33-875-45-58 |
short_phone_number |
771-28-92, 449-27-13, 753-74-15 |
Method | Example |
contry_code |
home_work_phone_number |
(07) 087-9395, (05) 902-1445, (03) 572-0871 |
international_home_work_phone_number |
+886-3-079-8703, +886-3-100-9589, +886-3-229-3152 |
international_mobile_phone_number |
+886-969-498-570, +886-963-585-184, +886-968-271-525 |
international_phone_number |
+886-7-164-0529, +886-976-985-434, +886-980-283-838 |
mobile_phone_number |
0948-085-004, 0935-320-543, 0923-635-850 |
phone_number |
(07) 522-4258, (03) 693-6262, 0910-625-063 |
Method | Example |
home_phone_number |
046 672-0231, 046 612-8978, 031 973-3370 |
international_home_phone_number |
+380 53 326-5175, +380 36 373-0521, +380 65 830-5340 |
international_mobile_phone_number |
+380 96 962-4010, +380 63 371-2946, +380 67 883-4258 |
mobile_phone_number |
095 354-5381, 097 799-1648, 095 672-4903 |
phone_number |
046 362-4726, 093 633-8684, 063 677-2552 |
Method | Example |
brand |
Pieph, Cygpod, Pynsfunc |
letters (...) |
model |
DW-344, P-5314, V-9258 |
product |
Subpod GPS Lifter, Phest Video Adapter, JH Side Bracket |
product_name |
Gel Video Component, Digital System, Input Tag Bracket |
Method | Example |
ssn |
145-26-4177, 477-50-2025, 091-64-3283 |
Method | Example |
imss |
6140627117-7, 8146517970-0, 5372474859-3 |
imss_undashed |
30672270634, 64260305148, 32654193987 |
issste |
5328798267-8, 8816225328-7, 6560130971-9 |
issste_undashed |
37618721390, 67046159290, 10980965467 |
ssn |
9485348382-1, 4575095147-6, 7852561248-4 |
ssn_undashed |
00908240180, 24517141571, 35811881662 |
Method | Example |
ssn |
201611203344, 200606021489, 199108184441 |
Method | Example |
next |
0.1.0, 0.0.1, 1.0.0 |
Method | Example |
specialties |
Database Prototyping, Statistical Profiling, Modular Architecture, Multi-tier Design, Area Profiling, Hardware Management, Statistical Development, Modular Design, Resource Profiling |
specialty |
Template Instruction, Statistical Architecture, Software Testing |
tech_skill |
Mac, Perl, Visio |
tech_skills |
PostgreSQL, Heroku, Cassandra, Git, Python, OSX, Python, Shell, JSP |
Method | Example |
name |
❗ [name] is deprecated. For US sports please use the SportUS module |
Method | Example |
name |
Strzelectwo, Kajakarstwo górskie, Futbol amerykański |
summer |
Siatkówka plażowa, Wędkarstwo, Trójskok |
winter |
Narciarstwo dowolne, Snowboarding, Biegi narciarskie |
Method | Example |
name |
Метание диска, Прыжки на лыжах с трамплина, Лыжные гонки |
summer |
Гребной спорт, Фехтование, Футбол |
winter |
Скелетон, Фигурное катание на коньках, Шорт-трек |
Method | Example |
name |
Nascar, Rafting, Badminton |
Method | Example |
from_regexp (...) |
Method | Example |
between (..., ...) |
date |
2022-01-08, 2022-02-16, 2021-11-07 |
datetime |
2023-04-01T01:22:00+00:00, 2024-04-16T01:37:00+00:00, 2023-10-18T07:36:00+00:00 |
day_of_week |
Sun, Tue, Wed |
month |
February, January, July |
Method | Example |
body |
Exercitationem placeat rem voluptatem maxime sed tempore vitae. Magnam harum molestias iure aut illum soluta officiis. Omnis eligendi quam., In incidunt voluptate totam placeat quis. Natus itaque nihil libero modi occaecati eius. Reiciendis accusantium debitis suscipit., Facere sequi repudiandae fuga sint omnis nihil harum dolore. Eum pariatur quas dolorem quisquam. Eius voluptatum enim ipsum iusto. Magni. |
mention |
@amee_feest, @joye_lindgren, @meggan_mueller |
mentions |
@emilee.stokes @margherita, @chasity @jimmy_swift, @farrah_jaskolski @nicol |
tags |
#followme #me, #yummy #happy, #love #party |
tweet |
Perspiciatis quibusdam quidem., Eaque in recusandae fuga.#pretty #photo, Temporibus amet nemo.#fashion #boy |
Method | Example |
uuidv4 |
9cbe2d41-7b24-4992-b5b0-15b25474502e, cf921adc-4e2e-4891-8508-4c424e78c81b, a9632644-fc69-4f75-93d5-9dc6e5be19d0 |
uuidv6 |
5319066b-95a6-6197-b6ec-c7335214880e, 060f1d2f-e193-6919-8e79-0d95b73c6a7e, bed2062f-df7b-62c8-a086-07bc43b82fba |
uuidv7 |
e7148285-88d3-7bf8-9178-cb4a0a6720cc, 5856c919-4096-7129-bbda-d40349b5b4a6, c79994bd-4a48-7d95-ab9b-2602012e293d |
uuidv8 |
30845eff-cadf-8ba8-a1ce-92f7ac7e6eb2, 5d1a2ce0-1ab7-833b-a498-444c1fee6c64, 5f707d10-42ce-8f24-b85c-d6a0831e4992 |
Method | Example |
temperature_abbr |
K, C, F |
temperature_name |
Kelvin, Fahrenheit, Celsius |
time_abbr |
d, s, ms |
time_name |
Milliseconds, Seconds, Years |
Method | Example |
area_abbr |
sq in, s, ac |
area_name |
square mile, township, square yard |
length_abbr |
in, ft, fur |
length_name |
yard, mile, foot |
liquid_abbr |
gi, qt, fl oz |
liquid_name |
quart, fluid ounce, gill |
mass_abbr |
gr, lb, t |
mass_name |
hundredweight, grains, pounds |
temperature_abbr |
K, C, F |
temperature_name |
Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin |
time_abbr |
s, ms, yr |
time_name |
Milliseconds, Hours, Years |
volume_abbr |
volume_name |
cubic yard, cubic inch, cubic foot |
Method | Example |
area_abbr |
km, cm^2, m^2 |
area_name |
centimeters squared, hectares, kilometers |
length_abbr |
cm, mm, m |
length_name |
centimeters, meters, millimeters |
liquid_abbr |
liquid_name |
mass_abbr |
mt, g, kg |
mass_name |
metric ton, kilogram, gram |
temperature_abbr |
K, F, C |
temperature_name |
Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin |
time_abbr |
m, s, d |
time_name |
Hours, Days, Minutes |
volume_abbr |
volume_name |
Method | Example |
base_color |
darkmagenta, ivory, cornsilk |
drivetrain |
4X4, 4WD, RWD |
engine_cylinders |
6, 8, 2 |
engine_displacement |
5.0, 4.1, 5.9 |
fuel_type |
Hydrogen Fuel Cell (FCV), Hybrid, Gas |
interior_upholstery |
Faux Vinyl, PVC, Nylon Fabric |
make |
Lexus, Bugatti, Isuzu |
manufacturer_color |
magnificent pleasant lawngreen, beautiful magnificent lightcoral, resonant mysterious silver |
mfg_color |
dangerous beautiful paleturquoise, pretty new darkviolet, resonant soft navajowhite |
model |
LaSabre, Jetta, Expedition |
transmission |
Automated Manual, Manual, Automatic |
transmission_abbr |
trim |
LS, DX, SI |
vin |
XMNTLKYH5L9000081, KYTV7HX38MU898391, RE4RD1DB7WV998776 |
year |
2016, 1991, 1912 |
Method | Example |
name |
Feria Internacional de Muestras de Asturias, Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos de Sevilla, Ferias y Congresos de Baleares |
Method | Example |
embed_url |
www.youtube.com/embed/YqeW9_5kURI, www.youtube.com/embed/KQ6zr6kCPj8, www.youtube.com/embed/8UVNT4wvIGY |
share_url |
youtu.be/YQHsXMglC9A, youtu.be/_OBlgSz8sSM, youtu.be/KYniUCGPGLs |
url |
www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHSFpGBFGHY, www.youtube.com/watch?v=DK_0jXPuIr0, www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcIy9NiNbmo |
video_id |
yzTuBuRdAyA, uO59tfQ2TbA, 9bZkp7q19f0 |