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106 lines (101 loc) · 7.02 KB

File metadata and controls

106 lines (101 loc) · 7.02 KB


  • feat: enable inlay hints? (fix will come from upstream ref LazyVim/LazyVim#2005)
  • feat: migrate to conform/nvim-lint from none-ls. (URGENT!)
  • fix: Configuration order is broken when opening a file directly (lazyvim keymaps loaded after ours)
  • feat: Add stevanmilic/nvim-lspimport for resolving undefined imports (pyright et al)
  • feat: <S-Tab> for dedent (map to <C-D>)
  • fix: Statusline toggle breaks on colorscheme change.
  • feat: Consider using dropbar.nvim as an nvim-navic replacement.
  • feat: Consider improved-search.nvim for search improvements. Ref: Question: how compatible with flash.nvim?
  • feat: Consider auto-indent.nvim to get VSCode-like indent level matching on first . Ref: Hint: or use the keymap someone shared on the thread >_<
  • feat: Get a (n)vim tip on startup. Ref:
  • fix: CWD changes on switching to file with a different (git) root. Question: Is this fixed with latest lazyvim updates?
  • fix: Disable <C-j/k> bindings in terminal mode?
  • fix(status-column): Git signs are shared by "current buffer" > Impact?
    1. If you have 2 windows open and switch between them, both will show the same git-signs (ie, for the active window/buffer) 2. UPDATE: now they don't work at now, unless gitsigns.numhl is also enabled.
  • fix: disable indentline for noice ft
  • feat: tune indentline and mini-indentscope, - [ ] define keymap for toggling.
  • feat: fidget.nvim to fixed location (statusline?)
  • feat: Codeium as a copilot alternative. Options: - -
  • fix: Neoconf complains about loading order NOTE: The configuration set responsible is currently disabled.
  • feat: more info on ctrl-g, wittle down on statusbar components
  • feat: LSPSaga for code outline, better references and action previews etc
  • misc: Food for thought r/neovim

High Effort / Might require me to write a plugin

  • Declarative configuration management with Neoconf. Neoconf, however, does not support general configuration besides LSP at the moment so I'll probably have to make a plugin that extends it. Someone did take a shot at it earlier in 2023, but it doesn't cover much ground: Alternatively, I could contribute back to neoconf if folke is receptive of the idea. Note: I really, really want this for colorscheme, wrap etc :plead: - - folke/neoconf.nvim#2
  • Tailored markdown editing - Reasoning: Markdown with tailored keymaps makes for a good experience, incidentally it also falls in the realm of expectations from using virtually any markdown editor. - Options: -
  • feat: Shada file by CWD. > Why? I don't want the jumplist etc for one cwd to be mixed with another. > What to do? - [ ] Create a custom shada file for each cwd. - [ ] Package this into plugin (if one doesn't exist)


  • feat: Wakatime in statusbar. See: wakatime/vim-wakatime#110. Also :WakatimeToday 🌔
  • feat: Keymaps to yank from system clipboard. Ref: Primeagen's keymaps
  • feat: smarter winbar See: barbecue.nvim.
  • feat: inline git blame
  • fix: session reload conflicts with lazy.nvim float
  • feat: :UndoTree alternative in telescope-undo
  • feat: cleaner winbar, toggle keymap
  • chore: Improve Neo-tree aesthetics
  • fix: Defuse LuaSnip slots on mode change Reasoning: Super duper annoying when <Tab> triggers slots and you can't see them.
  • feat: GPT3 integration See:
  • feat: Highlight LuaSNIP slots with ext marks
  • ! Load keymaps, autocmds and opts (broken after namespacing, see lazyvim.config.init)
  • Improved null-ls setup that ships with spell checks and code-actions. For spell-checking consider cspell among other more involved options like LanguageTool Reference:
  • fix!: [regression] shift+enter no longer bypasses cmp NOTE: It turned out to be the terminal emulator I was using then. It turns out that all emulators except Kitty pass S-CR as CR, Kitty passes it as S-CR as it should.
  • ui: Move all float border = true to a custom layer (that I might keep disabled)
  • fix: disable colorizer for lazy ft
  • fix: Treesitter errors when no parser is available. > Triggered by cmp? > Reproduce by opening: kitty.conf NOTE: I think this issue fixed itself somewhere along the way.
  • feat: Smart colorcolumn smartcolumn.nvim.
  • feat: consider using Neogit or fugitive or a more nvim-centric git workflow.
  • feat: <leader>ff for git-insensitive search / figure out a way to include hidden files etc with a :tag: (Telescope). UPDATE: fF is now a git-insensitive search.
  • Notifications to the left See: rcarriga/nvim-notify#124
  • feat: <C-j/k> bindings for Neo-tree search modes
  • chore: Remove enter-to-accept suggestions. Reasoning: Accidental accepts are really annoying to deal with. UPDATE: While enter-to-accept still works, we don't preselect suggestions anymore, eliminating the problem.
  • feat: improved Harpoon mappings for more utility See: r/neovim/comments
  • Disable, by default, mini-indentscope for large files. Or at least the markers. They're slow..
  • feat: status-column
  • Improve pair-handling. Currently the pair plugin (mini-pair?) does not detect existing unmatches pairs on the line and also fails to detect and act upon deletion of pair on other lines/same line making it difficult to work with pairs after deleting one of the parts. Consider: - Enter `. Paired ` appears. - Delete second `. First one remains. - Insert `. First ` is ignored, 2 ` are inserted again. PAIN!
  • fix: Copilot statusline indicator
  • fix: mappings are broken in telescope-file-browser Context: While the default mappings are reasonable,
  • fix: <C-W> still maps to goto_cwd for telescope_file_browser, somehow.