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463 lines (287 loc) · 10.8 KB

File metadata and controls

463 lines (287 loc) · 10.8 KB

🔧 Constants

⚙️ getSidekickLibraryId

Constant Type
getSidekickLibraryId (sidekickElement: SidekickElement) => DirectiveResult<typeof SidekickLibraryId>

🧰 Functions

⚙️ isSidekickLibraryActive

Verifies if the Sidekick Library Plugin is in use by checking if the page is running in an iframe with srcdoc and if the main element has the sidekick-library class.

Function Type
isSidekickLibraryActive () => boolean

⚙️ extractSidekickLibraryId

Extracts the innerHTML, the href attribute (if defined) and the data-library-id attribute (if the Sidekick Library Plugin is active) of a given HTML element.

Function Type
extractSidekickLibraryId (element?: HTMLElement or HTMLAnchorElement or null or undefined) => SidekickElement


  • element: - The original HTMLElement or HTMLAnchorElement.


const cta = extractSidekickLibraryId(document.querySelector('a')); ${cta.content}

⚙️ getHref

Returns the true origin of the current page in the browser. If the page is running in an iframe with srcdoc, the ancestor origin + the path query param is returned.

Function Type
getHref () => string


const url = new URL(src, getHref());

⚙️ getLocation

Returns the true origin of the current page in the browser. If the page is running in an iframe with srcdoc, the query param is returned.

Function Type
getLocation () => Location


const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(getLocation().search);

⚙️ getOrigin

Returns the true origin of the current page in the browser. If the page is running in an iframe with srcdoc, the ancestor origin is returned.

Function Type
getOrigin () => string


const origin = getOrigin();

🍸 Types

⚙️ SidekickElement

Represents the constructed Element.

Type Type
SidekickElement `{
dataLibraryId?: string;
content: string;
href?: string;

🧰 Functions

⚙️ addClasses

Adds CSS classes to an HTML element.

Function Type
addClasses (element: HTMLElement, classes: string) => void


  • element: - The HTML element to which classes will be added.
  • classes: - A string containing CSS classes separated by commas.


const element = document.getElementById('myElement'); const classesToAdd = 'class1, class2, class3'; addClasses(element, classesToAdd);

⚙️ cleanUpBlock

Cleans up a block by removing its inner HTML content and resetting its display property.

Function Type
cleanUpBlock (block: HTMLElement) => void


  • block: - The HTML element representing the block to clean up.

⚙️ createOptimizedPicture

Creates an optimized HTML picture element with responsive image sources and a fallback image.

Function Type
createOptimizedPicture (createOptimizedPictureArgs: CreateOptimizedPictureArgs) => HTMLPictureElement or undefined


  • createOptimizedPictureArgs: - The arguments for creating the picture element.


const args = { src: 'image.jpg', alt: 'Example Image', width: '200', height: '150', eager: true, breakpoints: [ { media: '(min-width: 600px)', width: '800' }, { media: '(min-width: 1200px)', width: '1600' } ] }; const pictureElement = createOptimizedPicture(args); document.body.appendChild(pictureElement);

⚙️ getChildNodeFloat

Retrieves the floating point value of the text content of a specified child node of an HTML element. If the text content cannot be converted to a floating point number, returns 0.

Function Type
getChildNodeFloat (element: HTMLElement, index: number) => number


  • element: - The HTML element containing the child node.
  • index: - The index of the child node whose text content to retrieve.

⚙️ getChildNodeInt

Retrieves the integer value of the text content of a specified child node of an HTML element. If the text content cannot be converted to an integer, returns 0.

Function Type
getChildNodeInt (element: HTMLElement, index: number) => number


  • element: - The HTML element containing the child node.
  • index: - The index of the child node whose text content to retrieve. // eslint-disable-next-line max-len

⚙️ getChildNodeText

Retrieves the text content of a child node of the given element at the specified index.

Function Type
getChildNodeText (element: HTMLElement, index: number) => string


  • element: The parent element from which to retrieve the child node.
  • index: The index of the child node to retrieve.

⚙️ getMetadata

Retrieves the content of a specified metadata tag from the document head.

Function Type
getMetadata (value: string, doc?: Document) => string


  • value: - The name or property attribute value of the metadata tag.
  • doc: - The document to search for the metadata tag (default is the current document).


Example 1: Assuming exists in the document head. const metaContent = getMetadata('description'); console.log(metaContent); Output: 'This is a sample description.' Example 2: Assuming exists in the document head. const metaContent = getMetadata('og:title', document); console.log(metaContent); Output: 'Open Graph Title'

⚙️ replaceBySpecifier

Replaces occurrences of a specified specifier in a string with an HTML tag.

Function Type
replaceBySpecifier ({ input, specifier, htmlTag }: ReplaceBySpecifier) => string


  • param: - An object containing input string, specifier, and HTML tag.
  • param.input: - The input string where replacements will be made.
  • param.specifier: - The specifier string to search for in the input.
  • param.htmlTag: - The HTML tag to wrap around the parts matched by the specifier.


// Example 1: const result1 = replaceBySpecifier({ input: 'This is a test string with some test keywords.', specifier: 'test', htmlTag: 'strong' }); console.log(result1); // Output: 'This is a string with some keywords.'

// Example 2: const result2 = replaceBySpecifier({ input: 'Hello, world!', specifier: ',', htmlTag: 'span' }); console.log(result2); // Output: 'Hello world!'

⚙️ toCamelCase

Sanitizes a string for use as a JavaScript property name.

Function Type
toCamelCase (name: string) => string


  • name: - The unsanitized string.


// Example usage: const unsanitizedString = 'background-color'; const camelCasedName = toCamelCase(unsanitizedString); console.log(camelCasedName); // Output: 'backgroundColor'

⚙️ toClassName

Converts a string into a valid CSS class name.

Function Type
toClassName (name: string) => string


  • name: - The string to convert into a CSS class name.


// Example usage: const inputString = 'Hello, World!'; const cssClassName = toClassName(inputString); console.log(cssClassName); // Output: 'hello-world'

⚙️ undefinedOnEmpty

Returns undefined if the value is an empty string, otherwise returns the value itself.

Function Type
undefinedOnEmpty (value: string) => string or undefined


  • value: - The value to check.


// Example usage: const emptyValue = ''; const nonEmptyValue = 'Hello, World!';

const result1 = undefinedOnEmpty(emptyValue); console.log(result1); // Output: undefined

const result2 = undefinedOnEmpty(nonEmptyValue); console.log(result2); // Output: 'Hello, World!'

⚙️ wrap

Wraps an HTML element with another HTML element.

Function Type
wrap (element: HTMLElement, wrapper: HTMLElement) => void


  • element: - The HTML element to wrap.
  • wrapper: - The HTML element to use as a wrapper.


// Example usage: const elementToWrap = document.getElementById('element-to-wrap'); const wrapperElement = document.createElement('div');

wrap(elementToWrap, wrapperElement);

🏭 RuntimeCache


⚙️ get

Method Type
get <T>(key: string) => T or undefined

⚙️ set

Method Type
set <T>(key: string, value: T) => void

⚙️ has

Method Type
has (key: string) => boolean

⚙️ delete

Method Type
delete (key: string) => void

🍹 Interfaces

⚙️ CreateOptimizedPictureArgs

Represents the arguments for creating an optimized picture element.

Property Type Description
src string
alt string
width number
height number
eager boolean or undefined
breakpoints BreakPoint[] or undefined