Constant | Type |
getSidekickLibraryId |
(sidekickElement: SidekickElement) => DirectiveResult<typeof SidekickLibraryId> |
Verifies if the Sidekick Library Plugin is in use by checking if the page is running in an iframe with srcdoc and if the main element has the sidekick-library class.
Function | Type |
isSidekickLibraryActive |
() => boolean |
Extracts the innerHTML, the href attribute (if defined) and the data-library-id attribute (if the Sidekick Library Plugin is active) of a given HTML element.
Function | Type |
extractSidekickLibraryId |
(element?: HTMLElement or HTMLAnchorElement or null or undefined) => SidekickElement |
: - The original HTMLElement or HTMLAnchorElement.
const cta = extractSidekickLibraryId(document.querySelector('a')); ${cta.content}
Returns the true origin of the current page in the browser. If the page is running in an iframe with srcdoc, the ancestor origin + the path query param is returned.
Function | Type |
getHref |
() => string |
const url = new URL(src, getHref());
Returns the true origin of the current page in the browser. If the page is running in an iframe with srcdoc, the query param is returned.
Function | Type |
getLocation |
() => Location |
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(getLocation().search);
Returns the true origin of the current page in the browser. If the page is running in an iframe with srcdoc, the ancestor origin is returned.
Function | Type |
getOrigin |
() => string |
const origin = getOrigin();
Represents the constructed Element.
Type | Type |
SidekickElement |
`{ |
dataLibraryId?: string; | |
content: string; | |
href?: string; | |
}` |
- addClasses
- cleanUpBlock
- createOptimizedPicture
- getChildNodeFloat
- getChildNodeInt
- getChildNodeText
- getMetadata
- replaceBySpecifier
- toCamelCase
- toClassName
- undefinedOnEmpty
- wrap
Adds CSS classes to an HTML element.
Function | Type |
addClasses |
(element: HTMLElement, classes: string) => void |
: - The HTML element to which classes will be added.classes
: - A string containing CSS classes separated by commas.
const element = document.getElementById('myElement'); const classesToAdd = 'class1, class2, class3'; addClasses(element, classesToAdd);
Cleans up a block by removing its inner HTML content and resetting its display property.
Function | Type |
cleanUpBlock |
(block: HTMLElement) => void |
: - The HTML element representing the block to clean up.
Creates an optimized HTML picture element with responsive image sources and a fallback image.
Function | Type |
createOptimizedPicture |
(createOptimizedPictureArgs: CreateOptimizedPictureArgs) => HTMLPictureElement or undefined |
: - The arguments for creating the picture element.
const args = { src: 'image.jpg', alt: 'Example Image', width: '200', height: '150', eager: true, breakpoints: [ { media: '(min-width: 600px)', width: '800' }, { media: '(min-width: 1200px)', width: '1600' } ] }; const pictureElement = createOptimizedPicture(args); document.body.appendChild(pictureElement);
Retrieves the floating point value of the text content of a specified child node of an HTML element. If the text content cannot be converted to a floating point number, returns 0.
Function | Type |
getChildNodeFloat |
(element: HTMLElement, index: number) => number |
: - The HTML element containing the child node.index
: - The index of the child node whose text content to retrieve.
Retrieves the integer value of the text content of a specified child node of an HTML element. If the text content cannot be converted to an integer, returns 0.
Function | Type |
getChildNodeInt |
(element: HTMLElement, index: number) => number |
: - The HTML element containing the child node.index
: - The index of the child node whose text content to retrieve. // eslint-disable-next-line max-len
Retrieves the text content of a child node of the given element at the specified index.
Function | Type |
getChildNodeText |
(element: HTMLElement, index: number) => string |
: The parent element from which to retrieve the child node.index
: The index of the child node to retrieve.
Retrieves the content of a specified metadata tag from the document head.
Function | Type |
getMetadata |
(value: string, doc?: Document) => string |
: - The name or property attribute value of the metadata tag.doc
: - The document to search for the metadata tag (default is the current document).
Example 1: Assuming exists in the document head. const metaContent = getMetadata('description'); console.log(metaContent); Output: 'This is a sample description.' Example 2: Assuming exists in the document head. const metaContent = getMetadata('og:title', document); console.log(metaContent); Output: 'Open Graph Title'
Replaces occurrences of a specified specifier in a string with an HTML tag.
Function | Type |
replaceBySpecifier |
({ input, specifier, htmlTag }: ReplaceBySpecifier) => string |
: - An object containing input string, specifier, and HTML tag.param.input
: - The input string where replacements will be made.param.specifier
: - The specifier string to search for in the input.param.htmlTag
: - The HTML tag to wrap around the parts matched by the specifier.
// Example 1: const result1 = replaceBySpecifier({ input: 'This is a test string with some test keywords.', specifier: 'test', htmlTag: 'strong' }); console.log(result1); // Output: 'This is a string with some keywords.'
// Example 2: const result2 = replaceBySpecifier({ input: 'Hello, world!', specifier: ',', htmlTag: 'span' }); console.log(result2); // Output: 'Hello world!'
Sanitizes a string for use as a JavaScript property name.
Function | Type |
toCamelCase |
(name: string) => string |
: - The unsanitized string.
// Example usage: const unsanitizedString = 'background-color'; const camelCasedName = toCamelCase(unsanitizedString); console.log(camelCasedName); // Output: 'backgroundColor'
Converts a string into a valid CSS class name.
Function | Type |
toClassName |
(name: string) => string |
: - The string to convert into a CSS class name.
// Example usage: const inputString = 'Hello, World!'; const cssClassName = toClassName(inputString); console.log(cssClassName); // Output: 'hello-world'
Returns undefined if the value is an empty string, otherwise returns the value itself.
Function | Type |
undefinedOnEmpty |
(value: string) => string or undefined |
: - The value to check.
// Example usage: const emptyValue = ''; const nonEmptyValue = 'Hello, World!';
const result1 = undefinedOnEmpty(emptyValue); console.log(result1); // Output: undefined
const result2 = undefinedOnEmpty(nonEmptyValue); console.log(result2); // Output: 'Hello, World!'
Wraps an HTML element with another HTML element.
Function | Type |
wrap |
(element: HTMLElement, wrapper: HTMLElement) => void |
: - The HTML element to wrap.wrapper
: - The HTML element to use as a wrapper.
// Example usage: const elementToWrap = document.getElementById('element-to-wrap'); const wrapperElement = document.createElement('div');
wrap(elementToWrap, wrapperElement);
Method | Type |
get |
<T>(key: string) => T or undefined |
Method | Type |
set |
<T>(key: string, value: T) => void |
Method | Type |
has |
(key: string) => boolean |
Method | Type |
delete |
(key: string) => void |
Represents the arguments for creating an optimized picture element.
Property | Type | Description |
src |
string |
alt |
string |
width |
number |
height |
number |
eager |
boolean or undefined |
breakpoints |
BreakPoint[] or undefined |