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387 lines (292 loc) · 16.9 KB


Minimalistic lock-less epoll/kqueue server with Lua bindings and full hot-code reloading.


Over time I already grew tired of insane software complexity of modern software development, that requires 300MB RAM just to return Hello world on HTTP server in Python and 500MB Docker image as an extra.

80's is a minimalistic server that leverages Lua to handle network traffic and is only 280kB when compiled yet still achieving 166 000 req/s on single core or 330 000 req/s on 4 cores while being fully asynchronous and free of any locks.

* Measurements were taken with 1 000 000 requests @ 500 parallel connections using keep-alive. Performance without keep-alive is 55 000 req/s on both single or multi-core. CPU: i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz


Using local system dependencies


  • installed Lua librares (lualib.a and Lua headers possibly in /usr/local/include)
  • installed OpenSSL libraries
  • Linux, FreeBSD or Windows (IOCP for Windows is supported only partially for basic tasks)
  • if building on Windows, Msys2 is recommended as building environment

To compile the project, simply run ./

You can also define following environment variables before running the build to enable certain features:

  • JIT=true: use LuaJIT instead of Lua
  • DEBUG=true: compile in debug mode
  • LINK=static/dynamic: link type, if dynamic live binary reload (not just Lua) is enabled
  • SOONLY=true: build only .so file if LINK is dynamic for live reloads

i.e. JIT=true ./

Using VSCode devcontainer

Open VSCode and run command Reopen in Container


To run the server, execute bin/80s server/simple_http.lua, optionally bin/80s server/simple_http.lua -p 8080 -c 4 to specify the port and number of CPUs (workers). After this, the server is running and can be reloaded by calling net.reload() from within Lua code.

Available flags

  • -6: bind to IPv6 address (defaults to not set)
  • -h address: set server bind address (defaults to 8080)
  • -p port_no: set server port address (defaults to either or ::)
  • -m,,...: list of comma separated modules to be loaded (default empty)
  • -c concurrency: set concurrency level (defaults to number of machine CPUs)


By using server/simple_http.lua as basis for simple benchmarking, that is:

  • request goes to /echo?name=Abcde
  • server responds with Hi, Abcde!

Result of this "benchmark" were as follows:

# FastAPI Node PHP 80s + JIT 80s C++ Beast Spring Go
1 2 270.82 11 181.6 15 319.3 78 329 70 351 33 563.1 31 017 68 263
2 3 750.01 20 542.3 25 414.5 140 055 121 880 51 785.3 61 441 110 083
4 5 598.95 29 734.2 32 766.4 208 887 191 456 51 172.2 93 701 193 670
8 6 559.85 34 952.2 36 700.2 276 499 259 212 52 010.9 108 544 214 954
16 6 998.02 34 783.7 38 593.3 274 336 257 560 53 727.8 126 530 221 350
32 7 330.34 35 172.2 35 751.2 303 348 257 959 53 842.5 132 428 228 555
64 7 563.92 35 189.6 35 601.7 280 517 256 301 53 386.0 133 973 233 014
128 7 764.70 34 766.8 34 281.1 282 553 262 609 53 338.6 137 394 223 966
256 7 554.97 34 406.2 35 200.1 274 152 257 229 52 433.6 140 158 226 288
512 7 431.89 34 126.9 32 067.4 276 537 244 457 49 276.8 136 063 208 429
10000 6 194.70 33 774.3 N/A 180 599 145 858 40 492.6 119 237 157 191

* # = number of parallel connections using ab -c # -n 1000000 -k http://localhost:8080/echo?name=Abcde

* bold cell = highest requests/s

Also it is important to notice the difference in memory consumption between top performers on C10K beng:

  • 80s + JIT: 70.6 MB RAM
  • Go: 253.3MB RAM
  • 80s: 106.4 MB RAM
  • Spring: 681 MB RAM


C server exposes several APIs for Lua for both input and output.

Naming conventions:

  • elfd: event loop file descriptor
  • childfd: child file descriptor (remote socket)
  • parentfd: main server file descriptor
  • data: received/to be sent data, always a string

Input APIs

  • _G.on_data(elfd, childfd, data, length): called on each incoming packet of data
  • _G.on_close(elfd, childfd): called when socket is closed
  • _G.on_write(elfd, childfd): called when socket sbecomes writeable (also on connect)
  • _G.on_init(elfd, parentfd): called when event loop is initialized

Creating custom C modules

To extend the C functionality, custom modules can be created that contain on_load and on_unload procedures.


#include <stdio.h> 
#include "../src/80s.h"

int on_load(void *ctx, serve_params *params, int reload) {
    printf("on load, worker: %d\n", params->workerid);

int on_unload(void *ctx, serve_params *params, int reload) {
    printf("on unload, worker: %d\n", params->workerid);

Async helpers


Promises allow you to set a callback for future result, the syntax is as follows:

local result = SQL:select("SELECT * FROM users")
result(function(users, err)
    if users then

To create a promise, use aio:prepare_promise, i.e.

function get_user_by_id(id)
    local resolve, resolver = aio:prepare_promise()
    SQL:select("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '%d' LIMIT 1", id)(function(users, err)
        if #users == 1 then 
    return resolver

    print("Name: ",

Gathering promises

To gather multiple parallel promises and get their overall results once all of them execute, you can use aio:gather(promises...)

    http_client.GET("", "/", "text/html"), 
    http_client.GET("", "/", "text/html")
)(function(w3, wiki)
    print("W3 response length: ", #w3)
    print("Wiki response length: ", #wiki)

Chaining promises

To chain multiple promises to execute sequentially, you can use aio:chain, aio:chain also returns a promise that will be called with value of the last argument promise.

    http_client.GET("localhost", "/users/1", "application/json"),
        local parsed = parse_json(user)
        return http_client.GET("localhost", "/accounts/" .. parsed.account_id, "application/json")
        return account.EUR
    print(eur .. " EUR available in the account")


To make coding easier, aio:cor and aio:buffered_cor exist to make code look more sequential when dealing with events of incoming data.

local sock = aio:connect(ELFD, "localhost", 80)
function sock:on_connect() sock:write("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n") end

--- This
function sock:on_data(elfd, childfd, data, len)
    -- somehow deal with data until we have entire response complete
    -- mind that on_data can be called multiple times as dat arrive

--- Can be transformed to this
aio:cor(sock, function(stream, resolve)
    local data = ""
    for chunk in stream do
        data = data .. chunk
        -- it is up to implementation when to stop
        -- by default when on_close is called, stream iterator will stop
        -- but connection doesn't always have to close this way, especially
        -- with keep-alive requests
    print("Received full response from server: ", response)

In similar fashion, buffered_cor allows to receive only defined amount of bytes or bytes until a delimiter is reached in sequential manner

aio:buffered_cor(sock, function(resolve)
    local header = coroutine.yield(4) -- read first 4 bytes of data
    local server_name = coroutine.yield("\r\n") -- read until \r\n is reached
    local length = docode_int16(coroutine.yield(2)) -- read int2 value
    local rest = coroutine.yield(length) -- read `length` bytes of remaining data
    resolve(server_name, rest)
end)(function(server_name, rest)
    print("Server: ", server_name)
    print("Data: ", data)

Awaiting promises

Coroutinization also allows for awaiting promises, using aio:async and aio:await. aio:await must always be ran from within aio:async context.

Example with previous aio:gather use case:

    local w3, wiki = aio:await(aio:gather(
        http_client.GET("", "/", "text/html"), 
        http_client.GET("", "/", "text/html")
    print("W3 response length: ", #w3)
    print("Wiki response length: ", #wiki)

Default server/http.lua as content server

Default http.lua comes preconfigured to serve files in public_html. In case there is main.lua in parent directory of public_html, it is loaded on server start-up. The file rendering follows these rules:

  • If file name contains .dyn. (i.e. index.dyn.html), it is considered dynamic contain and therefore <?lu ... ?>, <?lua ... ?> and <?include ... ?> will be replaced with rendered content on page request
  • If path to the file contains directory called static/, even if name contains .dyn., it is considered static content
  • If file name contains .priv., it is not assigned to any handler, but can be used for including
  • If file starts with post., it is assigned to POST handler
  • If file starts with put., it is assigned to PUT handler
  • If file starts with delete., it is assigned to DELETE handler
  • If directory name begins with i., it is ignored

Live reloading can be enabled by setting RELOAD=true environmet variable. For now that works only on systems that support inotify API.

To change default public_html folder, set PUBLIC_HTML envirnoment variable, i.e. PUBLIC_HTML=server/www/ will use server/www/main.lua + server/www/public_html/*.

To set master key for URLs encryption, set MASTER_KEY environment variable, after that all URLs generated with to_url will be encrypted and all query parameters passed in e will be decrypted automatically.

Templating syntax

To insert dynamic content to the file, wrap Lua code between either <?lu ... ?> for synchronous code or <?lua ... ?> asynchronous code.

To include another file into the current file, use <?include ... ?> with path relative to current file, i.e. <?include ../header.priv.html ?>. Maximum inclusion depth is up to 64 files.

All asynchronous dynamic code blocks are executed in sequential order and in aio:async context, so aio:await is available for use. In case that file begins with #! parallel (either before or after resolving all includes), execution becomes parallel and there is no guaranteed order of execution of each block.

The code must use write(text, ...) to write dynamic content, which will be replaced back into original page and in case the call is asynchronous, finish the generation by calling done() that is available during the execution.

There is also sugar syntax for write in form of line that begins with | (the space must follow |), where | Text will be transformed to write([[Text]]) and if text contains #[[Argument]] or #[[Argument:Format]], it will be appended to list of otherwise arguments for write. If no format is provided, it is evaluated as s that translates to %s.


| <div class="message">
|   Hello there, #[[name]]. Random number of today is: #[[math.random():.3f]]
| </div>

That translates to

write([[<div class="message">]])
write([[Hello there, %s. Random number of today is: %.3f]], name, math.random())

Same rules apply for text between ```...```, so previous example could be further simplified to just

<div class="message">
  Hello there, #[[name]]. Random number of today is: #[[math.random():.3f]]

During code execution, several variables are set within context:

  • session: session context
  • locals: a table where scripts can store intermediate data that they can share across them while entire page renders
  • endpoint: request URL without query part
  • query: table with query parameters, encrypted parameters available under query.e and should be used if possible instead as just query can be overriden in case of ?e=...&param1=...&param2=...
  • headers: table of request headers
  • body: request body
  • status(http_status): write HTTP status
  • await(promise): awaits a promise and returns its result
  • header(header_name, header_value): write HTTP header
  • write(text, ...): writer content, if ... is present, it is equal to string.format(text, escape(x) for x in ...), otherwise just text
  • escape(text): HTML escape the text
  • post_render(handler): add callback fun(rendered_page: string): string new_page that will be called after page is rendered and can alter the page content
  • done(): done signalizer
  • to_url(endpoint, params): create URL, i.e. to_url("/profile", {}), if aio master key is set, query parameters will be encrypted into ?e by using master_key .. endpoint as a key. If params.e is set to false, no encryption is performed and if params.iv exists, IV will be available in encrypted URL based on it's value, by default it won't

You can see examples in server/public_html/ directory.

### Best practices

  • Never define global functions in <?lu(a) ... ?> to prevent undefined behaviour! Always use local function instead!
  • For multi line text outputs, prefer ```...``` syntax over multple | ... lines syntax if code has fewer formatting arguments
  • Leverage aio:cached(cache_name, key, fun(): any) to accelerate generation of known static content

MySQL module

MySQL module allows simple interaction with MySQL server, such as connecting, automatic reconnecting and text queries. Following methods are available:

  • mysql:new(): creates a new MySQL client object
  • mysql:connect(username, password, db_name, host?, port?): connects to database and returns a promise with ok, err return value, host defaults to, port defaults to 3306
  • mysql:exec(query, ...): sends a query to database, if ... is provided, query becomes string.format(text, escape(x) for x in ...), returns a promise with decoded response equal to mysqlerror/mysqlok/mysqleof
  • mysql:select(query, ...): shall be used explicitly with SELECT queries, returns a promise with array of tables that contain results. If query fails, returned value is nil, error string.
  • mysql:escape(text): escape text for the query, not required if using mysql:exec or mysql:select
  • mysql:raw_exec(query, ...): sends a query to database, returns a promise that takes either callback or coroutine, if coroutine is provided, it will be resumed on each additional command that arrives from MySQL server, used as backbone for :select, should not be used by developer if ever. The returned/yielded value is pair of sequence ID and raw packet bytes

If connection socket disconnects while the server is still running, an attempt to reconnect will be made before executing incoming SQL queries. If that fails, it is returned as error to either :exec or :select.

ORM module

ORM module allows to build upon MySQL module to simplify working with database and provide simple repository implementation.

To create a Java JPA-like repository, orm:create can be used:

local repo = orm:create(SQL, {
    source = "posts",
    --- @type ormentity
    entity = {
        id = { field = "id", type = },
        author = { field = "author", type = orm.t.text },
        text = { field = "text", type = orm.t.text },
    findById = true,
    findBy = true

The following code will create repository with following methods:

-- SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id = ?
repo.all:byId(id: int): Posts[]?, error?
-- SELECT * FROM posts
repo.all:by(): Posts[]?, error?
-- SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1 int): Post?, error?
-- SELECT * FROM posts LIMIT 1 int): Post?, error?
-- SELECT COUNT(*) FROM posts WHERE id = ? LIMT 1
repo.count:byId(id: int): int?, error?
-- SELECT COUNT(*) FROM posts WHERE id = ?
repo.count:by(): int?, error?

Optionally {orderBy: string, limit: string} can be passed to all select methods, i.e. repo.all:by({orderBy = "author", limit = 2}). Keep in mind that orderBy and limit aren't escaped in any way.

Method names always use keys specified in entity object using during creation and not .field that maps to raw database. Same goes for repo:save(object). All generated queries use AND to filter for the result, i.e. findByIpAndPort would be WHERE ip = ? AND port = ?.