Level | Scope | OGC17-003 OSEO Attribute | Datatype | Cardinality | EO Vocabulary | Description | Valids |
1 | type | String | 1 | Type of the EarthObservation metadata element. This property is a string with fixed value "Feature"[5]. | |||
1 | id | String | 1 | Unique identifier for the EarthObservation element (IRI). | |||
1 | bbox | Bbox | 0..1 | gj:bbox | Information on the coordinate range of the geometry object representing the footprint (See [NR2]). The value is an array of length 4 (assuming the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries is 2). Typically, south-west point and north-east point. The value defines a shape with edges that have constant longitude and latitude. | ||
1 | geometry | {} | 1 | gj:geometry | Contains the description of the target location observed during the EarthObservation. See section 7.4. | ||
2 | type | String | 1 | dct:title | Type of the geometry representing the footprint | Point | |
2 | coordinates | [] | 1 | gj:coordinates | Array with structure determined by the geometry type to be represented (longitude, latitude order) | ||
1 | properties | {} | 1 | gj:Properties (Class) | Groups all other properties of the EarthObservation not covered by the properties obove | ||
2 | status | String | 1 | eop:status | Refers to product status | ARCHIVED | |
2 | doi | String | 0..1 | eop:doi | Digital Object Identifier identifying the product (see http://www.doi.org) | ||
2 | title | String | 1 | dct:title | Human readable title given to the resource, use-case dependent. | Typical examples: · productType + date + swathIdentifier + polarisationMode (e.g., SAR) · productType + date + tileId (e.g. Sentinel-2) · productType + date + orbitNumber · identifier |
2 | lang | String | 0..1 | dct:language | Metadata language, not empty with an RFC-3066 code as defined in [NR5] | ||
2 | identifier | String | 1 | dct:identifier | Identifier given to the resource, typically the dataset (producer) identifier. | ||
2 | parentIdentifier | String | 0..1 | eop:parentIdentifier | Collection identifier. | ||
2 | date | RateRange | 1 | dct:date | Range of dates relevant for the resource (RFC-3339) | ||
2 | created | DateTime | 0..1 | dct:created | Date of creation or last update of the EO Metadata Document | ||
2 | published | DateTime | 0..1 | dct:issued | Date of first availability of the EO Metadata Document | ||
2 | updated | DateTime | 0..1 | dct:modified | Date of creation or last update of the EO Metadata Document | ||
2 | available | DateRange | 0..1 | eop:availabilityTime | Date range during which the resource will be available (RFC-3339) | ||
2 | acquisitionInformation | [{}] | 0..1 | eop:AcquisitionInformation (Class) | |||
3 | platform | {} | 0..1 | eop:platform | The Platform used for the acquisition | ||
4 | id | String (URI) | 0..1 | URI of platform. | (e.g., http://gcmdservices.gsfc.nasa.gov/kms/concept/a1498dff-002d-4d67-9091-16822c608221 for ENVISAT) | ||
4 | platformShortName | String | 1 | eop:platformShortName | Platform short name | (e.g., "Seasat" or "ENVISAT") | |
4 | platformSerialIdentifier | String | 0..1 | eop:platformSerialIdentifier | Platform serial identifier | (e.g. 1: for Seasat) | |
4 | orbitType | String | 0..1 | eop:orbitType | High level characterisation of main mission types taken from a codelist | GEO | |
3 | instrument | {} | 0..1 | eop:instrument | The Instrument/Sensor used for the acquisition | ||
4 | id | String (URI) | 0..1 | URI of instrument | (e.g., http://gcmdservices.gsfc.nasa.gov/kms/concept/912c3308-23bc-4e12-b7fb-9d82e9fc5fe9 for ENVISAT ASAR) | ||
4 | sensorType | String | 0..1 | eop:sensorType | Sensor type based on codelist | OPTICAL | |
4 | instrumentShortName | String | 1 | eop:instrumentShortName | Instrument (Sensor) name | ||
4 | description | String | 0..1 | dct:description | Instrument description | ||
3 | acquisitionParameters | {} | 0..1 | eop:AcquisitionParameters (Class) | The acquisition parameters (i.e., pointing angles, etc.) | ||
4 | beginningDateTime | Date | 1 | ical:dtstart | Acquisition start date time | ||
4 | endingDateTime | Date | 1 | ical:dtend | Acquisition end date time | ||
4 | acquisitionType | String | 1 | eop:acquisitionType | Used to distinguish at a high level the appropriateness of the acquisition for "general" use, whether the product is a nominal acquisition, special calibration product or other. | NOMINAL | |
4 | acquisitionSubType | String | 0..1 | eop:acquisitionSubType | The broad value defined by the acquisitionType may be further refined by the acquisitionSubType using values from a mission/ground segment specific type definition should refer to mission/ground segment specific codeSpace | ||
4 | acquisitionStation | String | 0..* | eop:acquisitionStation | Acquisition / receiving station code. Possible values are mission specific and should be retrieved using codespace | ||
4 | orbitDirection | String | 0..1 | eop:orbitDirection | Acquisition orbit direction at the start of the acquisition/product | ASCENDING | |
4 | lastOrbitDirection | String | 0..1 | eop:lastOrbitDirection | Acquisition orbit direction at the end of the acquisition/product. Assumed to be identical to orbitDirection if not present. | ASCENDING | |
4 | orbitNumber | Integer | 0..1 | eop:orbitNumber | Acquisition orbit number | ||
4 | lastOrbitNumber | Integer | 0..1 | eop:lastOrbitNumber | Acquisition last orbit number | ||
4 | orbitDuration | Integer | 0..1 | eop:orbitDuration | Actual orbit duration in milliseconds | ||
4 | relativeOrbitNumber | Integer | 0..1 | eop:relativeOrbitNumber | Orbit number since start of cycle. | ||
4 | cycleNumber | Integer | 0..1 | eop:cycleNumber | Number of Cycles since mission start | ||
4 | wrsLongitude | String | 0..1 | eop:wrsLongitudeGrid | Neutral wrsLongitudeGrid equivalent to track in track/frame, K in K/J, etc. | ||
4 | wrsLatitude | String | 0..1 | eop:wrsLatitudeGrid | Neutral wrsLatitudeGrid equivalent to frame in track/frame, J in K/J, etc. | ||
4 | groundTrackUncertainty | String | 0..1 | eop:groundTrackUncertainty | Measure of the uncertainty of the ground track. Sometimes known as deadband e.g., 1000m (1Km) deadband (m) | ||
4 | tileId | String | 0..1 | eop:tileId | |||
4 | ascendingNodeDate | DateTime | 0..1 | eop:ascendingNodeDate | UTC date and time at ascending node of orbit | ||
4 | ascendingNodeLongitude | Double | 0..1 | eop:ascendingNodeLongitude | Longitude at ascending node of orbit (degrees) | ||
4 | startTimeFromAscendingNode | Double | 0..1 | eop:startTimeFromAscendingNode | Start time of acquisition in milliseconds from ascending node date | ||
4 | completionTimeFromAscendingNode | Double | 0..1 | eop:completionTimeFromAscendingNode | Stop time of acquisition in milliseconds from ascending node date | ||
swathIdentifier | String | 0..1 | eop:swathIdentifier | Swath identifier (e.g. Envisat ASAR has 7 distinct swaths (I1,I2,I3...I7) that correspond to precise incidence angles for the sensor). | |||
4 | operationalMode | String | 0..1 | eop:operationalMode | Sensor mode | (Possible values are mission specific) | |
4 | polarisationMode | String | 0..1 | eop:polarisationMode | Polarisation mode taken from codelist | S | |
4 | polarisationChannels | String | 0..* | eop:polarisationChannels | Polarisation channel transmit/receive configuration: horizontal, vertical | [HH][[, ][HV]][[, ][VH]][[, ][VV]] | |
4 | antennaLookDirection | String | 0..1 | eop:antennaLookDirection | Look direction of antenna taken from codelist | RIGHT | |
4 | dopplerFrequency | Double | 0..1 | eop:dopplerFrequency | Doppler Frequency of acquisition | ||
4 | measurementType | 0..1 | eop:measurementType | Measurement type taken from codelist | ABSORPTION | ||
resolution | Double | 0..1 | eop:resolution | Sensor resolution. Unit of measure is SI base unit (m) without prefix. | |||
4 | lmb, atm | verticalResolution | {} | 0..1 | eop:verticalResolution | lmb: Vertical spacing of data (if regular) atm: Full width at half maximum of the rows of the vertical averaging kernel matrix |
5 | lowestLocation | Double | 0..1 | eop:minimumAltitude | Lower bound of measurements in vertical dimension (in meter or bar) | ||
5 | highestLocation | Double | 0..1 | eop:maximumAltitude | Upper bound of measurements in vertical dimension (in meter or bar) | ||
5 | locationUnit | String | 0..1 | eop:altitudeUnit | Unit of measure used to express lowestLocation and highestLocation: meter (m) or bar (bar). Default is meter (m). | m | |
4 | acquisitionAngles | {] | 0..1 | eop:acquisitionAngles | Acquisition angles | ||
5 | minimumIncidenceAngle | Double | 0..1 | eop:minimumIncidenceAngle | Minimum incidence angle | ||
5 | maximumIncidenceAngle | Double | 0..1 | eop:maximumIncidenceAngle | Maximum incidence angle | ||
5 | incidenceAngle | Double | 0..1 | eop:incidenceAngle | Acquisition global incidence angle given in degrees (i.e., uom='deg') | ||
5 | incidenceAngleVariation | Double | 0..1 | eop:incidenceAngleVariation | Incidence angle variation | ||
5 | acrossTrackIncidenceAngle | Double | 0..1 | eop:acrossTrackIncidenceAngle | Acquisition across track incidence angle given in degrees. (i.e., uom='deg') | ||
5 | alongTrackIncidenceAngle | Double | 0..1 | eop:alongTrackIncidenceAngle | Acquisition along track incidence angle given in degrees. (i.e., uom='deg') | ||
5 | instrumentAzimuthAngle | Double | 0..1 | eop:instrumentAzimuthAngle | Mean instrument azimuth angle given in degrees. (i.e., uom='deg') | ||
5 | instrumentZenithAngle | Double | 0..1 | eop:instrumentZenithAngle | Mean instrument zenith angle given in degrees. (i.e., uom='deg') | ||
5 | instrumentElevationAngle | Double | 0..1 | eop:instrumentElevationAngle | Mean instrument elevation angle given in degrees. (i.e., uom='deg') | ||
5 | illuminationAzimuthAngle | Double | 0..1 | eop:illuminationAzimuthAngle | Mean illumination/solar azimuth angle given in degrees. (i.e., uom='deg') | ||
5 | illuminationZenithAngle | Double | 0..1 | eop:illuminationZenithAngle | Mean illumination/solar zenith angle given in degrees. (i.e., uom='deg') | ||
5 | illuminationElevationAngle | Double | 0..1 | eop:illuminationElevationAngle | Mean illumination/solar elevation angle given in degrees. (i.e., uom='deg') | ||
5 | pitch | Double | 0..1 | eop:pitch | Satellite pitch angle given in degrees (i.e., uom='deg') | ||
5 | roll | Double | 0..1 | eop:roll | Satellite roll angle given in degrees (i.e., uom='deg') | ||
5 | yaw | Double | 0..1 | eop:yaw | Satellite yaw angle given in degrees (i.e., uom='deg') | ||
4 | samplingRates | [{}] | 0..* | eop:samplingRate | Rate at which samples are provided in product. Some products may contain more than one sampling rate, e.g. 1kHz and 20kHz. Cardinality is therefore zero or more. | ||
4 | wavelengths | [{}] | 0..* | eop:wavelengths | |||
5 | spectralRange | String | 0..1 | eop:spectralRange | The observed Spectral Range | INFRARED | |
5 | startWavelength | Double | 0..1 | eop:startWavelength | Start of the observed wavelength range (m) | ||
5 | endWavelength | Double | 0..1 | eop:endWavelength | End of the observed wavelength range (m) | ||
5 | wavelengthResolution | Double | 0..1 | eop:wavelengthResolution | Spacing between consecutive wavelengths (m) | ||
5 | discreteWavelengths | [Double] | 0..* | eop:discreteWavelength | List of discrete wavelengths observed in the product (m) | ||
2 | additionalAttributes | [{}] | 0..1 | eop:additionalAttributes | "key": "value", ... | ||
1 | productInformation | { } | eop:ProductInformation (Class) | ||||
2 | productType | String | 0..1 | eop:productType | Type of the object | (fixed value "ProductInformation") | |
2 | productGroupId | String | 0..1 | eop:productGroupId | Holds the identifier of a particular group to which the product belongs to. Group members represent then "granules" or "portions" of end-user products that are eligible for specific aggregations | (e.g., all Sentinel-2 granules having the same productGroupId can be assembled together to form a Sentinel-2 end-user product) | |
2 | size | Integer | 0..1 | eop:size | Product size (bytes) allowing the user to realise how long a download is likely to take | ||
2 | format | String | 0..1 | dct:format | Native product format. | ||
2 | productVersion | String | 0..1 | eop:productVersion | Product version | ||
2 | timeliness | String | 0..1 | eop:timeliness | Timeliness of the product, such as "near real time", "rush". Possible values are mission specific | NRT | |
2 | archivingCenter | String | 0..1 | eop:archivingCenter | Archiving center code. Possible values are mission specific. | ||
2 | archivingDate | DateTime | 0..1 | eop:archivingDate | Archiving date time | ||
2 | availabilityTime | DateTime | 1 | eop:availabilityTime | The time when the result becomes available | ||
2 | statusSubType | String | 0..1 | eop:statusSubType | Refines the status of a product when the "status" is set to "ARCHIVED" | ON-LINE | |
2 | statusDetail | String | 0..1 | eop:statusDetail | refers to the status value. It should be used to motivate the reason of a failure, cancelation, rejection or degraded quality | ||
2 | referenceSystemIdentifier | String | 0..1 | eop:referenceSystemIdentifier | Indicates if product is geo-referenced, (in which case should point to a code space for the CRS), when not supplied it is assumed that the product is provided in "raw" satellite frame of reference | ||
2 | cloudCover | Double | 0..1 | eop:cloudCover | Cloud cover percentage (i.e., uom=’%’) | ||
2 | snowCover | Double | 0..1 | eop:snowCover | Snow cover percentage (i.e., uom=’%’) | ||
2 | version | String | 0..1 | eop:version | |||
2 | processingLevel | String | 0..1 | eop:processingLevel | Processing level applied to the product | ||
2 | processingCenter | String | 0..1 | eop:processingCenter | Processing center code. Possible values are mission specific. | ||
2 | processingDate | DateTime | 0..1 | eop:processingDate | |||
2 | processingMode | String | 0..1 | eop:processingMode | Processing mode taken from mission specific code list | NRT | |
2 | processorName | String | 0..1 | eop:processorName | Processor software name (e.g., FastROSE) | ||
2 | processorVersion | String | 0..1 | eop:processorVersion | Processor software version (e.g., 1.0) | ||
2 | processingMethod | String | 0..1 | eop:processingMethod | Method used to compute datalayer. (e.g., Kalman filtering, ROSE) | ||
2 | processingMethodVersion | String | 0..1 | eop:processingMethodVersion | Method version (e.g., 1.0) | ||
2 | compositeType | String | 0..1 | eop:compositeType | Type of composite product expressed as timeperiod that the composite product covers using ISO 8601 duration format P[n]Y[n]M[n]D encoding[13], e.g., P10D for a 10 day composite. | ||
2 | productContentsType | String | 0..* | eop:productContentsType | Classification of product according to ground type covered. Note cardinality allows for multiple instances of this property. | COASTAL | |
2 | qualityInformation | {} | 0..1 | eop:QualityInformation (Class) | |||
3 | qualityStatus | String | 0..1 | eop:qualityStatus | Indicator that specifies whether the product quality is degraded or not. This optional field shall be provided if the product has passed a quality check. | NOMINAL | |
3 | qualityDegradation | Integer | 0..1 | eop:qualityDegradation | Quality degradation percentage (i.e., uom=’%’) | ||
3 | qualityDegradationTag | String | 0..1 | eop:qualityDegradationTag | Contains further textual information concerning the quality degradation. It shall be provided if qualityStatus value is DEGRADED. | RADIOMETRY | |
3 | qualityDegradationQuotationMode | 0..1 | eop:qualityDegradationQuotationMode | Indicator to know how the quality degradation percentage has been calculated. | AUTOMATIC | MANUAL | |
1 | links | { } | 0..1 | owc:Links (Class) | |||
2 | alternates | ||||||
2 | via | {} | 0..* | ssp:derivedFrom | Reference to a description of the resource in its original format. | ||
2 | previews | {} | 0..* | Reference to a quicklook or browse image representing the resource. | |||
2 | data | {} | 0..* | Reference to the location of the data resource. | |||
3 | href | 0..1 | |||||
3 | type | 0..1 | |||||
3 | lang | 0..1 | |||||
3 | length | 0..1 | |||||
3 | title | 0..1 | |||||
3 | extension | {} | 0..* | ||||
3 | checksum | 0..* | |||||
2 | qualityReport | {} | 0..* | Reference to the location of a related quality report. | |||
2 | related | {} | 0..* | iana:related | Reference to the location of a related resource, e.g. cloud mask, snow mask. | ||
2 | up | {} | 0..* | iana:up | Reference to the metadata of higher-level resource (e.g., Collection, also identified by parentIdentifier). |