Nosepipe is a plugin for the nose testing framework for running tests in a subprocess.
Nosepipe was originally written by John J. Lee and updated by Dan McCombs to support newer Python versions.
It's available under the BSD license.
You can also install nosepipe via pip or find it on PyPI at:
You can install the latest git version by cloning the repository and running:
python ./ install
Otherwise, you can install the latest released version from pip via:
pip install nosepipe
To use Nosepipe, add --with-process-isolation to your nosetests command and decorate tests to be run separately:
import nosepipe
def test_something():
# In subprocess
If --with-process-isolation-individual option is used in addition, then every test (either a top-level function or a class) need to be decorated to be run in a separate process.
import nosepipe
def test_something():
# In main process
class TestClass(unittest.TestCase):
# In main process
def test_something():
def test_another():
# In subprocess
class AnotherTestClass(unittest.TestCase):
# In subprocess
def test_another():