To easily set up all of the correct JPMC resources at one time (VPC connection, allowlisting your machines IP, EFS (Elastic File System) setup, etc.), Esa Laine has created a Cloudformation Stack that lets you complete the entire setup in one command.
Download the zip folder and extract only the following relevant files:
- base-resources.yaml
- standard-instance.yaml
Login to your AWS Sandbox and launch "CloudShell" to upload those 5 files:
- Actions > Upload file
- Upload (have to upload one at a time)
- ( ditto for the remaining files )
Continue with the following steps in the same CloudShell terminal session...
Setup the following variables:
- BASE_STACK_NAME = the name of your base stack containing only letters & numbers
- YOUR_MACHINES_IP = the IPV4 of the machine you are using to access the ec2 instance (
- RULE_NUMBER = pick a random 4 digit number that does not collide with your VPC ACL's rule numbers (recommended value 3000)
- EC2_STACK_NAME = the name of your base stack containing only letters & numbers
Example commands:
export BASE_STACK_NAME=drfcBaseStack
export RULE_NUMBER=3000
export EC2_STACK_NAME=drfcEC2Stack
(only need to run this once per account/machine accessing EC2 instance)
- Run
NOTE: This will create an EC2 instance and charge your sandbox $1.20/hr while the ec2 instance is in a "running" state. Always be sure to stop your instance when you are done training.
- Run
You can go to "CloudFormation" to watch the progress of your stack creation and see if any errors occurred in the "Events" tab.
Obtain Linux command shell access to your running EC2 instance using SSM from EC2 console page as follows:
- Open the "EC2" service
- Choose the "Instances (running)" screen
- Select your instance (its name will be the same as the $EC2_STACK_NAME variable that you defined above)
- Click on the "Connect" button
- Choose the "Session Manager" tab (this is SSM)
- First time only Click on the "Preferences" link in the help text, then "Edit" to add the following commands to your "Linux Shell Profile":
sudo su ubuntu
cd /home/ubuntu/efs/deepracer-for-cloud
source bin/
- Optional The default idle session timeout is 20 minutes which can be annoying. If you wish, increase it to 60 mins in the "general preferences" section
- Click on the orange "Connect" button
- This should open a Linux shell terminal within your browser
If you see: "The version of SSM Agent on this instance doesn't support shell profile". You need to wait 10-15 minutes for the initial install of DRFC and EC2 setup to complete.
Use your SSM terminal session to setup DRFC (DeepRacer-For-Cloud) as follows. These are once-only steps.
It is currently necessary to download a newer version of the Community code in order to train on the latest (June 2021) tracks.
Use the following command to download the newer Docker image:
docker pull awsdeepracercommunity/deepracer-robomaker:4.0.5-gpu
Then configure DRFC to use it by editing the file system.env, changing the setting of $DR_ROBOMAKER_IMAGE as follows:
Finally tell DRFC to use the new configuration:
There is also a version 4 release of the Sagemaker docker image.
If you want to use it, download using the following command:
docker pull awsdeepracercommunity/deepracer-sagemaker:4.0.0-gpu
Then configure DRFC to use it by editing the file system.env, changing the setting of $DR_SAGEMAKER_IMAGE as follows:
Finally tell DRFC to use the new configuration:
The DRFC requires an S3 bucket to store model artefacts. The bucket has been created automatically by CloudFormation, but you need to configure DRFC so it knows the name of the new bucket.
The following command will list names of all your S3 buckets, you should be able to easily see the new one that was created by CloudFormation.
aws s3 ls
A typical example name is "drfcbasestackdmh1-bucket-v7oab14trnd0".
Configure DRFC to use it by editing the file system.env, changing the setting of $DR_LOCAL_S3_BUCKET as follows:
TODO - instructions for upload too, e.. DR_UPLOAD_S3_BUCKET=drfcbasestackdmh1-bucket-111111/upload
- optional to be ready for a first run
Tell DRFC to use the new configuration:
(MORE NOTES COMING SOON TO REFLECT RECENT VIDEO SETUP) You are now ready to train your first model!
Follow “First Run” on this page
After you have your EC2 instance set up, when you are done training you should "stop" your instance and not "terminate" it. You will have to run "CREATE STANDARD EC2 INSTANCE" again if you terminate your instance. You will not be charge the hourly rate for a stopped instance.
To reduce costs of watching the stream of you car, you can specify the quality and size of the window at the end of the url: http://ec2ip.