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Git 6: Website

#c5f015 Example

  1. Create a blank repository called <name>-simple-website where <name> is your name.

  2. Navigate to your ~/Development/ folder in the terminal.

  3. Clone the repository using the SSH link given to you in GitHub, it should look something like this:

    git clone
  4. Create a new page called index.html with the touch command

  5. In a text editor, add this simple HTML code to index.html.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <h1>Hello World</h1>
  6. Double click on that file to view it in a web browser (you can refresh the page to view it again after you add new code)

  7. Commit to github what you have so far. Lets view it in GitHub!

Hosting Your Website

Static Web Server (a breif aside)

A static web server consists of two parts. The "assets", which are files that are served (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Images, Text, Videos, Etc) and the "server" or the code that servers the website. We'll get into this more later in the class.

Github Pages

GitHub also doubles as a static web server! If you enable a feature called "GitHub Pages", in addition to storing your files, GitHub will run a static web server that can serve those pages on the web.

#c5f015 Example

  1. Add a heading (h1, h2) and paragraph (p) tag

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <h2>My First Subheading</h2>
    <p>My first paragraph.</p>
  2. Commit this with a meaningful commit message.

    git status
    git add index.html
    git commit -m "add a subhead and a paragraph"
    git status
  3. Push the code to github.

    git push
  4. Go to the github repo's settings and under Github Pages choose "master" branch as the source.

  5. Go to and you should see the HTML page we created. You might have to wait a minute before it shows up.


HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language.

The promise of HTML was originally to link text pages to one another. So lets do like the 60s and link some pages of hypertext to each other.


#c5f015 Example

  1. Lets create a new page called to say goodbye

    touch goodbye.html
  2. Put the following code in goodbye.html

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <h1>Goodbye World</h1>
    <p> What a short website </p>
  3. Commit this page

    git status
    git add goodbye.html
    git commit -m "add goodbye page"
  4. Lets add navigation. In index.html inside the body tag, lets add the following.

    <a href="goodbye.html"> Goodbye Page </a>

    and in goodbye.html lets add a link back

    <a href="index.html"> Home Page </a>
  5. Now lets commit both of those in one commit

    git status
    git add index.html
    git add goodbye.html
    git commit -m "add navigation links to website"
  6. Push to GitHub

    git push

    and then view it online at

#f03c15 Try It: Bullet points

The <ul> </ul> tag creates an "unordered list". Within it are "list items" <li> </li>. Here is some example code below.

	<li> Executive Branch </li>
	<li> Legislative Branch </li>
	<li> Judicial Branch </li>

Add some bullet points to your homepage and then commit the new code to GitHub.


You should now have the tools to start building an MVP of your project. We'll plan the first sprint at the end of today. Remember the agile principles:

Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software