To generate the documentation, source sphinx environment and do:
make html
You will find the documentation in .build/html/index.html
To generate twiki pages, use:
make twiki
Where the twikis will be in .build/twiki/
For more available options, check make help
The official location for the generated documentation is
The page is a mirror only to allow people to search from the main CERN twiki system.
Typically, the official deployment is:
(set -e;
git clone git://;
cd tutorials/;
source /build/dmwmbld/srv/state/dmwmbld/builds/comp_gcc481/w/slc6_amd64_gcc481/cms/wmcore-devtools/1.3/etc/profile.d/;
make html;
make twiki;
kinit cmsweb;
rsync -rvu ./.build/html/ ./.build/twiki /afs/