All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.0.3 (2018-05-11)
- fixed outdated dependency tree (ba481ec)
- text change and url replace (3eec130)
- url change. (1022f50)
1.0.2 (2017-07-15)
1.0.1 (2017-07-15)
- Add a better merge strategy for the options. (4df7279)
- Add check if bg-image is CORS. (e4f4664)
- callbacks: Change up callback parameters to make more sense. (5f98658)
- dist files: Added dist files that were deleted on name change. (c7fb0e7)
- styles: fixes to the premade styles. (c138280)
- styles: Remove margin from border style. (9d7940c)
- Fix background image fetching when element has no height. (b9068c3)
- Remove unnecessary console.log. (fc8fbb8)
- Add ability to wait for image to load. (818a095)
- Add contrastColors feature. (07cdd57)
- Add parentElement option to enable scoping. (2750efd)
- Added ability to add multiple event types to listeners. (e4c49f0)
- Total rewrite of the plugin. (27d5614)
- SCSS: Add styles.scss to palettify. (6fc8d24)
- SCSS: Add zoomOutRight style to styles. (b9db4e1)
- dynamicStyles and staticStyles changed to styles.static and styles.dynamic. Opacities is moved to styles as well. This is to make merging of predefined styles easier.
- hoverTarget changed to Event target. imageTarget changed to image. Added required selector option. Added static and dynamic style objects. Removed the boxShadow properties. They are now externally reqired.
is nowstyleTarget
are deprecated and will be removed soon.