Scriptable widget that displays the current date in binary.
Why? I thought something like this would be neat.
Explain! There are four pieces of data shown: In the first row, an indicator whether it's a weekday (bright) or weekend (dim), along with the day (which just about fits into 5 bits) and the month (4 bits). The second row contains the year as a 12-bit binary number, which I'm well aware is going to break at the end of 4095, but I doubt anyone's going to be using iOS widgets then. In the background, some stars.
Come to think of it, the widget should really just display the stardate instead of these binary shenanigans.
Any setup required?
Not more than for any other Scriptable widget! Download binary-date.js
and place it in the "Scriptable" directory in your iCloud Drive (or copy the source code into a new Scriptable script). Then, back on your homescreen, go into jiggle mode and create a new Scriptable widget of your preferred size. Tap it to assign the relevant script to it, then wait a second for it to draw itself for the first time.