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#AzureSandbox - terraform-azurerm-mysql




This configuration implements a PaaS database hosted in Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server with a private endpoint implemented using subnet delegation..

Activity Estimated time required
Pre-configuration ~5 minutes
Provisioning ~20 minutes
Smoke testing ~10 minutes

Before you start

terraform-azurerm-vnet-app must be provisioned first before starting. This configuration is optional and can be skipped to reduce costs. Proceed with terraform-azurerm-vwan if you wish to skip it.

Getting started

This section describes how to provision this configuration using default settings.

  • Change the working directory.

    cd ~/azuresandbox/terraform-azurerm-mysql
  • Add an environment variable containing the password for the service principal.

    export TF_VAR_arm_client_secret=YourServicePrincipalSecret
  • Run using the default settings or custom settings.

  • Apply the Terraform configuration.

    # Initialize terraform providers
    terraform init
    # Validate configuration files
    terraform validate
    # Review plan output
    terraform plan
    # Apply configuration
    terraform apply
  • Monitor output. Upon completion, you should see a message similar to the following:

    Apply complete! Resources: 3 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.

  • Inspect terraform.tfstate.

    # List resources managed by terraform
    terraform state list 

Smoke testing

  • Test DNS queries for Azure Database for MySQL private endpoint (PaaS)

    • From the client environment, navigate to > Azure Database for MySQL flexible servers > mysql-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > Overview > Server name and and copy the the FQDN, e.g. mysql‑

    • From jumpwin1, run the following Windows PowerShell command:

    • Verify the IP4Address returned is within the subnet IP address prefix for azurerm_subnet.vnet_app_01_subnets["snet-mysql-01"], e.g. 10.2.3.*.

    • Note: This DNS query is resolved using the following resources:

      • A DNS A record is added for the MySQL server automatically by the provisioning process. This can be verified in the Azure portal by navigating to Private DNS zones > and viewing the A record listed.
      • azurerm_private_dns_zone.private_dns_zones[""]
      • azurerm_private_dns_zone_virtual_network_link.private_dns_zone_virtual_network_links_vnet_app_01[""]
  • From jumpwin1, test private MySQL connectivity using MySQL Workbench.

    • Navigate to Start > MySQL Workbench
    • Navigate to Database > Connect to Database and connect using the following values:
      • Connection method: Standard (TCP/IP)
      • Hostname:
      • Port: 3306
      • Uwername: bootstrapadmin
      • Schema: testdb
      • Click OK and when prompted for password use the value of the adminpassword secret in key vault.
      • Create a table, insert some data and run some sample queries to verify functionality.
      • Note: Internet connectivity will not be tested because Azure Database for MySQL can only be configured for access via private endpoints or public endpoints, but not both simultaneously.


This section provides additional information on various aspects of this configuration.

Bootstrap script

This configuration uses the script to create a terraform.tfvars file for generating and applying Terraform plans. For simplified deployment, several runtime defaults are initialized using output variables stored in the terraform.tfstate file associated with the terraform-azurerm-vnet-shared and terraform-azurerm-vnet-app configurations, including:

Output variable Sample value
aad_tenant_id "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
admin_password_secret "adminpassword"
admin_username_secret "adminuser"
arm_client_id "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
key_vault_id "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/rg-sandbox-01/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/kv-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
key_vault_name "kv-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
location "eastus"
resource_group_name "rg-sandbox-01"
subscription_id "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
tags tomap( { "costcenter" = "10177772" "environment" = "dev" "project" = "#AzureSandbox" } )
private_dns_zones Contains all the subnet definitions from this configuration including snet-app-01, snet-db-01, snet-mysql-01 and snet-privatelink-01.
vnet_app_01_subnets Contains all the subnet definitions including snet-app-01, snet-db-01, snet-mysql-01 and snet-privatelink-01.

Terraform Resources

This section lists the resources included in this configuration.

Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server

The configuration for these resources can be found in

Resource name (ARM) Notes
azurerm_mysql_flexible_server.mysql_server_01 (mysql-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) An Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server for hosting databases. Note that a private endpoint is automatically created during provisioning and a corresponding DNS A record is automatically added to the corresponding private DNS zone.
azurerm_mysql_flexible_database.mysql_database_01 A MySQL Database named testdb for testing connectivity.

Next steps

Move on to the next configuration terraform-azurerm-vwan.