First off - thank you!!!
As of this writing, slackin is the goal to aim for. By aiming for this, we hope to prove that Swift is as viable as Node.js for web applications.
Once software parity has been reached, a manifesto can be designed to discuss future ideas, but this should always remain simple to use, just like the original 😄
Please fork slackin-swift and submit a pull request to make any contributions. Repeated contributors who would like to maintain any branches that exist should email me about becoming a full-time collaborator here
Please submit any feature requests or bug fixes as a pull request.
Please make sure that all pull requests have the following:
- a descriptive title
- a meaningful body of text to explain what the PR does
- if it fixes a pre-existing issue, include the issue number in the body of text
Pushing directly to master is disallowed.
To run Lumina locally, please follow these steps:
- Clone the repository
- Run
swift build
- Run
.build/debug/slackin-swift **insert token here**
--OR--./runDocker **insert token here**
To develop on slackin-swift:
- Run
swift package generate-xcodeproj
Thanks for contributing! 💯