If interested in contributing to the game, see below a list of areas that would be very useful to get some help on.
I suggest reading the "Roadmap", as I want to emphasise that the initial goal (version V1.0) is to build a very simple game.
Contact me if you have python experience and are interested in contributing directly to the code.
I am not a professional developer or game designer, so feel free to offer any general advice if you have experience in those domains.
The UI is built using Flet. I am quite knew to using flet, so any advice/suggestions will be welcome on the UI.
I have yet to decide how to implement load/save features in the game. Any suggestions would be welcome on this.
There will be several areas in the game where some sort of algorthim will be required to determine AI events. Any suggestions on these would be welcome;
For V1.0, I do intend to have drivers swapping teams. Need an algorthim that keeps these realistic, so Schumacher does not end up at the worst team for example.
The roster is located in the "src\1998_Roster" folder. This will need to be populated with drivers, tracks, head designers and commercial managers.