TSWD Trading BOT
PLEASE NOTE - This BOT is for tests only, it wasn't design for real trade, only for test data. The project was founded from a learning perspective.
Currently support Binance Java API: https://github.com/binance-exchange/binance-java-api
Before your run the program: In order to run the bot you must provide a Binance API_KEY and SECRET. In order to generate API pair you need to setup a Binance account, then generate API pair from the API Management under your user management section. Binance website: https://www.binance.com/
The bot calculates:
- Moving Average - sma4, sma9, sma50
- RSI 14
The bot knows all the time the direction of the market, and execute a trade once there's an indicator from one of the signals.
How To run the program:
Linux: run the following command from the root of the project -
export binance_key=your_binance_key;binance_secret=your_binance_secret && ./gradlew bootRun
By default the bot is running on test data. see Main.java -
TaBotPlan plan = new TaBotPlan("ETHUSDT", new PriceMockApi(), 10, 0.2, 0.2, TaBotPlan.Mode.TEST_DATA);
All test data are located at resources/static folder.
Output Example