A collection of the classic algorithms and data structures implemented on java
Binary Search Algorithm, tests.
- exactIndex, the first occurrence of a target in an array, if it is present. If the target is not present, it returns the position where the value can be inserted.
- indexRightMost, the last occurrence of a target (right most index) in an array, if it is present. If the target is not present, it returns the previous position where the value should be inserted.
- indexIfFound, the first occurrence of the target (left most index) in the array, if it is present. If the target is not present, it returns -1;
Binary tree traversals:
- Recursive
- Iterative
Binary Indexed Tree (BIT, Fenwick Tree) for calculating prefix/range cumulative operations in O(logn) time complexity (tests).
Graph represented by a 2d array (tests):
- Iterative BFS that returns a parent array for finding paths from any node to the starting point (root).
- Getting path to a root
- Shortest path
- Connected components
- Recursive DFS
Topological Sort
- QuickSelect is a selection algorithm to find the kth smallest element in an unordered list. It is related to the quicksort sorting algorithm.
- QuickSort
- Three Way Partitioning (Dutch national flag problem).
Segment Tree (updating and querying the data in log(n) time, tests):
Trie (Prefix Tree) with the insert, search, and startsWith methods, tests.
Backtracking (for generating subsets, permutations, solving sudoku, etc.).
CycleSort and searching all cycles (groups) in a permutation findCycles and tests
0/1 Knapsack and tests
- Insert and merge an interval into a sorted list of the non-overlapping intervals, tests.
- Find all free slots between (overlapping) intervals, tests.
- Merge overlapped intervals, tests
Other code templates, see here.