Releases: draconas1/masterplan-json-export
V12 Compatibility
HTML Updates
Minor updates to HTML tags to better conform to the styling by @FoxLee
Use global attack and damage modifiers
Exported monsters now use @atkMod
and @damMod
in their relevant formula to assist those who are using automatic bonus application.
Support for new Monster Sheet and Guess on Dodgy Data
Misc info blocks (misc info, monster knowledge) have moved from class features to epic destiny's. This makes it easier to filter them out for the new sheet. Reasoning: for monsters class or racial features are equally valid for peoples custom monsters, but nobody is going to stick something in epic destiny, but my misc info blocks don't care because they only need the description block. Looks a bit weird, but is a small change that makes the new sheets life easier.
untypedResistances is a new data structure that saves the mostly free text resistance, vulnerability and immunity blocks from a monster. Attempting to parse the string into list format to make it easier for sheet automation purposes. Note that duplicate immunities (free text immunities that are also damage types) are not included here.
Monsters have a free text equipment in to store their free text equipment because nether fox nor I have the strength to try to convert their equipment into actual items.
Export to file now ends in .json for easier auto-formatting for me in np++.
-we should not split afterEffect: out into effect for damage powers anymore
-Action type of None and a requirement of (ActionType is set to ActionType. note if requirement = (immiedate we are stuffed because we don't know if its a reaction or interrupt.
-If we have failed to parse the range text, have a look in details and see if it has N/N or Reach N and use that.
Better Tagging
Improvement to the flag import to match flags created in the 3.1 exporter.
All masterplan creatures will now have:
flags.masterplan.imported = true
If the creature was imported with the 3.1.0 or later importer they will now also have
flags.masterplan.importerVersion.major, flags.masterplan.importerVersion.minor, flags.masterplan.importerVersion.patch
Added flags
Now sets a flag to indicate the actor was imported by masterplan and which version of the importer was used.
Fix for Defences in V10
Updated the base values for all defences to account for the fact that Foundry V10 D&D 4e system advanced calculations account for the attribute modifier in as well as half level, while v9 they did not. This is a breaking change in how defences are calculated between the v9 and v10 versions of the system.
This is a breaking change from Foundry V9
This release should not be used with Foundry V9, use instead.
The System implementation for V10 changes how defences are calculated. This requires a change to the exporter that creates a breaking change between v9 and v10. Monsters exported with this version that are imported into V9 will have defences that are too low (as they assume that attribute modifier will be added), monsters imported in v10 that were exported with any 2.x.x version will have defences that are too high (as they will have attribute modifier added on).
Templates and Themes: Last V9 Release
Exporter now grabs theme/template powers for creatures.
Also reformatted power descriptions for Monster Knowledge (Hard Success) to make them play nicely with the limited chat space. Powers are now in the form:
Which works much better in chat.
This is the last release for Foundry V9
The System implementation for V10 changes how defences are calculated. This requires a change to the exporter that creates a breaking change between v9 and v10. Monsters exported with this version used in v10 will have defences that are too high (as they will have attribute modifier added on), monsters exported in V3 versions that are imported into V9 will have defences that are too low (as they assume that attribute modifier will be added)
Foundry: Add Traps
When exporting for Foundry, it will now populate traps as foundry creatures.
It's a bit of a bodge, but it works.
Foundry Default
Foundry is now the default export format.
Attack rolls updated to have "formula" as the "vs DEF" roll, this maps to version 0.2.70 of D&D 4E system.