Encodes a C++ object to the Universal Binary JSON Specification (UBJSON) data format.
#include <jsoncons_ext/ubjson/ubjson.hpp>
template<class T>
void encode_ubjson(const T& jval, std::vector<uint8_t>& v); // (1)
template<class T>
void encode_ubjson(const T& jval, std::ostream& os); // (2)
(1) Writes a value of type T into a bytes buffer in the UBJSON data format. Type T must be an instantiation of basic_json or support json_type_traits.
(2) Writes a value of type T into a binary stream in the UBJSON data format. Type T must be an instantiation of basic_json or support json_type_traits.
- decode_ubjson decodes a Binary JSON data format to a json value.