#include <jsoncons_ext/ubjson/ubjson_cursor.hpp>
class Src=jsoncons::binary_stream_source,
class Allocator=std::allocator<char>>
class basic_ubjson_cursor;
A pull parser for reporting UBJSON parse events. A typical application will
repeatedly process the current()
event and call the next()
function to advance to the next event, until done()
returns true
is noncopyable and nonmoveable.
Typedefs for common sources are provided:
Type | Definition |
ubjson_stream_cursor | basic_ubjson_cursorjsoncons::binary_stream_source |
ubjson_bytes_cursor | basic_ubjson_cursorjsoncons::bytes_source |
template <class Source>
basic_ubjson_cursor(Source&& source); // (1)
template <class Source>
basic_ubjson_cursor(Source&& source,
std::function<bool(const staj_event&, const ser_context&)> filter); // (2)
template <class Source>
basic_ubjson_cursor(Source&& source, std::error_code& ec); // (3)
template <class Source>
basic_ubjson_cursor(Source&& source,
std::function<bool(const staj_event&, const ser_context&)> filter,
std::error_code& ec); // (4)
Constructor3 (1)-(2) read from a buffer or stream source and throw a ser_error if a parsing error is encountered while processing the initial event.
Constructor3 (3)-(4) read from a buffer or stream source and set ec
if a parsing error is encountered while processing the initial event.
Note: It is the programmer's responsibility to ensure that basic_ubjson_cursor
does not outlive any source passed in the constuctor,
as basic_ubjson_cursor
holds a pointer to but does not own this object.
- a value from which a source_type
is constructible.
bool done() const override;
Checks if there are no more events.
const staj_event& current() const override;
Returns the current staj_event.
void read(json_content_handler& handler) override
Feeds the current and succeeding staj events through the provided handler, until the handler indicates to stop. If a parsing error is encountered, throws a ser_error.
void read(json_content_handler& handler, std::error_code& ec) override
Feeds the current and succeeding staj events through the provided
handler, until the handler indicates
to stop. If a parsing error is encountered, sets ec
void next() override;
Advances to the next event. If a parsing error is encountered, throws a ser_error.
void next(std::error_code& ec) override;
Advances to the next event. If a parsing error is encountered, sets ec
const ser_context& context() const override;
Returns the current context