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421 lines (289 loc) · 22.1 KB

File metadata and controls

421 lines (289 loc) · 22.1 KB

Giotto 4.1.0 (2024/07/31)

Breaking changes

  • Deprecated detectSpatialCorGenes() removed. Use detectSpatialCorFeats() instead
  • Deprecated findInteractionChangedGenes() removed. Use findInteractionChangedFeats() instead
  • Deprecated findCellProximityGenes() removed. Use findInteractionChangedFeats() instead
  • createGiottoXeniumObject() has been overhauled and parameters have changed.

Bug fixes

  • Fix error in plotInteractivePolygons() when providing a spatial plot with a continuous scale #964 by jweis3
  • Fix error in DWLS find_dampening_constant() when S[subset, ] produces only 1 gene.
  • Fix error in interpolateFeatures() where feature names with - or starting with numbers did not work
  • Add catch in runPCAprojectionBatch() for when ncp requested exceeds number of feats used
  • Make spatCellCellcom() respect verbose flag #949 by rbutleriii


  • Dataset affine registration via interactive shiny app and automated SIFT detection
  • Cell segmentation via Cellpose
  • read10xAffineImage() for reading 10x affine transformed images
  • Several modular importer and convenience functions
  • ONTraC implementation


  • print() methods for icfObject and combIcfObject


  • require GiottoUtils (>= 0.1.10)
  • require GiottoClass (>= 0.3.3)

Giotto 4.0.8 (2024/05/22)

Breaking changes

  • crossSectionGenePlot() removed. Use crossSectionFeatPlot() instead
  • crossSectionGenePlot3D() removed. Use crossSectionFeatPlot3D() instead
  • insertCrossSectionGenePlot3D() removed Use insertCrossSectionFeatPlot3D() instead

Bug fixes

  • binSpect() param passing error introduced in v4.0.6
  • updated viewHMRFresults3D() and viewHMRFresults2D()
  • updated createCrossSections(), insertCrossSectionSpatPlot3D(), crossSectionPlot(), crossSectionFeatPlot3D(), insertCrossSectionFeatPlot3D(), crossSectionPlot3D(), crossSectionFeatPlot()


  • GiottoVisuals (>= 0.2.2), GiottoClass (>= 0.3.1), GiottoUtils (>= 0.1.8) are now required.

Giotto 4.0.6 (2024/05/13)


  • New interpolateFeature() for kriging interpolation of values


  • GiottoVisuals (>= 0.2.0) and GiottoClass (>= 0.3.0) are now required.

Giotto 4.0.5 (2024/03/12)

Bug fixes

  • Fix Error "cannot coerce class ‘structure("spatLocsObj", package = "Giotto")’ to a data.frame" in spatialDE()


  • readPolygonVizgenParquet() now has calc_centroids = TRUE by default

Giotto 4.0.4 (2024/02/28)

Breaking changes

  • Remove do_manual_adj and image adjustment params from createGiottoVisiumObject()
  • createGiottoVisiumObject() now creates giottoLargeImage for spatial images.
  • exprCellCellcom() deprecated gene_set_* params removed

Bug fixes

  • Fix metadata appending/sorting issues introduced by GiottoClass v0.1.3 (2024/01/12). Affected functions: addHMRF(), addFeatsPerc(), doScrubletDetect()
  • findNetworkNeighbors() now has default spatial_network_name value of NULL
  • get10Xmatrix() now obeys split_by_type = FALSE


  • Deprecate set.seed in favor of seed param for binSpect()
  • binSpect() now sets a seed by default for reproducibility
  • pkgdown files moved to separate repo


  • Use mixedsort() for unique clusters metadata info
  • Remove unnecessary matrix densification and expose seed param in doScrubletDetect()
  • Remove unnecessary matrix densification in makeSignMatrixRank()

Giotto 4.0.3 (2024/02/20)

Bug fixes

  • Remove old argument type_default = list(pal = c('blue', 'yellow', 'red')) in plotRankSpatvsExpr()

Giotto 4.0.2 (2023/12/21)

Bug Fixes

  • fix bug in doHclust()


  • Move GiottoClass back to depends to fix access to some generics

Giotto 4.0.1 (2023/12/16)

Breaking changes

  • Remove cell_ids param for calculateHVF() in favor of simpler random_subset
  • Move GiottoUtils, GiottoClass, and GiottoVisuals to imports


  • Add parse_affine() for interpreting affine transform matrices
  • Add seed setting to runGiottoHarmony()
  • Add parallelized calculation for calculateHVF() when a future plan is set


  • Fix createGiottoXeniumObject() feature metadata reading for .json file
  • Update runGiottoHarmony() to call harmony::RunHarmony()
  • Update Matrix requirement to >= 1.6.2 (a re-install of irlba may resolve issues with Matrix incompatibility.)

Giotto 4.0.0 (2023/11/29)

Breaking changes

  • Update to modular package organization with the main packages being GiottoUtils, GiottoClass, GiottoVisuals, and Giotto as the analytical umbrella package.


  • New File spatial_enrichment_visuals.R
  • New function findCellTypesFromEnrichment() within spatial_enrichment_visuals.R to show most probable cell types based on a provided enrichment
  • New function plotCellTypesFromEnrichment() within spatial_enrichment_visuals.R that generates a bar plot of cell types vs frequency based on a provided enrichment
  • New function pieCellTypesFromEnrichment() within spatial_enrichment_visuals.R that generates a pie chart of cell types based on a provided enrichment
  • New function addVisiumPolygons() within convenience.R (along with its requisite internal functions) that adds circular polygons centered at the spatial locations of a Giotto Object made with Visium data. Takes a Giotto Object and a path to the Visium output file scalefactors_json.json as input arguments.
  • Added addVisiumPolygons() to createGiottoVisiumObject() workflow.
  • Add cell_ids param to calculateHVF() to allow calculation of HVFs on a subset of cells
  • Add seed setting to runGiottoHarmony()
  • Update runGiottoHarmony() to call harmony::RunHarmony()


  • Update Matrix requirement to >= 1.6.3

Giotto 3.3.1 (2023/08/02)

Breaking changes

  • Change checkGiottoEnvironment(). Downgrade from error to message and return FALSE when a provided directory does not exist


  • New file poly_influence.R
  • New function showPolygonSizeInfluence() within poly_influence.R to show if cells switch clusters when across resized polygon annotations
  • New function showCellProportionSwitchedPie() within poly_influence.R to visualize results from showPolygonSizeInfluence() in a pie chart
  • New function showCellProportionSwitchedSankey() within poly_influence.R to visualize results from showPolygonSizeInfluence() in a Sankey diagram
  • New function makePseudoVisium() within giotto_structure.R to generate a pseudo visium grid of circular spots
  • New function tessellate() within giotto_structure.R to generate a grid of hexagons or squares for spatial binning
  • New file feature_set_enrichment.R
  • New function doFeatureSetEnrichment() within feature_set_enrichment.R for GSEA analysis
  • New function doGiottoClustree() within clustering.R for visualizations of leiden clusters at varying resolutions
  • New createArchRProj() and CreateGiottoObjectFromArchR() functions to create a giotto object with ATAC or epigenetic features using the ArchR pipeline.
  • New giottoMasterToSuite() function to convert a giotto object created with the master version to a Giotto suite object.
  • New readPolygonVizgenParquet() for updated parquet outputs
  • Add checkmate to Imports for assertions checking
  • Add exported create function for exprObj creation
  • New file spatial_manipulation.R
  • Add ext() methods for giottoPolygon, giottoPoints, spatialNetworkObj, spatLocsObj, giottoLargeImage
  • Add flip() methods for giottoPolygon, giottoPoints, spatialNetworkObj, spatLocsObj, SpatExtent, giottoLargeImage
  • Add access to terra plotting params for giottoLargeImage plot() method.


  • Fix bug in combine_matrices()
  • Fix bug in createGiottoObject() that will not allow object creation without supplied expression information
  • Updated polyStamp() to replace an apply function with a crossjoin for better performance.
  • Updated spatInSituPlotPoints() with plot_last parameter. Default output now plots polygons above points for better visibility.
  • Add check for spatLocsObj for spatlocs in polyStamp()
  • Removed various print() and cat() statements throughout.
  • Changed default verbose argument to FALSE for createGiottoObject
  • Changed default verbose argument to FALSE for joinGiottoObjects
  • Changed default verbose argument to FALSE for createGiottoObjectSubcellular
  • Default verbose = FALSE argument added to cellProximityEnrichmentSpots
  • Default verbose = FALSE argument added to .specific_CCCScores_spots
  • Default verbose = FALSE argument added to runWNN
  • Default verbose = FALSE argument added to subset_giotto_points_object
  • Default verbose = FALSE argument added to subset_feature_info_data
  • Default verbose = FALSE argument added to subsetGiotto
  • Default verbose = FALSE argument added to subsetGiottoLocsSubcellular
  • Default verbose = FALSE argument added to .createGiottoXeniumObject_subcellular
  • Update readPolygonFilesVizgenHDF5() add option to return as data.table and skip giottoPolygon creation. Downstream giottoPolygon creation refactored as new internal function
  • Update cell segmentation workflow to check for deepcell and PIL python packages
  • Update cell segmentation workflow to return grayscale mask images instead of RGB
  • Update createGiottoVisiumObject() image h5 scalefactors reading to use partial matching for whether hi or lowres image is supplied
  • Update giottoLargeImage plot() method to use terra::plot() instead of terra::plotRGB() for grayscale images
  • Remove unnecessary prints from subsetGiotto()
  • Fix bug in readCellMetadata() and readFeatMetadata()

Giotto 3.3.0 (2023/04/18)

Breaking changes

  • Set Suite as default branch
  • Removed all deprecated accessors from accessors.R
  • set_default_feat_type() error downgraded to warning when no feat_types exist for given spat_unit
  • update loadGiotto() and saveGiotto() to allow using long strings as column names in the spatVector objects
  • 'active_spat_unit' and 'active_feat_type' params that can be set through instructions() are now used instead of 'giotto.spat_unit' and 'giotto.feat_type' global options
  • removed duplicate create_dimObject() internal function. Keeping create_dim_obj()


  • New implementations of anndataToGiotto() and giottoToAnnData() for Nearest Neighbor and Spatial Networks
  • New check_py_for_scanpy() function, shifting code around in anndataToGiotto()
  • Add initialize() method for giotto
  • Add exported create constructor functions for Giotto S4 subobjects
  • Add activeSpatUnit() and activeFeatType() for getting and setting active defaults on gobject
  • New get_*_list() internal functions for retrieving list of all objects of a particular class for a spat_unit and feat_type
  • Add instructions() generic for giotto to access and edit giottoInstructions
  • Add centroids() method for giottoPolygon to get centroid info
  • Add overlaps() generic for accessing overlaps slot of giottoPolygon
  • Add [ and [<* (empty) access generics to get the data from main slots of giottoPolygon and giottoPoints
  • Add cores detection to run on package attach. (getOption('giotto.cores'))
  • Add option to return as giottoPoints from getFeatureInfo (default is still SpatVector)
  • Add spatVector_to_dt2 internal as a barebones alternative to spatVector_to_dt()
  • Add getRainbowColors() color palette
  • New assign_objnames_2_list() and assign_listnames_2_obj() internals for passing list names to object @name slots and vice versa
  • New test_that test_createObject.R script for read functions/S4 subobject creation
  • New test_that test_accessors.R script for accessor functions
  • New test_that test_gobject.R script for gobject consistency checks


  • Update installGiottoEnvironment() and downstream internal functions to allow custom python installation with a new argument, mini_install_path.
  • Update checkGiottoEnvironment() to account for custom python installations with a new argument, mini_install_path.
  • Update removeGiottoEnvironment() to account for custom python installations with a new argument, mini_path.
  • Update createGiottoObject() with new data ingestion pipeline
  • Modify cell_ID, feat_ID, cell_metadata, feat_metadata slot initialization
  • Update read_expression_data() and evaluate_expr_matrix() to be compatible with exprObj
  • Change changeGiottoInstructions() to allow addition of new params and enforce logical class of known params
  • Update and fix bugs in createGiottoCosMxObject() associated with polygon placement and generation
  • Update plot() for giottoPoints with faster rasterized plotting option. (Now used by default)
  • Fix bug in doLouvainCluster() (sub)functions and made them compatible with new Giotto Suite framework.
  • Fix bug in gefToGiotto() bin_size arguments.
  • Update loadGiotto() and saveGiotto() with path.expand to expand provided file/directory paths
  • Organize new and refactored slot check functions in giotto.R for checking gobject consistency during initialize()
  • Organize new and refactored evaluate functions in data_evaluation.R for data wrangling of external data
  • Organize new and refactored read functions in data_input.R for ingesting data and converting to list of Giotto native S4 subobjects
  • Organize dummy documentation in dd.R for inheriting commonly used documentation
  • Moved create_featureNetwork_object(), create_giotto_points_object(), create_giotto_polygon_object() to classes.R
  • Moved depth() from giotto.R to utilities.R

Giotto 3.2.0 (2023/02/02)

Breaking changes

  • Removed support for deprecated nesting in @nn_network slot
  • createSpatialNetwork() will now output a spatialNetworkObj by default when return_gobject = FALSE. It is possible to change this back to the data.table output by setting output = 'data.table'
  • Set incomplete classes in classes.R as virtual to prevent their instantiation
  • Removed createGiottoCosMxObject() aggregate and all workflows until they are updated


  • New gefToGiotto() interoperability function to convert gef object from Stereo*seq to giotto
  • New giottoToAnnData() interoperability function to convert giotto object to squidpy flavor anndata .h5ad file(s)
  • New giottoToSpatialExperiment() and spatialExperimentToGiotto() to convert between Giotto and SpatialExperiment
  • New spatialAutoCorLocal() and spatialAutoCorGlobal() functions to find spatial autocorrelations from expression and cell metadata information
  • New createSpatialWeightMatrix() function to generate spatial weight matrix from spatial networks for autocorrelation
  • Add spatial_interaction_spot.R with functions adapted from master branch for working with the Giotto suite object.
  • New exported accessors for slots (experimental)
  • New multiomics slot in giotto
  • Add coord_fix_ratio param to spatFeatPlot2D() and spatFeatPlot2D_single()
  • Add order parameter to dimFeatPlot2D and spatDimFeatPlot2d to plot and order cells according to the levels of the selected feature (#477)
  • Add plot() method for spatialNetworkObj
  • New set_row_order_dt() internal for setting data.table to a specific row order by reference
  • New fread_colmatch() internal for fread loading a subset of rows based on matches in a specified column
  • Add missing create_nn_net_obj() internal constructor function for S4 nnNetObj
  • Add id_col, x_col, y_col params to polyStamp() to make stamp location input more flexible
  • Add optional and custom_msg params to package_check()
  • New wrap() and vect() generics for giotto, giottoPoints, and giottoPolygons
  • New rotate(), t(), and spatShift generics for giotto subobject spatial manipulation
  • New spatIDs() and featIDs() generics
  • New objName() and objName generics for setting the names of relevant S4 subobjects
  • New rbind() generic to append giottoPolygon objects
  • Add packages exactextractr and sf to "suggests" packages
  • Add package progressr to "imports" packages


  • Move giotto object method*specific creation functions from giotto.R to convenience.R
  • Update addFeatMetadata() to handle replacement of existing columns
  • Update show() method for giotto
  • Update show() method for spatEnrObj
  • Deprecate older snake_case accessors
  • Deprecate polygon_feat_names param in favor of z_indices in readPolygonFilesVizgenHDF5()
  • Deprecate xy_translate_spatial_locations() in favor of shift_spatial_locations()
  • Optimize readPolygonFilesVizgen()
  • Fix bug in replaceGiottoInstructions() where instructions with more slots than previous are not allowed
  • Fix bug in loadGiotto() that prevents proper parsing of filenames when spat_unit or feat_type contains '_' characters
  • Fix loadGiotto() loss of overallocation for data.tablesbased objects after loading from disk

Giotto 3.1.0 (2022/12/01)


  • New initialize() generic that calls setalloccol() for data.table*based S4 subobjects to allow setting by reference
  • New spatUnit, spatUnit<*, featType, and featType<* feat type generics for S4 subobjects for setting the relevant slots
  • Add hexVertices() to polygon shape array generation functionality


  • Update createGiottoCosMxObject() for 3.0 and modularization of functions. 'subcellular' workflow has been tested to work along with an updated tutorial.
  • Update grid plotting behavior to set a default number columns to use based on number of elements to plot. Can be overridden by explicitly providing input to cow_n_col param
  • Fix bug in annotateGiotto() after 3.0 update (#433)
  • Fix bug in joinGiottoObjects() metadata processing
  • Update seed setting behavior in dimension_reduction.R and clustering.R

Giotto 3.0.1 (2022/11/20)


  • New system color support detection (based on crayon package logic)
  • Add ability to turn off colored text in show functions with options("giotto.color_show" = FALSE)


  • Fix bug in extract_polygon_list() (#433)
  • Update Unicode character printing with show functions for Latin1 systems

Giotto 3.0.0 (2022/11/18)

Breaking changes

  • S4 subobjects framework will require giotto objects to be remade


  • New createGiottoXeniumObject() for loading 10x Xenium data
  • New S4 subobjects. Details can be found in classes.R
  • New basic generics for S4 subobjects. Mainly the use of [] and []<* to get or set information into the main data slot
  • New @provenance slot in S4 subobjects to track provenance of aggregated information (z_layers used for example)
  • New calculateOverlapPolygonImages() for calculating overlapped intensities from image*based information (e.g. IMC, IF, MIBI, ...) and polygon data (e.g. cell)
  • New overlapImagesToMatrix() converts intensity*polygon overlap info into an expression matrix (e.g. cell by protein)
  • New aggregateStacks() set of functions work with multiple subcellular layers when generating aggregated expression matrices


  • Update setter functions to read the @spat_unit and @feat_type slots of subobjects to determine nesting
  • Update of show functions to display color coded nesting names and tree structure

Giotto 2.1.0 (2022/11/09)

Breaking changes

  • Update of python version to 3.10.2 details


  • New anndataToGiotto() to convert scanpy anndata to Giotto



  • New GiottoData package to work with spatial datasets associated with Giotto
    • Stores the minidatasets: preprocessed giotto objects that are ready to be used in any function
    • Moved: getSpatialDataset() and loadGiottoMini() functions to this package
  • New saveGiotto() and loadGiotto() for preserving memory*pointer based objects. In general_help.R
    • It saves a Giotto object into a folder using a specific structure. Essentially a wrapper around saveRDS() that also works with spatVector and spatRaster pointers.
  • New plotInteractivePolygon() for plot*interactive polygonal selection of points.
  • New polygon shape array creation through polyStamp(), circleVertices, rectVertices. In giotto_structures.R
  • Add accessor functions get_CellMetadata (alias of pDataDT()), set_CellMetadata, get_FeatMetadata (alias of fDataDT()), set_FeatMetadata. See accessors.R
  • New filterDistributions() to generate histogram plots from expression statistics


  • Deprecate plotInteractionChangedGenes() ,plotICG(), plotCPG() in favor of plotInteractionChangedFeatures() and plotICF() and plotCPF()
  • Deprecate plotCellProximityGenes(), in favor of plotCellProximityFeatures()
  • Deprecate plotCombineInteractionChangedGenes(), plotCombineICG(), plotCombineCPG() in favor of plotCombineInteractionChangedFeatures() and plotCombineICF()
  • Deprecate findInteractionChangedGenes(), findICG(), findCPG() in favor of findInteractionChangedFeats() and findICF
  • Deprecate filterInteractionChangedGenes(), filterICG(), filterCPG() in favor of filterInteractionChangedFeats() and filterICF()
  • Deprecate combineInteractionChangedGenes(), combineICG(), combineCPG() in favor of combineInteractionChangedFeats() and combineICF()
  • Deprecate combineCellProximityGenes_per_interaction() in favor of combineCellProximityFeatures_per_interaction()

Breaking changes

  • ICF output internal object structure names have changed to use feats instead of genes