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  • The link that was provided for the "Ethics and Law in Data and Analytics on EdX" was no longer valid. After copying the previous hyperlink into the Internet Archive, the last grab of that course on EdX was in 2019. When searching in a browser for a course with the same title, the now provided LinkedIn Learning site came up.

    @steiwils steiwils committed Sep 12, 2023
  • Updated Home (markdown)

    @ejm714 ejm714 committed Apr 11, 2022
  • Updated Home (markdown)

    @ejm714 ejm714 committed Apr 11, 2022
  • Updated Home (markdown)

    @ejm714 ejm714 committed Apr 11, 2022
  • Updated Home (markdown)

    @pjbull pjbull committed Jun 22, 2020
  • replicate overview page to home page

    @pjbull pjbull committed Jun 22, 2020
  • Initial Home page

    @ejm714 ejm714 committed Apr 13, 2020
  • Remove home

    @pjbull pjbull committed Aug 19, 2018
  • Initial Home page

    @pjbull pjbull committed Aug 19, 2018